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JF-17 "Extremely close" to the MIG-29: Mikhail Pogosyan

JF17 thunder is a newer plane, with better Avionics, and better weapons at its disposal then the Mig-29 platform.

Also the technology used in Pakistani HUD display , and other improvements , and integration with Chinese AWACs make the JF17 thunder more of a plane then Mig 29 could ever hope to become. I mean no disrespect but as the saying goes newer planes have newer toys inside them

And JF17 block 2 will have even more lethal outlook perhaps comparable to F15 / Hornets in my opinion

AESA Radars integration
SD10 Chinese Missiles
South African Missiles Integration
Electronic warfare suit
Own avionics
Better light weight composites coming up in next batch
AWACs integration
Multi ROLE !!! Air/Sea/ Land

The biggest asset to us is that we can produce 100 of these babies by end of year -

Comparison with F16 Cute video love the music we are not even comparing the plane to Migs we are comparing it to F16 C/D class

Mig 29

vs Thunder



This is the Mig 29 Cockpit :




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Both the planes are capable on their own, however, Mig-29 SMT / Mig-29K in my opinion have a edge. For first Mig-29 is twin engine fighter whereas JFT is single. Both have different roles. Mig-29 SMT can be compared to F-16/blk52+ nothing less. Unfortunately the only plane which is comparable to JFT is HAL Tejas.
Both the planes are capable on their own, however, Mig-29 SMT / Mig-29K in my opinion have a edge. For first Mig-29 is twin engine fighter whereas JFT is single. Both have different roles. Mig-29 SMT can be compared to F-16/blk52+ nothing less. Unfortunately the only plane which is comparable to JFT is HAL Tejas.

It may prove unfortunate for you but in the PAF, the JFT is meant to replace all the fleet except the F-16s. In essence, it's to be the backbone of the PAF.
Entrusted to face multiple challenges with the Teja being the least aggressor on the PAF minds.
^^ please elaborate how a 2 engined fighter has an "edge" over a single engine fighter??? F-16 and MIG21 were two of the most succesful fighters of all times and both were single engined fighters fast and nimble!
It may prove unfortunate for you but in the PAF, the JFT is meant to replace all the fleet except the F-16s. In essence, it's to be the backbone of the PAF.
Entrusted to face multiple challenges with the Teja being the least aggressor on the PAF minds.

Each airforce has its own requirements. So for PAF indeed JFT will do good. However, here we are comparing only aircrafts not their importance in an airforce. So unfortunately it doesn't come close to Mig-29 SMT in that point of view. I don't think JFT will be taken with much of the concern with other airforces either . Only concern might be 18 F-16/blk 52 fighters. Everything else are just numbers.
i belive the MiG 29 does have a slight dge over JFT,but just a slight one which can be overcome by the JF-17 blk 2
^^ please elaborate how a 2 engined fighter has an "edge" over a single engine fighter??? F-16 and MIG21 were two of the most succesful fighters of all times and both were single engined fighters fast and nimble!

We are not discussing here single vs twin engine fighters here neither the point of discussion is F-16 or Mig-21. At this point of the time JFT cannot even touch their shadows.

what we are discussing here is the performance characteristics of Mig-29 vis-a-vis JFT Thunda .

Mig-29 characteristics:

General characteristics

Empty weight: 11,000 kg (24,250 lb)
Loaded weight: 16,800 kg (37,000 lb)
Max takeoff weight: 21,000 kg (46,300 lb)
Powerplant: 2 × Klimov RD-33 afterburning turbofans, 8,300 kgf (81.4 kN, 18,300 lbf) each


Maximum speed: Mach 2.25 (2,400 km/h, 1,490 mph) At low altitude: Mach 1.25 (1,500 km/h, 930 mph)
Range: 1,430 km (772 nmi, 888 mi) with maximum internal fuel[118]
Ferry range: 2,100 km (1,300 mi) with 1 drop tank
Service ceiling: 18,013 m (59,100 ft)
Rate of climb: initial 330 m/s average 109 m/s 0–6000 m[119] (65,000 ft/min)
Wing loading: 442 kg/m² (90.5 lb/ft²)
Thrust/weight: 1.01
1 x 30 mm GSh-30-1 cannon with 150 rounds
7 Hard points: 6 x pylons under-wing, 1 x under fuselage
Up to 3,500 kg (7,720 lb) of weapons including six air-to-air missiles — a mix of semi-active radar homing (SARH) and AA-8 "Aphid", AA-10 "Alamo", AA-11 "Archer", AA-12 "Adder", FAB 500-M62, FAB-1000, TN-100, ECM Pods, S-24, AS-12, AS-14

