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@Galactic Penguin SST

# As Huawei said, the Empire is NOT the world. Its words are not the rules, and China is big and strong enough to simply disregard the garbages it vomits!


I will try to develop with more detail, as I was very busy last wednesday.

Heinous speach directed against China betrays the French congenital racism, and inferiority complex.

And the most intolerable for Frenchmen is to see their international status shrinking inexorably since the end of WWII.

But wait, this also is self-propaganda of the French education and media. What was the real status ot the French before WWII?

Below, we demonstrate that aerospace was only blunt plagiarism of Chinese origin inventions, and uncredited by the French.

The twelve prototypes of Louis Blériot

Starting from February 1907, Blériot had designed another airplane, made in the workshop of Neuilly. Like the type V, the Blériot VI includes a fuselage of square section stretched by cloth-like cord, the with wings of varnished paper,

Les douze prototypes de Louis Blériot, Gérard HARTMANN, p8

Varnished paper is so Chinese, that the French had to import Annamese skilled workers from their French Indochina colony, to produce their airplanes during the WWI!!!:rofl:


https://i.imgur.com/BKpj4nc.jpg ; https://fresques.ina.fr/jalons/fich...ravail-dans-une-usine-francaise-d-avions.html
1. Annamese workers at work in a French aircraft factory. The Annamites (so-called inhabitants of Annam in Indochina), experts in the use of lacquer and considered more skillful, were mainly used in aircraft construction.

Proof of the origination:

China's 15th century rocket-propelled manned winged flying vehicle


http://www.tstss.edu.hk/it/flash_samples/chinese_history/pictures-eng/winged_rocket_bomb.gif ; http://www.tstss.edu.hk/it/flash_samples/chinese_history/winged_rocket_bomb.htm
▲ 2. Wan Hu's (万虎) rocket propelled manned winged Flying Vehicle:
More likely a rocket plane based on an upscaled, manned version of the world's first military winged rocket, the Shenhuo Feiya (神火飞鸦: Divine fire flying crow) ~1403 AD, powered by 4 external solid fuel strap-on boosters, the fuselage containing explosive charge, with a powered and gliding total range of 300 meters (http://baike.baidu.com/item/神火飞鸦/79429)


▲ 3. Wan Hu's (万虎) rocket propelled manned winged Flying Vehicle:
More likely a rocket plane based on an upscaled, manned version of the world's first military winged rocket, the Shenhuo Feiya (神火飞鸦: Divine fire flying crow) ~1403 AD, powered by 4 external solid fuel strap-on boosters, the fuselage containing explosive charge, with a powered and gliding total range of 300 meters (http://baike.baidu.com/item/神火飞鸦/79429)
Upscaled flying crow from Age of Empire III The Asian Dynasties Video Game

Moreover, the French have been beaten during WWII by the Empire of Japan, where the French position at the railhead at Lạng Sơn was surrounded by Japanese armour and forced to surrender on 25 September 1940. This as a prelude to the full occupation of French Indochina, when 140,000 Japanese troops invaded southern French Indochina on 28 July 1941.

French troops and the civil administration were allowed to remain, albeit as Japanese puppets.

But this minor incident is nothing compared to the epochal French defeat during the Battle of Dien Bien Phu in May 1954.

A defeat that signaled the start of the disintegration of all the French colonial empire, and its downfall as a superpower.

But wait, this also is self-propaganda of the French education and media. The Soviet Union and communism was only a decoy in this defeat.

As celebrated in Dien Bien Phu, space mind-control FUGOs have put an end to the French pipe dreams of world superpower. FUGO technologies captured by U.S. forces in Japan at the end of WWII in 1945.


▲ 4. The West quickly defeated indeed, as depicted in Heart Of Iron II!
The rise of the FUGO


▲ 5. Dien Bien Phu, or the beginning of the end of the French Empire


https://defence.pk/pdf/attachments/...3/?temp_hash=4c38f622dde651252d19936be94dc7a0 ; https://plus.google.com/photos/photo/111901158062830631644/6419412776846290802 ; https://www.google.com/maps/place/2...:0x0!8m2!3d21.392344!4d103.015982?hl=en&dcr=0 ; Geolocation: 21°23'32.4"N 103°00'57.5"E / 21.392344, 103.015982 ;
▲ 6. Dien Bien Phu, or the beginning of the end of the French Empire
Street lamp post as a FUGO hovering over the world, notice the purple death ray


▲ 7. Dien Bien Phu, or the beginning of the end of the French Empire
Street lamp post as a FUGO hovering over the world, notice the purple death ray

Therefore it is pointless for a Frenchman to contest the Japanese 4th place as a space power. You lag light years behind. Deal with it.

To avoid such ignorance, I will post a dedicated thread to the Empire of Japan's Space Program developed during the WWII. When I have the time.

. .
Such heinous speech directed against China are totally off topic in the Japanese Defence Subforum!@Serpentine

It only betrays the French congenital racism, and inferiority complex, as exposing them being so backwards, surpassed not only by colored ex-colonized water carriers brown people of the Indian subcontinent but also the East Asian one. Following the latest test, this makes two East Asian nations, with Japan, an Empire that has ruled French Indochina during WWII, making the white Europeans French already subjugated people.

And no French ASAT superpower status in the horizon! Falling from their imaginary first place (that is what the media tells them), the Grande Nation's delusion is widening with each passing days!


More elaborated reply below:

Showa: The Fate Of Homo SS V1.0

© A Galactic Penguin presentation; First edited 13 August 2019; Updated 30 August 2019

Table of Contents

1.1. Preface

1.2. Introduction

1.3. Abstract

2. Background: The Final War Theory

3. Ahistorical Factors Used In The Modelization

3.1. The 1946 Threshold
3.2. GDP Triggers
3.3. China's Strategic Focus
3.4. Collapse Of The Axis-GEACS Unholy Alliance
3.5. Occupation policy
3.6. The Fate Of The Ethnic Europeans

4. Doctrines

4.1. Neutrality
4.2. North

Part 2

4.3. South
4.4. West

4.4.1. White Peace, Unilateral Withdrawal
4.4.2. Xi'an incident
4.4.3. Wang Jingwei

5. Conclusion

1.1. Preface

This paper is adapted from various historical research made purposely over a decade, covering mainly the 20th century, and centered around the Second World War timeframe.

To better understand the complex intermingling of all the historical chain of events and factors, an adaptation to a real time grand strategy computer game has been considered.

This should be released as a modification (mod) for Paradox's 'Hearts of Iron 4' (initially 'Hearts of Iron 2').

The mod can not be released yet, as the base program itself is far from being polished. Currently the V1.7.1 still lacks too many important historical features.

Works can not restart before the release of an estimated two more 2 DLCs, or about 12 months.

1.2. Introduction

Genetic differences among the various human ethnic subgroups, resulting from natural selection, as solutions to the challenges posed by the different type of ecosystems where they evolve, will inevitably take its toll over the millenia.

The European natives, also known as Neanderthals, were the first to have vanished, only 5'000 years after the invasion of the Homo sapiens sapiens (Homo S.S.) called 'European Modern Humans' (E.M.H.), that had migrated from Africa 45'000 Years BP.

The difference in intracranial volumes between the two groups were not in the Neanderthals' favor.

This pattern was latter repeated again and again in the Americas, in the Banda Islands, in Tasmania, in South-West Africa, etc.

Similarly, for the European Modern Humans, with a comparatively lower intracranial volume, and thus disadvantaged with lower cognitive abilities, as compare to the East Asian subgroups, the historical outcome is no less than three occurrences of near extinction reported over the last 1'500 years alone.

In all three occurrences, i.e. the year 453, 1241 and 1946, the survival of the European Modern Humans was so miraculous and so improbable, that even today, it is still misunderstood by the European Modern Humans themselves.

• The first miracle was recorded in the year 453, when Attila the Hun had crushed the Roman armies. The European Modern Humans escaping total annihilation was only due to Attila's mysterious death on his wedding night, possibly as a result of alcohol poisoning or esophageal hemorrhage.

• The second most improbable miracle was recorded in 1241, as Batu Khan had already totally defeated the European Modern Humans' forces, made of a Germanic, Polish and Bulgarian coalition. Batu Khan never went westward, to seize the then cornered and defenceless European Modern Humans' Kingdoms, because as the Mongols were about to invade Western Europe in December 1241, Ogedei Khan (Great Khan of the Mongol Empire) died during a drinking bout. Then his commanders, who were marching towards Vienna, abandoned their campaign, and returned in Mongolia to participate in the election of a successor.

While the first two events have been documented to some extend, the closest and last encounter remains still shrouded in state cover-up and secrecy. This paper will shed more light on the 1946 occurrence.

1.3. Abstract

Here we demonstrate how the Empire of Japan was in pole position to achieve the first ever world conquest in human history, back in 1936 on the eve of the Second Sino-Japanese War and subsequently the larger Pacific War (WWII).

We will study the various options available to the Nipponese leaders, along the fate of the ethnic Europeans, and how the less than 10% probability of not achieving a world conquest, but instead ending by the most unlikely major military defeat and occupation by a foreign power, has occurred.

But now the war has lasted for nearly four years. Despite the best that has been done by everyone--the gallant fighting of our military and naval forces, the diligence and assiduity of out servants of the State and the devoted service of our 100,000,000 people--the war situation has developed not necessarily to Japan's advantage, while the general trends of the world have all turned against her interest.

-Emperor Shōwa, Jewel Voice Broadcast, Transmitted by Domei on 15th August 1945

2. Background: The Final War Theory

Ishiwara Kanji (石原 莞爾, 18 January 1889 – 15 August 1949) was a general in the Imperial Japanese Army in World War II. He and Itagaki Seishirō were the men primarily responsible for the Mukden Incident that took place in Manchuria in 1931.

Prior to leaving for Germany, Ishiwara had converted to Nichiren Buddhism. Nichiren had taught that a period of massive conflict would precede a golden era of human culture in which the truth of Buddhism would prevail. Japan would be the center and main promulgator of the faith, which would encompass the entire world. Ishiwara felt that the period of world conflict was fast approaching, and Japan, relying upon its vision of the kokutai and its sacred mission to liberate China, would lead a unified East Asia to defeat the West.

Ishiwara was also the leader of a semi-religious and Pan-Asianist organization, the East-Asia League Movement (Tōarenmei undō).

In the wake of the First World War, Ishiwara came to formulate his theory of the “final war” (saishū sensō 最終戦争). The World Final Race Theory or Final War Theory, published in 1941, was a prophecy about the inevitability of the World War.
The Final War will be conducted with annihilation strategy in a very short period of time that will rely on massive use of weapons of mass destruction and aircrafts.


Ishiwara believed history was inevitably moving humanity towards larger political entities, resulting in the nation-state, which was to be superseded by regional blocks. Eventually, he predicted a final war between Western civilization, led by the United States, and Asia, led by Japan. After this final war, the world would be unified with the Tennō as the spiritual Buddhist figurehead.


To strive for the common prosperity and happiness of all nations as well as the security and well-being of our subjects is the solemn obligation which has been handed down by our imperial ancestors and which we lay close to the heart.

Indeed, we declared war on America and Britain out of our sincere desire to insure Japan's self-preservation and the stabilization of East Asia, it being far from our thought either to infringe upon the sovereignty of other nations or to embark upon territorial aggrandizement.

-Emperor Shōwa, Jewel Voice Broadcast, Transmitted by Domei on 15th August 1945

3. Ahistorical Factors Used In The Modelization

We used a computer simulation to verify the outcome resulting from each of the four possible strategic paths available to the Nipponese leaders in 1936:
• Neutrality
• Northern Expansion
• Southern Expansion
• Western Expansion

The simulation was run for several months on Paradox's WWII grand strategy game 'Hearts of Iron 4' (HOI4), but the base version was reworked with several custom made modifications. Extensive use of console commands were also necessary in order to change many unmoddable aspects during the simulations, such as ethnic and occupation policies, historic events, peace conferences, declarations of war, justifications of war, core and claimed territories, joining alliances, sending volunteers and expeditionary forces, etc.

What was first an educated guess, i.e. a Nipponese world conquest by 1947s, has therefore been confirmed as an ahistorical possibility.

