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JF-17 Thunder Multirole Fighter [Thread 4]

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Well, I remember clearly that many senior members claimed that the first lot of 48 have been completed in 2012.
If they were correct then seeing a 12-38 shouldn't be a big deal.
What's the fuss what serial number it is? I mean, aren't there supposed to be 50 BLK1 aircraft ready by now? So why bother at number 38?
What's the fuss what serial number it is? I mean, aren't there supposed to be 50 BLK1 aircraft ready by now? So why bother at number 38?

Its not about the number 38 its about the number 38 with the number 12. The confusion is that as per earlier reports the first 38 birds were rolled out by 2011 (so it should have the serial 11-1038) and the birds +39 were rolled out in 2012. This coupled with the fact that the last numeral isn't clearly visible it is being inferred that either the serial is 12-139 or the earlier reports were not correct and the first 38 birds had not been built by 2012.

Wat does this means...??is it 12th plane..??

"12-132" => "12" is the year of manufacture, "1" is the block number and "32" is the number of the bird manufactured, in this serial it would be the 32nd bird.
Its not about the number 38 its about the number 38 with the number 12. The confusion is that as per earlier reports the first 38 birds were rolled out by 2011 (so it should have the serial 11-1038) and the birds +39 were rolled out in 2012. This coupled with the fact that the last numeral isn't clearly visible it is being inferred that either the serial is 12-139 or the earlier reports were not correct and the first 38 birds had not been built by 2012.

if so is the case than if you guys remember media in dubai airshow reported that 38 aircraft are in service and at the same day we had a jft crash

it could be that the crashed one was manufactured in 2012..
8 were SBP from china
42 are PAC-Kamra production.
1 attrition.
Apparently the “small and low visibility canopy” can be by design as part of a lower radar and IR signature! … Cool.
Pakistani cooperation in research and development of the JF-17 fighter of the Taiwan Strait, a major reversal of the situation on the Sino-Indian
time :2013 -03-16 10:57:11 Source: Prospects Network

Prospective Abstract: According to the British "Jane's Defense Weekly" reported that China may be through Pakistan France "Mika" air-to-air missile and the RC-400 radar technology.

According to the British "Jane's Defense Weekly reported that Road may through Pakistan to get France "Mika" air-to-air missile and the RC-400 radar technology. The British people are very worried, mainland China these technologies is likely to be the Taiwan Air Force Materiel French-made Mirage 2000-5 fighter threat. "Mika" air-to-air missile and the RC-400 radar technology are prohibited in the EU military lock-up.

The report referred to the likely French radar and missile technology by Pakistan, because Pakistan is that the country's JF-17 light fighter acquisition of weapons systems, and the models by the Chengdu Aircraft Industrial (Group) joint development of a limited liability company and the aviation industry in Pakistan. According to Pakistani sources said Pakistan is and the French government to negotiate, to discuss the purchase MBDA company "Mika" type of air-to-air missile and Thales RC-400 utility radar related matters, in order to The equipment is being developed JF-17 fighter. According to informed sources, the deal reached a high likelihood, once the transaction is reached, it is likely to lead to relevant technology inflows into China.

The forward-looking reporter learned that: Mika (MICA) Department of interception and aerial combat missiles ", is a fourth-generation air-to-air missiles by Matra 1980s self-developed and deployed to replace the" Matra "ultra-530F / D, from the bar to shoot missiles and R550 "Magic" dogfight missile. And the performance of the product is comparable to the United States in range air to air missile (AMRAAM) Fortunately, by the high praise its accuracy and controllability. Taiwan's Air Force has ordered 460 sets of "Mika" air-to-air missile, part of "Mika" is also equipped with far infrared homing system.

