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JF-17 French Avionics Deal On Hold/Cancelled

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In international business theres nothing called as friendship, but theres everything called as money.

May be pakistan should offer a deal which the french just cant refuse.

Like going for mirage upgrades plus rafales.
Nothing unusual.

While Pakistanis were rejoicing their "victory" over SANIA MIRZA.

The indians have done some succesful diplomacy.

Typical Pakistani ranting and rhetoric. This result is well deserved for us.

LOL tyrical indian troll trying to be funny.....Sunny we know tht proxy mindset of urs so instead of using OUR COLORS try using tht wheel flag of urs.
Foking imposters
Yup and make you a JAHAZ and send you to combat threats.
And lose another decade like 1990s?
Education,health and economy are already getting 1st prioties.

When both India and Pakistan are nuclear weapon states, war is impossible.

No need for spending on this Bull S***.

EDUCATION and ECONOMY sholud not only be first priorities but the ONLY priorities.

To HELL with this JF 17 crap.
now enjoy block 2 without goodes.what a sad day.now seriues qes whats options we have?

Hey I am not being personal here. I really enjoy your posts as your writing style is very light "mazay ka style hai" but you only focus on buying things from foreign countries. I have read your posts in other threads also. Yes, I know that we cannot equip aircrafts by ourself but we should try to do things. First nuclear bomb was also built, no one knew about it before.
Why do we always tend to follow others when we have people who can do "something"

We always say that take F16's from the U.S, nuclear submarines from Germany, radars from Italy and than we abuse those countries and label them servants of Israel or whatnot. I mean France is an independent nation they can take any decision. Just because they cancelled the deal does not mean than they are against Muslims.
^^We should develop military equipment by ourselves.

Innovation is the key to success.
^^ This comes when people are educated.
If people are educated economy is better.

Don't mind...
Just my opinion.

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PARIS: France's plan to sell 1.2 billion euro ($1.6 billion) worth of military equipment for Pakistan's JF-17 combat aircraft has been held up, a source at President Nicolas Sarkozy's office said on Friday.

Newspaper Le Monde had reported earlier that France decided to suspend the sale of electronics and missiles -- the first section of a 6 billion euro contract -- under pressure from India and uncertainty over Pakistan's finances.

“It's a deal that's not ready from the Pakistani side,” the source said, without giving further details. “For now, the state of the dossier doesn't allow us to carry on with it.”

A consortium made up of French company ATE, arms group Thales <TCFP.PA> and missile manufacturer MBDA was supposed to produce the equipment, Le Monde said. Thales declined to comment.

France was also worried over insufficient protection of its technology, with Pakistan pushing to assemble the equipment on its soil, the paper said.

In February, MBDA said it planned to upgrade India's Mirage 2000 fighters and was looking to expand in India.—Reuters

Source: Dawn News

our case was already weak!!!!!! American pressure in fact. Nothing should get near to Chinese.

Also we rejected israeli package as our acm said. So this could be the revenge of israeli lobby.
In February, MBDA said it planned to upgrade India's Mirage 2000 fighters and was looking to expand in India. [ID:nSGE61F0C3]

M2K up gradation to -05 standard is confirm plus Rafale will be there in MMRCA

This is it Indians have played their card, French have proved that they love 'Dollah', Viv la France
LOL tyrical indian troll trying to be funny.....Sunny we know tht proxy mindset of urs so instead of using OUR COLORS try using tht wheel flag of urs.
Foking imposters

Well my brother, we are only good at this.

Calling and suspecting each other as TRAITORS etc.

We need to become more mature and less insecure.

I am a Pakistani and I don't need a CERTIFICATE from you SIR.
To be quite honest , French have helped us in past , and we appreciate it , there are some issues on Pakistani side that we need to get bottom of , and understand the issue.

Simple , Thunder JF17 is a modular design it can integrate any avionoics and alo our existing platform is good enough

We really need a more capable AESA radar for Thunder :tup::tup:

Every thing happens for reason if there was no 90's embargoes then we would have no JF17 thunder program , may be now is the time when out Avionics and Radar sector will step up we have 10 billion dollars to invest !!!

Hopefully we can save cash and spend that on getting J10B from China or now invest that amount into J11 fighters

For 6-8 Billion Dollars , we could get brand new 100 J10B and 100 J11 figters ...

With AESA radars from China it will work with Chinese AWACs anyways

We just need to look at replacing the Mirages with Gripen or Rapheal

No from french opens doors for J10B and J11

After the MRCA settles down , these companies will have no contract so they will open up
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This is totally not good for Pakistan at all. I know this is not possible but all these Arabs should cancel all their orders with France too. Including EF and Rafael for both Saudi Arabia and UAE. This is really pathetic from India side. Play Cheap game all the time.

What! Arabs should cancel their orders.

Bhai Jan; Pakistan kia DAMAAD hai Arabs ka ?:lol:

Brother, cool down and focus on Education and Economy.
here you go guys enjoy

PARIS: France's plan to sell 1.2 billion euro ($1.6 billion) worth of military equipment for Pakistan's JF-17 combat aircraft has been held up, a source at President Nicolas Sarkozy's office said on Friday.

Newspaper Le Monde had reported earlier that France decided to suspend the sale of electronics and missiles -- the first section of a 6 billion euro contract -- under pressure from India and uncertainty over Pakistan's finances.
“It's a deal that's not ready from the Pakistani side,” the source said, without giving further details. “For now, the state of the dossier doesn't allow us to carry on with it.”

A consortium made up of French company ATE, arms group Thales <TCFP.PA> and missile manufacturer MBDA was supposed to produce the equipment, Le Monde said. Thales declined to comment.

France was also worried over insufficient protection of its technology, with Pakistan pushing to assemble the equipment on its soil, the paper said.

In February, MBDA said it planned to upgrade India's Mirage 2000 fighters and was looking to expand in India.—Reuters
These Greedy French they think that by rejecting our 8 billion Dollar Contract they are going to get that MMRCA fish.They will Fail.MMRCA will go to EF and Ultimately french will be left eating Dust.
Wow, if this is true it shows the true backstabbing faces of the Europeans towards Muslims and Pakistanis. Guess they don't "trust" you guys enough.... :frown:

Don't give up.

Pakistan Zinabad !

Amazing just seen a line posted and jumped to conclusion. Forget about credible source even not a news is posted but you are done with your analysis.

What is the reason of your conclusion?

And from where the religion came from?

I think in EU the France has been most helpful country to the Pakistan till date. So, wait for the full details.
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