Many decisive factors, ahistorical by nature due to the real course of the WWII, have contributed to the final outcome, and therefore have been taken into account in the modelization:
•The 1946 Threshold
•GDP Triggers
•China's Strategic Focus
•Collapse of the Axis-GEACS unholy alliance
•Occupation policy

3.1. The 1946 Threshold

The Empire of Japan was the first to develop anti-air high-power microwave weapons during the Pacific war.
Nippon Radio Telegraph and Telephone Co., Ltd. has developed in 1939 the world’s first cavity magnetron, with punched positive copper pole, 10cm wave length and 500W power.

Research on microwave weapons(く号兵器) started on December 1936 at the Imperial Japanese Army Noborito Laboratory (陸軍登戸研究所).

Research on artificial lightning generator weapons(ら号兵器) by irradiating the sky with high intensity ultraviolet beams and ionization of the air, started on April 1938.


https://archive.fo/V3GBA/dbc7cfa97f1e5490153ce6edb84da7aba5a5a1a0.jpg ; https://i.imgur.com/qvRoak6.jpg ; http://web.archive.org/web/20170116...ge/1e/61/9027d3d1f5dadf4dfaf12bdacce7602d.jpg ; http://web.archive.org/web/20190810...ruribo0209/e/ae4059113f5cd2242b85e3735eec3db7 ; https://archive.fo/Vyo4N
1. Noborito Lab 9th Institute museum: some of the various directed energy weapons (microwave, UV, IR, Ultra sound, etc) and other automated/remote-controlled platforms research.

Anti-Aircraft EMF weapons rely on air ionization and breakup, that occurs with an EMF frequency of 9.37GHz, the peak power up to 200kW, pulse width from 0.3 to 2.0μs.

Second Naval Technology Factory Ushio Laboratory ruins (第二海軍技術廠牛尾実験所遺跡)

34°51'23.8"N, 138°07'44.6"E
34.856607°N, 138.129065°E


Note: The site and all the concrete ruins have been removed circa February 28, 2015.


https://archive.fo/0GLgP/d0db040b4cbc3ca6bc0fb4df2f199566ea993c5e.jpg ; https://i.imgur.com/70HuDKy.jpg
2. Second Naval Technology Factory Ushio Laboratory ruins (第二海軍技術廠牛尾実験所遺跡)

Shimada Laboratory was dedicated to research on "death ray" during the war.

After the Battle of Midway, Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto advocated the need to develop new revolutionary weaponry. The "death ray" project was launched around June to August 1942. Construction work started around May 1943. With staff member of 1,457 people and 60 researchers.

Original plan was first to increase the output power of the ultra-high frequency from the kW to hundreds of kW.

Nuclear power generator was expected to be used.

The basic design has been completed in 1944 around September, but it did not reach the stage of practical application, with a high-frequency radio wave output of 50kW using a 10 meters diameter parabolic reflector.

The whole project ended unfinished.


http://web.archive.org/web/20170116...or.blogimg.jp/shizuokak/imgs/8/a/8a60fe44.jpg ; http://web.archive.org/web/20160607072856/http://blog.livedoor.jp/shizuokak/archives/4794187.html ; https://archive.is/0rUGw
3. Very rare image of the 10 meters diameter parabolic reflector 50 kW output High-frequency radio wave. 昭和25年1月

4. The first excavation is expected to be conducted on the ruins of the "powerful radio wave weapon" developed by the former Navy. Published on Aug 14, 2013

As for the Imperial Japanese Navy, it began a nuclear propulsion for ships' feasibility study under the direction of Captain Yōji Itō at the Navy Technical Research Institute around January 1942.

Itō assembled a panel of experts, designated the “Committee for Research on the Application of Nuclear Physics (B-Research),”and invited Nishina to serve as chair.

The committee met ten or more times until March 1943, when the panel of experts concluded that Japan could not develop a nuclear weapon in time for the war. Itō disbanded the committee and turned his attention to developing electron weapons, including a “death ray.”

Therefore, to bypass the inherent limitations cause by atmospheric air ionization and breakup that caused a tremendous loss of power and limited the useful range of all electromagnetic frequencies (EMF) Directed Energy Weapon (DEW) to under several hundreds of meters to a few kilometers, the Empire of Japan started from 1943 to investigate DEW produced by particle accelerators (cyclotrons).

Nishina laboratory at RIKEN (Institute for Physical and Chemical Research) was the first to study electron-decaying particles for DEW, called Uchūsen weapons (宇宙線兵器).

On November 1944, the Empire of Japan started the launch of the world's first intercontinental weapons system.

With a wave of 9'300 transpacific fūsen bakudan (風船爆弾) or "windly vessel" sent 10'000 km away toward North America.

The program is known as Fu-Go (ふ号兵器), and the new platforms surf the powerful Kamikaze (神風: Divine Wind) stratospheric current (called afterwards jet streams in the West) that were discovered by Wasaburo Ooishi back in 1924, thus far above enemy interceptors altitude.

Conventional explosives alone were not enough for the Empire of Japan to defeat the U.S. and other Allies.

But DEW intercontinental stratospheric FUGOs would. As announced by the official Nipponese Domei news agency and reported on Monday 4th June 1945, large scale attacks with crewed gigantic stratospheric airships were to be expected soon!

One major hurdle was the imperative need to be able to weaponize an airborne particle accelerator reaching the threshold of >300 MeV to 500 MeV for protons/deuterons beam, needed to produce the first useful class of electron-decaying particles.
The overall size and mass of the cyclotron, with the electromagnet alone weighting 220 tons, should have imperatively needed to be shrinked.
A more compact design, while able to reach even higher energy level could have been possible with the replacement of the single massive electromagnet at the core of Nishina's cyclotron, with several smaller and more powerful magnets for bending the particle beams, while acceleration would have been produced by radiofrequency cavities (synchrocyclotron).

Moreover, Directed Energy Weapon (DEW) were only a small part of the military applications unlocked by Nishina's research at RIKEN. Weapons based on applied electron-decaying V-particles technologies have allowed the conception of powerful long-range intelligence gathering tools (long-range scanners), and ultimately of remote-controlling enemy forces.

For the most advanced weapons, the first use in combat could likely not have started before 1946.

Therefore, the year 1946 is the threshold if the Nipponese are to defeat all the other alliances. Remaining independent, is therefore of paramount importance, with its Manchurian or Siberian hinterland safe from enemy airstrikes, and possibly with most of its industrial capacity and access to strategic resources (rare metals, Rare Earth Elements, Aluminium, Uranium, Helium).

3.2. GDP Triggers

A well established predictor of military victory in great power warfare is GDP (Gross Domestic Product). When someone suggests that the Axis could not hope to defeat the Allies, the underlying assumption is that the relative material potential of the sides made an Axis victory impossible. Scholars readily accept and promulgate a caution against economic determinism, yet some still tend to accept it in practice.


In the simulations, GDP is related to the Industrial Capacity (I.C.).
It is the core factor that dictates when to strike and with which faction to wage war. But is is only a crude rule of thumb indicator of national strengths.
For more accuracy, instead of only comparing the Industrial Capacity, we also compared the number of military division deployed, divisions in training, the level of manpower available, the recruitment policies, the access to resources be it controlled or imported (metals, oil, rubber) and the technological level.

In short, the sum of the GDP of the Nipponese-lead alliance called Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere (GEACS) and the GDP of the powers fighting against the enemy of the GEACS, should always exceed that of the enemy alliance.

This is especially tricky when fighting against multiple factions each with its own separate diplomatic stance.
Historically, this was the part that failed for both the Allies, Axis and GEACS, while the Comintern outbeated all the other alliances, emerging as the undisputed victor.

And this will also dictate whether or not, and when to backstab former friends, as a total war, before they become too powerful.


http://web.archive.org/web/20190824062723/https://i.imgur.com/58NN1mY.jpg ; https://archive.is/6QaQ8/617988fd9292773aba8887cc3c14fcfe794eae09.jpg ;
http://web.archive.org/web/20170922...tarfire.com/ww2/history/economic/GDP1938.html ; http://archive.fo/ohw3w

5. 1938 GDP

Gross Domestic Product 1938

GDP in billions of 1990 USA Dollars; % of World Economy
USA : 800.3; 19.9%
USSR : 359.0; 8.9%
Germany : 351.4; 8.7%
China : 320.5; 8.0%
UK : 284.2; 7.1%
UK Colonies : 284.5; 7.1%
France : 185.6; 4.6%
Japan : 169.4; 4.2%
Italy : 140.8; 3.5%
UK Dominion : 114.6; 2.9%
Dutch Colonies : 77.4; 1.9%
Japanese Colonies : 62.9; 1.6%
French Colonies : 48.5; 1.2%
USA Colonies : 26.5; 0.7%
Thailand : 12.5; 0.3%

While the table contains more precise information, it is less intuitive to use than the map, that gives a good visual idea at a single glance of the comparative military strength of each factions.

Some trivia:

•Obvious is that the Comintern can not be defeated by the Axis alone, as both are roughly of the same strength. But a combined Axis, GEACS and Chinese attack can break the Comintern's resistance, with respectively a 26% of world GDP and 8.9% of world GDP, or a 2.9 to 1 GDP ratio.
•Obvious is that the Empire of Japan can't even match the Republic of China's strength, with 5.8% of world GDP and 8.0% of world GDP, meaning a small GDP ratio of only 0.725!
•The U.S.A.'s 21.6% of world GDP is of same strength as the combined expanded-Axis and GEACS with 22.6% of the world GDP. But the annexation of the Comintern would add some 8.9% of world GDP. Still not enough if the U.K. (7.1% of world GDP) survives. Meaning that the entire Old World's GDP is necessary before any assault on the New World can be envisaged.

3.3. China's Strategic Focus

The Republic of China's (R.O.C.) strategy should mainly be dictated by the core and claimed territories, as per the 1911 break up map of the collapsing Great Qing Imperial Government under the blows of the European sponsored Xinhai Revolution of 10th October 1911 (辛亥革命).


https://i.imgur.com/3lSSl5x.png ; https://archive.fo/0tFzm/5952027bebe2673105a5d8ad18375172fa7fb4cf.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20190823...een-shot-2018-10-21-at-2-33-23-pm-png.415610/ ; http://web.archive.org/web/20190823.../forum/threads/kolchaks-warlord-atlas.449267/ ; http://archive.fo/OvEDy
6. Great Qing Imperial Government 1911 Map.


https://i.imgur.com/bvChX1s.png ; https://archive.fo/q7Twj/e89684f1b6561cd79caf81dc903cd9befcf16518.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20190823...een-shot-2018-11-06-at-9-26-27-am-png.418734/ ; http://web.archive.org/web/20190823.../threads/kolchaks-warlord-atlas.449267/page-3 ; http://archive.fo/98AgR
7. Map of Chinese splinters in 1938 and foreign imperialism.

This means subjugating first the warlords (Ma Clique, Shansi Clique, Kwangsi Clique, Tunganistan, Dalai Clique, etc).

As for the foreign supported Communist Party of China (C.C.P.), and foreign satellites of Sinkiang, Mongolia, Tannu Tuva, Mengjiang and Manchukuo, Chiang Kai Shek believed that he was still too weak to launch an offensive to chase out foreign powers such as the Empire of Japan and the Soviet Union. He needed time for a military build-up. Only after unification would it be possible for the Kuomintang (KMT) to mobilize a war against The Empire of Japan and the U.S.S.R.

It is expected that following the victory achieved during Chiang Kai Shek and Hans von Seeckt's Fifth Bandit Extermination Campaign against the Jiangsu Soviet, that finally led in October 1934 to the famous Long March, the Kuomintang would have launched another campaign to destroy the Soviet base in Shaanxi where the Communist Army had regrouped in October 22, 1935.


In most of the simulations, the CPC base in Shaanxi could be overtaken after 4 years of fighting by 1939, and sometimes even earlier.

This means that by the time WWII starts in Europe, with Fall Weiss or the German war on Poland on 1st September 1939, the R.O.C., having unified all the splinter factions, could have chased the remnants of the C.C.P in the Soviet Sinkiang or Mongolia.
Alternately, declaring war on Mongolia and Sinkiang would have been made possible due to the core territories claimed by the R.O.C.
To a lesser extent, the Sino-Soviet conflict of 1929 provides also a small leftover for a casus belli (level of tension).
Moreover, the presence of German military advisors such as Alexander von Falkenhausen were from day one intended to wage a two fronts war on the U.S.S.R.

