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Japanese plan in Indian ocean and Bangladesh

are you sure about active personal ? :blink: seems very low because bangladesh has total 3,50,000 military personnel (excluding navy and airforce)

Numbers don't matter. Bangladesh, China, Pakistan, India has more soldiers due to their huge population. 250k for a Self Defense Force is actually quite high.
3,50,000 :woot: isn't that too much? :/

no ! ! it is small number :/ beside Japan has big defense budget than India but India has more strength than Japan all over. It is just weird :undecided:

Numbers don't matter. Bangladesh, China, Pakistan, India has more soldiers due to their huge population.

i think salary is key issue :D
Not Tokyo, but some of BD posters said of a Japanese naval base in Bangladesh. Japn's self defence force has about 270,000 troops and in terms of strength its forces are 8th in the world. Japan has all the needed technology to build up a strong military if it wants to do so.

Not talking about its total military strength during WWll, it will be suffice to say that Japan had built a total of 460 units of large, medium and small submarines before and during that war. A few of its submarines were designed even to carry one or two small planes.

Did you read the OP, or like an Indian you are claiming that Mr. Suzuki Yoshikatsu is a Bangladeshi poster:
Suzuki Yoshikatsu | Nippon.com

Its a good thing that Japanese do not have Awami Indian boot licking bias. You live in their country, show some gratitude to your host country for Allah's (SWT) sake.

Japanese writer, Mr. Suzuki Yoshikatsu says in the OP article:

Government officials are also considering a policy for securing a position in the Indian Ocean. Tokyo’s hope is to counter Beijing’s “string of pearls” strategy, designed to enhance its military presence in the Indian Ocean. In response,Tokyo will look to beef up its own presence in such countries as Bangladesh and Sri Lanka, sending Naval Self-Defense Force vessels to distant waters, where they will make goodwill tours and participate in joint exercises. In addition, Tokyo wants to move closer to Myanmar, which had been squarely in China’s camp but is now seeking a better balance by improving its ties with the United States. It is likely that Japan will also look to establish a foothold in ports on the Indian Ocean.
3,50,000 :woot: isn't that too much? :/

If we can develop our country, Insha-Allah we will have a stronger army than Pakistan and nukes to go with it.

What do you think about this reawakening Japanese plans bro? Do you think its tied with Asian Pivot plan? It matches with my prediction made in this thread:

I think the "Japanese empire" is coming back, it may remain allied with the US for a few decades, but not for the long term. It will develop ASEAN region, including Bangladesh and Sri Lanka and it will be a bulwark against negative influence from large neighbors and eventually it may lean towards China, if and when China beats the US led NATO in hard power.

OIC and Arab League member countries can be allied with it and take advantage of this new kid in the block, in my opinion. Japanese 5th gen. fighter and Korean KAI-KFX fighter is just one example where a cooperation will be beneficial for both sides.

One reason China has taken off is that it has a large labor pool. While a significant portion has developed, it still has a huge labor pool to depend on. For Japan and South Korea, this labor pool is in ASEAN, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka. South Korea and Japan uses this labor pool:
1. by importing some of them as guest workers and
2. by investing in export processing zones in ASEAN+Bangladesh+Sri Lanka

My main argument for ASEAN+ is that it is better for Japan and South Korea to go with option 2 under ASEAN+ union arrangement, rather than option 1, which is destabilizing their society with too many migrant labor from alien societies. Similar is the case for GCC+, Arab Leauge etc. who can phase out this migrant labor dependence over decades.
Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force Hyuga-class "helicopter destroyer"


The Izumo-class "helicopter destroyer"


Osumi-class "Tank Landing Ship (LST)"


these are just prelude...... :)
japan dont care abt bangladesh....these are false news, which will be cleared in next 10 months.....i dont understand u bangla bash us abt our progress, which are not in action and u praising urself alone by these news..... u such low quality lyf
no, don't care. they can suck it up. history teaches us one thing about japan, they are imperialistic minded.

It is a little different. Japanese leaders are dominating type. Unquestioned loyalty by the common Japanese to their country and Imperial family make them nationalists. The society is fully regimented and disciplined, cannot be found in any other country, least of all, in the Indian Sub-Continent.

However, the time of Japanese world dominance by guns is over now. They are dominating now by the strength of their economic power. Bangladesh will not be in a dilemma if Japanese Navy makes joint exercise with BN. BN will also gladly accept made-in-Japan military toys if sold at heavily discounted price.

But, I think, a naval base in BD is not in the Japanese wish list, nor should BD accept such a base. Japan does not have any base outside of their country. Japan is supposed to be more interested in consolidating their strength in the Pacific where an aggressive China is bullying all the countries in that region.

For BD, the best defense option is China. However, BD is doing well by playing even with also USA, EU as well as Japan. All these countries are our development partner whom we can trust also as defense partners against a bullying big brother.
It is a little different. Japanese leaders are dominating type. Unquestioned loyalty by the common Japanese to their country and Imperial family make them nationalists. The society is fully regimented and disciplined, cannot be found in any other country, least of all, in the Indian Sub-Continent.

However, the time of Japanese world dominance by guns is over now. They are dominating now by the strength of their economic power. Bangladesh will not be in a dilemma if Japanese Navy makes joint exercise with BN. BN will also gladly accept made-in-Japan military toys if sold at heavily discounted price.

But, I think, a naval base in BD is not in the Japanese wish list, nor should BD accept such a base. Japan does not have any base outside of their country. Japan is supposed to be more interested in consolidating their strength in the Pacific where an aggressive China is bullying all the countries in that region.

For BD, the best defense option is China. However, BD is doing well by playing even with also USA, EU as well as Japan. All these countries are our development partner whom we can trust also as defense partners against a bullying big brother.

This regimented society is an asset for Asia. If Japan and South Korea decide to lead ASEAN-10, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka and create a security alliance, and these countries accept to follow, do you think this regimentation can be extended to these societies?

I have been in Japanese and Korean factories in Chittagong Export Processing Zone. The productivity of the same Bangladeshi worker in these factories is higher than in Bangladeshi factories. Since many of these countries cannot manage their own affairs, I think it would be better to bring them in as managers, even in country management as advisers in Ministries.

Instead of being abused by Indian interference, I think it will be better to let somebody else run our affairs, who are successful at running their own affairs, such as Japan and Korea. They are already doing it on a limited basis in Bangladesh and other ASEAN countries, running many export-oriented factories, what I am proposing is to expand their role, not just in Bangladesh, but all countries in ASEAN and Sri Lanka.

China is a large country, in area and in population, they do not need anyone's help. Also, they are not in same level of development as Japan or even South Korea. Japan and South Korea are small, they need foreign labors, and bring them in as guest workers. If they feel secure about investing in these countries, they can move to these countries instead to setup and run their factories on a much larger scale. They could bring all their best practices for agriculture, education etc.

If Japan and South Korea think seriously about this kind of proposal, then why should we not give them base, specially if it is for the whole group alliance and not just for Japan? The US is in this region maximum another 2-3 decades. I think if Chinese strategists have foresight, they will allow Japan and South Korea to create joint sphere of influence zone for themselves, so they no longer have to depend on the US for their security. This way, when this alliance is strong enough to stand on its own feet and no longer need US protection, they can automatically become more friendly and start to align themselves more with China.
japan dont care abt bangladesh....these are false news, which will be cleared in next 10 months.....i dont understand u bangla bash us abt our progress, which are not in action and u praising urself alone by these news..... u such low quality lyf

Do not get jealous, please!!! We are just discussing a prospect. Isn't it a discussion forum?

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