Because of this, Western intelligence experts fear that if the weapons sold to Pakistan, then China is very likely to use reverse engineering method to study the technology. Because the matter is not without precedent, before the Chinese designers have studied and direct the F-16 multi-role fighter of the Pakistan Space Chengdu Aircraft Industrial Corporation is responsible for the development of the J-10 aircraft engineering, flew on to obtain a very large progress.
Once this technology into the mainland China, the situation in the Taiwan Strait as well as the military balance between China and India will undergo major changes.
The greater change is that, once the matter is prompted for the treaty before custom EU arms embargo would be empty, completely found an ability to circumvent the EU's arms embargo on the road. French Defense Ministry spokesman, said there is no reason not to cooperate with Pakistan and arms sales to the terms, including arms control measures are bound to have.

ä¸*巴合作ç*”发JF-17战机 台海、ä¸*印局势发生大逆转_资讯 - 前瞻网


Lolz.. Why would china bother about France Mica missile? Tell me how many other platform besides France own made fighter uses Mica? Why most western fighter like Gripen, Typhoon uses AIM-120 instead of opting France Mica?

Mica is an inferior missile in no man's land by trying to be a WVR and BVRAAM. You can't have the best of both world. PL-12 is far more superior than Mica and only slight inferior to latest AIM-120D in terms of range and guidance and ECM. The French are having sour grape since they know they can't clinch the PAF deal for JF-17 avionics system and start their typical smear campaign.

Remember some of the BS article they have written how their RAFALE can match against the F-22A. They even claim they have a superior kill ratio against the raptor. This article about china trying to get their Mica technology is as lousy as those superior kill ratio they claim against the raptor...
Lately Janes Defense Weekly is coming up with bad Articles. Old stories are circulated its already 4 Years PAF is out of that period of French weapons suite/Radar. Heading towards 4th Squadron of Thunders.
Lolz.. Why would china bother about France Mica missile? Tell me how many other platform besides France own made fighter uses Mica? Why most western fighter like Gripen, Typhoon uses AIM-120 instead of opting France Mica?

Mica is an inferior missile in no man's land by trying to be a WVR and BVRAAM. You can't have the best of both world. PL-12 is far more superior than Mica and only slight inferior to latest AIM-120D in terms of range and guidance and ECM. The French are having sour grape since they know they can't clinch the PAF deal for JF-17 avionics system and start their typical smear campaign.

Remember some of the BS article they have written how their RAFALE can match against the F-22A. They even claim they have a superior kill ratio against the raptor. This article about china trying to get their Mica technology is as lousy as those superior kill ratio they claim against the raptor...

moreover RC-400 radar was not slected as final for JFT...
Grifo S-7 was likely radar slected for JFT from west..
Mica isnot as good as they claim...
but it's inferior than PL-12??:what:
I doubt it...
French done that for getting deal for large no. of Rafael from India but things are not going as they planned...
They are unable to achieve their plans for Rafaels...
moreover RC-400 radar was not slected as final for JFT...
Grifo S-7 was likely radar slected for JFT from west..
Mica isnot as good as they claim...
but it's inferior than PL-12??:what:
I doubt it...
French done that for getting deal for large no. of Rafael from India but things are not going as they planned...
They are unable to achieve their plans for Rafaels...

Pakistanis friend. You really need to believe the advancement of China... China can even build a working global GPS system while the EU pooling all their resources are struggling to match China Beidou II system. Let me ask you, how many countries has the abilities to do that? Look at China semi- con industries, the level of high technology China come out. We even already start coming up with own processor to match Intel. China can even conduct a mid-course ABM interception which require a very precise, no mistake tracking and precision to knock out the fast moving ICBM in outer space.

PL-12 designer make the claim of PL-12 being superior to Mica. The fact, China has R-77 missile in our inventory but we are not even emulating out PL-12 based on Russian R-77 becos its an inferior design. Based on China research. AIM-120 aerodyanmic is the best way to go. Plus with level of China semi con prowess, is it that hard to believe Mica is an inferior missile compare to PL-12? Something which is in your PAF inventory. You all Pakistanis shall be proud of owning such an advance BVRAAM in your armed forces instead of doubting it. Look at EU, they are not even have the abilties to make a 5th fighter yet and you want to believe they are military technology is superior to Chinese?

Stop listening to western crap about China backward. China is already up there, if not surpass many western nation in technology and advancement.
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