An even better strategy is to wait and take time for a military build-up. About two years later, upon the start of Operation Barbarossa on 22nd June 1941, the R.O.C. would launch its own forces northward and westward, with a devastating effect on the Soviets.


3.4. Collapse Of The Axis-GEACS Unholy Alliance

Racism indisputably played a central role during WWII. While Italian fascism was not notably racist, both German and Nipponese fascism were deeply racist. Although Himmler convinced himself that the Japanese had "Aryan" blood, he could not convince Hitler, who received Oshima twice shortly after Pearl Harbor but then not again for over a year. A Japanese proposal to attack Madagascar in 1942 was strongly opposed by the Germans as an infringement on the German sphere of operations (the dividing line was at 70 degrees east longitude.) Hitler is reported to have stated in March 1942 that he would enjoy lending Britain twenty divisions with which to drive back the Japanese in the Far East. Allied prisoners of war working at the docks at Singapore later reported that a U-boat crew had come to attention and saluted them as they were marched past by their Japanese captors.

Some idea of how artificial the alliance was can be gleaned from a communication on 26th July 1941 from the Thai prime minister to the American minister (Prange 1988):

The primer minister of Thailand advised the American minister that the German military attaché had warned him against "going too far" with Japan because "you cannot trust Japan." The attaché added ominously that Germany would "settle with the Empire of Japan after she has won the war in Europe."

In other words, the German “admiration” for Japan was as thoroughly cynical as the nonagression pact with the Soviet Union; and, had Germany won the war in Europe, the alliance with the Empire of Japan would very likely have eventually ended the same way.


The non-aggression pact between Germany and the Soviet Union, a surprising development to begin with, has now less surprisingly fallen apart. Germany has attacked, breaking the pact and returned to once again openly speaking of the Soviet Union as a menace that must be faced for their visions of the future to become reality.
Soviet leadership is less than pleased, but perhaps less shocked by the betrayal than disappointed that they didn't seize the opportunity first.
Trust between giants is a fragile thing. -HOI4


https://archive.fo/qH6zz/801ffed5fd3f497b67783fd17d76cd9a57ae1acf/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20190823...0.jWIPIYGTkLqeh0koA1_G7IXkV0x2VQuzyKSbgz2iI-o ; http://web.archive.org/web/20190823...s-it-really-supposed-to-be-like.162419/page-4 ; http://archive.fo/teDsW
8. The dividing line between the Nipponese and German sphere of interests was at 70th degrees east longitude.
Hitler seemed to prefer the 70th degree of longitude border with the Empire of Japan (and only intended it as a temporary measure until he could defeat the Japanese in a subsequent war), the OKW preferred the Yenisei river border.

List of the most significant historical events potentially seen as a casus belli by Hitler against the Empire of Japan:
•By invading the Republic of China in 1937, a nation with an army reorganized and trained by German advisors and an important trade partner, the Nipponese have harmed the German interests in East Asia, especially their preparations to wage a two-front war on the Comintern.
•On December 6, 1938, the Five ministers council which was the highest decision making council at the time,took the decision to prohibit the expulsion of the Jews from Japan, Manchuria, and China in accordance with the spirit of racial equality. Thereafter, the Nipponese received Jewish refugees despite Germany's opposition, thus totally undermining Hitler's endeavour to exterminate that ethic group.
•The Japanese–Soviet Non-aggression Pact signed on April 13, 1941, allowed the Nipponese to trade with Germany's worse enemy until the final collapse of the Third Reich. By not declaring war on the Soviet Union, before and after 1941 as requested by Hitler, the Nipponese did nothing to save the doomed Axis.
•By demanding the control of French Indochina, the Nipponese have harmed the German interests in East Asia, and weakened the prestige and legitimacy of the German puppet French State of Philippe Petain, thus increasing the probability of further betrayal of French overseas colonies, that could be incited to defect to the Free France of De Gaulles.
•By invading Thailand on 8th December 1941, a nation considered to be in the German sphere of interest, and that has recently pledged its allegiance by germanising its Siamese name as 'Thailand' in 23rd June 1939, while adopting the same militaristic and nationalistic rhetoric, the Nipponese have undermined the Germans' ambitions in South East Asia.
•By demanding the control of some ports in Madagascar, seen as an infringement on the German sphere of operations and the dividing line set at 70th degrees east longitude, the Nipponese have weakened the prestige and legitimacy of the German puppet French State of Philippe Petain, thus increasing the probability of further betrayal of French overseas colonies, that could be incited to defect to the Free France of De Gaulles.
•By defeating, humiliating and brutalising ethnic Europeans in East Asia, civilian and military alike, such as sex slavery, the infamous death march or worse the Unit 731 biomedical experiments, the Nipponese have shattered the myth of the invincible superior Aryan master race, thus totally discrediting the Hitlerite ideology's core concept.

As for the Nipponese, reasons also abounds to backstab the Axis when the situation permits.

List of the most significant historical events potentially seen as a casus belli by Tojo against the Axis:
•By helping the Republic of China with arms export and military advisors, Germany has undermined the Nipponese military conquest of China.
•By signing the 1939 Molotov–Ribbentrop Non-Aggression Pact, while the Soviet army was defeating the Nipponese military in Manchuria along the Mongolian border, Hitler has betrayed the Anti-Comintern Pact signed on November 25, 1936, and that was aimed at the Soviet Union.
•By invading the USSR in June 1941 with Operation Barbarossa, again without notice, Germany has betrayed the Nipponese, that had just signed two months earlier their own Japanese–Soviet Non-aggression Pact, on 13th April 1941.
•By relinquishing on Nipponese demands for controlling ports in Madagascar, the Germans have not helped the Nipponese war effort in the Indian Ocean.

3.5. Occupation policy

Whether or not the Nipponese would decide to simply annex a conquered nation or instead create a puppet state can result in a tremendous difference in the short run on the outcome of the war.

Due to the limited core Nipponese's manpower, as compared to the world most populated powers such as China, the Soviet Union, and the U.S., and after extensive testing, the best results were obtained when we created at least one, possibly two fully independent allied states, as great powers, able to sustain on their own, a brutal campaign on the western front, fighting at the same time both the Comintern, Axis and Allies, thus relieving the Nipponese military that should primarily focus all its naval assets on the Pacific Ocean's front against the U.S. fleet.

Creating smaller entities would simply be a waste of human, military and industrial capacities.

Culture, ethnicity and religion is of great importance in deciding where to create these great powers, and their territorial extend.

Although these factors were not modelized in the base simulation program, nonetheless the occupation policies have been enacted according to the cultural, ethnic and religious map of the real world.

•The first one will be created on Soviet conquered lands. The ethnicity should be mainly Mongol-centered.

Koreans, Manchurians and all the other ethnic groups living in Northern China with higher body mass to body surface ratio, and therefore with better resistance to extreme cold attrition, would replace the destroyed ethnic Europeans.
Nipponese should only be present as advisors in the administrative, economic, industrial, educational, and other top military positions.

This great military power would constitute an effective equivalent of a modern time greater Mongol Khanate (Mengkukuo).

•The second one is centered around a core of Buddhists populations of South East Asia, and covers mainly French Indochina (Laos, Cambodia), British Burma, British Malaya, and even most of the British India.

Therefore constituting an effective equivalent of a modern greater Rattanakosin Empire.
Nipponese should only be present as advisors in the administrative, economic, industrial, educational, and other top military positions.

The rest of South East Asia (Philippines, Dutch East Indies, British Malaya, Australia, New Zealand, New Caledonia) would be administered directly by the Nipponese military occupation authorities.
Some minor islands of the Pacific Ocean, Indian Ocean and Sout East Asia could be released as puppet states with the lowest level of autonomy.

For all other conquered nations, direct administration by the Nipponese Army is applied by default. This covers the Middle East and Africa.

3.6. The Fate Of The Ethnic Europeans

Ethnic policies i.e. transfer of populations, while more than minor details during the WWII, have been occulted in the base simulation program.

Some were simply obliterated such a the Volga Germans, the Crimean Tatars or the Gypsies, while replacement policies were carried out in Koenigsberg and elsewhere.

But this can be simulated somewhat with the political decisions. Meaning, there will be no puppet state released on conquered land populated by ethnic Europeans, only transfer of populations from East Asia.

As for the Nipponese, the Kantokuen plan for operation in the Soviet Union, discloses the massive use of biochemical weapons of mass destruction (WMD) and the harshest occupation policy, that parallels the German's Generalplan Ost and Hungerplan.


Racism indisputably played a central role during WWII. The Nipponese fascism was deeply racist considering the Nipponese as the Master race, with its Emperor of divine origine.

This doctrine is probably rooted in the 19th century political philosophy 'Sonnō jōi' (尊皇攘夷, Revere the Emperor, expel the barbarians), and a political slogan in the 1850s and 1860s in the movement to overthrow the Tokugawa shogunate during the Bakumatsu period. Also influenced by the unipolar world as envisaged in the 'World Final Race Theory' (Final War Theory: Sekai saishū senron, 世界最終戦論).

'An Investigation of Global Policy with the Yamato Race as Nucleus' (大和民族を中核とする世界政策の検討) was a secret Nipponese government report created by the Ministry of Health and Welfare's Population Problems Research Center, and completed on July 1, 1943.

The document states that the Nipponese, the Yamato Race, were superior to all other races, the exploitation of other countries was a policy separate from the war.

Another principle of Nipponese doctrine was Hakkō ichiu (八紘一宇: all the world under one roof), meaning that the imperial rule had been divinely ordained to expand until it united the entire world, and was further propelled by preparations for celebrating the 2600th anniversary of the legendary first emperor Jimmu's ascension, which fell in the year 1940 according to the traditional chronology.

As the war went on, the characterization of the fighting became a 'holy war' (聖戦: seisen).

Therefore the physical extermination of all ethnic Europeans would have been the most likely, not only in Asia but also in all the Old World and then in the New World.
This is even more thinkable if the war between the Axis and GEACS were to be started as a surprise backstabbing move by Hitler.

4. Doctrines

We used a computer simulation to verify the outcome resulting from each of the four possible strategic paths available to the Nipponese leaders in 1936.

These were mostly all historical doctrines, but we added some changes to better serve the Nipponese interests.

According to the above mentioned GDP Triggers, we did not engage in wars that have occurred historically, if this was obviously too risky. Sticking only to the most conservative approach.
Thus, irrational mystical gambler mentality of the historical Nipponese leaders has been overridden in these simulations. Meanwhile, German and Soviet historical self-defeating decisions have not been overridden.

4.1. Neutrality

This is the best option for the Nipponese planners when trying to reach the 1946 Threshold.

Isolationism and pacifism yield the best result. Staying out of the international turmoil, while all other great powers exhaust their resources in futile brawls, and divert their efforts from fundamental research in high energy physics.

This is especially true for the Allies, who had collected most of the world' experts in particle physics by 1939, only to waste their talent in needless radar and nuclear weapon developments, while the Empire of Japan was focused primarily on studying high energy physics.

Directed Energy Weapon (DEW) were only a small part of the military applications unlocked by Nishina's high energy research at RIKEN. Weapons based on applied electron-decaying V-particles technologies have allowed the conception of powerful remote intelligence gathering tools (long-range scanners), and ultimately of remote-controlling enemy forces.

For the most advanced strategic-range stratospheric FUGO airships, the first military offensive could not be launched before 1946.

Therefore, the year 1946 is the threshold if the Nipponese are to start a world conquest and defeat the three great alliances (Allies, Axis and Comintern). Remaining independent, with its Manchurian hinterland safe from enemy airstrikes, and all its industrial capacity and access to strategic resources (rare metals, Rare Earth Elements, Aluminium, Uranium, Helium), is therefore of decisive importance.

Meanwhile, the Nipponese are advised to be cautious, and maintain a minimum military deterrence in Manchukuo and Mengjiang, i.e. the Kwantung Army, in order to not invite a Soviet invasion. Moreover, the Comintern will continue its provocations, in the form of terrorism (targeting occupation police forces, roads, factories, depots, etc) and assassinations. The Nipponese must imperatively no overreact and fall in the trap by declaring war on the Comintern and ROC, and only limit its response to small scale anti-partisan operations.


