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'Jeeway Pakistan' slogans chanted in anti-India rally in held Kashmir

All are sponsored by the so called pure land's army. What more can be direct evidence of traitors getting support from Pakistan and then the pakistan claim RAW is involved in Baluchistan where as it is other way around.

Shoot at sight for these traitors. No need to feed the snakes.

BTW source link?

ISIS flags!!!!! This is getting serious. Every sympathizer of that horrendous group should be hanged from his balls without warning. An entry of that group in the Indian sub continent will be disastrous for the whole region.
It is not easy to shoot them. They are escorted by many militants and stone pelters.
It will create huge trouble.
Kashmiris have to realize the reality;no amount of chanting or violence is going to give them the so called liberation.There is no way India is going to give up on Kashmir.All these non sensical activities only hurt them and not anyone else. Their tourism industry got hit badly;no investor is interested to set up their businesses.Kashmiris now have only two options.either migrate to a place like Pakistan or be like good Indian citizens which bring them prosperity.of course they can move to some other state in India if anyone wants to see his child as a good doctor,engineer,scientist,entrepreneur etc;but for that they need to hide their identity lest they would be called traitors;but if they hate India that much they should not come to any other indian state.That would be hypocrisy.

Kashmiries dont want to be with indian 1.25 billion people fail to realize this .. its better to realize than later.
one thing for you as indian to learn which is Self respect maybe this word doesnt exist in india but in Kashmir it does exist.. Kashmir is not on sale and for some filthy levrages they are not going to save themselves... your mentality is still like mahraja's who used to sacrifies people for their power sake ..
india sud realize that if they cant control Kashmiries with 700 thousands soildiers then they cant ever..
Kashmir Banaga Pakistan!
Losses on both sides.... :agree:
Every ambush attack cause "Militant escaped".

Illegal occupation cause death of thousand soldiers and security personnel. I will call them mistreated men, not a single officer of entire IMA volunteers for J&K valley.
Yes our freedom fighters are more trained and well educated compared to your forces.
u can believe whatever u want to,,,,,meanwhile Kashmir stays with us
Rag tag bunch of loonies, 4-5 stay incident which the BJP hating media got its panties wet.

Crying wolf: The narrative of the ‘Delhi church attacks’ flies in the face of facts - Firstpost

Nun Rape Case: Police detain two Bangladeshis on suspicion | The Indian Express

Destroy Masjids ??? Hello.. One structure was demolished ? what about the hundreds that are done In Pakistan ? Islam gave you natural immunity ? and again that one was built over a Hindu temple By the marauding looter Babur, (Established by the Archeological Survey.)

These are Criminal Issues and have Courts presiding over them. But i guess from the failed state of Pakistan a working judiciary could seem a pipe dream.

The Khalistan Movement, was supported by your agencies. and the local discontent. But forget it its over dead and buried. other than some nut jobs. There is nothing left of the movement. If you are so Considerate why not Give Balochis their freedom ?
  1. Pakistan's Involvement in Terrorism against India
  2. Pakistan involvement in Sikh terrorism in Punjab based on solid evidence: India : Special Report - India Today
  3. 'CIA, ISI encouraged Sikh terrorism'

Your awesome English, explains a lot about how good your world view is shaped. Which state want to be separate ? like Balochistan ? Is it ?

Yes its an awesome place. The points that you have raised are general law and order issues Not existential Crisis.. 50 saal aur dekh le, we will still be here.. lol.

English doesnt play imp role i guess morality and self respect i wonder why you always after panties did this word come from kamasutra i wont be surprise if majory male in india use's :)...
i wonder why you guys cant control your population belive it was ISI behind this ..
the Pace of you guys going i can bet you buddy you wont be here... if you were not here 70 years ago then you wont be here and yes i mean India...
1000 years of muslim rules in Hindustan doesnt have this much hindu muslim conflict which now hindu ruler brought up.. its mean you dont deserve to be ruler.world have to deal with you same as you deal with dalits or shudur...
and we make sure that you stay in your limits :)
Take a side man. No one is playing games it's all about Two nation theory.
Which was invalidated in 71..Same theory which is now creating rift between Suni and Shias.

After all they can use the same theory to justify the demand of two separate states as they dont have any thing common.

