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Japan's top court has approved blanket surveillance of the country's Muslims

seems japan is a sane nation.

No country or person who advocates this kind of generalization is civilized let alone sane and I was told on several occasions right on this forum that generalization is wrong. Well, since you say it is right when it is used against Muslims I say it is right when it is used against others as well. Christians enslaved so many peoples, robbed them of their homelands. the world should constantly watch what they are doing. In every Muslim country they are instigating break up of the country and therefore they should be under constant surveillance, each and every single one of them.
Millions have died in middle east and millions are displaced and many more millions will die and will de made homeless very soon all due to just an Assumption by the western states that their was a threat which was never their.And people sittings in caves are a theat. And you still think others are the victims and muslims are the agressors??? Can you explain how?

Those millions have died at the hand of Muslims only. When Muslim can not spare Muslims than to whom else will they spare. So the logic of muslims being victim is flawed. It exactly proves opposite to what you are trying to prove.
Those millions have died at the hand of Muslims only. When Muslim can not spare Muslims than to whom else will they spare. So the logic of muslims being victim is flawed. It exactly proves opposite to what you are trying to prove.
Since when NATO became muslim majority? In this world every wrong happens because of muslims. No?
To every action their is an equal and opposite reaction. Is it that difficult to understand? Yo have done the action and now you are facing the reaction. Its quite simple, better remember this in future.
The terrorists recruit those who have suffered at the hand of western policies and actions.

stop blaming others for your own mistakes.

You attack us and you get crushed. Its a cycle.

Well karma always fullfill its purpose, just like in previous centuries you were on a killing spree for almost a 1000 years in Asia,Africa and America and butchered and slaved millions and then GOD decided to put an end to this and he gave a lesson in the shape of Hitler. Hitler died but he fullfilled his purpose of limiting Europeans to their own homes.

But this time their will be no Hitler, this time your own demographics are gonna change and you know what i mean.:wave:

you make me laugh so hard.

You never faced a war that has your extermination on the cards, did you? Believe me...if europe decides to end you ... you would end.

And why you speak about Karma? You converted to Hinduism now?

You know what that means in your country? :D DEATH! :D
To every action their is an equal and opposite reaction. Is it that difficult to understand? Yo have done the action and now you are facing the reaction. Its quite simple, better remember this in future.
The terrorists recruit those who have suffered at the hand of western policies and actions.

Why do you think that this is a action? Why do not you think that this is a reaction to some action by Muslims...
If you guys think clash of empires or clash of clans are religious war, then I cant provide any logic...

And operation desertstorm and others are religious wars according to u?

Besides I was talking about much recent history, Iran-Iraq war, Iraq's invasion of Kuwait, Lebanon civil war, Black September.
And operation desertstorm and others are religious wars according to u?

Besides I was talking about much recent history, Iran-Iraq war, Iraq's invasion of Kuwait, Lebanon civil war, Black September.
Everything you mentioned are muslims fault alone?
Those millions have died at the hand of Muslims only. When Muslim can not spare Muslims than to whom else will they spare. So the logic of muslims being victim is flawed. It exactly proves opposite to what you are trying to prove.
Who financed and trained Osama bin laden? Who supplied the first financial support and weapons to ISIS at that time they were called moderate rebels?
Who destroyed the federation and entire structure of Iraq? and then left it as is and Iraq went into anarchy

What do you think will happen if we destroy your entire military and political structure? Military and political stuctures are things which keep countries going and prevent in from going into civil war
Where are the weapons of mass destruction? where are the claims that this war will end in two weeks and no civilian damage to Iraq and afghanistan.
stop blaming others for your own mistakes.

You attack us and you get crushed. Its a cycle.

you make me laugh so hard.

You never faced a war that has your extermination on the cards, did you? Believe me...if europe decides to end you ... you would end.

And why you speak about Karma? You converted to Hinduism now?

You know what that means in your country? :D DEATH! :D
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