•The Kōdōha or Imperial Way Faction (皇道派) was a political faction in the Imperial Japanese Army active in the 1920s and 1930s. The Kōdōha sought to establish a military government that promoted totalitarian, militarist, and aggressive expansionist ideals, and was largely supported by junior officers. The radical Kōdōha rivaled the moderate Tōseiha (Control Faction) for influence in the army until the February 26 Incident in 1936, when it was de facto dissolved and many supporters were disciplined or executed.
They supported the plan of the northern expansion into Siberia.
Here the February 26 Incident in 1936, ahistorically never took place, due to the conspirators' accidental death while planting bombs. Furthermore, Tojo dies tragically in a aircraft accident.

•Instead of escalating into a full scale war in China, there is no Marco Polo Bridge incident, the Empire of Japan adopts an defensive stance in Manchukuo and Mengjiang.

•By 1942, the Empire of Japan under Nishina's team at RIKEN, makes two epochal breakthroughs by studying cosmic rays, in the development of quantum electrodynamics theory (QED): Tomonaga's relativistically covariant formulation of the quantum field theory, and Sakata's two-meson theory.
•By 1943, the Empire of Japan investigates the military applications of artificially produced cosmic rays.
•By 1944, the Empire of Japan, investigates and map the transcontinental high altitude stratospheric air current patterns, with the first stratospheric fully-automated FUGO sounding balloons.
•By 1945, the Empire of Japan, unlocks the military applications of artificially produced cosmic rays by developing new-type ultra-high energy particle accelerators.
First large-size manned stratospheric FUGO airships are tested during the winter season.
•By 1946, the Empire of Japan, starts its world conquest, by launching waves of transcontinental stratospheric FUGO airships armed with particle accelerators over all major capital cities of the world.

4.2. North

Hokushin-ron (北進論, "Northern Expansion Doctrine" or "Northern Road") was a pre-World War II political doctrine of the Empire of Japan which stated that Manchuria and Siberia were Japan's sphere of interest and that the potential value to Japan for economic and territorial expansion in those areas was greater than elsewhere. Its supporters were sometimes called the Strike North Group. It enjoyed wide support within the Imperial Japanese Army during the interwar period.

The Army favored a "counterclockwise strike" while the Navy favored a "clockwise strike".

This option is more challenging than the neutrality. It will cost many lives, and resources, but the territorial expansion will also provide more new resources. The downside is that upon reaching the dividing line at 70 degrees east longitude, red line fixed by Hitler, the Empire of Japan will give the Germans a casus belli for a backstabbing.

First, the priority is to defeat the Soviet Union, while the Axis must survive.

Once the Soviet Union is defeated, the next priority is the defeat of the Axis, while the British Islands must remain independent.

Finally, the control of all the Old world is the first step before starting the conquest of the New world.


•The Kōdōha or Imperial Way Faction (皇道派) was a political faction in the Imperial Japanese Army active in the 1920s and 1930s. The Kōdōha sought to establish a military government that promoted totalitarian, militarist, and aggressive expansionist ideals, and was largely supported by junior officers. The radical Kōdōha rivaled the moderate Tōseiha (Control Faction) for influence in the army until the February 26 Incident in 1936, when it was de facto dissolved and many supporters were disciplined or executed.
They supported the plan of the northern expansion into Siberia.
Here the February 26 Incident in 1936, is ahistorically succesful and we support the Kodoha Faction.

•Instead of escalating into a full scale war in China, there is no Marco Polo Bridge incident, the Empire of Japan adopts an offensive stance in Manchukuo and Mengjiang.

•By 15th May 1937, the Empire of Japan escalates border clashes in Manchuria into a full scale invasion of the Soviet Union, Mongolia and Tannu Tuva.


http://web.archive.org/web/20190830115826/https://i.imgur.com/QBUXgtv.png ; https://archive.is/u4vNu/495c70ecebf65d6a7ff77d9a6c127449ceceb770.png
9. By 15th May 1937, the Empire of Japan escalates border clashes in Manchuria into a full scale invasion of the Soviet Union.

•By 9th September 1938, the Republic of China annexes the last warlord factions, while surviving remnants of the C.C.P Red Army flee to Mongolia.


http://web.archive.org/web/20190830120107/https://i.imgur.com//WER2E7H.png ; https://archive.fo/yDHHy/232ba499b8e196003787b3facba7d963a778bc8c.png
10. By 9th September 1938, the Republic of China annexes the last warlord factions.

•By 24th August 1939, Germany declares war on Poland (Fall Weiss).


http://web.archive.org/web/20190830120358/https://i.imgur.com/NNE5esH.png ; https://archive.fo/jScg7/1dba26cba639e6a34a5d80a060023541f3a80611.png
11. By 24th August 1939, Germany declares war on Poland (Fall Weiss).

•By 16th May 1941, the Empire of Japan declares war on the Allies (Philippines, British Malaya, Dutch East Indies, Hong Kong).


http://web.archive.org/web/20190830120713/https://i.imgur.com/Ue0LBSC.png ; https://archive.fo/331PZ/2f7bd920958090ffdc7179280ef0a8af91e352bf.png
12. By 16th May 1941, the Empire of Japan declares war on the Allies.

•By 10th July 1941, the Axis invades the Soviet Union (Operation Barbarossa).


http://web.archive.org/web/20190830120903/https://i.imgur.com/GlP4WJw.png ; https://archive.fo/nSA3a/e32185e7b0ff2fc850354637ea9121393ec58855.png
13. By 10th July 1941, the Axis invades the Soviet Union (Operation Barbarossa).

•By 29th October 1941, the Republic of China declares war on the Soviet Union.


http://web.archive.org/web/20190830121054/https://i.imgur.com/TSXZMTg.png ; https://archive.fo/j89Sn/d41f042dd3a15826282b200d9ac8320c5d3a48a9.png
14. By 29th October 1941, the Republic of China declares war on the Soviet Union.

•By 21st January 1944, the Republic of China joins the GEACS, with a secret agreement offering the retrocession of all core and claimed territories, including Manchuria and Taiwan after the defeat of the Axis.


http://web.archive.org/web/20190830121403/https://i.imgur.com/A2QKnzs.png ; https://archive.fo/d1FBQ/33f53ac56ee9512bae7b26357f94978a2265d853.png
15. By 21st January 1944, the Republic of China joins the GEACS.

•By 10th April 1944, Axis and GEACS armies make first contact, north of Stalingrad, effectively cutting the Soviet Union in two.


http://web.archive.org/web/20190830121631/https://i.imgur.com/mc3wjxD.png ; https://archive.fo/PSc5a/3b8c89ef8b8224f7c75e45eb0062ab74d8641a0e.png
16. By 10th April 1944, Axis and GEACS armies make first contact, north of Stalingrad.

•By 11th April 1944, the Soviet Union collapses. No longer able to oppose any organized resistance, Stalin and the Soviet leadership with the remnants of the Red Army, having lost the control of all urban areas, retreat in the mountains and forests of the Ural, Caucasus and Siberia to continue a desperate low level partisan warfare.


http://web.archive.org/web/20190830121856/https://i.imgur.com/yl90WWT.png ; https://archive.fo/UMM4h/7ae8756324f16ce153424a7c4d3ea2ee62f3b225.png
17. By 11th April 1944, the Soviet Union collapses.

•By 27th November 1944, Hitler launches a backstabbing war on the GEACS.


http://web.archive.org/web/20190830122140/https://i.imgur.com/Wq12ErF.png ; https://archive.fo/VdZWg/204a712080b72ddd182101a3a569b5592fd0608a.png
18. By 27th November 1944, Hitler launches a backstabbing war on the GEACS.

At this point, the GDP of the Axis still surpasses that of the GEACS. But the Axis has to fight the Allies at the same time. Meaning a GEACS victory is not impossible. The Axis will have to divide its forces on three fronts, in northern Europe, in eastern Europe and in Africa.

The added Allies's GDP and GEACS's GDP will outbeat that of the Axis.

Therefore, the best strategy for the GEACS is to let the Axis and Allies fight both in Europe and in Africa, while minimizing the GEACS's land war with the Allies, and concentrating on the European front against the Axis.

Containing the Allies with the Nipponese fleet in the Pacific Ocean and Indian Ocean should suffice at this stage.

The main priority is to destroy the Axis and not weakening the Allies. Most importantly, the British islands must not fall to the Axis. This stronghold is of prime importance for launching devastating strategic bombings on the German's core industrial and demographic heartland. The Allies' air superiority over Europe will also help the GEACS advancing westward, as matching the German aeronautical production is not possible in the short term.

The GEACS must concentrate on conquering as much Axis-controlled territories as possible, and try capturing Berlin before the Allies.

•By 1946, the Empire of Japan, starts a new phase in its world conquest, by launching waves of transcontinental stratospheric FUGO airships armed with particle accelerators.
Showa: The Fate Of Homo SS V1.0 Part 2

4.3. South

Nanshin-ron (南進論, "Southern Expansion Doctrine") was a political doctrine in the Empire of Japan which stated that Southeast Asia and the Pacific Islands were Japan's sphere of interest and that the potential value to the Japanese Empire for economic and territorial expansion in those areas was greater than elsewhere.

Its focus was to procure colonial resources in South East Asia and neutralize the threat posed by Western military forces in the Pacific. The Army favored a "counterclockwise strike" while the Navy favored a "clockwise strike".

This option is more challenging than the neutrality. It will cost many lives, and resources, but the territorial expansion will also provide more strategic resources such as oil and rubber. The downside is that upon reaching the dividing line at 70 degrees east longitude, red line fixed by Hitler, the Empire of Japan will give the Germans a casus belli for a backstabbing.

First, the priority is to secure as much lands under Allies control, in South East Asia, the Pacific and South Asia region.

After the start of the Axis' invasion of the Soviet Union, the Empire of Japan should help defeat the Comintern, as the Axis must survive.

Once the Soviet Union is defeated, the next priority is the defeat of the Axis, while the British Islands must remain under Allies control.

Finally, the control of all the Old world is the first step before starting the conquest of the New world.


•The Kōdōha or Imperial Way Faction (皇道派) was a political faction in the Imperial Japanese Army active in the 1920s and 1930s. The Kōdōha sought to establish a military government that promoted totalitarian, militarist, and aggressive expansionist ideals, and was largely supported by junior officers. The radical Kōdōha rivaled the moderate Tōseiha (Control Faction) for influence in the army until the February 26 Incident in 1936, when it was de facto dissolved and many supporters were disciplined or executed.
They supported the plan of the northern expansion into Siberia.
Here the February 26 Incident in 1936, ahistorically, did not even occurred, due to the conspirators' lack of resolve and support.
The Kodoha Faction continue to counterbalance the Tōseiha Faction.

•Instead of escalating into a full scale war in China, there is no Marco Polo Bridge incident, the Empire of Japan adopts a defensive stance in Manchukuo and Mengjiang.

•By 21st March 1939, the Republic of China annexes the last warlord factions, while surviving remnants of the C.C.P Red Army flee to Mongolia.


http://web.archive.org/web/20190830122603/https://i.imgur.com/1GMi0w5.png ; https://archive.fo/gO96t/96d432803a7faa2b5c6bb2544a433a5b7e696546.png
19. By 21st March 1939, the Republic of China annexes the last warlord factions.

•By 24th August 1939, Germany declares war on Poland (Fall Weiss).


http://web.archive.org/web/20190830122918/https://i.imgur.com/YYsFck7.png ; https://archive.fo/ttz2q/3b4fdd77a636fa151c6e5e677fed4183568e36bf.png
20. By 24th August 1939, Germany declares war on Poland (Fall Weiss).

•By 11th May 1940, the Empire of Japan declares war on the Allies (Philippines, British Malaya, British Burma, Dutch East Indies, French Indochina).


http://web.archive.org/web/20190830123119/https://i.imgur.com/aqn08dF.png ; https://archive.fo/FGM6o/0eb11875471230127b2a0a8bacc67b12e7b29367.png
21. By 11th May 1940, the Empire of Japan declares war on the Allies.

•By 28th May 1940, Thailand joins the GEACS.

•By 8th June 1940, Kuala Lumpur is conquered by the GEACS.

•By 11th June 1940, France surrenders to the Axis.

•By 24th June 1940, Singapore is conquered by the GEACS forces.

•By 10th December 1940, Free France's French Indochina is conquered by the GEACS.

•By 23th April 1941, the Philippines is conquered by the GEACS.

•By 15th May 1941, the British Empire wages war on Iraq (Anglo-Iraqi War).

