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'Jewish state' will soon cease to exist, Israelis may flee to West: Zionist historian

'Jewish state' will soon cease to exist, Israelis may flee to West: Zionist historian

This prediction is entirely inaccurate, way too optimistic and unreal. The "Zionist State" isn't going anywhere at all. It is the strongest it has been since the day it was illegitimately and illegally conceived. Today israel receives more US Military and Financial Aid than ever before in history. Throughout its history, israel has received more financial and military than the entire continents of Africa and Latin America put together. Zionists, who are neither Christian nor Jew, but proclaim to be both, bound in an unholy alliance. Are the main source of israel's importance and dominance in the Western World. Numerically, even though israel seems to be dwarfed by its supposed Muslim neighbor countries. In reality, israel has strong "back door" diplomatic ties with these Muslim neighborhood countries. From Egypt, to Turkey, Saudi, to Emirates, ruling class of these countries enjoy close ties to israel. Besides that, israel enjoys unprecedented access to Western Military technology.

In strategic terms, israel couldn't have been more secure today, than ever before in history. Iraq's economy destroyed, its union dismembered and now teetering on being Balkanized. Syria has been embroiled in a civil war, lost 37-42% of its territory to Western-Saudi back terrorists. Turkey, even with a pro-Islamic ruling govt, is intricately woven it's military with israel's military and intelligence. Hinging on whether Turkey moves unilaterally to oppose israel, such ties will move forward to topple Erdogan's government. The Saudi ruling class is now fully on israel's corner, ever since Bin Salman rose to power and conducted the "PURGE." Egypt is more or less on Saudi leash, with an economy that's non-existent and a military heavily dependent on Americans and Saudis. There isn't any chance in hell that Egypt could ever pose a threat to israel. In other words, Egypt's claws and fangs are more for show, than actual killing. Libya has been reduced to rubble, and is a terrorist breeding ground. It's oil wealth has been plundered, it's people ravaged and it has long past the status of being a failed state, more like a conquered and destroyed state. Azerbaijan is israel's best buddy, primarily due to shared DNA/heritage. The two states have strong economic ties, it's very well known to anyone who has any education in International Relations.

The only direct threat israel faces is from Iran. The latter is a country controlled by those who seek to realize their "greater Persia" dream come true. Iran has been the target of US sanctions for decades and is israel's primary enemy. Iran has oil wealth, but is unable to convert that into actual wealth due to Petro-Dollar, SWIFT Banking system. Both of which are under the control of US authority. Militarily Iran has zero chance in a "direct" and "open" war with israel. Iran's military capacity to israel's is like comparing the "Flintstones" to the "Jetsons." There is simply no contest there, so the only way Iran would ever be a threat to israel, is with "NUKES!!" And if anyone has been following the last two years of Trump administration, would know Iran's ability to weaponize nukes and deliver them, has been stifled by current US Govt.

Predicted trajectory of israel is one of dominance in Middle East (somewhat), for the foreseeable future. The only way israel would find itself in a checkmate situation is if the economies of France, Britain, America, Australia and Canada, collectively collapse. But that isn't going to happen for the foreseeable future. But one cannot dismiss the collapse as inevitable occurrence.

So either this historian is living in an alternate reality or is purposefully attempting to deceive the Muslim World into thinking that we have a chance at watching israel's demise in the near future.
Islamic Iran has thwarted all Zionist games in the region. It is we who decide what happens in the Northern Middle East, not the Zionists. Now the Jews are catching on:


This from the horse's mouth, not mine........lol

This prediction is entirely inaccurate, way too optimistic and unreal. The "Zionist State" isn't going anywhere at all. It is the strongest it has been since the day it was illegitimately and illegally conceived. Today israel receives more US Military and Financial Aid than ever before in history. Throughout its history, israel has received more financial and military than the entire continents of Africa and Latin America put together. Zionists, who are neither Christian nor Jew, but proclaim to be both, bound in an unholy alliance. Are the main source of israel's importance and dominance in the Western World. Numerically, even though israel seems to be dwarfed by its supposed Muslim neighbor countries. In reality, israel has strong "back door" diplomatic ties with these Muslim neighborhood countries. From Egypt, to Turkey, Saudi, to Emirates, ruling class of these countries enjoy close ties to israel. Besides that, israel enjoys unprecedented access to Western Military technology.

