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Which one is equipped with AESA: 305, 306, or 315?

22-315 in my guesstimate. Rest of JF-17 Blk 3 still carrying standard KLJ-7 radars. Their noseconse will give you an idea if they carrying AESA or not. Do keep in mind, JF-17 nose cone must be slanted in order for it to carry the AESA. Always keep below image in mind whhich was unofficially released in 2021. 90 % of the things in the below image has been done and their video released e.g SD-10 D.E.R , Ra'ad (Taimoor) 1 and 2 and CM-400AKG integrated with the inner pylon and we have seen the images of JF flying with it. Extra Hardpoint and Aselpod and HMD integrated and their pics released. 10 % is the slanted nosecones JF-17 a.k.a AESA radar equipped and Pl-15 and Pl-10 carrying PAF JF-17 images are still in progress. Either they are still integrating AESA and PL-10&15 or they have been integrated and only images are still not released

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Says who?
Is it possible that you are mistaken?

Fact: The radome IS different - but its the material that's different to account for the presence of the AESA radar. It literally has to be. Maybe you heard the radome is different and took it to mean that it has the slant.

Furthermore, we've seen all sorts of videos of the B3 being assembled and none of them had a slanted front bulkhead.

I don't think it's a modification (slanted bulkhead) that was considered worthwhile for a 50 block 3s.
Slanted nose cone will change aerodynamics and the entire flight characteristics .
22-315 in my guesstimate. Rest of JF-17 Blk 3 still carrying standard KLJ-7 radars. Their noseconse will give you an idea if they carrying AESA or not. Do keep in mind, JF-17 nose cone must be slanted in order for it to carry the AESA. Always keep below image in mind whhich was unofficially released in 2021. 90 % of the things in the below image has been done and their video released e.g SD-10 D.E.R , Ra'ad (Taimoor) 1 and 2 and CM-400AKG integrated with the inner pylon and we have seen the images of JF flying with it. Extra Hardpoint and Aselpod and HMD integrated and their pics released. 10 % is the slanted nosecones JF-17 a.k.a AESA radar equipped and Pl-15 and Pl-10 carrying PAF JF-17 images are still in progress. Either they are still integrating AESA and PL-10&15 or they have been integrated and only images are still not released

View attachment 930622

if it is so then what would you say about upgrade to earlier planes with AESA radar prior to 22-315.
based on your assumption of 'slant 'being requirement for AESA, will re-do the nose cone and front fuselage?

please share your thoughts.
easy way to figure out is if someone can point
out HUD of BLK3 resembling with J20s sure to
be carrying AESA an other relevant upgrades
for BLk3
thank you
Is it possible that you are mistaken?

Fact: The radome IS different - but its the material that's different to account for the presence of the AESA radar. It literally has to be. Maybe you heard the radome is different and took it to mean that it has the slant.

Furthermore, we've seen all sorts of videos of the B3 being assembled and none of them had a slanted front bulkhead.

I don't think it's a modification (slanted bulkhead) that was considered worthwhile for a 50 block 3s.
I could very well be mistaken. But I'm basing my assumption on these things.

1. KLJ-xx radar in J-10 series comes with a slanted nose and KLJ-7A is smaller version of J-10 radar I believe so.

2. PAC chairman in 2021 interview said that 30 Blk 3 has been contracted initially. And they will induct Blk3 without AESA and later retrofit them.

2. If we had selected LKF601E radar, I'd have wholeheartedly believed that slanted nose is not a requirement




3. KLJ-7A has 2 versions I believe. Both requires a slanted nose if we look at the pictures



I could be wrong if PAF have selected the most basic and initial version of KLJ-A that came out in 2016


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