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Japan’s Anti-China Coalition Is Dangerous

I don't understand this. So a Vietnamese prime minister doesn't has some weight in the Vietnam decision making? So who sign the agreement between you and Pinoy, then you and Malay, and you and Japan? You said that you have settled your border dispute with Pinoy. Who signed that? Your parliament? You also said that you have settled your dispute with Malaysia. Who signed that treaty? Then what about the alliance between you and Japan? who decide that? if Vietnamese prime minister doesn't has any weight in any Vietnam decision, then you just want to cheat Pinoy, Malaysia, and Japan.

Who know after you kick China in the future You can said the same thing to Pinoy and Malaysia. You can just said that PM had no right to decide about Vietnam sovereignty. It is your parliament. So, you can just send your warship to kick Pinoy and Malaysia; then take over then whole Spratly and Paracel islands. Who know you will betray japan and argue that Vietnam PM doesn't has any "right" to decide.

@Brainsucker ,

It is evident in this regard that the status quo must be maintained. To prevent unwanted military conflict in the south china sea, there must be the ratification of a binding Code of Conduct of the Seas amongst the claimants of the waters in South China Sea. China, Vietnam, the Philippines, Malaysia, Brunei, and Indonesia must sit down and through multilateral dialogue, establish standard operation procedures. Then it should be witnessed by major powers that will act as guarantors of peace and stability; namely, it will be the United States, Japan and Russia.
I don't understand this. So a Vietnamese prime minister doesn't has some weight in the Vietnam decision making? So who sign the agreement between you and Pinoy, then you and Malay, and you and Japan? You said that you have settled your border dispute with Pinoy. Who signed that? Your parliament? You also said that you have settled your dispute with Malaysia. Who signed that treaty? Then what about the alliance between you and Japan? who decide that? if Vietnamese prime minister doesn't has any weight in any Vietnam decision, then you just want to cheat Pinoy, Malaysia, and Japan.

Who know after you kick China in the future You can said the same thing to Pinoy and Malaysia. You can just said that PM had no right to decide about Vietnam sovereignty. It is your parliament. So, you can just send your warship to kick Pinoy and Malaysia; then take over then whole Spratly and Paracel islands. Who know you will betray japan and argue that Vietnam PM doesn't has any "right" to decide.
No, we dont settle the dispute with any one. Dont misunderstand, we will take back all islands when the right time come. But we will respect their EEZ base on UNCLOSS.

What is the treaty with Japan that we signed ?? No we have No alliance treaty with anyone now.
@Brainsucker ,

It is evident in this regard that the status quo must be maintained. To prevent unwanted military conflict in the south china sea, there must be the ratification of a binding Code of Conduct of the Seas amongst the claimants of the waters in South China Sea. China, Vietnam, the Philippines, Malaysia, Brunei, and Indonesia must sit down and through multilateral dialogue, establish standard operation procedures. Then it should be witnessed by major powers that will act as guarantors of peace and stability; namely, it will be the United States, Japan and Russia.

I agree with this "status quo" :) Vietnam already has 26 islands in Spratly. China already has Paracel and some islands in Spratly. They should stick to those that they have owned. For China, they should return the scarborough Shoal to Pinoy.
if Vietnam can betray Russia (I don't think it is happen yet), then they can also betray you in the future. Well, but just like what Lord Palmertson said, there is just permanent interest :D Vietnam owes too much to Russia

Vietnam owes nothing to Russia. If one uses the antecedent that Russia provided political support and materials support to Vietnam vis a vis China during the Vietnamese War , then one should consider the fact that the war was already used as a propaganda campaign by the USSR to showcase 'western/ capitalist' aggression. Russia benefited from Vietnam, as well, by shattering American military invincibility. So i believe that the two paid each other off.

Vietnam owes its own self and its people -- who bore the brunt of that war. To which, did achieve tactical victory. The unification of both South and North Vietnam.

Vietnam is the sole decider of the destiny of Vietnam. Not Russia , the US or Japan. This is the way of diplomacy. Theatres always change. Enemies become friends; friends become enemies.
No, we dont settle the dispute with any one. Dont misunderstand, we will take back all islands when the right time come. But we will respect their EEZ base on UNCLOSS.

