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Jawans of our Indian Army slept outside in -9° to keep us warm

Grow up people grow up do something constructive

Each thread you visit on this site turns out to be troll thread sooner or later

From rapes to Ajmal Kasab's identity to terrorism and FATF list dont you guys have something batter to do in your lives rather then bashing each other all day??

Read the news appreciate what they have done and move on. Grow Some Brains

Neecha dekhane me aik dosre ko khud neeche gir jaty hai CHUTIYE
FATF uses peer pressure through the age-old technique of name-and-shame.

You literally described almost every intergovernmental organization out there, including the UN.
Guess what, this particular way of doing things is here to stay.

There are many factors at play and it remains unclear how negative Pakistan’s placement on the grey list will eventually turn out to be.

How greylisting will affect pakistan. www.moneycontrol.com/news/trends/current-affairs-trends/how-featuring-on-the-fatfs-grey-list-can-impact-pakistan-2658931.html/amp

Creeping economic sanctions, trade slowdown and difficulty in getting loans are some of the initial affects of greylisting.
And seeing as how pakistan is having difficulty acquiring IMF loans, it looks like the greylisting is working.

India waging a proxy war against Pakistan through Afghanistan and sending trainined terriost via afghnistan in Pakistan.

More like pakistan fighting wars it had no business fighting in and then using non state actors in those very wars and also using terrorists from its own soil against its neighbors resulting in the terrorist infestation in pakistan which the everyday pakistanis is bearing the major brunt of.

and Regarding terrorism, many in Pakistan disagree with FATF and see the country as a victim of terrorism that has already suffered and sacrificed much.

Unfortunately for pakistanis, It really doesn't matter what pakistanis think about what FATF constitutes for pakistan.
The rhetoric spewed by the pakistani media only works in pakistan, the rest of the world will in fact look at all things objectively and will deal with facts and not feelings.

The Global Terrorism Index 2017 by Institute for Economics & Peace, which describes itself as “an independent, non-partisan, non-profit think tank”, ranks Pakistan as the fifth-most affected country from terrorism, behind Iraq, Afghanistan, Nigeria and Syria.

Is the world supposed to feel sorry for pakistan reaping what it has sown since its inception?

This is a strawman, how much a country supports terrorism is irrespective of how much it is affected by terrorism.
And likewise FATF's purpose is to "combat money laundering, terrorist financing and other related threats to the integrity of the international financial system", so it really doesn't matter how much pakistan has "suffered because of terrorism".
Look at the top 3 nations you mentioned in the GTI 2017, now they are truly affected by terrorism yet they are not in the FATF greylist.

Bottom line is that FATF’s grey listing of Pakistan should not be looked at in isolation but placed in the larger picture of US-Pakistan relations that have had many ups and downs.

Rather double-standardy of you.

Something as crucial as the FATF greylisting and then pakistan's subsequent IMF bailout dilemma is just ups & downs of pak-US relations whereas Pentagon changing offices spells doom for India-US ties?

Someone's rather hopeful.

Considering the continuous conflict of interests between Washington and New Delhi, and partly because of greater preoccupation with conflicts in the Middle East and East Asia, the Trump administration seems to have crystalized its relationship with India.

That is literally not true and saying so continously for the umpteenth time won't make it true neither.


As per the new Act Trump signed on the 31st of December 2018, called the Asia Reassurance Initiative Act of 2018.
(a) In General.—The United States Government—

(1) recognizes the vital role of the strategic partnership between the United States and India in promoting peace and security in the Indo-Pacific region;

(2) calls for the strengthening and broadening of diplomatic, economic, and security ties between the United States and India; and

(3) is committed to—

(A) the New Framework for the United States-India Defense Relationship, done at Arlington, Virginia on June 28, 2005;

(B) the United States-India Defense Technology and Trade Initiative, launched in 2012;

(C) the Joint Strategic Vision for the Indo-Pacific and Indian Ocean Region, announced on January 25, 2015;

(D) the United States-India Joint Statement on Prosperity Through Partnership, issued on June 26, 2017; and

(E) all related and subsequent bilateral and security agreements and arrangements concluded as of the date of the enactment of this Act.