In strategic terms, israel couldn't have been more secure today, than ever before in history. Iraq's economy destroyed, its union dismembered and now teetering on being Balkanized. Syria has been embroiled in a civil war, lost 37-42% of its territory to Western-Saudi back terrorists. Turkey, even with a pro-Islamic ruling govt, is intricately woven it's military with israel's military and intelligence. Hinging on whether Turkey moves unilaterally to oppose israel, such ties will move forward to topple Erdogan's government. The Saudi ruling class is now fully on israel's corner, ever since Bin Salman rose to power and conducted the "PURGE." Egypt is more or less on Saudi leash, with an economy that's non-existent and a military heavily dependent on Americans and Saudis. There isn't any chance in hell that Egypt could ever pose a threat to israel. In other words, Egypt's claws and fangs are more for show, than actual killing. Libya has been reduced to rubble, and is a terrorist breeding ground. It's oil wealth has been plundered, it's people ravaged and it has long past the status of being a failed state, more like a conquered and destroyed state. Azerbaijan is israel's best buddy, primarily due to shared DNA/heritage. The two states have strong economic ties, it's very well known to anyone who has any education in International Relations.

The only direct threat israel faces is from Iran. The latter is a country controlled by those who seek to realize their "greater Persia" dream come true. Iran has been the target of US sanctions for decades and is israel's primary enemy. Iran has oil wealth, but is unable to convert that into actual wealth due to Petro-Dollar, SWIFT Banking system. Both of which are under the control of US authority. Militarily Iran has zero chance in a "direct" and "open" war with israel. Iran's military capacity to israel's is like comparing the "Flintstones" to the "Jetsons." There is simply no contest there, so the only way Iran would ever be a threat to israel, is with "NUKES!!" And if anyone has been following the last two years of Trump administration, would know Iran's ability to weaponize nukes and deliver them, has been stifled by current US Govt.

Predicted trajectory of israel is one of dominance in Middle East (somewhat), for the foreseeable future. The only way israel would find itself in a checkmate situation is if the economies of France, Britain, America, Australia and Canada, collectively collapse. But that isn't going to happen for the foreseeable future. But one cannot dismiss the collapse as inevitable occurrence.

So either this historian is living in an alternate reality or is purposefully attempting to deceive the Muslim World into thinking that we have a chance at watching israel's demise in the near future.
Unreliable ally. Russia’s orthodox Christianity is vehemently anti-Muslim.

I prefer China, personally among Non-Muslims, which is loyal to its friends.

However our best allies are ourselves. Muslim will always be the best supporter of another Muslim.

No matter what differences we have politically, we come together at times and become unstoppable.

Yeah I have mix feelings with the Orthodox religion and Orthodox countries like Ukraine,Georgia,Armenia,Russia and Serbia I admire they compared to the Western cough cough Protestants, and Catholics they managed to limit forms of degenracy in their lands somewhat but as usual western and ((kosher)) claws never give up in trying to cuck them but when it comes to their views on Muslims thats when I draw the line "retaking Constantinople" "remove Turks", being stuck in the past for their hatred of the Ottomans who gave them space while the rest of Europe ditch them also Russia I am wary of Russia and no not cause of "Ebil Putin" or "they hate gays" what Western Liberals rant my concern is their bloody double play with their allies Azerbaijan/Armenia, Israel/Syria, Pakistan/India, China/USA and etc. Their strategy in the Caucausus needs to be redefined they give arms to both Azerbaijan and Armenia for the last two decades and have not help resolve the conflict in Nagoro Karabkah in fact made it worse I understand why both the Azerbaijanis and Armenians have large diaspora in Russia and very big population in Moscow so they need play both sides but they need to pick a side or work to resolve the conflict otherwise they will end like Georgia or Ukraine both allienated and look west bad for Russia shooting themsleves in the foot and they got a wakeup call last year in Armenia when the Velvet protests overthrew the pro Russian regime for a more "neutral" regime tho Nikol Pahsiyan is seen as pro western, by some he is has to be pro Russian cause Armenia, unlike Georgia,Ukraine, and Azerbaijan has no oil or waterway so they still stuck in Russian orbit for the foreseeble future Turkey blocked their border in 1992 and wont open it unless their relations with Azerbaijan improve Russia also can squeze their gas supplies, Russia should mediate rather than give arms my point. Going to Syria I support Al Assad in power but Russia is not there to help Syria or the Syrian people the real and true ally of Syria is Iran, they were there thick and thin Russia only came in 2015 and they are there for their base in Latakia and Tartus only and they provide no support only "talk" when Damascus gets bombed by Israel, plus Russia has great relations with Tel Aviv.When it comes to Pakistan they talk about a reset while they send they are the 2nd arms exporter to India and have more economic investments there than in Pakistan so I laugh when I hear "Russo-Pakistani" alliance and Putin is still butthurt about the whole Soviet withdrawal of the late 1980s.China also they play double games I follow Russian media and espcailly Russian "Alt Right" media folks like Anatoly Karlin and Vincent Law and they really dont like the Peoples Republic of China they think China wants to take over Siberia and invade Siberia with Chinese immigrants and projects plus when it comes to Central Asia they are wary of Chinese investments and projects in what they claim is their "turf" and plus Putin is still butthurt about Deng Xiaoping support of the Afghani rebels in the 1980s again plus now that the USA under Trump is countering PRC with trade war and geo-strategic warfare dont be suprised if Trump proposes a "Russo-American" Alliance to counter PRC in the near future once the whole ruckus of the Mueller craphole investgation and "Russiagate" is over anyways Ukraine is fact becoming a frozen conflict Syria is dying down its ripe for that China needs to take reign over the Eurasian ideology soon before this happens.Russia is not the enemy but when its not a friend either we should welcome their overtures but be wary of their double play in geopolitics, China at least for the most part stands with its allies and does not get involve in domestic politics unlike Russia or the USA @Pan-Islamic-Pakistan
. . .
70% of Israeli are already 'oriental yahudi'......lol......These guys look camel jockey, just like their neighbors.......:rofl:

