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Japanese and South Korean aircraft enter Chinese ADIZ


Aug 27, 2013
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After two US B-52 bombers entered China’s newly announced air defense identification zone over the East China Sea, aircraft from South Korea and Japan also flew into the region to test what the reaction from the People’s Liberation Army would be, according to the Hong Kong-based Ta Kung Pao on Nov. 28.

On Nov. 26, a reconnaissance aircraft of the Republic of Korea Air Force flew into the the region claimed by Beijing as its air defense identification zone without sending any prior notification. South Korean authorities informed Japan however that the aircraft was conducting reconnaissance mission over the disputed Socotra Rock, called Ieodo by South Korea and which is also claimed by China as Suyan Rock.

As with the case with the unarmed US bombers, the PLA did not move to intercept the South Korean aircraft.

Patrol planes from Japan’s Self-Defense Force and Coast Guard also continued to carry out reconnaissance mission in the disputed region. Itsunori Onodera, the Japanese defense minister, said Tokyo does not recognize the ADIZ announced unilaterally by Beijing and that Tokyo and Washington are working together to pressure Beijing to retract its move.

The United States has also declared that its aircraft will continue operating in the region just as before Nov. 23, when the Chinese ADIZ was announced.
Stop violating the chinese air space and go back to your USA master's house

They have been under the domination of USA regime, now they are weak, they can only blame themselves

USA want to keep under their influence everybody, except Israel that they truly help giving everything: latest jets, air defence, ammo, rifles...

USA give nothing for Korea and Japan, they must buy their weapons

Israel has everything for free from USA unconditionnal slave
Stop violating the chinese air space and go back to your USA master's house

They have been under the domination of USA regime, now they are weak, they can only blame themselves

USA want to keep under their influence everybody, except Israel that they truly help giving everything: latest jets, air defence, ammo, rifles...

USA give nothing for Korea and Japan, they must buy their weapons

Israel has everything for free from USA unconditionnal slave

Why you mad bro?
Stop violating the chinese air space and go back to your USA master's house

They have been under the domination of USA regime, now they are weak, they can only blame themselves

USA want to keep under their influence everybody, except Israel that they truly help giving everything: latest jets, air defence, ammo, rifles...

USA give nothing for Korea and Japan, they must buy their weapons

Israel has everything for free from USA unconditionnal slave

Obviously they aren´t weak. They ignore china and keep on as normal. It looks more like China is weak.
Since, China deployed fighters, any more Japanese or South Korean adventure?
Stop violating the chinese air space and go back to your USA master's house

They have been under the domination of USA regime, now they are weak, they can only blame themselves

USA want to keep under their influence everybody, except Israel that they truly help giving everything: latest jets, air defence, ammo, rifles...

USA give nothing for Korea and Japan, they must buy their weapons

Israel has everything for free from USA unconditionnal slave
Why you mad bro?
Obviously they aren´t weak. They ignore china and keep on as normal. It looks more like China is weak.

I have to check the date of these posts, but here we go again.

It's not air space. It is air defense zone. I wish people would get it right already. Are you going to wave a gun and start chasing people who are walking down the street in front of your house? Of course not. It is the same thing with the planes here. If there is B-52 is flying tangent to your ADZ and heading AWAY from you, chances are that plane is not a threat and no need to scramble fighters.

Oh, btw, US government has just advices all US airlines to submit to the change in Chinese regulation. Guess what, that is because these planes are traveling to China, thus they are required to follow Chinese regulation. The same thing happens to Chinese flights through Alaskan ADZ.

Plus, there is also the little fact that in the past 8 year alone PLA air force has been in and out of the Japanese ADZ literally for over a thousand times and you don't see any tickets submitted to Japanese government by PLA air force.
Stop violating the chinese air space and go back to your USA master's house

They have been under the domination of USA regime, now they are weak, they can only blame themselves

USA want to keep under their influence everybody, except Israel that they truly help giving everything: latest jets, air defence, ammo, rifles...

USA give nothing for Korea and Japan, they must buy their weapons

Israel has everything for free from USA unconditionnal slave

lol you bring Israel into every thread you post in. Even if most of those threads have absolutely nothing to do with Israel. I dont have to have a psychology degree to see that you my friend are obsessed :cuckoo: I know, I know! thats JEW USA fault too right? :cheesy:
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Since, China deployed fighters, any more Japanese or South Korean adventure?
yes, on a daily base. both mayor japanese airlines enter the airspace daily dozen of times without informing china and without cooperation. ANA and JAL ignore China
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