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JF-17 Block II, A Final Thunder & The FC-20 - Updates


May 21, 2006
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Pakistan and China have recently concluded a final agreement for the manufacture of a second batch of JF-17s. According to well-vetted sources from Pakdef (Eagle Hannan), these 50 jets are the final form of the JF-17s. The aircraft will be manufactured at Kamra, Pakistan, but will be flown to China for additional work. This work is said to relate to a new generation of avionics and sensor suite.

The Block II JF-17 is believed to have AESA radars similar to those observed on the J-10B. The integrated avionics, sensors and EW suite is entirely Chinese and is believed to be at the level of Europes best planes. The AESA radar is a slightly smaller version of the one being utilized for the J-10B. The radar is highly sophisticated and its installation is beyond the present capacity at PAC Kamra and will thus require the aircraft to take a trip to Nanjing, China.

The Block II will be the standard version to be used in the PAF with the older Block Is to be retired after the end of production for the first 150 aircraft. This suggests that the structural changes needed to convert the Block Is to Block II standard are significant, suggesting considerable changes to the revised edition. The following are believed to be some of the key changes:

1. AESA radar

2. Comprehensive upgrades for low RCS profile including cockpit glass, RAM paint, refined structure, completely new nose structure for AESA, significant increase in the use of composites and retractable refueling probe.

3. Awaited integration of A-Darter missiles from Brazil / South Africa with HOBS capability and Brazilian HMS.

4. The BVR missile is the SD-10B which has been found more than a match for the AMRAAM-120 C5s. An unknown Meteor class missile is in the works beyond the SD-10Bs.
A significant export order has been secured and an entire squadron is being dedicated for training and familiarization of foreign pilots (Source: Eagle Hannan, Pakdef).

Contrary to conflicting reports in the media, this writer believes that the order for the FC-20s were finalized and that this order has increased to 58 planes. Given the recent crisis post-Abbottabad, the PAF is being beefed up in a hurry and the FC-20s will play a critical role in the defence of the Western sector. Given the nature of the mountainous terrain and the inability to use the F-16s, these platforms along with the JF-17 will prove to be of significant deterrence value. China is believed to be sacrificing its own production requirements to meet PAF's needs in a hurry and unbelievable financial terms appear to have been extended.

These FC-20s are a highly lethal version of the original and incorporate AESA radars, a high degree of composite use, low observability features and an advanced integrated avionics suite. The wide HUD visible on the J-11s are also believed to have been utilized. In Eagle Hannan's recent update, he notes that the wings have been modified and include over 50% composite use. He also makes the surprising claim that the canard fore-planes have been modified. Both these factors indicate a significant structural and aerodynamic revamp that would require significant changes even in the FBW.Such a revamp was already suspected given the canted nose and the DSI bump.

The same source also indicates that the plane (FC-20) has been praised by pilots and capable of incredible maneuvers including the Cobra so famously performed by the FLANKERs. He notes that FC-20 not only performs this maneuver but also performs it better, recovering significantly faster. While this maneuver is not of great military importance, the maneuverability and Fly-By-Wire (FBW) maturity this indicates, suggest that the FC-20 is a well-evolved and lethal machine.

Eagle Hannan also indicates that the Pakistan Navy is interested in the J-11Bs with Russian engines. This appears to be counter-intuitive given the sensitive nature of Russia's copyright relations with China. However, it is possible that Pakistan may attempt to placate this sensitivity by buying Russian engines and paying royalties. It is also possible that Russia is smarting from India's recent rejection of Russian military gear and move towards Western sources. These all make for a great deal of controversy and are likely to keep arm-chair generals and military analysts busy in the foreseeable future.What is clear is that Pakistan and the PAF will get a significant boost, in fact a major leap in capabilities in the next 12-24 months.
Grande Strategy
what will be difference in Block I and Block Ii in silent features....
what will be difference in Block I and Block Ii in silent features....

Block 1 radar with only 105km range while JFT II radar is suppose to be of longer range like 150-160km and possible PESA/AESA

And these all

Tested since 2009, more powerful weapon mission management computer, store management system, powerful Defense Aid System including MAWS new version SE-3,IFR, superior avionics, communication suite, improved full spectrum of electronic warf...are suite, radar could be small AESA of J-10 or KLJ-7B version with more range, modes, anti jamming, composite will increase from 8 to 30 or 40% allowing weight reduction and chin mounted hard point (s), IRST is there most likely. It is an overall improvement of first batch.
Who is Eagle Hannan and what is his credibility??
All are assumption
These are great news BUT what is credibility?
Block 1 radar with only 105km range while JFT II radar is suppose to be of longer range like 150-160km and possible PESA/AESA

Please make it clear i thought 105 Km range of KLJ-07 was for the standard RCS of 5m2 wasn't it..
Eagle Hanan is from PAF Sqn.:cheesy: "THE FAN BOYS" and have participated many keyboard wars. His major responsibilities is to deal with Pakistan military defence forums.
this means the stealth optimized version being tested in China IS the block 2, the final jFT. thats great news !
To be honest, about the Eagle Hannan part, are they supposed to leak news? Might be too sensitive. Just curious.
We have be giving these military boys a lot of toys and they have brought nothing but disappointment.
I in no way mean to undermine the highest act of selflessness as observed by hundreds of soldiers and civilians.
They were sent into harms way by greedy corrupt people who only care about there own self interest.

We should invest in Economy and Education and not towards more bombs and more planes because as we have all seen
these planes could end up very much toast while chilling in a hanger so whats the point.