(b) India As Major Defense Partner.—Congress makes the following findings:

(1) Section 1292(a)(1)(A) of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2017
Public Law 114–328; 130 Stat. 2559; 22 U.S.C. 2751 note) requires the recognition of India as a major defense partner.

(2) The designation of India as a major defense partner, which is unique to India—

(A) institutionalizes the progress made to facilitate defense trade and technology sharing between the United States and India;

(B) elevates defense trade and technology cooperation between the United States and India to a level commensurate with the closest allies and partners of the United States;

(C) facilitates technology sharing between the United States and India, including license-free access to a wide range of dual-use technologies, after taking into account national security concerns; and

(D) facilitates joint exercises, coordination on defense strategy and policy, military exchanges, and port calls in support of defense cooperation between the United States and India.


The administration’s increased engagement with Pakistan on the issue of Afghanistan might have also come at the expense of Indo-US ties and the ouster of the “India office” from the Pentagon.

What you call "increased engagement" is basically pakistan feeling the stick after years of carrots.
The stick from Chacha Trump has led to pakistan complying with nigh anything US so deems necessary.
This happens once in a while, US barks and then pak complies proclaiming windfall in US-pak relationship and then a while after pakistan goes back to its usual tactics.

But that's a very unique pakistani spin you have put on it.

As for the Pentagon bit.
You can gorge on those 'khyali pulaos' of India-US ties souring coz Pentagon moved its office for whatever reason or realise that it is just speculation.
And then look at the actual, real things that happened in 2018 in which Pentagon was directly involved in and not rumors.



India is not the natural ally of the US; it is as clear as a midsummer sky.

India is more of a useful and sane ally than pakistan ever was or will be.

US is leaving India alone in Afghnistan , it is too bad , this is a Trump punishmnet to you on purchase of S-400 and Iraninian oil , you fired :-)
after US leaves afghanistan , Tera keya hoga Kalia :-)

Yawn, reports of US "leaving Afghanistan" has been doing the rounds since 2008, I remember how pakistanis were jumping all over the place when Obama's 2nd term was to end and US had ordered drawdown of troops, we are yet to see a true withdrawal.
Indian soft power ops in Afghanistan weren't halted then, and it won't halt now.

I hope you aren't suggesting that Trump withdrew troops only to punish India; Turkey and Saudi Arabia are buying S-400s too, is Trump "punishing" them for the same?
As much as we are buying from Russia we have also increased our weapons volume from US as well.

The White House and Pentagon are not the same and they don't always agree to the same solutions for a problem.
Yes, the Pentagon and the particular administration in power usually do have to act wrt each other and the President holds the most sway.
But realise, that administrations change and so do their ideas on the middle east but the bureaucracy of Pentagon passes on its strategies and povs, is rather obstinate and worst of all(at least for pakistan) they hold a rather long-termed sway over USA's foreign policy.

But, this is all moot.
As per this year alone, the landmark events between India and US proves that both Washington and the Pentagon are on the same foot wrt India and Pakistan i.e. pro-India and anti-pakistan.

Hence, you should consider it the norm from now on that the current US strategic relationship with India which has been developing incrementally for years now whereas that with pakistan has been worsening, is how it will likely be for a long time to come.
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You literally described almost every intergovernmental organization out there, including the UN.
Guess what, this particular way of doing things is here to stay.

How greylisting will affect pakistan. www.moneycontrol.com/news/trends/current-affairs-trends/how-featuring-on-the-fatfs-grey-list-can-impact-pakistan-2658931.html/amp

Creeping economic sanctions, trade slowdown and difficulty in getting loans are some of the initial affects of greylisting.
And seeing as how pakistan is having difficulty acquiring IMF loans, it looks like the greylisting is working.

More like pakistan fighting wars it had no business fighting in and then using non state actors in those very wars and also using terrorists from its own soil against its neighbors resulting in the terrorist infestation in pakistan which the everyday pakistanis is bearing the major brunt of.

Unfortunately for pakistanis, It really doesn't matter what pakistanis think about what FATF constitutes for pakistan.
The rhetoric spewed by the pakistani media only works in pakistan, the rest of the world will in fact look at all things objectively and will deal with facts and not feelings.

