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Japan tells world to stand up to China or face consequences

we slap on your face when chinese troll about 1,000 years, we say how Mongolian and Manchus have been enslaving you in the past.

In the past Chinese invaded into Vietnam and killed Vietnamese. Chinese are not different from Japanese, you are dirty aggressors same Japanese in WW II.

For us Deng is like such Japanese criminals in Yasukuni Shrine.
(Inner) Mongolian and Manchus are Chinese, the rulers of Yuan and Qing worshiped ancient Chinese Emperors and considered themselves as successors in the history of China (中原王朝), just like every Han Emperors did.

I don't really wanna repeat this again.

look at my first post in this thread. I stated I don´t like Abe´s shrine visit because that is an unnecessary provocation. an unwise move.
and you may have not known but VN government has indirectly critized Japan over the shrine visit. the first time ever.

Vietnam expresses concerns, urges Japan to handle issue properly CCTV News - CNTV English

again, one should be judged not only upon his past but his present and future. Japan did terrible bad things, but it regrets and does good things. take VN as example: in the last 20 years Japan has put nearly $60bn into VN, in form of ODA, FDI or grants. without Japanese money, VN is not where it is today. China should follow Japan. They are welcome to put similar amount into VN.

in most cases, relation between nations bases upon egoistic interests. Japan is seen as a counterweight for rising China.

as for the relationship Germany/China/Japan, most of German media are very critical of China, less of Japan. most Germans are very critical of Chinese, less ofJapanese. you may ask why.

"Indirectly". Hrr, that was more than I expected. I though Vietnam was keeping completely silence over the shrine visiting issue, since Japan had recently drop $$$$$$$$ to the ASEAN.

But yet those Japanese still think that only Korea and China are the "matters" and the whole world except those 2 neighbors is supporting them.
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"Indirectly". Hrr, that was more than I expected. I though Vietnam was keeping completely silence over the shrine visiting issue, since Japan had recently drop $$$$$$$$ to the ASEAN.

But yet those Japanese still think that only Korea and China are the "matters" and the whole world except those 2 neighbors is supporting them.
VN government maintains a neutral stance in the Sino-Japan dispute, but it clearly critized Japan over the shrine visit. the statement came after the provoked visit.

"Vietnamese Foreign Ministry spokesperson, Luong Thanh Nghi, has said Hanoi hopes Tokyo to handle the issue properly in a bid to maintain regional stability and cooperation. "

translate: Japan has not handled the issue properly and endangered the regional stability and cooperation. a confrontation between China and Japan is not in Vietnam´s interest. it is not in anyone interest. you should look for who else in the region besides Vietnam critized Japan? by the way, you can´t buy friendship in the long run.

sure, we rely on Japanese money, but Chinese clout is sometimes bigger and frightening. balancing the relationship between the great powers is not a piece of cake.
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look at my first post in this thread. I stated I don´t like Abe´s shrine visit because that is an unnecessary provocation. an unwise move.
and you may have not known but VN government has indirectly critized Japan over the shrine visit. the first time ever.

Vietnam expresses concerns, urges Japan to handle issue properly CCTV News - CNTV English

again, one should be judged not only upon his past but his present and future. Japan did terrible bad things, but it regrets and does good things. take VN as example: in the last 20 years Japan has put nearly $60bn into VN, in form of ODA, FDI or grants. without Japanese money, VN is not where it is today. China should follow Japan. They are welcome to put similar amount into VN.

in most cases, relation between nations bases upon egoistic interests. Japan is seen as a counterweight for rising China.

as for the relationship Germany/China/Japan, most of German media are very critical of China, less of Japan. most Germans are very critical of Chinese, less ofJapanese. you may ask why.

How convenient of you to cherry pick. Abe's visit symbolises his state of mind and in this state of mind he is forming his policy. What your government said doesn't matter to me since Vietnam's voice is negligible in Europe.

Abe has already revealed his world view with his visit of the shrine. If you sincerely regret, you don't go to a shrine where war criminals are enshrined. Since you live in Germany, you should knwo very well how any denial of Nazi crimes by a politician means the end of his/ her career.

How the German press views China has nothing to do with what I asked you. I work in the German media, I know that the Cold War has never ended. Go and read my last post again.
How convenient of you to cherry pick. Abe's visit symbolises his state of mind and in this state of mind he is forming his policy. What your government said doesn't matter to me since Vietnam's voice is negligible in Europe.

Abe has already revealed his world view with his visit of the shrine. If you sincerely regret, you don't go to a shrine where war criminals are enshrined. Since you live in Germany, you should knwo very well how any denial of Nazi crimes by a politician means the end of his/ her career.