Same goes for Baluchs with rest of the pakistan?
Kashmiries dont want to be with indian 1.25 billion people fail to realize this .. its better to realize than later.
one thing for you as indian to learn which is Self respect maybe this word doesnt exist in india but in Kashmir it does exist.. Kashmir is not on sale and for some filthy levrages they are not going to save themselves... your mentality is still like mahraja's who used to sacrifies people for their power sake ..
india sud realize that if they cant control Kashmiries with 700 thousands soildiers then they cant ever..
Kashmir Banaga Pakistan!
OK.If people want to get blown away by emotions and speeches by headless mullahs,who am I to stop them?As long as Kashmiris(and even Muslims in many parts of the world)indulge in such mindless activities, there is no light even in far future;and about self-respect,what happened to their self respect till 1989?why has their self respect suddenly woke up from sleep only from 1989?you Pakistanis for your revenge on india used Kashmiris as pawns.you instigated them;poor Kashmiris, suffering because of you people and you people are shedding crocodile tears.
If Kashmiris feel their self respect is violated by India they can move back to their central Asian countries from where they once arrived into Kashmir.
English doesnt play imp role i guess morality and self respect i wonder why you always after panties did this word come from kamasutra i wont be surprise if majory male in india use's :)...
i wonder why you guys cant control your population belive it was ISI behind this ..
the Pace of you guys going i can bet you buddy you wont be here... if you were not here 70 years ago then you wont be here and yes i mean India...
1000 years of muslim rules in Hindustan doesnt have this much hindu muslim conflict which now hindu ruler brought up.. its mean you dont deserve to be ruler.world have to deal with you same as you deal with dalits or shudur...
and we make sure that you stay in your limits :)

who said there wasn't conflict ?? did your Madarsa tech you that ? Lol... keep dreaming. English is a modicum of communication In coherent sentence framing does tell a lot about comprehension abilities of history but the books that you have in Pakistan. I wouldn't blame you for it. you guys are laughing stock of the world. Please continue.

Muslim rulers were tyrants. Why is it after even such, 1000 years that India remained a Hindu Majority without resistance. and yes Those Muslim rulers were tyrants.

The biggest holocaust in World History...whitewashed from history | National News | British National Party
Which was invalidated in 71..Same theory which is now creating rift between Suni and Shias.

After all they can use the same theory to justify the demand of two separate states as they dont have any thing common.

Same goes for Baluchs with rest of the pakistan?
Story of dalit and bharmins , hindu muslims sikhs christians.. Kashmiries nexlites maos and sects in South indians..
i wonder why you think you have no problems ... all you see this stuff in Pak its cuz we are not spreading terrorisms and everyone els is .. the more you push the sooner you get what you ask... if you guys think that creating this mess and talking nonsense will convience Pakistan to stay away from this conflict then you are at wrong end of thinking ..

OK.If people want to get blown away by emotions and speeches by headless mullahs,who am I to stop them?As long as Kashmiris(and even Muslims in many parts of the world)indulge in such mindless activities, there is no light even in far future;and about self-respect,what happened to their self respect till 1989?why has their self respect suddenly woke up from sleep only from 1989?you Pakistanis for your revenge on india used Kashmiris as pawns.you instigated them;poor Kashmiris, suffering because of you people and you people are shedding crocodile tears.
If Kashmiris feel their self respect is violated by India they can move back to their central Asian countries from where they once arrived into Kashmir.
it was Kashmiries who inhabitate this side of area .. you have to deal both of em together..
why indian just think really small and it reflects only your prospective look at bigger picture , come out of box this conflict is there from the inception of india and Kashmiries are standing from frist day even when dogra was ruler.. it was your media who didnt show you the true picture.. and i have no doubt that you guys have no idea whats going on in Kashmir cuz you cant go there...
so you think if lets say to 10 people come to mahrashtra or madhar perdesh or any state in india and start demanding seprate country do you think its possible for them to get.. i bet you will say NO.. and its true they cant just cuz its not soul movment it has to be indeginious thing..no one can fool people from 70 years.. i bet you didnt get it .. simply cuz you dont want it and truth hurts .. i know.

who said there wasn't conflict ?? did your Madarsa tech you that ? Lol... keep dreaming. English is a modicum of communication In coherent sentence framing does tell a lot about comprehension abilities of history but the books that you have in Pakistan. I wouldn't blame you for it. you guys are laughing stock of the world. Please continue.

Muslim rulers were tyrants. Why is it after even such, 1000 years that India remained a Hindu Majority without resistance. and yes Those Muslim rulers were tyrants.

The biggest holocaust in World History...whitewashed from history | National News | British National Party

stunt growth also gives a narrow thought i just find out ... true example .. i would like you to stay on this Pakistani forum so people can see the example..
islam didnt spread on force.. or it would not be hard for muslims to convert each and every hindu to be muslims..and look at your way of converting .. Ghar wapsi.. how much you paying people to convert?
keep replying we see you an example even you dont make any sence.
Story of dalit and bharmins , hindu muslims sikhs christians.. Kashmiries nexlites maos and sects in South indians..
i wonder why you think you have no problems ... all you see this stuff in Pak its cuz we are not spreading terrorisms and everyone els is .. the more you push the sooner you get what you ask... if you guys think that creating this mess and talking nonsense will convience Pakistan to stay away from this conflict then you are at wrong end of thinking

My response is to the quote of @engineer saad who brought two nation theory here.