Is the world supposed to feel sorry for pakistan reaping what it has sown since its inception?

This is a strawman, how much a country supports terrorism is irrespective of how much it is affected by terrorism.
And likewise FATF's purpose is to "combat money laundering, terrorist financing and other related threats to the integrity of the international financial system", so it really doesn't matter how much pakistan has "suffered because of terrorism".
Look at the top 3 nations you mentioned in the GTI 2017, now they are truly affected by terrorism yet they are not in the FATF greylist.

Rather double-standardy of you.

Something as crucial as the FATF greylisting and then pakistan's subsequent IMF bailout dilemma is just ups & downs of pak-US relations whereas Pentagon changing offices spells doom for India-US ties?

Someone's rather hopeful.

That is literally not true and saying so continously for the umpteenth time won't make it true neither.


As per the new Act Trump signed on the 31st of December 2018, called the Asia Reassurance Initiative Act of 2018.
(a) In General.—The United States Government—

(1) recognizes the vital role of the strategic partnership between the United States and India in promoting peace and security in the Indo-Pacific region;

(2) calls for the strengthening and broadening of diplomatic, economic, and security ties between the United States and India; and

(3) is committed to—

(A) the New Framework for the United States-India Defense Relationship, done at Arlington, Virginia on June 28, 2005;

(B) the United States-India Defense Technology and Trade Initiative, launched in 2012;

(C) the Joint Strategic Vision for the Indo-Pacific and Indian Ocean Region, announced on January 25, 2015;

(D) the United States-India Joint Statement on Prosperity Through Partnership, issued on June 26, 2017; and

(E) all related and subsequent bilateral and security agreements and arrangements concluded as of the date of the enactment of this Act.

(b) India As Major Defense Partner.—Congress makes the following findings:

(1) Section 1292(a)(1)(A) of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2017
Public Law 114–328; 130 Stat. 2559; 22 U.S.C. 2751 note) requires the recognition of India as a major defense partner.

(2) The designation of India as a major defense partner, which is unique to India—

(A) institutionalizes the progress made to facilitate defense trade and technology sharing between the United States and India;

(B) elevates defense trade and technology cooperation between the United States and India to a level commensurate with the closest allies and partners of the United States;

(C) facilitates technology sharing between the United States and India, including license-free access to a wide range of dual-use technologies, after taking into account national security concerns; and

(D) facilitates joint exercises, coordination on defense strategy and policy, military exchanges, and port calls in support of defense cooperation between the United States and India.


What you call "increased engagement" is basically pakistan feeling the stick after years of carrots.
The stick from Chacha Trump has led to pakistan complying with nigh anything US so deems necessary.
This happens once in a while, US barks and then pak complies proclaiming windfall in US-pak relationship and then a while after pakistan goes back to its usual tactics.

But that's a very unique pakistani spin you have put on it.

As for the Pentagon bit.
You can gorge on those 'khyali pulaos' of India-US ties souring coz Pentagon moved its office for whatever reason or realise that it is just speculation.
And then look at the actual, real things that happened in 2018 in which Pentagon was directly involved in and not rumors.



India is more of a useful and sane ally than pakistan ever was or will be.

Yawn, reports of US "leaving Afghanistan" has been doing the rounds since 2008, I remember how pakistanis were jumping all over the place when Obama's 2nd term was to end and US had ordered drawdown of troops, we are yet to see a true withdrawal.
Indian soft power ops in Afghanistan weren't halted then, and it won't halt now.

I hope you aren't suggesting that Trump withdrew troops only to punish India; Turkey and Saudi Arabia are buying S-400s too, is Trump "punishing" them for the same?
As much as we are buying from Russia we have also increased our weapons volume from US as well.

The White House and Pentagon are not the same and they don't always agree to the same solutions for a problem.
Yes, the Pentagon and the particular administration in power usually do have to act wrt each other and the President holds the most sway.
But realise, that administrations change and so do their ideas on the middle east but the bureaucracy of Pentagon passes on its strategies and povs, is rather obstinate and worst of all(at least for pakistan) they hold a rather long-termed sway over USA's foreign policy.

