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JF-17 Block-3 -- Updates, News & Discussion



We have all heard about it---. We are also scared that how the Paf is going to milk the country this time---.

Well, we've not heard of significant funds being diverted to the PAF as of yet that would fall into the category of milking the country.

Let's show some patience.

I remember very well how many mocked the FC-1 / JF-17 Thunder project at first and had such low expectations of this ever coming to real fruition.

From 1995-2007, it felt like a 12-year long dream only but these projects do take at least a decade to take off.
Some people judge everyone by their own standards.
Without PAF feb 2019 would have been a very different thing.
I suggest come back to pakistan and di what you think should be done instead of sitting in foreign lands judging us
Well, we've not heard of significant funds being diverted to the PAF as of yet that would fall into the category of milking the country.

Let's show some patience.

I remember very well how many mocked the FC-1 / JF-17 Thunder project at first and had such low expectations of this ever coming to real fruition.

From 1995-2007, it felt like a 12-year long dream only but these projects do take at least a decade to take off.


That mocking of the JF17 has worked very well---. The enemy got caught off guard---.
You give credit to Indian complacency rather than Pakistani preparedness.


Please expand on it a little more---.

Please tell us a little bit more about yourself---. Who you are---what age group you are in---what is your profession---. Thank you.

Please expand on it a little more---.

Please tell us a little bit more about yourself---. Who you are---what age group you are in---what is your profession---. Thank you.
Why would any of what you just asked matter towards the merit of what he said.
That said, credit for PAFs success goes their preparedness as well as the enemy's complacency.


We have all heard about it---. We are also scared that how the Paf is going to milk the country this time---.

I rarely post, but on this occasion I must.
After standing up to the much bigger bully in February and as Mahathir Mohammed says giving them ‘bloody nose’ you have the audacity to stoop so low and use the phrase ‘milking’ the country.
And that’s for the airforce who managed to co-develop a fine 4th generation aircraft on shoestring development budget of mere $500 million.
If at the grand old age you haven’t figured out what ‘milking the country ‘ really means go and ask Indian government who get milked whether it’s in-house development of Tejas or off the shelf procurement of Rafale.
And finally, mark my words. PAF would soon be exporting Thunders in large numbers - truly big ticket items worth hundreds of millions of dollars to offset country’s huge balance of payments. InshaAllah.
I rarely post, but on this occasion I must.
After standing up to the much bigger bully in February and as Mahathir Mohammed says giving them ‘bloody nose’ you have the audacity to stoop so low and use the phrase ‘milking’ the country.
And that’s for the airforce who managed to co-develop a fine 4th generation aircraft on shoestring development budget of mere $500 million.
If at the grand old age you haven’t figured out what ‘milking the country ‘ really means go and ask Indian government who get milked whether it’s in-house development of Tejas or off the shelf procurement of Rafale.
And finally, mark my words. PAF would soon be exporting Thunders in large numbers - truly big ticket items worth hundreds of millions of dollars to offset country’s huge balance of payments. InshaAllah.

Agree with you.

@MastanKhan please Allah Kay wastay please stop to use so harsh word. You can explain/express your opinion with a little bit respect.

At least younger generations will have a model to follow. Yes if even elders are no more capable to educate youngsters, what can we expect from them ?

Welcome to posting on the forum---. Do introduce yourself first---. I do not like talking to walls---even though I do on this forum---.


It is basic common sense that is not present in many a pakistanis who call themselves educated---to introduce yourself when you enter a new place to conversate---" I am so and so---I am in this age group---this is my educational background and this is what I do---"---.

Simple manners which are lacking amongst members---and you as well---.

Did your teachers never taught you those manners---or how about your parents---what happened---I mean to say that this is a lesson in basic " civic behaviour "---.

We already know who has manners here and who does not by the way you address and accuse everyone. If you want to know about someones background so badly, you can IM them. Besides, manners would dictate you introducing yourself first before questioning others or were you not taught that?
It amazes me as to how (even some senior members) forum members can not recognize an attention seeking manipulative time waster .
Production of the JF-17 Block III aircraft has reportedly started, according to the fighter jet’s chief designer.


Development and production of the Pakistan Aeronautical Complex/Chengdu Aerospace Corporation (PAC/CAC) JF-17 “Thunder” Block III multirole fighter aircraft is reportedly underway, the chief designer of the fighter jet, Yang Wei, said at press conference in China last week.

“All related work is being carried out,” Yang was quoted as saying by Chinese state media. “The third block will see the JF-17’s informatized warfare capability and weapons upgraded.” As I reported previously, JF-Block-III fighter jets are expected to receive the Chinese-made KLJ-7A active electronically scanned array (AESA) radar system. It would be the Pakistan Air Force’s first AESA-equipped fighter aircraft.

JF-17 Block III aircraft will reportedly also feature a new electronic warfare system, upgraded avionics including a three-axis fly-by-wire digital flight control system, and a helmet-mounted display and sight system. With its new integrated sensor package, the aircraft will have the capability for quick information sharing and network-enabled operations that facilitate earlier detection and interception of enemy aircraft.

When discussing the start of aircraft production, Yang was most likely referring to the manufacturing of the JF-17’s airframe, with PAC reportedly producing 58 percent and CAC 42 percent of it. The development status of any of the new Block III subsystems is not known. However, once the Nanjing Research Institute of Electronics Technology (NRIET) completes development of the new AESA radar system, it “can be fitted on the airframe very fast, ensuring a quick delivery time,” Yang emphasized.

(Notably, Yang in his comments named neither NRIET nor the exact AESA radar system to be installed on the JF-17 Block III.)

JF-17 Block I and Block II aircraft, of which the PAF operates around 85 in total as of March 2019, have been fitted with NRIET’s older KLJ-7 X-band fire control radar. All three JF-17 variants are powered by a Chinese license-built Klimov RD-93 (an RD-33 derivative) turbofan engine. The JF-17 has an approximate combat radius of up to 1,200 kilometers without refueling and can reach a maximum speed of up to Mach 1.6.

The JF-17 costs $25 million per unit, although the Block III per-unit price is expected to go up as a result of the new subsystems, including the expensive new AESA radar system. The PAF intends to procure up to 50 new Block III aircraft.

The aircraft can alternatively be armed with air-to-air, air-to-surface, and anti-ship missiles. It will also be able to fire beyond-visual-range air-to-air missiles (BVRAAM). An unnamed BVRAAM was test fired by the PAF last month and possibly today.

During a recent military standoff with India, a PAF JF-17 may have engaged an Indian Air Force fighter jet.

What a cost effective but quality solution with tons of indigenous inputs, especially from the folks who would ultimately assume responsibility in a split-second “do or die” situation, for the modern air war!!!! And, already it has got war trophies of “severed heads” to show to the world!!! May it be the source of Khair....
it seems to be an old news ... anyways .... does block III have some design changes ???? or it will look like a single seater aircraft similar to JF-17B????

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