Prostitution do you think is legalized yesterday? It is legalized since ancient time, it is the villages only which are engaged in prostitution generation after generation as profession are primarily permitted to continue to practice with proper registration. Sex at hotel, escort service etc. is illegal in the country. Prostitution is also illegal in constitution. Without having enough knowledge don’t make foolish comment.
Building catching fire is not a new problem. It came into government’s attention. People were breaking building giving bribe going on for decades to have extra space, making couple of floor extra, not keeping emergency exit instead renting out extra space. These are the common problem.
Somalian pirates abducted so many people from different at Horn of Africa. What’s the difference here for the Myanmarese thugs? What it has to do Bangladesh has crossed Pakistan? It’s not an obsession it was just a target and we achieved it and next target is India, then to match South East Asian countries.
Pakistan has legged behind in all segment. We have nothing to compare expect reminding you Bangladesh is ahead of you and the gap will widen over time.