But, this is all moot.
As per this year alone, the landmark events between India and US proves that both Washington and the Pentagon are on the same foot wrt India and Pakistan i.e. pro-India and anti-pakistan.

Hence, you should consider it the norm from now on that the current US strategic relationship with India which has been developing incrementally for years now whereas that with pakistan has been worsening, is how it will likely be for a long time to come.
Pakistan was on the FATF grey-list from 2012 to 2015, a period during which it successfully completed an IMF program and raised over $5 billion from the international bond markets. During this period Pakistan’s imports and exports remained stable, evidence that the grey-listing did not raise any significant barriers to trade.
Pakistan has survived previous rounds of international pressure and there is scant evidence that the strategic calculus of Pakistan’s security establishment is shifting this time around

if india is not worry about US move out from Afghanistan then why RAW attack Chinese consulate in pakistan
Indian Raw Sponsered Two terriost attacks in Pakistan, including a brazen assault on the Chinese consulate in Karachi, are likely to complicate Prime Minister Imran Khan's efforts to renegotiate China's massive, controversial Belt and Road investments as well as an International Monetary Fund (IMF) bailout and ensure that Pakistan is shielded from blacklisting by an international anti-money laundering and terrorism finance watchdog. Thank you very much you already explained us here what you orchestra.

and If India is an important part of the new Indo-Pacific strategy of the United States, why has the Pentagon moved the India office out of the iconic building to a secondary address?
for S-400 we have cost-effective solution https://www.dawn.com/news/1455467/army-inducts-indigenously-developed-a-100-rocket-to-its-arsenal
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waise tourists aisi jagah par kyon chale jaate hain ?

Bhai sahab, tourists go to normal places before calamities take place. Now in mountains, this is natural and expected that there would be something dangerous. Which is why we all pahadis keep warning signs posted everywhere. :D
Very good

But i sleep regulary on glaciers Baltoro, baifo, austing Godwin at concordia and temp drop to minus 20 and i am in a tent. Here is a pic of my tent at concordia with Mekra peak atvthe back to the left of this pic not in image is broad peak and K2 (2nd image)View attachment 529630 View attachment 529631

Beautiful pics, Wish I could be there sometime...
Yes -9 is not a huge drop for people who are used to winter conditions. But it can be a severe cold for many from flat lands, where they see lowest of 12-15C.

Its already -11 in LEH and it remains majorly between -10 to -20 during winter months.
Beautiful pics, Wish I could be there sometime...
Yes -9 is not a huge drop for people who are used to winter conditions. But it can be a severe cold for many from flat lands, where they see lowest of 12-15C.

Its already -11 in LEH and it remains majorly between -10 to -20 during winter months.
Viny. I couldnt agree more. This area sadly due to the politics of us neighbours you eont be allowed to go but other place you can visit. Just like indian (i have visited) Pakistan is beautiful and its people very warm and welcoming as long as you are. I am sure you would enjoy it as much as i enjoyed india
Pakistani Government as well as majority of Pakistanis don’t consider Hafiz Saeed a terrorist. Hafiz Saeed runs a charity based organization in Pakistan named “Falah-e-Insaniayt Foundation (FIF)” which does social works in Pakistan as well as in other countries. FIF gives food to poor people, provides emergency aid to the people injured in road accidents, arranges water in the water-scarce areas of Pakistan which include Balouchistan and Hindu dominant areas (Thar), installs water filtration plants, gives ration and other relief goods to t

The victims of natural disasters such as earthquake, flood etc , arranges shelters for refuges, runs handicraft schools for poor people etc.

FIF does social works for the people irrespective of their religion, cast, and color. When Hafiz Saeed was put under house arrest, the Hindus of Thar protested and demanded immediate end to his house arrest as Hafiz saeed arranges water, food and medical aid for them. Hindus protest Hafiz Saeed’s house arrest - The Express Tribune

There is no single charge of terror attack in Pakistan on Hafiz Saeed while India claims that Hafiz is behind major terror attacks in India. India accuses Hafiz Saeed for being the mastermind of 26/11 attack in Mumbi. A case was filed against Hafiz Saeed for Mumbai attack in Lahore high court. On the order of Lahore high court a pakistani group visited India to collect evidence but Indian govt. didn’t allow the team to meet Ajmal Kassab fearing that the drama of Ajmal Kasab may get exposed. Upon this unresponsive behavior of Indian govt the Lahore High court dismissed all charges against Hafiz saeed.