•By 10th July 1941, the Axis invades the Soviet Union (Operation Barbarossa).


http://web.archive.org/web/20190830123413/https://i.imgur.com/KQUzDmj.png ; https://archive.fo/3nhhZ/3bb8b11e41d1a696016bd6d22a07cab49123808b.png
22. By 10th July 1941, the Axis invades the Soviet Union (Operation Barbarossa).

•By 12th August 1941, the Republic of China declares war on the Soviet Union.


http://web.archive.org/web/20190830123745/https://i.imgur.com/q6Q5y7u.png ; https://archive.fo/lQsp7/e21ce4813b532f3a308891928d447c63371b932b.png
23. By 12th August 1941, the Republic of China declares war on the Soviet Union.

•By 12th August 1941, the Soviet Union invades Persia (Anglo-Soviet invasion of Persia).

•By 30th November 1941, Mongolia is conquered by the GEACS.

•By 9th August 1942, British India is conquered by the GEACS.

•By 1st December 1942, Australia is conquered by the GEACS.

•By 19th January 1943, the Empire of Japan declares war on the Soviet Union (KANTOKUEN plan).
KANTOKUEN (Japanese: 関特演, from 関東軍特別演習, Kantogun Tokubetsu Enshu, "Kwantung Army Special Maneuvers") was an operational plan created by the General Staff of the Imperial Japanese Army for an invasion and occupation of the far eastern region of the Soviet Union, capitalizing on the outbreak of the Soviet-German War in June 1941. Involving seven Japanese armies as well as a major portion of the empire's naval and air forces, it would have been the largest single combined arms operation in Japanese history, and one of the largest of all time.
The plan was approved in part by Emperor Hirohito on July 7 and involved a three-step readiness phase followed by a three-phase offensive to isolate and destroy the Soviet defenders in no more than six months. It envisioned heavy use of chemical and biological weapons and would have enforced the harshest occupation regime on the Soviets.


http://web.archive.org/web/20190830123933/https://i.imgur.com/ZJccVg8.png ; https://archive.fo/Oi2Nc/a784802f1c1c49ed38ff20e387c069919a8c58ab.png
24. By 19th January 1943, the Empire of Japan declares war on the Soviet Union (KANTOKUEN plan).

•By 3rd July 1943, Moscow is conquered by the Axis; Axis and GEACS armies make first contact, while besieging Stalingrad from both East and West sides.


http://web.archive.org/web/20190830124153/https://i.imgur.com/m2xyd9Y.png ; https://archive.fo/xKWpJ/efb9ec0a88f381763593e680dd2ac049439377d1.png
25. By 3rd July 1943, Moscow is conquered by the Axis; Axis and GEACS armies make first contact.

•By 11th July 1943, the Soviet Union collapses. No longer able to oppose any organized resistance, Stalin and the Soviet leadership with the remnants of the Red Army, having lost the control of all urban areas, retreat in the mountains and forests of the Ural, Caucasus and Siberia to continue a desperate low level partisan warfare.


http://web.archive.org/web/20190830124515/https://i.imgur.com/2Fbp51y.png ; https://archive.fo/aD8TK/2a2284fc08e0e9efcb64f9567b7d6ee9bebca505.png
26. By 11th July 1943, the Soviet Union collapses.

•By 16th September 1943, GEACS forces stop their advance at Qanāt al-Suways (Suez Canal), after the conquest of the Sinai.


http://web.archive.org/web/20190830124741/https://i.imgur.com/39v8KcG.png ; https://archive.fo/GeIiU/6aff78e8d1b46d0978bee87b878bcea1dfedb4a4.png
27. By 16th September 1943, GEACS forces stop their advance at Qanāt al-Suways (Suez Canal).

•By 16th September 1943, Mengkukuo is created by the Nipponese on conquered territories of the former Soviet Union, with Great Khan (Emperor) Demchugdongrub as its head of state. Mengjiang is retroceded to the Republic of China to facilitate its future membership in the GEACS.


http://web.archive.org/web/20190830125121/https://i.imgur.com/StUfbGW.png ; https://archive.fo/0Ndsq/8eb1c541511ffaa64dbb26a9b773fda09a093250.png
28. By 16th September 1943, Mengkukuo is created by the Nipponese on conquered territories of the former Soviet Union.

•By 1st April 1944, the Republic of China joins the GEACS, with a secret agreement offering the retrocession of all core territories, including Manchuria and Taiwan after the defeat of the Axis.

•By 21st June 1944, Hitler launches a backstabbing war on the GEACS.


http://web.archive.org/web/20190830125302/https://i.imgur.com/isYIby8.png ; https://archive.fo/2zOps/ddb1e12324b4a56cecc4c9abfb638082d125435e.png
29. By 21st June 1944, Hitler launches a backstabbing war on the GEACS.

At this point, the GDP of the Axis still surpasses that of the GEACS. But the Axis has to fight the Allies at the same time. Meaning a GEACS victory is not impossible. The Axis will have to divide its forces on three fronts, in northern Europe, in eastern Europe and in Africa.

The added Allies's GDP and GEACS's GDP will outbeat that of the Axis.

Therefore, the best strategy for the GEACS is to let the Axis and Allies fight both in Europe and in Africa, while minimizing the GEACS's land war with the Allies, and concentrating on the European front against the Axis.

Containing the Allies with the Nipponese fleet in the Pacific Ocean and Indian Ocean should suffice at this stage.

The main priority is to destroy the Axis and not weakening the Allies. Most importantly, the British islands must not fall to the Axis. This stronghold is of prime importance for launching devastating strategic bombings on the German's core industrial and demographic heartland. The Allies' air superiority over Europe will also help the GEACS advancing westward, as matching the German aeronautical production is not possible in the short term.

•By 1946, the Empire of Japan, starts a new phase in its world conquest, by launching waves of transcontinental stratospheric FUGO airships armed with particle accelerators.

4.4. West

The Second Sino-Japanese war (SSJW) was historically the turning point in the Second World War. By starting a full-scale war on China, the Empire of Japan could nearly no longer hope to emerge victorious in the long run, according to the GDP rule.

We consider the Marco Polo Bridge Incident on 7th July 1937 as the turning point, although Nipponese expansionism in China began in 1931.

This last option is to escape the Chinese quagmire through a white peace.

But we have envisaged two other ahistorical miracles, though of very low probability.

These imponderables can not be controlled by the Nipponese of course, and only depend on the Chinese actors.

4.4.1. White Peace, Unilateral Withdrawal

Pravda's publication of February 13, 1938, noted that: "the Japanese Army, which possesses a strength of about 1,200,000 men, 2,000 planes, 1,800 tanks, and 4,500 heavy artillery pieces, committed about 1,000,000 troops and a greater part of its arms in China."

This shows that most Nipponese forces could no longer be used to save the German armies against the Soviet buldozer. And that a certain defeat of the Axis would have inevitably lead to the defeat of the Empire of Japan.

Therefore, by offering a white peace to China, no later than 1941, would have allowed the Nipponese to send this million men to rescue the Axis by opening a second front from Manchuria.

But China's position is unknown, and in case of refusal, the only alternate solution, though even more dishonorable than the white peace offer, would have been to proceed with an unilateral withdrawal under the guise of a strategic redeployment behind the Manchurian-East Hebei border, defended by hastily-built lines of heavy fortifications.

The political cost and dishonour for the Nipponese leader at home might have been of course beyond the acceptable, thus making the white peace offer and even worse the unilateral withdrawal only two ahistorical options. But this would have on the other hand improved dramatically the strained diplomatic relations with Germany.

An even less likely possibility is for the Nipponese to offer a military alliance to the Republic of China, with the return of all territorial gains made after 1937.
This offer might be tempting for the Kuomintang for three reasons:
•A joint military offensive against the CCP would have allowed to achieve China's reunification more easily, with the powerful air support provided by the Nipponese, along military advisors, and weapons.
•The Germans' dilemma to choose between supporting China or the Nipponese would no longer exist, thus mending the diplomatic relations with Germany.
•The German initial plan to wage a total war on the Soviet Union with both the Republic of China and the Empire of Japan could now be a reality, thus mending the diplomatic relations with Germany.

4.4.2. Xi'an incident

The Xi'an Incident (traditional Chinese: 西安事變; simplified Chinese: 西安事变; pinyin: Xī'ān Shìbìan) was a political crisis that took place in Xi'an, Republic of China in 1936. Chiang Kai Shek, leader of the Republic of China, was detained by his subordinates, Generals Zhang Xueliang and Yang Hucheng, in order to force the ruling Chinese Nationalist Party (Kuomintang or KMT) to change its policies regarding the Empire of Japan and the Communist Party of China (CPC).

Prior to the incident, Chiang Kai Shek focused on fighting Communists within China rather than the external threat of the Japanese. After the incident, Chiang aligned with the Communists against the Japanese. The crisis ended after two weeks of negotiation, in which Chiang was eventually released and returned to Nanjing, accompanied by Zhang. Chiang agreed to end the ongoing civil war against the CPC and began actively preparing for the impending war with Japan.

On 12 December 1936, bodyguards of Zhang Xueliang and Yang Hucheng stormed the cabin where Chiang was staying and detained the Nationalist leader. A telegram was sent to Nanjing to demand immediate end to civil war against the CPC, and to reorganize the Nationalist government by expelling pro-Japanese factions and adopting an active anti-Japanese stance. As conflicting reports unfolded, the Nationalist government in Nanjing was sent into disarray.

Many young officers in the Northeast Army demanded Chiang be killed, but this was refused by Zhang as his intention was "only to change his policy".

This turning point in the course of the WWII could have ended totally differently, as the execution of Chiang Kai Shek would have secured the Imperial Japanese Army's victory in China.

After the Nipponese military victory, the best option is to release an independent nation lead by Wang Jingwei. This is the only way to exploit the boundless manpower of China, and form a formidable military powerhouse needed to face the Soviet Union. For the same reason, there should be no remaining cliques, all must be absorbed into the Republic of China, including the Dalai Clique.

The Republic of China will be a member of the GEACS.

4.4.3. Wang Jingwei

Similarly, as no fewer than a hundred assassination attempts on Adolf Hitler have been uncovered by historians, any successful plot to remove Chiang Kai Shek could have turned the tide in favor of the Empire of Japan in its war against China.

Wang Jingwei was a close associate of Sun Yat Sen for the last twenty years of Sun's life. After Sun's death in 1925 Wang engaged in a political struggle with Chiang Kai Shek for control over the Kuomintang, but lost. Wang remained inside the Kuomintang, but continued to have disagreements with Chiang until the outbreak of the Second Sino-Japanese War in 1937, after which he accepted an invitation from the Japanese Empire to form a Japanese-supported collaborationist government in Nanjing.

An alternate ahistorical path could have saved the Empire of Japan's from defeat, if Chiang Kai Shek were to be removed, quickly and before 1941, in a plot involving Wang Jingwei with or without the Nipponese involvement. Once the Chiang Kai Shek hurdle removed, the Wang Jingwei-lead Kuomintang could have offered a white peace to the Nipponese.

For this, a simple neutral stance from the Wang Jingwei-lead Republic of China toward the Empire of Japan would have sufficed. A less likely possibility would have been the formal military alliance between the two nations.

5. Conclusion

Japan had more than 93.75% chance (15/16) of achieving the first ever world conquest back in 1936.

Instead, Tojo et al. intoxicated by the heavy and most nefarious influences of the German culture and hitlerite ideology, have broken the world's worse ever record in term of military defeat.

Surpassing even Churchill's abysmal failure.

While the later's most clumsy tricks to subdue the Comintern by instrumentalising the Axis, with his patronage and connivance, has ultimately backfired in the most devastating way, and thus putting an abrupt end to a century-long British world hegemony known as the Pax Britannica, Tojo's military adventurism has ended the Nipponese civilization's 2605 years of uninterrupted independence, a unique world record in itself.

Worse, as the Nipponese would not only be militarily defeated by what was regarded as the barbarian Europeans (U.S.), forcing it to surrender all its directed energy weapons and near-space airship platforms to the U.S. victor, thus allowing the U.S. military junta to achieve the first world conquest by the 1947s, but also endure a full colonization and brainwashing with the same psychotronic weapons the Nipponese had initially intended to use to defeat the Europeans!

In short, to achieve the first ever world conquest, the probability were of 1/4 chance by remaining peaceful, 1/4 by striking North i.e. the Soviet Union, 1/4 by striking South i.e. the Allies. The worse possible path was to pick a fight with the Chinese indomitable colossus, that ultimately brought the Empire of Japan to its knees in September 1945 (1/16 probability)!