How the German press views China has nothing to do with what I asked you. I work in the German media, I know that the Cold War has never ended. Go and read my last post again.
talking to you is useless, since your arrogance hinders you from critical thinking.

it is interesting to know that Vietnam´s voice is useless in Europe, but is it that related to this topic? it was the Chinese foreign minister Wang Yi who phoned his Vietnamese counterpart and asked him for support. a day after VN issued the statement expressing concern and urged Japan to better handle the dispute.

looks to me that VN voice matters. you can think of yourself why China only phoned Russia, Germany and Vietnam. I don´t like to comment the rest of your post as it is rubbish, as usual. You know nothing or very little about the situation in East Asia, especially about JP and CN.

Beijing opts for diplomacy in row over Shinzo Abe's visit to war shrine | South China Morning Post
VN government maintains a neutral stance in the Sino-Japan dispute, but it clearly critized Japan over the shrine visit. the statement came after the provoked visit.

"Vietnamese Foreign Ministry spokesperson, Luong Thanh Nghi, has said Hanoi hopes Tokyo to handle the issue properly in a bid to maintain regional stability and cooperation. "

translate: Japan has not handled the issue properly and endangered the regional stability and cooperation. a confrontation between China and Japan is not in Vietnam´s interest. it is not in anyone interest. you should look for who else in the region besides Vietnam critized Japan? by the way, you can´t buy friendship in the long run.

sure, we rely on Japanese money, but Chinese clout is sometimes bigger and frightening. balancing the relationship between the great powers is not a piece of cake.

Off topic, I just remember telling you that I will give you some reference about "China actually didn't close itself to the world" few months ago (I didn't explain that clearly). You can read [The General History of China] by DuHalde Jean Baptiste, it's in around p292 to 304.
(Inner) Mongolian and Manchus are Chinese, the rulers of Yuan and Qing worshiped ancient Chinese Emperors and considered themselves as successors in the history of China (中原王朝), just like every Han Emperors did.

I don't really wanna repeat this again.


You can not deny that Mongolian, Manchurian, ... ruled you in the past and they considered themselves as your masters.
Now the US asks Japan to shut up。

The days Abe the lapdog remains Japan's PM are numbered。
You can not deny that Mongolian, Manchurian, ... ruled you in the past and they considered themselves as your masters.

So Prussia used to ruled Germany & considered themselves master of all the German speaking countries. What's your point?
ha ha ha...flies can be fierce. no joke. you may not be aware of but a JP-VN alliance existed at the end of WW II.

Japan restored Imperial Vietnam. We were given back sovereinty and independence, Some argue VN was a puppet of Imperial Japan, but nevertherless it was a major step forward for VN to go back to full sovereignty and independence after 1 century of humiliation under the French rule. Unfortunately Imperial Vietnam lived short and died soon after Japan surrendered.
Empire of Vietnam - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

if anything Japan was much nicer to Vietnam. You Chinese, in contrast, do everything you can to keep VN divided and weak. if you want to grow into a respected big power, you should pay respect to smaller ones. otherwise you rise will be short-lived. arrogance does not bring you far.
First and foremost, I don't give a flying shit about your alliance with Japan. But here you talk about history, you might as well remember your Uncle Ho cuddle with us which lead to us helping you gaining independence. It was Uncle Ho that give your country independent, not the Japanese, you dumb Vietnamese friend. I can't believe a Vietnamese can be this dumb. The Japanese did indeed rape your country and now you love them because they give you some buck to buy train. LOL. Typical Vietnamese mindset so I don't expect nothing good from a Vietnamese brain.

As I have said to you, we have a goal to achieve and it won't allow a small fruit flies to dictate term on us. It's that simple. The US never allow small country dictate how the US does its thing, neither would we. Live to deal with it or stay away from us.
Viet Nam only has our own interests to pursue. We don't care what a bunch of dogs barking
First and foremost, I don't give a flying shit about your alliance with Japan.
not you but your government! that will change the balance of power in the region, should it come to an alliance. personally I support even the idea of a state union with Japan.


But here you talk about history, you might as well remember your Uncle Ho cuddle with us which lead to us helping you gaining independence. It was Uncle Ho that give your country independent, not the Japanese, you dumb Vietnamese friend. I can't believe a Vietnamese can be this dumb. The Japanese did indeed rape your country and now you love them because they give you some buck to buy train. LOL. Typical Vietnamese mindset so I don't expect nothing good from a Vietnamese brain.
you rant too much. VN became re-united under JP occupation. And don´t forget, unlike under the French rule, VN Emperor returned to the throne, we had own government. Ho Chi Minh came later.
I don´t comment the rest of your sh-t rant, look yourself at the mirror, you Chinese were not better than the Japanese in VN.
As I have said to you, we have a goal to achieve and it won't allow a small fruit flies to dictate term on us. It's that simple. The US never allow small country dictate how the US does its thing, neither would we. Live to deal with it or stay away from us.
I know your dark side. Japan as the most capable nation in East Asia will play an important to keep you in check.
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