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JF-17: a major achievement

if you really think you are true please provide some proof to back up your words because presently pakisthan has only one JF17 manufracturing plant that is PAC
the JF 17 is not manufactured in the PAF base but PAC which is near to the PAF airbase near kamra

I wouldn't have pushed the envelop that far if i was u. Some times its better to shut up and listen. Any ways going by what khan sahib has said I guess "See ya never wanted to be YA" or "Smell you latter Hatter"
Tell you what scroll up slowly and see what the mods have written before deleting your gibberish.

because what i say i can show the proof to my words i repeat my question many of pakisthanis think JF 17 is superior than SU 30MKI and china has not opted to even a single JF17 and bought SU 30MK2 which is a bit inferior to MKI

lets see MR TAMIL KHAN can show proof to his theory
I wouldn't have pushed the envelop that far if i was u. Some times its better to shut up and listen. Any ways going by what khan sahib has said I guess "See ya never wanted to be YA" or "Smell you latter Hatter"

i can never step back once i joined it but thanks for your advice
because what i say i can show the proof to my words i repeat my question many of pakisthanis think JF 17 is superior than SU 30MKI and china has not opted to even a single JF17 and bought SU 30MK2 which is a bit inferior to MKI

lets see MR TAMIL KHAN can show proof to his theory

Show me the proof that before getting banned cause its Tamimi khan and not Tamil khan show some respect. Any ways waiting for your proof and going by the looks of things you don't have enough time.
if you really think you are true please provide some proof to back up your words because presently pakisthan has only one JF17 manufracturing plant that is PAC
the JF 17 is not manufactured in the PAF base but PAC which is near to the PAF airbase near kamra

Being a moderator i have to be in my limits otherwise i had perfect words to make you understand well enough.

PAC is in the premises of the Base, its a testing facility as well as an operational fighter airbase.

And PAC is not a plant, its a complex which has four sections or plants. One is the F-6 rebuilt factory, 2nd is Mirage RF, 3rd is the AMF which manufactures the parts for boeing, K-8 trainer, UAVs and the JF_17s, 4th is the Avionics and Radar facility. They all make up the PAC, got it.

And as told, watch the JF-17 rolling out video to clear up your head, as you are the one with no know how about JF-17 or PAC and come up here with your one liner pathetic master piece analysis.
Show me the proof that before getting banned cause its Tamimi khan and not Tamil khan show some respect. Any ways waiting for your proof and going by the looks of things you don't have enough time.

i have never said anything wrong about him i think he has to learn to show respect towards others and check his words before using them
because what i say i can show the proof to my words i repeat my question many of pakisthanis think JF 17 is superior than SU 30MKI and china has not opted to even a single JF17 and bought SU 30MK2 which is a bit inferior to MKI

If you wish to compare Su-30MKI Vs JF-17, plz go to that concerned threat, don't derail this thread or else you will get derailed from the forum. and next time try to read the members name carefully before you address them.

And you have no proof as your each and every information is wrong. And we don't like having trolls on the forum.
i have never said anything wrong about him i think he has to learn to show respect towards others and check his words before using them

Ok so we are debating about the fact that Khan sahib was rude to you or PAF is not building the plane China is not buying it or we Pakistanis think that it is superior to MKI. What are we debating about, you right now are acting like a monkey jumping branches and thats all.
i have never said anything wrong about him i think he has to learn to show respect towards others and check his words before using them

Respect is given to people who deserve it and earn it, not to those who come on this forum with weird kind of logics and information with no credibility. Such guys are trolls who don't get anywhere on this forum.

And for the time being i am showing you the respect which you deserve with your posts.
i think pakistan has made a major achievement with very limited funds they overcome over indian LCA both technologically and fundingly
Being a moderator i have to be in my limits otherwise i had perfect words to make you understand well enough.

My humble opinion is that Neutral MODS should not team up with people from any side (right ones or wrong ones, doesent matter) and therby show their intended bias in public. If anything is sub-standard then better delete/Ignore it rather than unnecessary show of authority.
Indian at their usual, can't accept naked truth or accept Pakistan's achievement.

I told you before, not to open you mouth by these one liners when you have no idea about something or can't stop your heart burning seeing this little achievement by us.

Ever read what PAC is ??? I hope keeping aside your burning heart, you may have seen the videos of the rolling our of JF-17, try to control your heart burn, and watch carefully the PAF personnel in their PAF uniform assembling and working with Chinese officials on the JF-17.

So now what kind of stupid after seeing PAF technicians in their official uniform working on JF-17 comes with such stupid comments that PAF is not building JF-17 themselves, i guess i don't have to name who can come up with such ideas.

So next time keep it shut, if you don't know about anything or else you will be history. This is an official warning for you.

We are happy you are assembling the plane just like we assembled SU-30 :)
i think pakistan has made a major achievement with very limited funds they overcome over indian LCA both technologically and fundingly

there's much diff in the LCA and JF17 LCA is made of composites with a very low rc and not in case of JF17 LCA used a complete FBW but not in case of JF17 even the air refueling is possible for LCA and for JF its still in development (sorry if its wrong)
only prob why the LCA is not being incucted is the engine we tried to make it on our own which made it long if india also imported both engine and radar form initial phase like you the LCA would have been far before inducted
i think pakistan has made a major achievement with very limited funds they overcome over indian LCA both technologically and fundingly

Nope LCA is just the learning thing for India which going to give major advantage in making MCA, becasue it will use same technology.

India mastered Mission Computers technology and learning to built Jet Engines and also building their own Radar.

I hope in JF-17 their is not planning to built and deployed own engines and radar.
We are happy you are assembling the plane just like we assembled SU-30 :)

So are we for you guys, as every nation and country has the right to develop and manufacture what it deems fit for itself and for its security. Success and failure are part of the process, without failure coming to success has no fun and learning, as failure makes us learn more and more and get us to the goal of success.
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