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Japan, Vietnam blame China for maritime tensions

Could China has gut to send some oil rig to Senkaku Islands !?:D
I heard there's incredible amount of oil, and it's very near to China mainland ... :pop:

LOL, Vietnam find a new master. Remind VN alliance history, r u sure to find new loser again ?
Blame China can not do anything, when Japan can provide VN billions $ and dozens of DDGs, then call China !
Aye, we can't blame you, for sure, because Chinese skin is so thick to feel our saliva spit on their face ... :D
LOL, Vietnam find a new master. Remind VN alliance history, r u sure to find new loser again ?

It looks like Vietnam's habit of picking losers strikes again. In the 80's, Vietnam allied with the decaying Soviet Empire, when Japan at the time was hot. China had good relations with Japan at the time and they helped us quite a lot with early industrialization.

Now it's 2014 and China is hot, while Russia is resurgent. China has allied with Russia, which has the energy resources to perfectly complement our needs. And this time Vietnam has decided to ally with a dying Japan, which is a country of geriatric geezers slowly poisoned to death by Fukushima. The blunders never stop :rofl:.
To be honest, the countries using cards to play against each other. China, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Vietnam ... we are playing cards the same.
Status of Bangladesh is quite similar to Vietnam, but Vietnam in status more difficult by China's aggression and ambition in sea.

We will not do against China if they respect our integrity of territory, and they know how to match with the international laws which they have signed.

China will not be able to reach over South Asia until our Indian friends are still there. Calm down if I break your dream, my asian friend.

LOL. India is a dysfunctional multi-ethnic state with a GDP 20% of that of China and falling further behind as we speak.

Nearly all South Asians prefer China over India.
The good time of VN got tons of free funds/ food/ equipments from Russia and China during WAR had gone away, in 21th century there is no any free lunch, just get used to be a tool used by foreigner.

They can pick up a tool, also can throw it. Develop ur economy, play less game, only has good economy is ur best friend.
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If US didn't help Chinese on expense of Japanese during WW2, you wouldn't even exist as a race. Maybe time to show some respect.
US is not for China, but for Pearl Harbour, You stupid turks.
Without China's compass and gunpowder, there will never be a US. show some respect.
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My asian friend, IF your country is located next to china, I am sure that your country will be bullied by them, and a worse scenario, they have annexed your country from the centuries ago (and now you're fighting like the Uighurs, Tibetan...)
So let's take care of your country instead of snooping into East Asia, where you are not able to understand it well.
lol, look at the bullshit of viets. China has 14 land-bordered neighbors, only has problems with two ,irritating viets and stupid indians, do the math
At a May 15 news conference, Shinzo Abe says Japan Constitution allows the Armed Forces to help nations with which Japan has “close ties.”

Can´t expect to see the Armed Forces of Vietnam and Japan to fight side by side, should China begin to attack anyone of us.
is it drug? let you so exciting, if USA present promise you they will protect you, you will be exciting to death, right? hehe!
LOL, Vietnam find a new master. Remind VN alliance history, r u sure to find new loser again ?

Blame China can not do anything, when Japan can provide VN billions $ and dozens of DDGs, then call China ! Consider Sino-Japan trade, if Japan can risk to lose hundred billion $ trade and China market, they will be true friend for VN.
Japan is a friend, not master, you moron. we have a common goal: how to stop your delusion.
First, we will get Japanese patrol boats, warships will come later (hopefully).

It looks like Vietnam's habit of picking losers strikes again. In the 80's, Vietnam allied with the decaying Soviet Empire, when Japan at the time was hot. China had good relations with Japan at the time and they helped us quite a lot with early industrialization.

Now it's 2014 and China is hot, while Russia is resurgent. China has allied with Russia, which has the energy resources to perfectly complement our needs. And this time Vietnam has decided to ally with a dying Japan, which is a country of geriatric geezers slowly poisoned to death by Fukushima. The blunders never stop :rofl:.
the collapse of the Soviet Union is an accident of history. Nobody had foreseen it coming.
as for dying Japan, their GDP per capita is still ways higher than you. No wonder they look down on you and refuse to say Sorry :lol:

They can only whine and bitch.

