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Japan's top court has approved blanket surveillance of the country's Muslims


Jul 14, 2014
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'They made us terrorist suspects, we never did anything wrong,' says Japanese Muslim, Mohammed Fujita

Japan's Supreme Court has upheld the government's blanket surveillance of the country's Muslim community.

The court struck down the second appeal by Japanese Muslim plaintiffs against what they perceive as an unconstitutional invasion of their privacy and freedom of religion, reports Al Jazeera.

A 2010 leak of 114 police files revealed nationwide surveillance of Japanese Muslims. The files revealed that Muslim places of worship, halal restaurants and Islam-related organisations across the capital, Tokyo, were being monitored.

Within a few weeks of the leak, the data had been downloaded 10,000 times in 20 different countries from a file-sharing website.

A group of 17 Japanese Muslims, mostly from Middle Eastern and North African countries, decided to sue the Japanese government for infringing on their constitutional rights.

Mohamed Fujita, whose name has been changed, is a native of Japan who converted to Islam over 20 years ago and is one of the 17 plaintiffs fighting the surveillance.

He told Al Jazeera: "They made us terrorist suspects, we never did anything wrong - on the contrary.

The Supreme Court finally dismissed the case after two appeals on 31 May.

The plaintiffs were awarded ¥90 million ($880,000) as compensation due to violation of their privacy by the leak.

However, the presiding judges did not make a judgment on police profiling and surveillance tactics which a lower court had upheld as "necessary and inevitable" to guard against international terrorism.

A lawyer for the plaintiffs, Junko Hayashi said: "We were told we don't have a constitutional case, we're still trying to figure out how it is not constitutional."

Speaking at a Tokyo symposium on government surveillance via weblink, NSA Whistleblower Edward Snowden said: "People of the Islamic faith are more likely to be targeted... despite not having any criminal activities or associations or anything like that in their background, simply because people are afraid."

blanket surveillance? seems japan is a pioneer in this movement.
I guess the New York Police Department, which ended their blanket program, is stupid?

new york suffered several thousand victims because this ideology. we are at war with this "people". I expect my government to take care about our security. if this means blanket surveillance of all muslims so be ig.
new york suffered several thousand victims because this ideology. we are at war with this "people". I expect my government to take care about our security. if this means blanket surveillance of all muslims so be ig.
To every action their is an equal and opposite reaction. Is it that difficult to understand? Yo have done the action and now you are facing the reaction. Its quite simple, better remember this in future.
The terrorists recruit those who have suffered at the hand of western policies and actions.
new york suffered several thousand victims because this ideology. we are at war with this "people". I expect my government to take care about our security. if this means blanket surveillance of all muslims so be ig.

Just don't b!tch about it when they come after your freedoms.

Ended it? That is optimistic at best. my guess is they have made the information about the program more secure that public doesn't get to know about it anymore.

They've probably established more solid informants rather than just blanket surveillance.
To every action their is an equal and opposite reaction. Is it that difficult to understand? Yo have done the action and now you are facing the reaction. Its quite simple, better remember this in future.
The terrorists recruit those who have suffered at the hand of western policies and actions.
Vietnam has suffered,japan has suffered for example,not one incident of terrorism.Muslims easly get offended so i wont say much.
Vietnam has suffered,japan has suffered for example,not one incident of terrorism.Muslims easly get offended so i wont say much.
Millions have died in middle east and millions are displaced and many more millions will die and will de made homeless very soon all due to just an Assumption by the western states that their was a threat which was never their.And people sittings in caves are a theat. And you still think others are the victims and muslims are the agressors??? Can you explain how?

Modern day Islam, Since from the Day Prophet Muhammad SAW started preching it is 1400 years old, how old are Al qaeda ( which was trained and financed by US in afghanistan durig 1970) and ISIS?

Why werent these muslims killing the infidels during the last 1400 years? oh wait, I Forgot they were under the slavery and occupation by western states
To every action their is an equal and opposite reaction. Is it that difficult to understand? Yo have done the action and now you are facing the reaction. Its quite simple, better remember this in future.
The terrorists recruit those who have suffered at the hand of western policies and actions.
So you mean Islamic/Muslim radicals/crazies/terrorists will start bombing Japan as well, because of this?lool Good justification
Before they start, i will advice them to bare in mind that Japanese or east Asian society is not as politically correct as we in the west. So if they dare attack or kill even one Japanese through their suicide bombing/recruiting Muslim 'oppressed/angry' youths there, they should be ready for mass deportations(the tiny few Muslims who are there anyway)retaliations. . They definitely have no idea of Japanese Bushido spirit/discipline. Let them try.:lol:
if you had argued your case from a different perspective, i would have understood, but you trying to say Islamic/Muslim terrorist will join terrorist groups and blow people up because of Japanese government oppression/actions is exactly same tactic Islamic radicals use to justify naive muslim who join terrorist groups to blow people up. if that was the case then Sub Saharan African countries from south Africa to Botswana to Côte d'ivoire, will be the hottest bed of terrorism/suicide bombings worldwide. Yet they are not, despite sub Saharan African countries suffering from more poverty,oppression than anywhere else.
Vietnam has suffered,japan has suffered for example,not one incident of terrorism.Muslims easly get offended so i wont say much.
Who cares anyway? let them carry on killing each other in the name of Allah, and blaming the west, if it makes them feel better then so be it.:pop:

Huh....too bad blaming others never really helped any country.:bad:
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Who cares anyway? let them carry on killing each other in the name of Allah, and blaming the west, if it makes them feel better then so be it.:pop:

Huh....too bad blaming others never really helped any country.:bad:
Well karma always fullfill its purpose, just like in previous centuries you were on a killing spree for almost a 1000 years in Asia,Africa and America and butchered and slaved millions and then GOD decided to put an end to this and he gave a lesson in the shape of Hitler. Hitler died but he fullfilled his purpose of limiting Europeans to their own homes.

But this time their will be no Hitler, this time your own demographics are gonna change and you know what i mean.:wave:
Well karma always fullfill its purpose, just like in previous centuries you were on a killing spree for almost a 1000 years in Asia,Africa and America and butchered and slaved millions and then GOD decided to put an end to this and he gave a lesson in the shape of Hitler. Hitler died but he fullfilled his purpose of limiting Europeans to their own homes.

But this time their will be no Hitler, this time your own demographics are gonna change and you know what i mean.:wave:

You are comparing World wars we fought around the globe for world domination/interests to your little sectarian senseless wars?? Ol boyyyyy. :lol:
Millions have died in middle east and millions are displaced and many more millions will die and will de made homeless very soon all due to just an Assumption by the western states that their was a threat which was never their.And people sittings in caves are a theat. And you still think others are the victims and muslims are the agressors??? Can you explain how?

Modern day Islam, Since from the Day Prophet Muhammad SAW started preching it is 1400 years old, how old are Al qaeda ( which was trained and financed by US in afghanistan durig 1970) and ISIS?

Why werent these muslims killing the infidels during the last 1400 years? oh wait, I Forgot they were under the slavery and occupation by western states
I gave you example of millons dead,but they dint start terrorism.
Slave japan is racist just like their master usa.
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