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JF-17 Thunder Multirole Fighter [Thread 3]

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just wondering How can you say from the wing that its JF 17..??

I have never said its from JFT wing - but its a chinese air craft and that is for sure-btw how many Chinese air crafts have wingtip weapons station :D

Its either J-10B or JFT .
Twin seat Mock up display ?


That is not a dual-seat. Look again. The JF-17 canopy is two-piece. That is what you are looking at. In the smaller front piece, you are looking at the HUD. In the larger rear piece, you are looking at the seat.
Ive seen the sim too, wasn't allowed to fly it or more appropriately was stuck with the group I came with.. but the current jet does have analog instruments in it.
I checked Munir's post but interestingly He seems to go off and on about the data-link.. on whether the JF can communicate with the Erieye or not..

Funny thing about Pakdef.. I was banned because I got riled up after being repeatedly accused of being an Indian since I was painting a less than rosy picture about conflict with India.


Pakdef is a kiss ar-e, brown nose forum for the millitary. Plus they are so vain and slight in their personalities.

Their mentality is that if you don't talk about the negative issues of pak millitary---they somehow sieze to exist---or never existed---.:pakistan:
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I have never said its from JFT wing - but its a chinese air craft and that is for sure-btw how many Chinese air crafts have wingtip weapons station :D

Its either J-10B or JFT .

and j10-b is delta winged

and air craft in image is not delta wing

man J-11 has also wing tip

and i am 110% confident that its j-11

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dude i think smoke is good . it can blind the Indian pilot during the war :rofl:

interesting you should mention such a countermeasure

Diehl Defence has designed a mid-air ''Floating Smoke Pot'' and it's job is to provide cover for fleeing aircrafts

I saw it on display at a defence Expo in Istanbul

OK BOYS here i have really interesting thing !


this picture seems to be quite normal but non of u have noticed a very surprising thing.
about a year ago i was very keen to know that whether Jf-17 uses ailerons+staibilators for a roll (either clock wise or anti) just like F-16/22/35/18, Su-27/30 or mig-35 etc. because all the new generation aircrafts are designed to respond quickly,hence the combination of Ailerons+Stabilators applies double force. But Jf-17's ailerons are very small in size as compare to new generation aircrafts and they would give slow roll to the aircraft. u might b thinking it too just like me.just two ailerons for a roll in new generation..?

This picture has the answer...see the staiblitor's deflection. Its imbalance and hence proves that both staibilators are not bound to rotate in same direction (like both move upward or downward only like f15,mig19 and all old air crafts).
both have separate controlling units that are attached to by Fly by wire system and can move (both) clockwise/anti clockwise or one clockwise and other anti-clockwise and wise versa.So i believe that jf-17 uses the same aileron+staibilator combination for quick roll like other new generation aircrafts. but no body has actually seen its video or picture doing a roll, in high resolution.

My Brother Arsalanaslam always disagreed with me stating that " not all air craft made for same purpose, thats why Jf-17 have small alirons" But bro, i think i got my answer here.

I believe that the genius guy Nabil would add something to it.

Note:i could be wrong too because i donot have further knowledeg regarding this.

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OK BOYS here i have really interesting thing !


this picture seems to be quite normal but non of u have noticed a very surprising thing.
about a year ago i was very keen to know that whether Jf-17 uses ailerons+staibilators for a roll (either clock wise or anti) just like F-16/22/35/18, Su-27/30 or mig-35 etc. because all the new generation aircrafts are designed to respond quickly,hence the combination of Ailerons+Stabilators applies double force. But Jf-17's ailerons are very small in size as compare to new generation aircrafts and they would give slow roll to the aircraft. u might b thinking it too just like me.just two ailerons for a roll in new generation..?

This picture has the answer...see the staiblitor's deflection. Its imbalance and hence proves that both staibilators are not bound to rotate in same direction (like both move upward or downward only like f15,mig19 and all old air crafts).
both have separate controlling units that are attached to by Fly by wire system and can move (both) clockwise/anti clockwise or one clockwise and other anti-clockwise and wise versa.So i believe that jf-17 uses the same aileron+staibilator combination for quick roll like other new generation aircrafts. but no body has actually seen its video or picture doing a roll, in high resolution.

My Brother Arsalanaslam always disagreed with me stating that " not all air craft made for same purpose, thats why Jf-17 have small alirons"

I believe that the genius guy Nabil would add something to it.

Note:i could be wrong too because i donot have further knowledeg regarding this.

The appropriate phrasing is 'asymmetric deflections'.
OK BOYS here i have really interesting thing !


this picture seems to be quite normal but non of u have noticed a very surprising thing.
about a year ago i was very keen to know that whether Jf-17 uses ailerons+staibilators for a roll (either clock wise or anti) just like F-16/22/35/18, Su-27/30 or mig-35 etc. because all the new generation aircrafts are designed to respond quickly,hence the combination of Ailerons+Stabilators applies double force. But Jf-17's ailerons are very small in size as compare to new generation aircrafts and they would give slow roll to the aircraft. u might b thinking it too just like me.just two ailerons for a roll in new generation..?

This picture has the answer...see the staiblitor's deflection. Its imbalance and hence proves that both staibilators are not bound to rotate in same direction (like both move upward or downward only like f15,mig19 and all old air crafts).
both have separate controlling units that are attached to by Fly by wire system and can move (both) clockwise/anti clockwise or one clockwise and other anti-clockwise and wise versa.So i believe that jf-17 uses the same aileron+staibilator combination for quick roll like other new generation aircrafts. but no body has actually seen its video or picture doing a roll, in high resolution.

My Brother Arsalanaslam always disagreed with me stating that " not all air craft made for same purpose, thats why Jf-17 have small alirons" But bro, i think i got my answer here.

I believe that the genius guy Nabil would add something to it.

Note:i could be wrong too because i donot have further knowledeg regarding this.


Good observation DZ but let us keep a few things under the wrap shall we? It is sufficient for us to know that is challenges the falcon in agility. :pakistan:
Back to the take-off performance on the Farborough departure video.

  • I will assume the three external tanks were full and also 2,300kg internally.
  • The three external tanks = (1x800 litres) + (2 x 1,100 litres) = 3,000 litres.
  • Specific gravity of jet fuel = 0.86. The external fuel will weigh = (3,000 x 0.86) = 2,580kg.
  • Total fuel = 4,800kg
  • If I would assume 200kg total for the three tanks when empty is near enough.
  • Add pilot = 75kg
  • I would round up the "load" was about 5,000kgs.
  • Add the empty plane 6,411kg
  • Total = 11,566kg
  • MTOW = 12,700kg.

That plane in the video took off in about 850m with 90% of its maximum take-off weight. THAT IS BEAUTIFUL!
You are doing great work tempest ! JFT's LERX are designed in such a way as to provide a smooth and at times early take off option. In fact, it has a tendency to go nose up and pilot has to keep it in check because it is an unstable platform much like the f-16. The take off speed can be reduced even further !
Black Blood, I've studied it a bit, picture above was of JH-7A

(JH-7A swept wings)
The take-off run on the video of the Thunder departing from Farnborough is about 850m:


Hi, a small correction.... as per my observation take off was 100 meters shorter than what you indicated.
Corrections are welcome :)

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