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Japan tells world to stand up to China or face consequences

War with Japan means with War with USA and the rest of it's allies.

Good luck, we'll bring the popcorn.
Oh, you know "too much" as a outsiders, hehe!

a typical indian....


a typical chinese...


and an Ape....


any similarity between these three pics can be found only by Jingoistic members of some typical country,nobody else...
HEHE, Indian is very "handsome" and "young", Chinese is very "old", why do you choose the different age people form comparation? no confidence?

And I think you should not put your indian picture here, the last two is encough for your purpose, :-)

ha ha ha ...where is the new emperor of China...sorry, I mean the President Mr Xi?
Abe as special guest speaker addressed at the session opening and bashed Chinese in the public. lol

by the way, he has already started an economic war against China...by printing endless Yen, dumping the value. The BoJ will double the amount of Yen in circulation at the end of this year. enjoy. japanese products become cheaper, while yours more expensive. what can you do? very little. worse, the Yuan gets stronger.
Mr Xi have more important thing to do, Ape is nothing, don't care, I know you Viet care.
BTW, Bashing Chinese in the public is Something? Many do the same thing, becaue it is JP PM?

Economic war agains China, hehe, fool is fool, you don't know anything between China and JP in economic dormain, Depreciating Yen can making JP stronger? kidding me, you know economics? if you vietnamese know better than Chinese, you will creat new economic reform not following China.
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a wise man. I like him. apart from his provocative shrine visit which is unwise, his potitics is sound.

you also like the japanese who raped your women?

Many of the women were from occupied countries, including Korea, China, and the Philippines,[6] although women from Burma, Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, Taiwan, Indonesia and other Japanese-occupied territories were used for military "comfort stations".
Comfort women - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Japan must realize that it is not early 20th century now, its 2014 and the Chinese have all the capacity to **** them up, not that its going to be one sided but the fact remains that the Chinese are stronger (provided the Japs dont use the US card), the war will be devastating not only for the participants but for economies world wide so lets hope they can solve this dispute without the need for violence
If Japanese peoples think USA will protect them , so they should read the history of USA and its support to allies , nothing more to say on this ... stop jumping behind the back of USA , they will leave you in middle of War for their Interests :coffee:
Let's see who are applauding the bullsh..t: Indians, Viets, Pinoys, and more?

It's only US opinion that counts. If US and China reach certain kind of G2 agreement. We'll screw you the rest all together. Elephants, monkeys, bananas, you name it...
you also like the japanese who raped your women?
are you mad? you have welcomed Japanese tourists and investments for decades despite they raped China.

that is Lang Son, destroyed by the loser PLA when they got beaten and were forced to leave VN.

and these people were butchered by the Khmer Rouge, backed and supported by China. look at the faces of the women!

Let's see who are applauding the bullsh..t: Indians, Viets, Pinoys, and more?

It's only US opinion that counts. If US and China reach certain kind of G2 agreement. We'll screw you the rest all together. Elephants, monkeys, bananas, you name it...
peaceful rise...is over
now Chinese dream. is it a piece of shit, too, don´t you think so?
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peaceful rise...is over
now Chinese dream. is it a piece of shit, too, don´t you think so?

You snaky Viets: Peaceful rising dosen't mean we should take sh.t from small monkeys like you... got it?

Credit: richardbrenneman.wordpress.com


Credit: politicalcartoons.com


Credit: Chinadaily



Above 2 credits: economist


Credit: politicalcartoons.com


Credit: Chinadaily


credit: kim-jongun.blogspot.com


Credit: dnasyndication.com
one man's hero,another one's villain..

Why doesn't India dare to tell its buddy Israel to STFU whenever a German politician criticizes Israeli racist policy in Palestine and Israel cries anti-Semite?

But it's rather telling to see how apologetic Indians are to a country that has never made a real break of its fascist past. Birds of the same feather flock together, I guess.

Even more tragical is a Vietnamese who lives in Germany and who should know German sensitivity to fascism and yet has no problems to support a man whose familial background as well as his current mindset is fascist to the core. Next time he gets beaten up by a neo-Nazi mob, don't cry racism, he should tell them that he in fact supports them. Maybe then the Nazi mob will let him go or even ask him to joint them.
are you mad? you have welcomed Japanese tourists and investments for decades despite they raped China

it is a waste of time talking to you bunch who have forgotten your women were raped and killed during ww2 shameful bunch!

that is Lang Son, destroyed by the loser PLA when they got beaten and were forced to leave VN.
and these people were butchered by the Khmer Rouge, backed and supported by China. look at the faces of the women!
Time may come again on a severe lessons for you vietcongs and no mercy this time around!

peaceful rise...is over
yes for vietcongs and the thieves of our land, very soon!

now Chinese dream. is it a piece of shit, too, don´t you think so?

You ask for our dump, you will sure get it! Guaranteed!
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ha ha ha ...where is the new emperor of China...sorry, I mean the President Mr Xi?
Abe as special guest speaker addressed at the session opening and bashed Chinese in the public. lol

by the way, he has already started an economic war against China...by printing endless Yen, dumping the value. The BoJ will double the amount of Yen in circulation at the end of this year. enjoy. japanese products become cheaper, while yours more expensive. what can you do? very little. worse, the Yuan gets stronger.

LOL. do you know what you're saying?? I thought indians have low IQ but apparently viets also.

A nice picture of Abe and a US senator

LOL. Abe is like the bitch.
"please sir, this way, please. You go sir, I follow you mastah."
Japan is like an old man, who was a mass murderer and rapist in his youth, telling everyone in the neighbourhood that he thinks the boy next door doesn't look right and is going to be trouble, and should be locked up, even though the kid hasn't done anything wrong yet.
Japan is like an old man, who was a mass murderer and rapist in his youth, telling everyone in the neighbourhood that he thinks the boy next door doesn't look right and is going to be trouble, and should be locked up, even though the kid hasn't done anything wrong yet.

Japan is an old man? Even your language is taught by China, idiot!
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