and because they totally look middle eastern, these yahudi don't want to move to the EU. :cheesy:

Buddy you know, Arab men have distributed their seeds so generously to these whites that now majority of the zionists whoes elders came from Poland or somewhere white land now claim to be yamani or Arab Jew.

Nonsense. Ever heard of desperation/ propaganda?......well you're looking at it.

Yeah I have mix feelings with the Orthodox religion and Orthodox countries like Ukraine,Georgia,Armenia,Russia and Serbia I admire they compared to the Western cough cough Protestants, and Catholics they managed to limit forms of degenracy in their lands somewhat but as usual western and ((kosher)) claws never give up in trying to cuck them but when it comes to their views on Muslims thats when I draw the line "retaking Constantinople" "remove Turks", being stuck in the past for their hatred of the Ottomans who gave them space while the rest of Europe ditch them also Russia I am wary of Russia and no not cause of "Ebil Putin" or "they hate gays" what Western Liberals rant my concern is their bloody double play with their allies Azerbaijan/Armenia, Israel/Syria, Pakistan/India, China/USA and etc. Their strategy in the Caucausus needs to be redefined they give arms to both Azerbaijan and Armenia for the last two decades and have not help resolve the conflict in Nagoro Karabkah in fact made it worse I understand why both the Azerbaijanis and Armenians have large diaspora in Russia and very big population in Moscow so they need play both sides but they need to pick a side or work to resolve the conflict otherwise they will end like Georgia or Ukraine both allienated and look west bad for Russia shooting themsleves in the foot and they got a wakeup call last year in Armenia when the Velvet protests overthrew the pro Russian regime for a more "neutral" regime tho Nikol Pahsiyan is seen as pro western, by some he is has to be pro Russian cause Armenia, unlike Georgia,Ukraine, and Azerbaijan has no oil or waterway so they still stuck in Russian orbit for the foreseeble future Turkey blocked their border in 1992 and wont open it unless their relations with Azerbaijan improve Russia also can squeze their gas supplies, Russia should mediate rather than give arms my point. Going to Syria I support Al Assad in power but Russia is not there to help Syria or the Syrian people the real and true ally of Syria is Iran, they were there thick and thin Russia only came in 2015 and they are there for their base in Latakia and Tartus only and they provide no support only "talk" when Damascus gets bombed by Israel, plus Russia has great relations with Tel Aviv.When it comes to Pakistan they talk about a reset while they send they are the 2nd arms exporter to India and have more economic investments there than in Pakistan so I laugh when I hear "Russo-Pakistani" alliance and Putin is still butthurt about the whole Soviet withdrawal of the late 1980s.China also they play double games I follow Russian media and espcailly Russian "Alt Right" media folks like Anatoly Karlin and Vincent Law and they really dont like the Peoples Republic of China they think China wants to take over Siberia and invade Siberia with Chinese immigrants and projects plus when it comes to Central Asia they are wary of Chinese investments and projects in what they claim is their "turf" and plus Putin is still butthurt about Deng Xiaoping support of the Afghani rebels in the 1980s again plus now that the USA under Trump is countering PRC with trade war and geo-strategic warfare dont be suprised if Trump proposes a "Russo-American" Alliance to counter PRC in the near future once the whole ruckus of the Mueller craphole investgation and "Russiagate" is over anyways Ukraine is fact becoming a frozen conflict Syria is dying down its ripe for that China needs to take reign over the Eurasian ideology soon before this happens.Russia is not the enemy but when its not a friend either we should welcome their overtures but be wary of their double play in geopolitics, China at least for the most part stands with its allies and does not get involve in domestic politics unlike Russia or the USA @Pan-Islamic-Pakistan

Great post brother. I agree 100%. We even have an Islamic scholar, Imran Hosein, proposing an Islamic alliance with Russia and Orthodox Christianity at the expense of Turkey and Bosnia, Kosovo. @TMA

The sooner Muslim countries, especially Turkey, Iran, and Pakistan unite together politically, all these games will be harder to play.

