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JF-17 Thunder Multirole Fighter [Thread 4]

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Interesting, No SD-10,LS-6, FT-5, KG300G and WDM-07 on display? any specific reason?
P:S are they allowing civilians to see the displays?

They cannot display all the weapons at once ... ... they have already informed us of the JFT capability on the weapons you mention so now the are telling us about more.
putting Raa'd alongside JFT would had created havoc.
putting Raa'd alongside JFT would had created havoc.

Maybe the Raa'd is not for sale.
Maybe the Raa'd is not for sale.

mar-1 as well

Mazloom bunnaney k shauq hai humein:P

They are pointing out that current operational status of JF-17 has only "these" specific weapons. No BVR capability too....Believe it or not:D

On a serious note; If you look at details chart and list of weapons shown, its same as IDEAS'2008.

IS it mean that MARS-1 already integrated?
IS it mean that MARS-1 already integrated?

integrated since 2010. You better keep yourself more updated
mar-1 as well

MAR-1 is a Brazilian product that is being exported to Pakistan. So very likely to be exported to other interested parties.
So news about the CM-400AKG is from over a year ago but we always assumed it was a C-802 variant.
Pakistan acquires air-launched SOM capability, AIR-TO-SURFACE

Pakistan Air Force (PAF) officials have disclosed the existence of a new Chinese-developed air-to-surface Stand-Off Missile (SOM) that will equip the PAF's JF-17 Thunder multirole combat aircraft.

The weapon, designated CM-400AKG, is said to be a land-attack variant of the CASIC C-802 (YJ-82) anti-ship missile which has already been integrated on the JF-17. Jane's assesses that 'CM-400AKG' is, therefore, an export label for the CM-802AKG land-attack weapon that was first seen at the November 2010 Air Show China event.
JF-17 with MAR-1 Missiles on JFT brochures from IDEAS.


does missile on 2nd pylon looks like 400AKG?

does missile on 2nd pylon looks like 400AKG?

Just a shoddy attempt to show an MRM on what is a poorly done model
Nothing more.

does missile on 2nd pylon looks like 400AKG?

Why is there a Sikh ? Is India invited ? :pop:

does missile on 2nd pylon looks like 400AKG?

No ... ... Likely the SD-10 we are used to for years.
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