Probability breakup by stategic doctrines:

1. Neutrality (1/4 probability)
2. North (1/4 probability)
3. South (1/4 probability)
4. West (1/4 probability)

4.1. White Peace, Unilateral Withdrawal (1/16 probability)
4.2. Xi'an incident (1/16 probability)
4.3. Wang Jingwei (1/16 probability)
4.4. Unconditional surrender (1/16 probability)

This painful truth has caused such sleepless nights and uneasiness that the Emperor Showa has confessed in his anguishing final years:

"There is no point in living a longer life by reducing my workload. It would only increase my chances of seeing or hearing things that are agonizing. 7th April 1987"




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Jan 30, 2020

Well, after Japan's Epsilon rocket, this makes another one with dual-use civilian-military, latent ICBM capabilities!

Which begs the question, of which nation will be targeted by South Korea with the tacit accord of the U.S.A., at more than 5'000 km distance? Probably the same as Japan.:smart:

After China, Japan, and North Korea, it will be the 4th powers with such capability in East Asia.

While this year the Republic of China (R.O.C.) will also access to satellite launch capability and solid propellant ballistic missile capability of its own with more than 2'000 km range!


Jan 14, 2019

The fundamentals that dictates the policies are: territorial cores (Kuril island, Dok Island, Senkaku Island, etc), strategic ressources (rare earth, hydrocarbons, oceanic seabed metals, etc). Plentyful of frictions here, but worse, like during the collapse of the Mongol Empire, the splinters will start to fight against each others. Look at the Soviet Union after 1991, and even today! Can you tell us that the day the U.S. Dystopian Empire collapses, Japan will not be the first to shoot? The possession of he Epsilon rocket gives Japan an ICBM capability comparable to the Chinese DF-41!

Mass ~80t
Length ~21 metres
Diameter ~2.25 m
Operational range ~14,000–15,000 kilometres

Japan Epsilon rocket
Mass 91 t
Length 26 m
Diameter 2.5 m
Operational range ~14,000–15,000 kilometres


And now to evade the missile defence:

Japan mulls anti-aircraft carrier gliding missiles for remote island defense

February 25, 2020 (Mainichi Japan)

TOKYO -- Japan's Defense Ministry is considering upgrading its "hyper velocity gliding projectiles" (HVGP), a new type of missile it is seeking to deploy in fiscal 2026 for the defense of remote islands, to add an anti-ship capability to them, it has been learned.

The move is aimed at improving the defense of the Nansei Islands in southwestern Japan amid China's maritime activities in the region. HVGPs can glide at high velocity after payloads are detached from a rocket in the upper atmosphere where air resistance is low. The missiles are capable of following complex trajectories under the guidance of GPS and other systems, making it harder for an adversary to intercept them than conventional missiles.

The Defense Ministry eyes equipping HVGPs with a new type of payload that is capable of penetrating the deck of aircraft carriers. However, enhancing the firing range and other capabilities of Self-Defense Force (SDF) equipment could be called into question over its consistency with Japan's exclusively defense-oriented policy. The ministry therefore is planning to give due consideration, such as limiting the missile range to around 500 kilometers or less.

The development of HVGPs will come in two stages. In the first stage, an early equipment type will be developed for possible deployment by the Ground Self-Defense Force (GSDF) in fiscal 2026, targeting a potential enemy invading Japan's remote islands. In the second stage, an upgraded type will be developed for possible installation in fiscal 2028 or later, featuring claw-shaped payloads, enhanced speeds and firing ranges, and more complex trajectories.

Furthermore, the ministry is also mulling introducing advanced anti-ship and anti-surface missiles, which are currently under investigation by the Acquisition, Technology & Logistics Agency. If these technologies are incorporated into HVGPs, the projectiles can penetrate aircraft carrier decks, which are harder than its external walls, before being detonated inside the vessel to make it impossible for aircraft to take off or land, as well as destroy targets within a range of several hundred meters squared.

Behind the ministry's move lies China's intensifying maritime moves in waters near the Senkaku Islands in Okinawa Prefecture and other parts of Japan. In 2012, China commissioned its first aircraft carrier Liaoning, and the second such vessel, Shandong, was launched in 2019. Shandong is the first Chinese-made carrier. Beijing is said to be further seeking to add at least two more carrier vessels.

Chinese government vessels have been frequently spotted navigating in contiguous zones near the Senkaku Islands and intruding into Japanese territorial waters. While the main island of Okinawa and the Senkakus are about 420 kilometers apart, the GSDF's current missile range is set at just over a hundred kilometers. The introduction of longer-range gliding missiles to protect the Nansei Islands would make it possible for Japan to respond to China's activities without deploying the Maritime Self-Defense Force's vessels and aircraft.

The Defense Ministry allocated a total of 18.5 billion yen in the fiscal 2018 and 2019 budgets for research on HVGPs for the defense of remote islands, and plans to add another 25 billion yen in the fiscal 2020 budget. However, some legislators in the Diet have pointed out that acquisition of the new capabilities could "make it possible for the SDF to directly attack other countries' territories" and "deviate from Japan's exclusively defense-oriented policy." The development of the new technologies is also feared to threaten Japan's neighbors.

The government has defended the HVGP development, stating, "They are intended for homeland defense and are not considered attacking weapons."

(Japanese original by Yusuke Tanabe, Political News Department)


http://archive.is/R6E2H/927a2edb7ffd152c1bfd090c30d69c43b0909a5f.jpg ; https://archive.is/R6E2H/38b4389c374042a177ab4f977142c3852b9bc04a/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20200226...1/2020/02/25/20200225p2a00m0na019000p/9.jpg?1 ; http://archive.ph/AvTEx ; http://web.archive.org/web/20200226...english/articles/20200225/p2a/00m/0na/012000c
1. Japan's Defense Ministry is considering upgrading its "hyper velocity gliding projectiles" (HVGP).


It only requires to put the new HGV on an Epsilon ICBM, to evade the missile defence over Moscow!

Conclusion, this continuous arms race will only be sustainable by military powers that have the most scientific capacities.



. .
While trying to capture the Chinese Yaogan-16A/B/C triplet, a no-show once again due to the systematically erroneous orbital data (TLE) published by the U.S. North American Aerospace Defense Command. And this is nothing new.

A Japanese spacecraft was caught on camera with one of the brightest flare ever!

The GOSAT-2/Ibuki-2 (Greenhouse gases Observing Satellite-2) satellite was launched on 29 October 2018 (04:08:00 UTC, 13:08:00 JST) on the H-IIA vehicle. The launch site was TNSC (Tanegashima Space Center), Kagoshima, Japan. — The launch and flight of H-IIA F40 proceeded as planned. The separations of GOSAT-2 and KhalifaSat were confirmed respectively at approximately 16 minutes and 09 seconds and 24 minutes and 15 seconds after liftoff. 11) 12)

Orbit: Sun-synchronous orbit, altitude = 613 km, inclination = 97.8º, revisit cycle of 6 days, LTAN (Local Time at Ascending Node) at 13:00 ± 0.15 hours.

The GOSAT-2 spacecraft is a medium-size satellite with two solar panels. Its design is based on JAXA's ALOS-2 satellite launched in 2014. GOSAT-2 has a mass of about 1700 kg (dry mass), provides a power generation of 5 kW and has a design life of 5 years.

Spacecraft size (main body): 5.3 x 2.0 x 2.8 m


http://archive.is/NSWeQ/02743ab2338d5b23f293c827c4ea0aeaf5649271.jpg ; https://archive.is/NSWeQ/0b8f583440abdbbffca1c763d5ef344362d685b7/scr.png ; https://www.sankei.com/images/news/181027/lif1810270028-p1.jpg ; https://www.sankei.com/life/news/181027/lif1810270028-n1.html
1. GOSAT-2/Ibuki-2 「いぶき2号」

This behemoth, presented officially as an earth observation satellite has produced one of the brightest flare, as captured when it was emerging from the Earth shadow.


http://archive.vn/rv4Fc/d9b29a09429a8385cf05336614b465f7818b4604.jpg ; https://archive.vn/rv4Fc/1a1a7973e61469ca72a5b5635232e461dbb394d2/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20200527185437/https://i.imgur.com/gWrrIn6.jpg
2. GOSAT-2/Ibuki-2 「いぶき2号」 emerging from the Earth shadow.

Image calibrated with astrometry.net:


http://archive.vn/BDXHM/e630e6430b68fbf7803355129f5531c60fb342ec.jpg; https://archive.vn/BDXHM/c8d4c8ea39b7c5bfa9a8b0df1f42683c4f50158a/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20200527185713/http://nova.astrometry.net/annotated_full/4263183 ; http://nova.astrometry.net/user_images/3697676#annotated ; http://nova.astrometry.net/annotated_full/4263183
3. Image of GOSAT-2/Ibuki-2 calibrated with astrometry.net.



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China is concerned about Japan's hypersonic weapons program.


Yaogan 25A/25B/25C or Jianbing 8-05 in its military designation, is part of the Yaogan-9 constellation series dedicated for ocean surveillance, developed by China SpaceSat Co. Ltd., based on its CAST2000 satellite bus. The satellite is believed to be similar to the U.S. Naval Ocean Surveillance System (NOSS) / Whitecloud, designed to identify, locate and track naval ships in the sea. Each mission comprises a constellation of three small satellites carrying different mission packages, flying in close formation on a 1'100 km LEO inclined at 63.4°.

It is believed that each Yaogan 9 series constellation consists of electro-optical imaging, SAR imaging, and possibly electronic/signal intelligence (ELINT/SIGINT) satellites to collect the optical and radio electronic signatures of surface ships, in particular carrier battle groups (CVBG). Combined with other space-based systems such as maritime surveillance satellites and data relay satellites, the Yaogan 9 constellation can provide an over-the-horizon intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance and targeting capability for China’s maritime strike forces, such as the anti-ship ballistic missile (ASBM) system.

A total of five missions have been launched since 2010, all using the CZ-4C launch vehicle from Jiuquan.

Contractor..........China SpaceSat Co. Ltd.
Satellite bus:......CAST2000
Solar panel span:...N/A
Orbit:..............1,100 km
Designed life.......N/A
Launch vehicle......CZ-4C
Launch site.........Jiuquan
Missions............Yaogan 9A/9B/9C (2010-009A/B/C)
........................Yaogan 16A/16B/16C (2012-066A/B/C)
........................Yaogan 17A/17B/17C (2013-046A/B/C)
........................Yaogan 20A/20B/20C (2014-047A/B/C)
........................Yaogan 25A/25B/25C (2014-080A/B/C)

The Yaogan 25A/25B/25C (Jianbing 8-05) triplet was launched on 10th December 2014, with a CZ-4C from JSLC.

Two Line Element Set (TLE):

1 40338U 14080A 20146.89829734 -.00000083 00000-0 11396-4 0 9990
2 40338 63.4038 243.4965 0168001 0.3869 359.7257 13.45190677268118
1 40339U 14080B 20146.89851550 -.00000083 00000-0 11090-4 0 9993
2 40339 63.4045 243.5640 0168243 0.2970 359.8128 13.45190142268113
1 40340U 14080C 20146.89844899 -.00000115 00000-0 -38102-4 0 9993
2 40340 63.4021 244.1804 0168077 0.6424 359.4789 13.45190282268092


http://archive.is/8KGrv/1c6382c754f88f1a67e7cbe4d7b63ac9ba2d0f83.jpg ; https://archive.is/8KGrv/7ef274ba22e7c4f9b7e44d3d366ae7a50d6046b1/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20200528193141/https://imgur.com/d3oPyvr ; https://i.imgur.com/d3oPyvr.jpg
1. Yaogan 25A/25B/25C (Jianbing 8-05) triplet predicted pass.

The Yaogan 25A/25B/25C (Jianbing 8-05) triplet pass caught on camera last night, fainter than Magnitude 9 and calibrated via astrometry.net:


http://archive.vn/Zvc8T/4052cfff465d4c21de7a2ce6c7236f348b8804d0.jpg ; https://archive.vn/Zvc8T/481003521efe8c752a92022d49e3b09d8b31c44c/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20200528185252/http://nova.astrometry.net/annotated_full/4266497 ; http://nova.astrometry.net/user_images/3700990#annotated ; http://nova.astrometry.net/annotated_full/4266497
2. The Yaogan 25A/25B/25C (Jianbing 8-05) triplet as captured on camera.

