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Jewish News: Iran and Pakistan together are a massive problem

Ahh so they have decided to expose their true colors, haan? These Zionists don't want any Muslim country to be powerful, because that can be a big hurdle for Zionists in accomplishing their sinister plans in Middle East. If only these Arabs didn't lack foresight. The need of the time is for Pakistan and Iran to join forces and stand their ground against these malevolent kafirs.
China played a similiar game when it maintained cordial relations with both USSR and USA.......and in my opinion it went pretty well, didn't it?:azn:

Not really. :lol:

We fought the Korean War against the USA + 16 of her allies combined, and pushed them completely out of North Korea (which has lasted till this day).

We also fought the Soviet Union during the Sino-Soviet split, and ended up having numerous border clashes with them, nearly leading to a full-scale nuclear war.

The USSR was the greater threat for us, so China and America joined together to counter the Soviets in the 1970's. After the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, America no longer needed us to counter any enemy, and now we have an uneasy rivalry between us.

None of that can possibly be described as "going well". :P There is nothing worse than having both the superpowers of the world (USA and USSR) wanting you dead at the same time.
Ahh so they have decided to expose their true colors, haan? These Zionists don't want any Muslim country to be powerful, because that can be a big hurdle for Zionists in accomplishing their sinister plans in Middle East. If only these Arabs didn't lack foresight. The need of the time is for Pakistan and Iran to join forces and stand their ground against these malevolent kafirs.
Let PAKISTAN:pakistan: to look into Kashmir :smitten: first then any other issue.
Yup, I agree, time to move to Mars!
Yanks aren't allowed there.....


Pakistan should give Iran nukes lol.(do mention this)

Whatever What I know when Pakistan tested its nukes on 28 may 1998,after 1 week I ranian foreign minister came to Pakistan.I think he came for this purpose.lol

and we our doing our job.

do your job of killing them.its your job to rape,to make unknown graves.

whatever,what we believe

What do you think we do with our Martyrs, Nail them on a cross??:P

Yanks aren't allowed there.....


gud one Orion :rofl:
What do you think we do with our Martyrs, Nail them on a cross??:P

your martyrs?? then which martyrs??
Tukaram Omble, Vijay Salaskar, Hemant Karkare, Ashok Kamte, Shashank Shinde,Sandeep Unnikrishnan,Gajendra singh,Yogendra Singh Yadav, Manoj Kumar Pandey,Vikram Batra,Anuj Nayyar,Saravannan,Ajay AhujaSanjay Kumar,Rajesh Singh Adikari,Albert Ekka,Nirmal Jit Singh Sekhon,Arun Khetarpal...
For more visit India Gate in New Delhi.....
More or less the same thing. You guys burn them on fire... :agree:
You are right, we cremated our martyrs...whereas you didn't even accept their bodies....:sick:

... 95% of them who join are HINDUS....
conducted a survey, have you??
or is just something you dreamt up last night??:P
Iran and Pakistan bonhomie is impossible as Iran is a Shia majority country whereas Pakistan is a sunni majority country and we all know that Shias and Sunnis have been at each others throats since the beginning of Islam(to be precise after their prophet passed away).

A good example is Pakistan where hundreds have in killed in Karachi alone in Shia-Sunni violence.
You are right, we cremated our martyrs...whereas you didn't even accept their bodies....:sick:

conducted a survey, have you??
or is just something you dreamt up last night??:P

You are talking to me and Rabia who are both Kashmiris. That is more than a dream and a survey... :lol:
Iran and Pakistan bonhomie is impossible as Iran is a Shia majority country whereas Pakistan is a sunni majority country and we all know that Shias and Sunnis have been at each others throats since the beginning of Islam(to be precise after their prophet passed away).

A good example is Pakistan where hundreds have in killed in Karachi alone in Shia-Sunni violence.

And we all know Hindus and pretty much everyone else can't get along either.
The Hindus have mascaraed Sikhs, Muslims, Christians, and even indigenous animist.

Pakistan has 20% Shia population who are extremely patriotic, just like our Sikh, and Christian population.
exact truth.its the fault of the west to let them have nuclear weapons.U.S knew it but to control india they dint stop pakistan.
Ask any nation why south asia is unstable,they will blame these two nations with afghanistan.

the stupidity u guys learn in india, not necesarily world thinks the same, Pakistan didnt want to go nuclear its the india which persuade Pakistan indian fought three wars with Pakistan with routine propogandas to create war type situation the world understand Pakistan's position so tht they couldn't stop Pakistan & they knew india's evil intentions nor they can stop pakistan now.

So let the few idiots keep Barking.:D
I have been advocating Pakistan should have stronger links with Iran for sometime now. I have noticed some Pakistani's have been reticent because of Saudis etc and some Iranians have been reticent because they think India is only a Pakistani problem.

Wake up guys our enemies know us. We should know who are our natural allies.

Zionism and Hindutva are the enemies of Muslims everywhere



Wake up Muslims before it is too late
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