Haffiz Saeed supports the struggle of Kashmiries against Indian brutalities. Hafiz Saeed claims that he does not run any Jihadi camp but he politically supports Kasmir’s freedom movement. Indian media seldom spew venom against Hafiz saeed and that’s why the hearts of Indian people are filled with hatred for Hafiz.

Here are some pics showing great works of FIF:
View attachment 529609 View attachment 529610 View attachment 529611 View attachment 529612 View attachment 529613 View attachment 529614 View attachment 529615 View attachment 529616 View attachment 529617 View attachment 529618 View attachment 529609 View attachment 529610 View attachment 529611 View attachment 529612 View attachment 529613 View attachment 529614 View attachment 529615 View attachment 529616 View attachment 529617 View attachment 529618 View attachment 529619 View attachment 529620 View attachment 529621 View attachment 529622 View attachment 529623 View attachment 529624 View attachment 529625 View attachment 529609 View attachment 529610 View attachment 529611 View attachment 529612 View attachment 529613 View attachment 529614 View attachment 529615 View attachment 529616 View attachment 529617 View attachment 529618 View attachment 529619 View attachment 529620 View attachment 529621 View attachment 529622 View attachment 529623 View attachment 529624 View attachment 529625

A simple question. If the government don't consider them terror/terror funding organizations, why is your government taking action against them??? Can you please enlighten??


An excerpt from above;

In the Sydney briefing, Pakistani officials told the APG that they have frozen the accounts and assets of the Jamaat ud Dawa and its welfare wing the Falah-e-Insaniat Foundation.
@war&peace @BHarwana @Irfan Baloch
A simple question. If the government don't consider them terror/terror funding organizations, why is your government taking action against them??? Can you please enlighten??


An excerpt from above;

In the Sydney briefing, Pakistani officials told the APG that they have frozen the accounts and assets of the Jamaat ud Dawa and its welfare wing the Falah-e-Insaniat Foundation.
Coming up with a news from October 2018 huh?? I've provided you and asked the questions about the actions taken by your government just a few days back ?? What an irony. LOL :hitwall::hitwall::hitwall:
Samaa TV, Duniya, Aaj, Geo etc all selling Indian Churan here in Pakistan and you think we start to buy it... there's no official news from any Gov channel for your Tall claim but if there's then who cares, Hafeez Saeed and Aghan Taliban are Mujaheddin for us, we have so many media channel who are on Indian payroll, and they do publish whatever India likes to publish.
It is only India and Indians who are permitted to preach and create and practice hatred with their western neighbor and the majority of its inhabitants who are Muslims. And of course, the Kashmiri Muslims are the practicing targets for their army personnel. The RSS and its predecessors and followers have all the rights and privileges to act in any manner whatsoever to harm the Muslims in their own country without being subjected to any questioning or prohibitions imposed over such steps. what a clever hindu double standard mindset ,Salute you on your Cleverness . rolf.

what are you guys doing in our backyard
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Samaa TV, Duniya, Aaj, Geo etc all selling Indian Churan here in Pakistan and you think we start to buy it... there's no official news from any Gov channel for your Tall claim but if there's then who cares, Hafeez Saeed and Aghan Taliban are Mujaheddin for us, we have so many media channel who are on Indian payroll, and they do publish whatever India likes to publish.
It is only India and Indians who are permitted to preach and create and practice hatred with their western neighbor and the majority of its inhabitants who are Muslims. And of course, the Kashmiri Muslims are the practicing targets for their army personnel. The RSS and its predecessors and followers have all the rights and privileges to act in any manner whatsoever to harm the Muslims in their own country without being subjected to any questioning or prohibitions imposed over such steps. what a clever hindu double standard mindset ,Salute you on your Cleverness . rolf.

what are you guys doing in our backyard

Selective amnesia. I know, I know. LOL :sarcastic::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:
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