In short, Japan's surface vessels can't evade China's PLA detection, waiting as sitting ducks the anti-ship ballistic missiles' (ASBM) coup de grace like the infamous IJN YAMATO (大和).

Meanwhile Japan's new hypersonic weapons lack the support of a Naval Surveillance satellites constellation...

This means although some have suggested that this hypersonic weapon might possibly be directed against China, in reality it is more likely to be part of a nuclear deterrence directed against the Norsemen, complementing the Japanese covert Epsilon ICBM program.

Proof, the Scandinavian squatters still occupy not only large swathe of core Chinese territories but also core territories of Japanese northern ancestral land since 1945, therefore forfeiting the signing of any peace treaty in the foreseeable future.

For any future diplomatic negociations with the earl from Kattegat, and as a leverage tool, a show of strength is therefore always of foremost importance.



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@Galactic Penguin SST

# As Huawei said, the Empire is NOT the world. Its words are not the rules, and China is big and strong enough to simply disregard the garbages it vomits!

China will soon rule the world, and even earlier than in the most wildest dreams! Good news.

Thanks COVID-19, or covidiots perhaps?

Indeed, a little more than one year after the abysmal 15 April 2019 Notre-Dame de Paris fire, that started during renovation works, this year, on 12 June 2020, it is another fleuron of the Franks that is devastated by a man-made inferno, during a major overhaul work.

How ironic, as the Marine Nationale just launched its M-51 SLBM on 12 June 2020, saber rattling not that far from Mar-a-Lago!

Coincidence? I think not!


http://archive.is/OIH6G/85fd91133448b22a36ba8280fdab8b7000f9e0f1.jpg ; https://archive.is/OIH6G/c023bffcbf0e17d3a0c1aae8ad0f17bf9058717a/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20200613193855/https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EaUUCq9XYAEw6A5?format=jpg&name=large ; https://twitter.com/princertitude/status/1271444513735806977
1. M-51 SLBM saber rattling off Mar-a-Lago on 12 June 2020.

Karma? Or is the Empire striking back? Anyway, the same day, the SSN Perle is devastated by an inferno during 14 hours, making the vessel most likely irrecoverable. Another Dien Bien Phu at sea.

Or just another victim of covidiots, following the report of the ExoMars space mission, et cetera?


http://archive.vn/OysPX/ad84946cc0fd525a142397124e4e62464a175647.jpg ; https://archive.vn/OysPX/fb85061df9a859b433a5047296975b92d9a904f0/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20200613...fr/image/75s16u20u-bfba/1200/450/21678039.jpg ; http://web.archive.org/web/20200613...-de-combustible-nucleaire-a-bord_4006041.html ; http://archive.vn/I2qH8
2. SSN Perle blazing on fire on 12 June 2020.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TFHP9DM3mzU ; Var : un incendie se déclare sur un sous-marin nucléaire à Toulon.
3. 12 June 2020: Dien Bien Phu at sea.

When one has demonstrated such poor sanitary records, during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, amounting to a real humanitarian Berezina, with 29’389 deaths and 156'813 contaminated as of 13 June 2020, one is not at all in position to teach China how to rule the world!

This pandemic has only hastened the demise of the old world order and the rise of the Pax Sinica, the only Great Nation, for a better, more prosperous and more peaceful world.

And indeed, this inevitable outcome was from start, back 2 millions years ago totally foreseeable:


http://archive.is/hnvpi/84e467fa4bece1f7c20aedf0f8dd9aed14b538b6.jpg ; https://archive.is/hnvpi/6f26c0dc34ff7e6c0f6d13d7a5e6d484a17888f3/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20200508095932/https://i.imgur.com/IalynO3.jpg
4. Timeline of the Neo-Chinese road to exo-diplomatic victory, after 4'000 years of civilization.

So why so much surprises and rage from some other minor players? Misconceptions, turned into dogmas, leading to this academic pitfall.

Indeed, the reading was wrong, without taking into account the overwhelming evidences in the bigger picture, while totally overlooking, due to state censorship and denial the genetic reality of the world.

This is what a hippopotamus could be seen through such European biased lens, when genetics is not included in the modelization:


http://archive.is/nV7jo/0bbf2f0ddd6b4fe860ce475dcdfcd7df6de1e2c8.jpg ; https://archive.is/nV7jo/cda19425840b1aa19d2ffd2fa586c65597e5401f/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20200614122111/https://i.imgur.com/eJhBv1g.jpg
5. Hippopotamus wrong reconstruction when genetics is not included in the modelization.

History is no arts for would-be paleoartists but hard science. Use computer simulations.

The North Chinese average 2.69 Petabytes brain capacity has no competitors, certainly not the 2.59 Petabytes North Europeans, least the 2.5 Petabytes South Europeans.

And for 2 millions of years, that is since the rise of the first Synanthropes, the gap was similar with all its competitors.

Deal with it!



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Firefighters Battled The French SSN ‘Perle’ Blaze For 14 Hours

By Xavier Vavasseur — NAVALNEWS (2020-06-13)

Firefighters battled the blaze that broke out yesterday aboard a French Navy (Marine Nationale) nuclear-powered attack submarine (SSN) for a total of 14 hours.

According to a French Ministry of the Armed Forces statement issued today, the fire was finally put out this morning at 12.50 am:

On June 13, 2020, the fire aboard the SSN “Perle” was extinguished at 12:50 am, after more than 14 hours of a fight that mobilized a hundred firefighters and more than 150 people in support.

For the record, the fire broke out on June 12, at 10:35 am on the forward zone of the SSN that was in dry dock, undergoing a major overhaul at Toulon naval base in Southern France (where all French Navy Rubis-class SSNs are home ported).

At 9:36 p.m on June 12, authorities announced that the fire was under control following the flooding of the aft compartments of the submarine with foam, adding that the “reactor rooms remains untouched.”

There was no nuclear fuel on board , this having been removed as part of the technical shutdown. There were no weapons (missiles, torpedoes, ammunition) or batteries on board either.

These damages may be significant during the duration of the blaze. Should Perle‘s not be able to return to active duty, the consequences may be serious for the French Navy as it would leave a large capability gap affecting the French submarine force as well as the security of the French nuclear deterrence. This would leave the French Navy with only 4 operational SSN. The Rubis-class SSN Saphir (second ship of the class) was decommissioned in July 2019. The next class of SSN, the first ship-in-class Suffren , which started sea trials recently, won’t be fully operational until 2021.


Hotfix Ending The Game V1.0.(15th June 2020) here:

China will soon rule the world, and even earlier than in the most wildest dreams! Good news.

Thanks COVID-19, or covidiots perhaps?

Indeed, a little more than one year after the abysmal 15 April 2019 Notre-Dame de Paris fire, that started during renovation works, this year, on 12 June 2020, it is another fleuron of the Franks that is devastated by a man-made inferno, during a major overhaul work.

How ironic, as the Marine Nationale just launched its M-51 SLBM on 12 June 2020, saber rattling not that far from Mar-a-Lago!

Coincidence? I think not!


http://archive.is/OIH6G/85fd91133448b22a36ba8280fdab8b7000f9e0f1.jpg ; https://archive.is/OIH6G/c023bffcbf0e17d3a0c1aae8ad0f17bf9058717a/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20200613193855/https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EaUUCq9XYAEw6A5?format=jpg&name=large ; https://twitter.com/princertitude/status/1271444513735806977
1. M-51 SLBM saber rattling off Mar-a-Lago on 12 June 2020.

Karma? Or is the Empire striking back? Anyway, the same day, the SSN Perle is devastated by an inferno during 14 hours, making the vessel most likely irrecoverable. Another Dien Bien Phu at sea.

Or just another victim of covidiots, following the report of the ExoMars space mission, et cetera?


http://archive.vn/OysPX/ad84946cc0fd525a142397124e4e62464a175647.jpg ; https://archive.vn/OysPX/fb85061df9a859b433a5047296975b92d9a904f0/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20200613...fr/image/75s16u20u-bfba/1200/450/21678039.jpg ; http://web.archive.org/web/20200613...-de-combustible-nucleaire-a-bord_4006041.html ; http://archive.vn/I2qH8
2. SSN Perle blazing on fire on 12 June 2020.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TFHP9DM3mzU ; Var : un incendie se déclare sur un sous-marin nucléaire à Toulon.
3. 12 June 2020: Dien Bien Phu at sea.

When one has demonstrated such poor sanitary records, during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, amounting to a real humanitarian Berezina, with 29’389 deaths and 156'813 contaminated as of 13 June 2020, one is not at all in position to teach China how to rule the world!

Ending The Game V1.0.

This pandemic has only hastened the demise of the Old World Order and the rise of the Pax Sinica, the only Great Nation, for a better, more prosperous and more peaceful world.

And indeed, this inevitable outcome was from start, back 2 millions years ago totally foreseeable:


http://archive.is/hnvpi/84e467fa4bece1f7c20aedf0f8dd9aed14b538b6.jpg ; https://archive.is/hnvpi/6f26c0dc34ff7e6c0f6d13d7a5e6d484a17888f3/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20200508095932/https://i.imgur.com/IalynO3.jpg
4. Timeline of the Neo-Chinese road to exo-diplomatic victory, after 4'000 years of civilization.

So why so much surprises and rage from some other minor players? Misconceptions, turned into dogmas, leading to this academic pitfall.

Indeed, the reading was wrong, without taking into account the overwhelming evidences in the bigger picture, while totally overlooking, due to state censorship and denial the genetic reality of the world.

This is what a hippopotamus could be seen through such European biased lens, when genetics is not included in the modelization:


http://archive.is/nV7jo/0bbf2f0ddd6b4fe860ce475dcdfcd7df6de1e2c8.jpg ; https://archive.is/nV7jo/cda19425840b1aa19d2ffd2fa586c65597e5401f/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20200614122111/https://i.imgur.com/eJhBv1g.jpg
5. Hippopotamus wrong reconstruction when genetics is not included in the modelization.

History is no arts for would-be paleoartists but hard science. Use computer simulations.

The North Chinese average 2.69 Petabytes brain capacity has no competitors, certainly not the 2.59 Petabytes North Europeans, least the 2.5 Petabytes South Europeans.

And for 2 millions of years, that is since the rise of the first Sinanthropes, the gap was similar with all its hominid competitors.

One major consequence of this genetic gap is seen in the military field, where China as a civilization has never been defeated by the Europeans.

This thruth should expectingly be received here by foreign readers as a shocking revelation at best, which it is not of course, and most likely with utter dismay, anger and desperation from the most brainwashed.

Here the debunking, that shatters five centuries of European institutional self-deception, state disinformation and academic revisionism.

When Marco Polo, made the trip to China, between 1271 and 1295, as the alleged first European, where he also met Kublai Khan, it was in fact to the Mongolian Empire.

The last independent Chinese state of the Southern Song dynasty having been defeated in the Battle of Yamen in 1279 and annexed to the Mongolian Empire.

Again what was later used as a political tool to further European imperialist ambitions in the Manchurian Empire (from 1921 Russian, then from 1945 American hidden rogue putschist faction), and called as the 'Chinese century of humiliation', covering the period between 1839 and 1949, can not be farther from the truth, simply because China wasn't an independant state, having been annexed into the Manchurian Empire since 1644 to 1912.

Followed by various Manchurian Empire's splinters fighting factions or cliques, sponsored by foreign powers, and from 1928 to 1945, partly under one of them, a British wire pulled puppet Republic of China, and partly under another one as a Russian puppet faction, the comintern.

Therefore, it is accurate to say that the Europeans have never defeated the Chinese civilization over the last 4'000 years of history.

And it is quite the opposite. China defeated Portugal twice, under the Ming Dynasty's naval fleet in the 1521 Battle of Tunmen (屯门海战) and the 1522 Battle of Shancaowan (茜草湾之战).

China's Admiral Zheng Chenggong (鄭成功) defeated Holland in 1661 in the Battle of Formosa.

In short only larger brains thus higher memory size, from the colder north (Mongols, Manchus) have subjugated China in the past. But these in turn have been systematically overthrown due to their inherent weakness in other cognitive abilities, due to the poorer diversity of their ecosystems (desertic, tundra vs Chinese highest and coldest plateau in the world, desertic with largest temperature gaps, temperate plains and forests, and mostly hot rainy subtropical).