Or I can give you another thought.........why not get rid of these "greedy corrupt people"???? Why would you want to compromise your own defense???? Why are our people so irrational??? So illogical??? They would rather compromise their own country rather than take a stand against these "greedy corrupt people"...........Keep on crying wolf while sitting in your air-conditioned living rooms.....not gonna help. Why dont you people ever raise your voice against the corrupt vermin you have voted into power!?!?!?! Or at least stop voting for them! The money they suck out of Pakistan goes into their pockets, at least these planes remain the property of Pakistan.

Honestly in my opinion its not the leaders who are responsible its us, you and me. We are a disgraceful nation ruining one of the most beautiful and gifted countries in the world. Its easier to hide and whisper thief at a man you cannot touch. Our attitudes to the most basic level our corrupt and grotesque! Have you seen the way we drive our cars? The way everyone is ready to back-stab his brother just for the sake of the most minuscule of gains? Have you seen the way we talk to each other? How many of us actually pay taxes? Taxes alone can give multiples of what you can save by cutting defense. Have you seen the way we go 'over kill' with what ever little authority we are given (even a guard holding a pencil and a paper in his hands will believe that hes the lord of the lad and will talk to you as if you are beneath him)? Have you seen what that authority turns us into? Have you seen the way we steal from our state? Have you seen the imbeciles we vote for???

We are not innocent.....we are despicable. We are hacking and eating away at our own selves. We my friend are by all means unclean.
We have be giving these military boys a lot of toys and they have brought nothing but disappointment.
I in no way mean to undermine the highest act of selflessness as observed by hundreds of soldiers and civilians.
They were sent into harms way by greedy corrupt people who only care about there own self interest.

We should invest in Economy and Education and not towards more bombs and more planes because as we have all seen
these planes could end up very much toast while chilling in a hanger so whats the point.

So go ahead on eastern & western border, stand and cray that you are Master, M.Phil or PHD in education and you will get bullet in response from Israeli or American gun.

Your preaching came to end.
Think twice & analyze before arguing.
Pakistan deadly needs to improve its air defense capabilities, Block 2 surely enhance air force strength to ensure security of Pakistan airs.
Pakistan and China have recently concluded a final agreement for the manufacture of a second batch of JF-17s. According to well-vetted sources from Pakdef (Eagle Hannan), these 50 jets are the final form of the JF-17s. The aircraft will be manufactured at Kamra, Pakistan, but will be flown to China for additional work. This work is said to relate to a new generation of avionics and sensor suite.

The Block II JF-17 is believed to have AESA radars similar to those observed on the J-10B. The integrated avionics, sensors and EW suite is entirely Chinese and is believed to be at the level of Europes best planes. The AESA radar is a slightly smaller version of the one being utilized for the J-10B. The radar is highly sophisticated and its installation is beyond the present capacity at PAC Kamra and will thus require the aircraft to take a trip to Nanjing, China.

The Block II will be the standard version to be used in the PAF with the older Block Is to be retired after the end of production for the first 150 aircraft. This suggests that the structural changes needed to convert the Block Is to Block II standard are significant, suggesting considerable changes to the revised edition. The following are believed to be some of the key changes:

1. AESA radar

2. Comprehensive upgrades for low RCS profile including cockpit glass, RAM paint, refined structure, completely new nose structure for AESA, significant increase in the use of composites and retractable refueling probe.

3. Awaited integration of A-Darter missiles from Brazil / South Africa with HOBS capability and Brazilian HMS.

4. The BVR missile is the SD-10B which has been found more than a match for the AMRAAM-120 C5s. An unknown Meteor class missile is in the works beyond the SD-10Bs.
A significant export order has been secured and an entire squadron is being dedicated for training and familiarization of foreign pilots (Source: Eagle Hannan, Pakdef).

Contrary to conflicting reports in the media, this writer believes that the order for the FC-20s were finalized and that this order has increased to 58 planes. Given the recent crisis post-Abbottabad, the PAF is being beefed up in a hurry and the FC-20s will play a critical role in the defence of the Western sector. Given the nature of the mountainous terrain and the inability to use the F-16s, these platforms along with the JF-17 will prove to be of significant deterrence value. China is believed to be sacrificing its own production requirements to meet PAF's needs in a hurry and unbelievable financial terms appear to have been extended.

These FC-20s are a highly lethal version of the original and incorporate AESA radars, a high degree of composite use, low observability features and an advanced integrated avionics suite. The wide HUD visible on the J-11s are also believed to have been utilized. In Eagle Hannan's recent update, he notes that the wings have been modified and include over 50% composite use. He also makes the surprising claim that the canard fore-planes have been modified. Both these factors indicate a significant structural and aerodynamic revamp that would require significant changes even in the FBW.Such a revamp was already suspected given the canted nose and the DSI bump.

The same source also indicates that the plane (FC-20) has been praised by pilots and capable of incredible maneuvers including the Cobra so famously performed by the FLANKERs. He notes that FC-20 not only performs this maneuver but also performs it better, recovering significantly faster. While this maneuver is not of great military importance, the maneuverability and Fly-By-Wire (FBW) maturity this indicates, suggest that the FC-20 is a well-evolved and lethal machine.

Eagle Hannan also indicates that the Pakistan Navy is interested in the J-11Bs with Russian engines. This appears to be counter-intuitive given the sensitive nature of Russia's copyright relations with China. However, it is possible that Pakistan may attempt to placate this sensitivity by buying Russian engines and paying royalties. It is also possible that Russia is smarting from India's recent rejection of Russian military gear and move towards Western sources. These all make for a great deal of controversy and are likely to keep arm-chair generals and military analysts busy in the foreseeable future.What is clear is that Pakistan and the PAF will get a significant boost, in fact a major leap in capabilities in the next 12-24 months.
Grande Strategy

if this is true than it means China is going for indirect Clash with UNITED SNAKES OF AMERICA but still its a good news for Pakistan but Pakistan should also Replace its destroyed P3C Orions
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