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Japan still a Taiwanese favorite


May 29, 2014
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Japan still a Taiwanese favorite

Japan remained the favorite country for Taiwanese last year, with half of a polled sample optimistic about future ties with Japan, a survey commissioned by the Interchange Association, Japan showed.

Forty-three percent of people in Taiwan preferred Japan over any other country or region in the world last year, up 2 percent from 2011, according to the survey.

The US, China and Singapore each picked up 7 percent of the vote.

Japan was the favorite country among Taiwanese in 2008, 2009 and 2011, according to the association’s surveys conducted in those years. The association did not conduct a similar poll in 2010.

In addition, Japan remained the top pick among Taiwanese looking to travel abroad last year, leading to a repeat of the survey results from 2008, 2009 and 2011.

According to the survey last year, 38 percent preferred to travel to Japan, 34 percent to Europe, 9 percent to China, 6 percent to the US, 5 percent to Southeast Asia and 4 percent to South Korea.

Meanwhile, 50 percent of Taiwanese were hopeful about an improvement in ties with Japan last year, a 13 percent drop from the previous year.

People aged between 20 and 39 were the most optimistic group last year.

However, a significant fall was seen last year in the number of Taiwanese people who perceived two-way relations between Japan and Taiwan as good.

Thirty-three percent were positive about Taiwan’s current relationship with Japan last year, down 20 percent from 2011, the survey showed. People under 40 were the most positive group.

Commissioned by the association, market researcher Nielsen conducted the survey from Jan. 11 to Jan. 27 via the Internet and computer-assisted telephone interviews.

The survey collected 1,000 samples and had a margin of error of plus or minus 3.1 percentage points.

Japan still a Taiwanese favorite - Taipei Times
Chinese civilization is already gone. Yellow Emperor is dead.

KMT and CCP destroy it.

Today, the center of East Asian civilization is JAPAN!

We all are decedents of Japanese!

We all are part of Japanese Civilization.
Chinese civilization is already gone. Yellow Emperor is dead.

KMT and CCP destroy it.

Today, the center of East Asian civilization is JAPAN!

We all are decedents of Japanese!

We all are part of Japanese Civilization.

Chinese civilization is already gone. Yellow Emperor is dead.

KMT and CCP destroy it.

Today, the center of East Asian civilization is JAPAN!

We all are decedents of Japanese!

We all are part of Japanese Civilization.
I'm just saying that Chinese civilization already gone.

We the Christian-Democracy, and you the Communist, already know about it.

It's us who destroy it in happy feeling and big laugh.

So PROUD~~~!!!


Chinese and JAPANESE civilization!!!


So CUTE~~~!!!! KAWAII~~~!!!

They are the descendent of JAPANESE!
I'm just saying that Chinese civilization already gone.

We the Christian-Democracy, and you the Communist, already know about it.

It's us who destroy it in happy feeling and big laugh.

So PROUD~~~!!!


Chinese and JAPANESE civilization!!!

View attachment 65624

So CUTE~~~!!!! KAWAII~~~!!!

They are the descendent of JAPANESE!

Well...I guess you must be crazy about Japanese Animation. But I may say anime is still a subculture in Japan instead of the Japanese civilization.The Chinese culture does have survived for we can speak the same language and we can read the classics dating back thousands of years.On the other hand , the Chinese civilization means more than a Chinese empire.It includes our own literature , arts , language and much more.
One more thing, why you care so much about ideology? It doesn't mean everything.
BTW,may I ask a question if you know what "descendent" means? Actually I don't think anyone who is fond of anime should be the Japanese descendent.
Well...I guess you must be crazy about Japanese Animation. But I may say anime is still a subculture in Japan instead of the Japanese civilization.The Chinese culture does have survived for we can speak the same language and we can read the classics dating back thousands of years.On the other hand , the Chinese civilization means more than a Chinese empire.It includes our own literature , arts , language and much more.
One more thing, why you care so much about ideology? It doesn't mean everything.
BTW,may I ask a question if you know what "descendent" means? Actually I don't think anyone who is fond of anime should be the Japanese descendent.

Taiwan is still so proud of their democrazy ideology, so let them be.
Well...I guess you must be crazy about Japanese Animation. But I may say anime is still a subculture in Japan instead of the Japanese civilization.The Chinese culture does have survived for we can speak the same language and we can read the classics dating back thousands of years.On the other hand , the Chinese civilization means more than a Chinese empire.It includes our own literature , arts , language and much more.
One more thing, why you care so much about ideology? It doesn't mean everything.
BTW,may I ask a question if you know what "descendent" means? Actually I don't think anyone who is fond of anime should be the Japanese descendent.

I wonder why you people in mainland don't finish what we Christian-Democracy KMT already started, to completely to destroy Chinese civilization?

Why the destruction by Cultural Revolution not being continued?

You know that you are betraying our Christian founding father will, Sun Yat-sen.
Taiwan is still so proud of their democrazy ideology, so let them be.
The democracy idiology in Taiwan is gone. When a society cannot keep the basic concepts of democracy, how can they keep more? The movement in 318 deconstructed the democracy system. Movement! A very old word to my ear, but there is a group of people still becoming fascinated on this bullshit. I donot know what is the year today 1914?
Yes, democracy in Taiwan is gone, because KMT is the ruling party right now.

Only DPP with the help of US is the TRUE DEMOCRACY.

The last public election is not democracy.

I'm just thinking, why should Taiwan have public election in the first place?
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