China seems to have genuine goodwill towards the Muslim world, and is trying to help us form a cohesive bloc to block infiltration of the West.

BTW, try using more paragraphs, your post was making me dyslexic.
Great post brother. I agree 100%. We even have an Islamic scholar, Imran Hosein, proposing an Islamic alliance with Russia and Orthodox Christianity at the expense of Turkey and Bosnia, Kosovo. @TMA

The sooner Muslim countries, especially Turkey, Iran, and Pakistan unite together politically, all these games will be harder to play.

China seems to have genuine goodwill towards the Muslim world, and is trying to help us form a cohesive bloc to block infiltration of the West.

BTW, try using more paragraphs, your post was making me dyslexic.

I am for neutrality for now Turkey and Russia are playing double games for their own geo-startegic goals nothing wrong but us Pakistanis need to get our heads up and be over with "bhai bhai" mentality with everyone, I admire China and Turkey they are allies thick and thin but they are not "bhai bhai" as for Russia I admire Putin for saving Russia but he is for Russia First only, and their geo-political goals

China should take lead in the Eurasian project over Russia, Russia economy is very dependent on Oil and Gas only China despite the trade war and its effects has the manufacturing prowess and tech that Russia is lacking

Imran Hossein I respect his views I disagree with him but he is right on the Yugoslavia break up a lot of Muslims have very dim view of the Serbs and Croats but dont understand the seeds of hatred between the Southern Slavic groups was planted in the late 1980s and early 1990s Yugoslavia was bulkwarck against NATO and Western expansion under Tito and also kept Russia in line not its gone and most of the Balkans is a NATO base and Serbia double play with EU/Russia is no good

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Imran Hossein I respect his views I disagree with him but he is right on the Yugoslavia break up a lot of Muslims have very dim view of the Serbs and Croats but dont understand the seeds of hatred between the Southern Slavic groups was planted in the late 1980s and early 1990s Yugoslavia was bulkwarck against NATO and Western expansion under Tito and also kept Russia in line not its gone and most of the Balkans is a NATO base and Serbia double play with EU/Russia is no good

Yes, I respect him as well, though I vehemently disagree with his stance on Orthodox Christian alliance. Incidentally, I know him personally.
All its going to take is the total financial collapse of America which is coming very soon. After that puppet states of Egypt and Jordan will collapse and arms will flow to the Palestinians. At this point it will more or less be over.
You know as an independent power, Iran already, defacto owns it.We have done this many times before in history........nothing new for us.

All its going to take is the total financial collapse of America which is coming very soon. After that puppet states of Egypt and Jordan will collapse and arms will flow to the Palestinians. At this point it will more or less be over.
Key word he uses is "integration". Can you imagine a majority being integrated into a minority narrative especially when it is constantly and unabashedly violently victimized?
There seems to be a few brain cells missing in this whole narrative. Question is how long can they continue and push for the zionist project without monetary assistance from the west, patronage for their atrocities and providing active military defense.
To my fellow Muslim brothers on this forum, discussing the subject of Orthodox Christians. I would urge you to do your research at a more fundamentally unbiased level. Scholar everyone has mentioned, Mr Imran Hosein, has not chosen to identify Orthodox Christians on a whim. There is precedence here, it is up to us, as Muslims to try and understand and unravel the true meaning. I myself have grappled with this subject, which what the esteemed Scholar Imran Hosein stated. It took me years before I did unravel how this whole point about Orthodox Christians really connect with us Muslims. I would share with you what I discovered, but that would defeat the purpose of finding out as critical thinkers. So I do hope that you all do work hard on it to discover the true meaning of what it is. Knowledge is not information, it's value cannot be weighed or measured by tangible perception.
To my fellow Muslim brothers on this forum, discussing the subject of Orthodox Christians. I would urge you to do your research at a more fundamentally unbiased level. Scholar everyone has mentioned, Mr Imran Hosein, has not chosen to identify Orthodox Christians on a whim. There is precedence here, it is up to us, as Muslims to try and understand and unravel the true meaning. I myself have grappled with this subject, which what the esteemed Scholar Imran Hosein stated. It took me years before I did unravel how this whole point about Orthodox Christians really connect with us Muslims. I would share with you what I discovered, but that would defeat the purpose of finding out as critical thinkers. So I do hope that you all do work hard on it to discover the true meaning of what it is. Knowledge is not information, it's value cannot be weighed or measured by tangible perception.

Did you go to Trinidad to meet him?

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