What is the treaty with Japan that we signed ?? No we have No alliance treaty with anyone now.
That's correct. Viet Nam has 3 noes policy regarding this dispute in the Spratlys: no negotiation, no friendship, no peace with the enemy as long as they still hold our Paracel islands.
Vietnam owes nothing to Russia. If one uses the antecedent that Russia provided political support and materials support to Vietnam vis a vis China during the Vietnamese War , then one should consider the fact that the war was already used as a propaganda campaign by the USSR to showcase 'western/ capitalist' aggression. Russia benefited from Vietnam, as well, by shattering American military invincibility. So i believe that the two paid each other off.

Vietnam owes its own self and its people -- who bore the brunt of that war. To which, did achieve tactical victory. The unification of both South and North Vietnam.

Vietnam is the sole decider of the destiny of Vietnam. Not Russia , the US or Japan. This is the way of diplomacy. Theatres always change. Enemies become friends; friends become enemies.

Not only that, Russia did help Vietnam in their Sino-Vietnam war too.
But we have No choice while Russian bro can not help VN now coz she get bogged down in Crime . If we dont join to US. side, then China will join to US. side like 1979 , beg for support and attack VN again .

We r not worry if fighting one to one with China, but we know China willing to beg for US support again, so we have no choice, but join with US side first.
Future confrontation in the world will be between Russia / China and the United States. The world will return to a multipolar system of relations. You can not go to the side of United States , eager to undivided power over the world, this is wrong. Especially, they still lose.
I agree with this "status quo" :) Vietnam already has 26 islands in Spratly. China already has Paracel and some islands in Spratly. They should stick to those that they have owned. For China, they should return the scarborough Shoal to Pinoy.

Incidentally, if you study the 10 dashed claim, the Natuna Islands also fall within the Chinese claim. As you know, the Natuna Islands are administered by the Indonesians:


Future confrontation in the world will be between Russia / China and the United States. The world will return to a multipolar system of relations. You can not go to the side of United States , eager to undivided power over the world, this is wrong. Especially, they still lose.

So , in other words, the price Vietnam has to pay to remain in the Russian camp is its territorial integrity?
Incidentally, if you study the 10 dashed claim, the Natuna Islands also fall within the Chinese claim. As you know, the Natuna Islands are administered by the Indonesians:


So , in other words, the price Vietnam has to pay to remain in the Russian camp is its territorial integrity?
Nobody is going to divide Vietnam. Territorial disputs can be solved after the world gendarme lose power over the Earth. Do you seriously think that the U.S. is interested in the territorial integrity of Vietnam?

So , in other words, the price Vietnam has to pay to remain in the Russian camp is its territorial integrity?
That will never happen. Territorial integrity is the numero uno priority of Vietnam. Terriorial integrity triumphs every other Vietnamese concern,..even our lives. This is why Viet Nam is looking to diversify our weapon suppliers and starting to look at non-Russian sources like Israel, Europe, Japan, South Korea,...and even the U.S
Incidentally, if you study the 10 dashed claim, the Natuna Islands also fall within the Chinese claim. As you know, the Natuna Islands are administered by the Indonesians:


Since when it become "10" dashed line? And I also already aware of this 9 dash line. we prepare for China, but we are not blindly to support Vietnam, Pinoy or Malaysia to get more islands in Paracel and Spratly. We support them of what they have already have today. That's mean Vietnam's 26 islands in Spratly. But for their crusade to get Paracel Island? Nope.

Plus, it is not Natuna Islands. It is "our" sea that located north east of Natuna Islands. But, you don't have to worry. We will prepare Natuna with our best. It will be very costly for China if they dare to disturb our land.
Nobody is going to divide Vietnam. Territorial disputs can be solved after the world gendarme lose power over the Earth. Do you seriously think that the U.S. is interested in the territorial integrity of Vietnam?

I'm not speaking for the United States, but knowing the geopolitical calculation tendency of the United States in Asia, they are interested in preserving the status quo. The Vietnamese have made it evident that violation of their territorial integrity, case in point the recent Chinese oil rig, will lead to domestic unrest in Vietnam. This is understandable considering the fact that it was only some 60 years ago when Vietnam ejected the last vestiges of foreign colonialism in their country. To them, to the Vietnamese psychology, national integrity is important.