JFT-Thunda characteristics:

General characteristics

Empty weight: 6,411 kg (14,134 lb)
Loaded weight: 9,100 kg[10][129] (20,062 lb)
Max takeoff weight: 12,700 kg[129] (28,000 lb)
Powerplant: 1 × Klimov RD-93 or WS-13 turbofan
Dry thrust: 49.4 kN[16][4] / 51.2 kN (11,106 lbf / 11,510 lbf)
Thrust with afterburner: 84.4 kN[16] / 86.36 kN[85] (18,973 lbf / 19,391 lbf)
G-limit: +8.5 g[16]
Internal Fuel Capacity: 2300 kg (5,130 lb)[10]
Maximum speed: Mach 1.8[10][47] (1,191 knots, 2,205 km/h)
Combat radius: 1,352 km[16] (840 mi)
Ferry range: 3,480 km[130] (1,880 NM = 2,160 mi)
Service ceiling: 16,920 m[130] (55,500 ft)
Thrust/weight: 0.95 [16][10

JFT is good machine for PAF needs and will serve it for many years however, it will still take some time to come even close to Mig-29SMT.
Each airforce has its own requirements. So for PAF indeed JFT will do good. However, here we are comparing only aircrafts not their importance in an airforce. So unfortunately it doesn't come close to Mig-29 SMT in that point of view. I don't think JFT will be taken with much of the concern with other airforces either . Only concern might be 18 F-16/blk 52 fighters. Everything else are just numbers.
Just like each air force's requirements, each aircraft is built with a purpose of it's own role and requirements. Even within the RAF, there was a debate on their Harriers and Tornadoes, the outcome was that where the Harrier could probably fly rings around the Tornado, however it couldn't keep on station for several hours like the Twin Seater. Conclusion, Each to their own.
JF17 thunder is a newer plane, with better Avionics, and better weapons at its disposal then the Mig-29 platform.

Also the technology used in Pakistani HUD display , and other improvements , and integration with Chinese AWACs make the JF17 thunder more of a plane then Mig 29 could ever hope to become. I mean no disrespect but as the saying goes newer planes have newer toys inside them

And JF17 block 2 will have even more lethal outlook perhaps comparable to F15 / Hornets in my opinion

AESA Radars integration
SD10 Chinese Missiles
South African Missiles Integration
Electronic warfare suit
Own avionics
Better light weight composites coming up in next batch
AWACs integration
Multi ROLE !!! Air/Sea/ Land

The biggest asset to us is that we can produce 100 of these babies by end of year -

Comparison with F16 Cute video love the music we are not even comparing the plane to Migs we are comparing it to F16 C/D class

Mig 29

vs Thunder


this is Yak130 , not jft
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this is Yak130 , not jft

Here you go

Another illustration , don't want to give away too many ideas

Well the bottom line is Thunder is unstoppable

Or perhaps our A/B block F16

I suppose what we do agree is that

a) Yes a gifted pilot can fly a old 1942 plane , and still shoot down a F16 flown by Pilots of certain nations which cannot be named

What matters to Pakistan is that we replace our older Mirage planes from inventory ASAP that is our top priority.

Priority for India is different they want to go to war with China so they are stacking up weapons there is a difference we are merely replacing our old 200 planes we got

Mig while being a interesting plane , but JF17 thunder is a more advance plane
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Mig while being a interesting plane , but JF17 thunder is a more advance plane

While your JF-17 can keep our MKI at bay ... it is nothing interesting to say that JF-17 is more worthy that Mig-29 ....

while you people cant accept that Mig29 can track 10 target simultaneously and attack 4 of them simultaneously with a detection as far as 120 KM(while your JFT lacks significantly in this area) and has the ability to carry 8 R-77 or (4-R77 and 4- R73) and can carry every other bombs/missile at least 4 in each config with drop tanks(in addition to internal fuel increased drastically)... Not sure where is JFT leading?.... Above this will be pilots ability --(Just because it is flown by PAF pilots)?
jf-17 can trtack uptil 105 km for 5km RCS but this infi si 7 years old newer info suggets range uptil 150km..
it can track uptil 8 targets and engage only 2..
why only 2?
coz its a light weight aircraft can only carry half no. of missles than mig 29 so obviously 2 is fair enough for its size.
so basically radar capablites are not so much superior/inferior to each other..
so jf-17 can easily counter mig29...

being light weight even if jf-17 had capability to engage 4 what use would it be ..

i think jf-17 can carry upto 4 sd-10 with 2 within usual range missiles..
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