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Jehangir Tareen among 14 ex-ministers to join PTI

Well this is a strategy with which IK will win through rural areas , aren't you the people complaining all the time about it ?
Most of these people would be checked through internal party anti corruption cells.

This is politics like it or not and i do believe there is nothing with with non corrupt old faces joining PTI.

i thought the strategy was to give people an idea about what is happening in this country and how these corrupt leaders are destroying this country
At the end of the day it is not so much who joins PTI, but whether IK can implement institutional reforms that will strengthen law enforcement, accountability etc. and therefore allow the system to prosecute and weed out 'corrupt' politicians and bureaucrats.

Lets wait and see who actually gets tickets to run for NA from the PTI, and whether IK can push through his reforms.

We know that Nawaz's PML-N and Zardari's PPP are not going to do it, since they have done nothing of the sort in the three+ years they have been in power at the Center and in Punjab, so even with some 'old faces', IK deserves a chance to try and 'change' things.

The only option currently aside form IK and the PTI is a return to the Zardari PPP and Sharif PML.

Sir, You don't needs to expose yourself so badly...its a lost cause..!!!
IK will Weed out corruption by first accepting it!! Amazing!!!

Yesterday: IK is a symbol of Change!!
Today: IK is a symbol of "Andhon main Kana Raja"
Tomorrow: Ya-Allah...Ya-Rasool...IK is Beqasoor!!!

Lay Aaee Phir Kahan Par Qismat Hamian Kahan Say;
Yeh tu Wohee Jaga Hai Guzrai thay Ham Jehan Say!!

You are cursing the same old parties and still accepting thier selected lots (who are know "Faslee Batairay for decades) for one way or another!!!

For You the choice is in between PPP, PMLN & PTI
For me the choice is in between PPP, PMLN & Faslee Batairay(Establishment Group)

The stakes and hype which created by IK big mouthing will be enough to take it down in the eyes of public soon!!

In the days to come that equation will becomes more clear and clear to everyone...You cannot fools the public in this age of an independent, vibrant and widespread media anymore!!!
Another joke..... same people which have been tested time and time again are now joining PTI...so how is it a different/new party when it comprises of all the thugs that were previously working with PPP,PML,ANP etc same old lotta-ism trend is prevailing again

I am not expecting much out of PTI too
We should not hate a person due to his bad act but the bad act. If a person is ready to change (or is forced to change as has been the case in recent jalsa IK by his/her family members) then why not? If they are ready to adhere to the principles of Imran then why not? They can be given a chance under strict eye of anti corruption cell of PTI.

---------- Post added at 10:17 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:15 AM ----------

I am not expecting much out of PTI too
So you want Zardari or Sharif back in power (Khuda Na Khawasta)?? I don't see any other suitable option to replace them then Imran Khan.
So you want Zardari or Sharif back in power (Khuda Na Khawasta)?? I don't see any other suitable option to replace them then Imran Khan.

Do replace everyone to anyone...no one asking you to stop voting for IK...
but for God's sack don't make him sacred like bible....bcz he is simply not!!

Is that too much..??

He is an ordinary politician (of course with a big mouth); with an ordinary political mind who quite often mischieveous his own votebank...just to apprise his stature without any remorse whatsoever!!
Do replace everyone to anyone...
no one asking you to stop voting for IK...
But i can see few troubled faces on increasing support for IK.

but for God's sack don't make him sacred like bible....bcz he is simply not!!
Is that too much..??
Did I? When? He is not sacred. He is just a common man with lots of guts and will to change the corrupt system.

He is an ordinary politician (of course with a big mouth); with an ordinary political mind who quite often mischieveous his own votebank...just to apprise his stature without any remorse whatsoever!!
See......! Troubled faces.

But i can see few troubled faces on increasing support for IK.

Did I? When? He is not sacred. He is just a common man with lots of guts and will to change the corrupt system.

See......! Troubled faces.

Let me clear myself again...IK support base is a good omen for the Democracy of our country in the long run...bcz majority of his vote bank consists of those young people who in past....passed the fatefull Voting day by taking a deep nap always, sure they are short of political maturity at this very moment..but they will learn one day finally.