The view is , if China does not stand down, and continues on unilateral actions, it will trigger consequential military conflict in that region.

The United States, in this case, understands how territorial integrity of Vietnam is critical to peace and stability in that region. The same goes for the US' position regarding the Philippines.

That will never happen. Territorial integrity is the numero uno priority of Vietnam. Terriorial integrity triumphs every other Vietnamese concern,..even our lives. This is why Viet Nam is looking to diversify our weapon suppliers and starting to look at non-Russian sources like Israel, Europe, Japan, South Korea,...and even the U.S

Precisely. The communicative dialogue I had with @vostok revealed that he (vostok) believes that the world order will be placated on a bipolar : 1) US - led , and 2) Russia/China led. Apparently, if Vietnam is to remain in the Russian-China camp, it must acquiesce. For sure the Chinese , from their current language , don't seem to be inching signs to reconsider their position.

This entire incident should make the Vietnamese leadership re-think its strategic relationship with Russia. And consider other options.

it is not Natuna Islands. It is "our" sea that located north east of Natuna Islands.

Thank you for that clarification @Brainsucker .
I'm not speaking for the United States, but knowing the geopolitical calculation tendecy of the United States in Asia, they are interested in preserving the status quo. The Vietnamese have made it evident that violation of their territorial integrity, case in point the recent Chinese oil rig, will lead to domestic unrest in Vietnam. This is understandable considering the fact that it was only some 60 years ago when Vietnam ejected the last vestiges of foreign colonialism in their country. To them, to the Vietnamese psychology, national integrity is important.

The view is , if China does not stand down, and continues on unilateral actions, it will trigger consequential military conflict in that region.

The United States, in this case, understands how territorial integrity of Vietnam is critical to peace and stability in that region. The same goes for the US' position regarding the Philippines.
For America, the "status quo" - means to save undivided power over the world. With all the attendant profits from it. And Americans will do anything to create a zone of instability around Russia / China. All people who fall into this zone - will lose much more than the islands in the sea. These people may lose their statehood, peace and goods.
Problems with the islands can be effectively solve after the establishment of multipolarity.
For America, the "status quo" - means to save undivided power over the world. With all the attendant profits from it. And Americans will do anything to create a zone of instability around Russia / China. All people who fall into this zone - will lose much more than the islands in the sea. These people may lose their statehood, peace and goods.
Problems with the islands can be effectively solve after the establishment of multipolarity.

And, pray may I ask @vostok , how will the island dispute be addressed? Speficially, how will this new Russia - China collective find solution amongst the claimants? Please provide your enlightened opinion. I'd like to hear the Russian viewpoint.
I'm not speaking for the United States, but knowing the geopolitical calculation tendency of the United States in Asia, they are interested in preserving the status quo. The Vietnamese have made it evident that violation of their territorial integrity, case in point the recent Chinese oil rig, will lead to domestic unrest in Vietnam. This is understandable considering the fact that it was only some 60 years ago when Vietnam ejected the last vestiges of foreign colonialism in their country. To them, to the Vietnamese psychology, national integrity is important.

The view is , if China does not stand down, and continues on unilateral actions, it will trigger consequential military conflict in that region.

The United States, in this case, understands how territorial integrity of Vietnam is critical to peace and stability in that region. The same goes for the US' position regarding the Philippines.

Precisely. The communicative dialogue I had with @vostok revealed that he (vostok) believes that the world order will be placated on a bipolar : 1) US - led , and 2) Russia/China led. Apparently, if Vietnam is to remain in the Russian-China camp, it must acquiesce. For sure the Chinese , from their current language , don't seem to be inching signs to reconsider their position.

This entire incident should make the Vietnamese leadership re-think its strategic relationship with Russia. And consider other options.

Thank you for that clarification @Brainsucker .

Since when Uncle Sam care about the territorial Integrity of some nation? LOL. What they only care is pivoting China for their own interest :D US is not better than China.
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