With such outstanding military record, unmatched in the history of humankind, only predetermined by the starting ecosystem of each players and epigenetics, the Chinese civilization is about to reach the finish line first, within this century and ending the game. Completing all the Chi Arts requirements, as war is no longer an option with the most advanced exo-civilization.

Deal with it!



. .
While trying to capture the Chinese Yaogan-16A/B/C triplet, a no-show once again due to the systematically erroneous orbital data (TLE) published by the U.S. North American Aerospace Defense Command. And this is nothing new.

A Japanese spacecraft was caught on camera with one of the brightest flare ever!

The GOSAT-2/Ibuki-2 (Greenhouse gases Observing Satellite-2) satellite was launched on 29 October 2018 (04:08:00 UTC, 13:08:00 JST) on the H-IIA vehicle. The launch site was TNSC (Tanegashima Space Center), Kagoshima, Japan. — The launch and flight of H-IIA F40 proceeded as planned. The separations of GOSAT-2 and KhalifaSat were confirmed respectively at approximately 16 minutes and 09 seconds and 24 minutes and 15 seconds after liftoff. 11) 12)

Orbit: Sun-synchronous orbit, altitude = 613 km, inclination = 97.8º, revisit cycle of 6 days, LTAN (Local Time at Ascending Node) at 13:00 ± 0.15 hours.

The GOSAT-2 spacecraft is a medium-size satellite with two solar panels. Its design is based on JAXA's ALOS-2 satellite launched in 2014. GOSAT-2 has a mass of about 1700 kg (dry mass), provides a power generation of 5 kW and has a design life of 5 years.

Spacecraft size (main body): 5.3 x 2.0 x 2.8 m


http://archive.is/NSWeQ/02743ab2338d5b23f293c827c4ea0aeaf5649271.jpg ; https://archive.is/NSWeQ/0b8f583440abdbbffca1c763d5ef344362d685b7/scr.png ; https://www.sankei.com/images/news/181027/lif1810270028-p1.jpg ; https://www.sankei.com/life/news/181027/lif1810270028-n1.html
1. GOSAT-2/Ibuki-2 「いぶき2号」

This behemoth, presented officially as an earth observation satellite has produced one of the brightest flare, as captured when it was emerging from the Earth shadow.


http://archive.vn/rv4Fc/d9b29a09429a8385cf05336614b465f7818b4604.jpg ; https://archive.vn/rv4Fc/1a1a7973e61469ca72a5b5635232e461dbb394d2/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20200527185437/https://i.imgur.com/gWrrIn6.jpg
2. GOSAT-2/Ibuki-2 「いぶき2号」 emerging from the Earth shadow.

Image calibrated with astrometry.net:


http://archive.vn/BDXHM/e630e6430b68fbf7803355129f5531c60fb342ec.jpg; https://archive.vn/BDXHM/c8d4c8ea39b7c5bfa9a8b0df1f42683c4f50158a/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20200527185713/http://nova.astrometry.net/annotated_full/4263183 ; http://nova.astrometry.net/user_images/3697676#annotated ; http://nova.astrometry.net/annotated_full/4263183
3. Image of GOSAT-2/Ibuki-2 calibrated with astrometry.net.





The latest attempt to catch the most elusive Iranian Noor-1 satellite and its mysterious 3rd stage QASED R/B (Arash 24 solid motor) was unsuccessful due to the proximity of the moon, but the frame has easily captured along the most infamous USA-224 reconnaissance satellite, the Japanese GOSAT IBUKI Observing Satellite.

Very high noise level of the camera sensor caused by the current record heatwave (38C degrees in the arctic lately or 17C degrees above the average June level).


GOSAT (Greenhouse gases Observing Satellite) / Ibuki

GOSAT (nickname Ibuki meaning “breath” or “puff”) is a JAXA mission within the GCOM (Global Change Observation Mission) program of Japan. The GOSAT mission goals call for the study of the transport mechanisms of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4).

The emphasis is on atmospheric monitoring to clarify the sources and sinks of CO2 on a sub-continental scale. The overall mission objective is to contribute to environmental administration by estimating the Green House Gases (GHGs) source and sink on a sub-continental scale and to support the Kyoto protocol that was adsorbed at COP3/UNFCCC (3rd session of the conference in the framework of climate change) in 1997. The protocol calls for a reduction of greenhouse gases, in particular CO2; it requires all parties to reduce their emissions by 5% below the level of the year 1990, for the period of 2008-2012. Specific GOSAT objectives are: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10)

• Observation of the CO2 and CH4 column density (CH4 column density during orbital nighttime):

- at a spatial scale of 100-1000 km

- with relative accuracy of 1% for CO2 (4ppmv, 3 month average) and 2% for CH4

- during the Kyoto Protocol's first commitment period (2008 to 2012).

• Reduction of CO2 annual flux estimation errors by half (0.54GtC/yr to 0.27GtC/yr) in identifying the greenhouse gas source and sink at subcontinental scale with the data obtained by GOSAT in conjunction with that from the ground-based instruments.

The mission priority is on:

- Short wave infrared observation

- CO2 and CH4 column density (during the orbital day time)

Secondary mission goals are:

- Thermal infrared observation

- CO2 and CH4 altitude profile

- CO2 and CH4 CH4 column density (during orbital night time)

- Observation of other trace gases (O3, etc.)

- Provision of other products (temperature profile, Earth radiation)

GOSAT is a joint project of JAXA (Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency) and NIES (National Institute of Environmental Studies) with instrument development/funding by Japan's Ministry of the Environment (MOE). In this arrangement, JAXA is responsible for the satellite and instrument development, launch and operation of the spacecraft (including data acquisition), while NIES is in charge of data analysis (algorithm development) and utilization.


The spacecraft bus is three-axis stabilized with a structure size of 2.0 m (length) x 1.8 m width) x 3.7 m height). The structure consists of the mission module in which the mission sensors (payload) are loaded and the bus module containing the bus components. The mission module and the bus module (CFRP cylinder) can be separated so that the assembly is performed easily. The mission module consists of the honeycomb panel reinforced by CFRP on the surface.

• The AOCS (Attitude & Orbit Control Subsystem) is based on a zero-momentum design, attitude is sensed by Earth sensors, star trackers, IRU (Inertial Reference Unit), and a GPS receiver. Actuation is provided by a RWA (Reaction Wheel Assembly) and by MTQ (Magnetic Torquers).

AOCS consists of the AOCE (Attitude and Orbit Control Electronics), the IRU (Inertial Reference Unit), the FSSA (Fine Sun Sensor Assembly), ESA (Earth Sensor Assembly), the GPSR (Global Positioning System Receiver), STT (STar Tracker), the RWA (Reaction Wheel Assembly), the VDE (Valve Drive Electronics), and the MTQE (Magnetic TorQuer Drive Electronics). Figure 3 presents a block diagram of the AOCS. 11)

• The EPS (Electrical Power Subsystem) uses a 50 V unregulated bus, the solar panels are of rigid padpole design with 3.8 kW of power (EOL), and 4 pairs of NiCd batteries with energy of 35 Ah for solar eclipse operations (note: the NiCd batteries have flight heritage).

• The PDL (Paddle Subsystem) consists of two paddle wings, deployment mechanisms, paddle drive mechanisms. The solar array paddles are folded and attached at the side panels of the satellite by the hold and deploy mechanisms during the launch phase. The two paddle wings are deployed by the ordnance controller. The length of the paddle wing is about 6 m from the attachment to the tip. One wing generates over 2.0 kW at the end of mission life (EOL) with the condition that the sunlight is normal to the paddle surface. The power needed to drive the bus subsystems is generated by one wing, and partial observation of the mission sensors is possible even if one paddle wing fails.

• The RCS (Reaction Control Subsystem) is a monopropellant hydrazine blowdown system. RCS consists of 2 tanks of 550 mm diameter, four 20 N thrusters ,eight 1 N thrusters, tubes, pressure sensors, filters and valves. If a thruster of the four 1 N thrusters fails, AOCE (Attitude and Orbit Control Electronics) switches the control thrusters to the other four 1 N thrusters automatically.

• MDHS (Mission Data Handling Subsystem). The data from mission sensors is multiplexed by MDHS, recorded in a memory, and send to DT subsystem. The memory size of MDHS is 48 GByte.

• DT (Direct Transmission Subsystem). The data from MDHS is modulated at the X-band modulator, and converted to RF signal. And it is amplified at the XSSPA and transmitted to the ground station.

• TTC Telemetry Tracking and Command Subsystem). TTC consists of TTC-RF and TTC-DH. It receives the command from the ground station, demodulates and distributes to each subsystem. It gathers telemetry data from each subsystem, edits, records and transmits to the ground station. It also has the autonomous function and increase the flexibility of the operation.

• The TCS (Thermal Control Subsystem) maintains the temperature of the satellite at moderate temperature range for the each component. Thermal control is performed passively using heat pipes, MLI and OSR, and performed actively using a heater controlled thermostat.

The overall S/C mass is about 1750 kg with a payload mass of 391 kg. The overall design life is 5 years. The spacecraft is being manufactured by MELCO (Mitsubishi Electric Corporation), Kamakura Works, Japan as the prime contractor of GOSAT. 12) 13) 14)



International Designation Code : 2009-002A
Launch Date : 12:54, January 23, 2009 (JST)
Launch Vehicle H-IIA : Launch Vehicle No.15
Location : Tanegashima Space Center
Shape : 2 box shape with wing-type solar array paddles; 3.7 m x 1.8 m X 2.0 m (Depth); (Length between the tips of the paddles: 13.7 m)
Weight : Approx. 1,750kg
Orbite : Sun-Synchronous Sub-Recurrent
Altitude : Approx. 667km
Inclination : Approx. 98 degrees
Period : Approx. 98 minutes
Mass : Approx. 1.8t (at launch)
Electrical power : 3,800kW
Design life : 5 years
Responsibilities : Prime contractor


Two Line Element Set (TLE):

GOSAT (IBUKI) 2009-002A 33492
1 33492U 09002A 20175.18499281 +.00000048 +00000-0 +16916-4 0 9998
2 33492 098.0624 286.0619 0001662 088.7312 271.4083 14.67554586610999


http://archive.is/ATJn9/fb0d8b1f4bc8469a372536a4e7eeec3ffc75be63.jpg ; https://archive.is/ATJn9/5559503f42edf4ccab0b1582d144050e228fc7e2/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20200708001828/https://i.imgur.com/audMluf.jpg
1. GOSAT (IBUKI) pass: Magnitude ~6 (d), Altitude ~647 km, Distance ~1258 km, Size ~3.0 m length x 1.5 m diameter, Angular size ~00.5''.

Japanese GOSAT-IBUKI satellite' pass caught in Serpent Caput on camera, the first night of this month, compared to the higher RCS USA-224 satellite pass caught in Hercules, and showing a bright flare.


http://archive.vn/fyIol/3ef94c507e8e8a6fe5c95a22be1c0ef84fc21090.jpg ; https://archive.vn/fyIol/3805439f29ff35f3906fd3d7fd89e8ac63d082fe/scr.png ; http://archive.vn/7M6Yp/5a2f08cc3ecf0fce3d290d624b83bdbee21decbc.jpg ; https://archive.vn/7M6Yp/3805439f29ff35f3906fd3d7fd89e8ac63d082fe/scr.png ;
http://web.archive.org/web/20200703232158/https://i.imgur.com/4ZyxcZz.jpg ; http://archive.vn/RpfRF ; http://nova.astrometry.net/user_images/3790696?image=extraction ; http://web.archive.org/web/20200703...er_images/3790696?image=extraction#extraction

2. GOSAT IBUKI pass as captured on camera and USA-224 flare.

And compared with GOSAT-2/Ibuki-2's powerful flare observed last May:


http://archive.is/zpRvt/bed58d5a9c93f27e46697dd0da5e6bb2b81dd94e.jpg ; https://archive.is/zpRvt/ab213eb4a7c88983203682c75e471654172e4139/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20200708001708/https://i.imgur.com/GIm5H3N.jpg
3. Image of GOSAT-2/Ibuki-2 flare.




BGUSAT, Kwangmyongsong-4, GOSAT-2, Yaogan 25A/25B/25C, FIA-Radar 5, KWANGMYONGSONG R/B, IRS P3, Shijian-16, USA-224, GOSAT
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