As far as troubled faces are concerns....yes at least i'm troubled...whenever our real masters making fool of my respective countrymen by presenting a new guard with same old rules...i will be troubeld...i will do educate them in my capacity alwasy...Simple!!
As far as troubled faces are concerns....yes at least i'm troubled...whenever our real masters making fool of my respective countrymen by presenting a new guard with same old rules...i will be troubeld...i will do educate them in my capacity alwasy...Simple!!
Together with educating us, illiterate and brain washed people, you should give us an alternative too. Zardar? Sharif? Sab ka bhai Altaf Bhai? or Bacha Khan?
Together with educating us, illiterate and brain washed people, you should give us an alternative too. Zardar? Sharif? Sab ka bhai Altaf Bhai? or Bacha Khan?

The simple answer is...their is no short-cut to maturity ever...!!

For me...the potential inclusion of these 14 people now and furterh in coming days and weeks is like puncturing the very revolution and hope...Bcz one thing is going to be cleared day by day...that their is a planning to held senate elections under a new setup...believe me..still if somehow IK go into the election by his own solely without these injections and big names (which is impossible)...i myslef might go vote him..."whatever the result" bcz a genuine revolution is always blind.....without any strings, conditions...that's the reason everyone dares of it...not welcoming it...specially the "aristocrates"!!

But right from the begining..I just know their is something wrong...i know where its going....I know he cannot deliver...I know he is simply a stooge...he might become PM still but only from a borrowed lader.. and whenever he deviates it can be slipped away as easy as it going to be placed right now for him!!

I'm just fed-up to be fooled on false hopes once again!! May be its your turn or people like you...go get the taste of pudding...by eating...bcz thier is no short cut to maturity ever!!
people i asked you something in post#11 ... not even a single person answered my question .... you dont have answer or dont want to answer ?:pop:
I think there should be no place for any corrupt leader in PTI :agree:
So what i understand from your post is that you don't want to be fooled by a new face which speaks of revolution and change but will not deliver(as per you). Instead you choose tried and tested faces who have no intention of changing for the good of people. So who is fooling who?
So you want Zardari or Sharif back in power (Khuda Na Khawasta)?? I don't see any other suitable option to replace them then Imran Khan.

I never said that !! did i ? but you can't deny the fact which is the lota-ism culture in our society...how often you see strong contenders of one party joining the other emerging one ....It happened during Musharraf era when many members of PML-N joined hands with Musharraf thus resulting into a new party called PML-Q , then Babar Awan was the one who distributed sweets when bhutto was hanged but now he is in PPP and considered as one of the core members ....there are 100s of other incidents ...but have you ever seen a person changing after his entry into another party? nah....they are as they were ...corrupt!!!

So why would there be a turn around this time....all these people may they are from PML-N,PML-Q,PPP or ANP who are joining PTI is not because they left corruption and want to be pure but just because they are seeing a better opportunity for themselves and for their political carriers in PTI due to the defame of PML-N and PPP during their reign

Nobody is doubting Imran Khan but its the people that would work under his party tag that had ambiguous past.A single Imran khan can't control the whole democratic set-up there are 1000s of people involve in the set-up ,even if IK is not corrupt it doesn't guarantee that his party members will also not be corrupt specially those who are coming from other parties ...
I think there should be no place for any corrupt leader in PTI :agree:

IK has repeatedly said that PTI at the moment is open for membership but no corrupt leaders will get tickets from PTI. He has asked people to trust him on this.

Very well said. This surely is an issue which PTI will now face and IK himself has admitted it. The only thing which can control this is a transparent and open system in PTI which can weed out dirty politicians. In the words of IK " If i make alliance with all corrupt people who have been protecting status quo then i cannot bring change once come in power, these will be the first people to stab me in the back"
So what i understand from your post is that you don't want to be fooled by a new face which speaks of revolution and change but will not deliver(as per you). Instead you choose tried and tested faces who have no intention of changing for the good of people. So who is fooling who?

I'm just trying to be rational...as per my experience and belief!! I just don't want to get into a new experiment from page one again....i have enough faith on an existing one...!!

Like i said earlier...may be its your turn to start and learn ABC....finally.....!!!
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