More over, India does not rattify two nation theory hence using it to justify the terrorist moment is not acceptable to India, hence no matter what dalit or bhramins, hindu, muslim sikhs etc you want to list, they cannot justify anything based on two nation theory atleast in India.

We have our own set of problems, but no need to justify it using two nation theory as that theory is a failed one.

Seriously you saying Pakistan is not spreading terrorism. Have you recently joined the internet that you have not read world opinion about Pakistan? Isnt it true almost every terrorist incident in the world has direct or indirect connection with pakistan? Kid, go and read some unbias opion about Pakistan without wearing glasses or blind love towards yourself.

it was Kashmiries who inhabitate this side of area .. you have to deal both of em together..
Some kashmiris muslims not whole of kashmir or kashmiris of other sect. So its not a general kashmir problem. it is brain child of some fanatics who know nothing about peace.
Look buddy I would surely discuss Balochistan but not when you and your countrymen take refuge in this ignorant argument every time. You people keep coming up with Balochistan but unfortunately you have no idea "Except what Doval feeds you" about Balochistan.
Do open the link buddy,the source is pakistani and the author is not Doval.

You dont have to discuss Baluchistan.
Yes or no will do,because you are the one who said wishes of the people.

Dont have double standards buddy.lets not argue for the sake of it.
for every Pakistani flag raised in Indian kashmir i can show you a Pakistani flag burnt in Pakistan.
For every human right voilation you claim in kashmir,i can show you one in Pakistan.
For every disappearence in Kashmir i can show you one in Pakistan.
The list can go on.

But the only difference is,
We call whats happening in Baluchistan and in Kashmir as terrorism
and you claim Baluchistan its terrorism and Kashmir its freedom fighters.
Story of dalit and bharmins , hindu muslims sikhs christians.. Kashmiries nexlites maos and sects in South indians..
i wonder why you think you have no problems ... all you see this stuff in Pak its cuz we are not spreading terrorisms and everyone els is .. the more you push the sooner you get what you ask... if you guys think that creating this mess and talking nonsense will convience Pakistan to stay away from this conflict then you are at wrong end of thinking ..

it was Kashmiries who inhabitate this side of area .. you have to deal both of em together..
why indian just think really small and it reflects only your prospective look at bigger picture , come out of box this conflict is there from the inception of india and Kashmiries are standing from frist day even when dogra was ruler.. it was your media who didnt show you the true picture.. and i have no doubt that you guys have no idea whats going on in Kashmir cuz you cant go there...
so you think if lets say to 10 people come to mahrashtra or madhar perdesh or any state in india and start demanding seprate country do you think its possible for them to get.. i bet you will say NO.. and its true they cant just cuz its not soul movment it has to be indeginious thing..no one can fool people from 70 years.. i bet you didnt get it .. simply cuz you dont want it and truth hurts .. i know.

stunt growth also gives a narrow thought i just find out ... true example .. i would like you to stay on this Pakistani forum so people can see the example..
islam didnt spread on force.. or it would not be hard for muslims to convert each and every hindu to be muslims..and look at your way of converting .. Ghar wapsi.. how much you paying people to convert?
keep replying we see you an example even you dont make any sence.

Stay happy in your dream land and your interpretation that it didn't spread by force, laughable. Stunted Growth, that gives great in sight on your knowledge of Human Neuro sciences. (Scientific, Rational and free thinking isn't a trait I find popular in Pakistanis)

Yes, I'll stay on this 'Pakistani forum', its a good laugh. BTW its spelled "sense".
They can very well raise flags or whatever they have and shout slogans or sing gangnam style in streets as it doesnt change any reality but only give the feelers the usual dreamy ejac every now and then....

Dream On......
Yeh that's alright long live Pakistan. Prosper aswell.

But Kashmir won't be given it's not so easy that a few people raise Pakistani flag and it's done. Kashmiri Muslim might go to Pakistan in future but land will remain here for rest of Indians including Muslim.

That's pragmatic way to look at it. Jihad in Kashmir will work wonder for indian. There must be a few terror activity on Kashmiri so army can crush them.
Do open the link buddy,the source is pakistani and the author is not Doval.

You dont have to discuss Baluchistan.
Yes or no will do,because you are the one who said wishes of the people.

Dont have double standards buddy.lets not argue for the sake of it.
for every Pakistani flag raised in Indian kashmir i can show you a Pakistani flag burnt in Pakistan.
For every human right voilation you claim in kashmir,i can show you one in Pakistan.
For every disappearence in Kashmir i can show you one in Pakistan.
The list can go on.

But the only difference is,
We call whats happening in Baluchistan and in Kashmir as terrorism
and you claim Baluchistan its terrorism and Kashmir its freedom fighters.

Okay for starter let us decide and give me your opinion with all your sanity and thinking

Can Balochistan be equated with Kashmir?
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