Once there are sizeable numbers of Type-55 destroyer, probably the most powerful destroyer on the planet when in service, they will know who is boss.

I have no respect for Asian traitors.
come on, you should look from the neutral instance. once Vietnam is lost, Chinese will target you and enslave your country. They won´t stop at East Vietnam Sea.

By the way, Japan warships are the best.

is it drug? let you so exciting, if USA present promise you they will protect you, you will be exciting to death, right? hehe!
yes, you are a genius :rofl:
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Japan is a friend, not master, you moron. we have a common goal: how to stop your delusion.
First, we will get Japanese patrol boats, warships will come later (hopefully).

Keep kissing foreign 2nd-hand patrol boat and 2nd-hand warship, u only can get 2nd-hand out of time ships. Question how many u could get from Japan to overtake China ship numbers?
Keep kissing foreign 2nd-hand patrol boat and 2nd-hand warship, u only can get 2nd-hand out of time ships. Question how many u could get from Japan to overtake China ship numbers?
we can self produce patrol boats. more important than Japanese patrol vessels are Japan made warships. Second hands stuffs are ok, too. they should donate or sell at a friendship price. We need urgently 10 patrol and 10 warships (destroyers and subs).

in the meantime, you know, Vietnam is the master of assymetric warfare :cool:
Over the long run, Japan will definitely help Vietnam build up our military industries. Japan is currently training Vietnam to produce military radar satellites and assembling of space launch rocket. Japan obviously trusts Vietnam more than the rest of the Southeast Asian Chinese suck up.
Over the long run, Japan will definitely help Vietnam build up our military industries. Japan is currently training Vietnam to produce military radar satellites and assembling of space launch rocket. Japan obviously trusts Vietnam more than the rest of the Southeast Asian Chinese suck up.

I liker your avatar, is that your girlfriend?
We are taking care of our country but it is hard with the unwanted Indian interference.

Our only chance to escape Indian interference is the continued rise of China. We support China as it directly benefits us:D

My suggestion to you, for your own good, is to understand that China will be the one hegemon on the Asian continent soon and to come to a compromise with them, and stop fantasising that the US can ever come from across the Pacific Ocean to save you against China.
There is a delusion among these Asian troublemakers that don't believe in China rise. It is unfortunate for them that even if we don't try to build up our military and import like India, we will still have too much toys for anyone to deal with. I expect in the future, we will suffocate these troublemakers with our weapon making abilities.
There is a delusion among these Asian troublemakers that don't believe in China rise. It is unfortunate for them that even if we don't try to build up our military and import like India, we will still have too much toys for anyone to deal with. I expect in the future, we will suffocate these troublemakers with our weapon making abilities.

Even the credible Westerners think that China will outstrip the US to become the most powerful country in the world over the next generation. Like the US dominates the American continent, China will dominate the Asian continent.

I don't get these Asian traitors. They would rather be subservient to racist whites than work with China to build a prosperous and powerful Asia. With Asians working together the whole planet is ours to take. A united Asia cannot even be challenged by the rest of the world put together.

PS - Delusion comes from an inferiority complex as regards whites. They do not think it is possible for an Asian country to challenge whites.
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Even the credible Westerners think that China will outstrip the US to become the most powerful country in the world over the next generation. Like the US dominates the American continent, China will dominate the Asian continent.

I don't get these Asian traitors. They would rather be subservient to racist whites than work with China to build a prosperous and powerful Asia. With Asians working together the whole planet is ours to take. A united Asia can not even be challenged by the rest of the world put together.

PS - Delusion comes from an inferiority complex as regards whites. They do not think it is possible for an Asian country to challenge whites.
It is because these Asian have inferiority complex. Being subservient to Western dominance for over 100 years, it will take a long time to get rid of this mindset and build the confidence in China as the protector of Asia. Remember we used to play that role until the West came and took it away from us. We were powerless to defend as we were backward and didn't believe in new modern technology can decide geopolitical fate. These Asian states like Philippines, Japan, and Vietnam have saw and were dominated by Western powers for so long that they don't believe they stand a chance to fight back. They don't trust our capability yet as realistically, we are still behind the West so I don't blame them. We just have to continue to build on our strength. Expect 2020s for many major breakthrough. That is the decade you will see major shift in Asia confidence.
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