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自衛隊は海賊対処法に基づき、派遣海賊対処行動水上部隊(護衛艦2隻)を派遣し、この海域を通行する船舶の護衛を実施するとともに、広大 な海域における海賊対処をより効果的に行うため、派遣海賊対処行動航空隊(固定翼哨戒機2機)を現地(ジブチ共和国)に派遣して海賊の監視警戒を実施して います。
2011(平成23)年6月からは、派遣海賊対処行動航空隊を効率的かつ効果的に運用するため、ジブチ国際空港北西地区に活動拠点を整備 し、活動拠点を運用しています。 また、海賊対処行動の本格化にともない、ジブチ政府や諸外国部隊・機関などとの現地における連絡調整業務が増大したことに対応するため、12(同24)年 7月にジブチ現地調整所を新編しました。






ジ ブチを飛び立ったP-3Cは、アデン湾を航行する無数の船舶の中に、不審な船舶がいないかどうか確認作業を行っています。同時に、護衛活動に従事する護衛 艦や他国の艦艇、そして周囲を航行する民間船舶に対し情報提供を行い、また、求めがあればただちに周囲が安全かどうか確認するなどの対応をとっています。
09(同 21)年6月に任務を開始して以来、13(同25)年4月30日現在で飛行回数は887回を数え、のべ飛行時間は約6,880時間に及んでいます。識別作 業を行った船舶は約7万100隻であり、周囲を航行する船舶や、海賊対処に取り組む諸外国に情報の提供を行った回数は約7,700回となっています。

Reference: Japan Ministry of Defense

would you teach me how to read that? :o: :-)
would you teach me how to read that? :o: :-)

The overall message was a run down on the Anti Piracy Activity of the JMSDF. It reiterates that over 2,000 Japanese vessels traverse through these waters, and as such, the JMSDF has allocated a 2 vessel escort into the region. Indefinitely. The JMSDF's anti piracy initiative also coordinates with other international navies and shipping vessels that traverses here, by maintaining open communication channels. Any suspicious vessels that are spotted by P-3 orions of the JMSDF are are made known through said channels. We have communication with units in Djibouti as well.

That's the jist of it, @MarveL
You are wrong about this. Vietnam had self-produced everything from rife to canon to missiles for years. You are behind the times and behind in news. Vietnam has started building gunboats and small missile ships locally. China has a lot of people but the GDP per capita is far behind Japan. Cooperating with Japan and their larger ally, the US is the way to counter China's threat. You are overestimate how much influence PRC has the in the world. Japan helps Vietnam is to help itself since Japan doesn't want to see the shipping lifeline that is the SCS under Chinese control. China wants to control the SCS to put Japan under its influence and to control Asia Pacific, that much is clear.
no need to respond to the posts of Mr Second. he is among delusional Chinese who thinks Vietnam is as poor as South Sudan.
We are so inferior to China in every aspects. The PLA only needs some hours to crush the entire Vietnam army.
We are so inferior to China in every aspects. The PLA only needs some hours to crush the entire Vietnam army.
I disagree with this, If they could, so we're wiped out from SCS for long time ago ...
Have to say, the Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force is equipped with more advanced ....rank in East Asia?
I just want to find out.
Have to say, the Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force is equipped with more advanced ....rank in East Asia?
I just want to find out.
Except U.S Navy 7th fleet, In 2014 the 1st rank in East Asia still belong to JMSDF (by DDG and LPD numbers).

Now China PLAN still lack enough DDGs and the situation continue to next 10 years untill many 052D and 055 DDGs building., the rank will depend on China shipbuilding speed and military expenditure. PLAN have many old 051 DDG, 053FFG and 035 sub need to replace in the future, i think we at least need another 20x new DDGs to update PLAN, JMSDF also equip 100+ P3 anti-sub plane and new P-1 their anti-sub strength stronger than current PLAN.
no need to respond to the posts of Mr Second. he is among delusional Chinese who thinks Vietnam is as poor as South Sudan.
We are so inferior to China in every aspects. The PLA only needs some hours to crush the entire Vietnam army.
What do you want to make clear here? It was YOU who posted that Vietnam's GDP per capita is the same as Chinese in 2006! And have you even been in China? If not, so shut up your mouth and listen! I've seen so much stupid things happens in Vietnam(Frankly, China maybe also have the same) Father sells out daughter for Money, family members cheat each other also for Money!, Women work everyday, while some of Vietnam man like shlt and only knows stay at home, drink tea and chat with friends, even beat their hard-working wife. So what? Need I cheat you? Or you only live in your own world? At last, I know one thing, the poorer place, the more corruption. China is the same situation, the poorer province, the more corruption.
I disagree with this, If they could, so we're wiped out from SCS for long time ago ...
Friend, you know nothing about China culture. If your neigbour were USA or Russia, Vietnam now should have been wiped out from SCS for long time ago.

Except U.S Navy 7th fleet, In 2014 the 1st rank in East Asia still belong to JMSDF (by DDG and LPD numbers).

Now China PLAN still lack enough DDGs and the situation continue to next 10 years untill many 052D and 055 DDGs building., the rank will depend on China shipbuilding speed and military expenditure. PLAN have many old 051 DDG, 053FFG and 035 sub need to replace in the future, i think we at least need another 20x new DDGs to update PLAN, JMSDF also equip 100+ P3 anti-sub plane and new P-1 their anti-sub strength stronger than current PLAN.
PLA navy has some mult-function landing ship and which works as DDGs.
PLA navy has some mult-function landing ship and which works as DDGs.
The total number of PLAN's warships is more than JMSDF, but PLAN only have 30+ DDGs (Except 051, only 20+ modern DDGs ), they r :
14x 051 <== no idea why PLAN still save many 70s style 051 DDG, without air-defence capacity.
2x 051A

1x 051B
2x 051C
2x 052B
4x 956E Sovremenny
5x 052C
1x 052D
Large multi-function landing ship: 4x 071 amphibious transport dock.

China PLAN also have 40+ 054A and 053H FFGs, there'r good 20x 054+054A FFGs but i think DDG and LPD is main warship in the Navy.

As far as i know, Japan JMSDF has 40+ DDGs and LPDs. Their main warships r more than today PLAN's and anti-sub strenght N.o1 in Asia. I said China at least need to build another 20x new DDGs to replace old 051 DDG, those 051 should retire to CHINA COAST GUARD not stay in PLAN. Next years China building 052D and 055 DDG, 054B(057) FFGs will reduce the gap.
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自衛隊は海賊対処法に基づき、派遣海賊対処行動水上部隊(護衛艦2隻)を派遣し、この海域を通行する船舶の護衛を実施するとともに、広大 な海域における海賊対処をより効果的に行うため、派遣海賊対処行動航空隊(固定翼哨戒機2機)を現地(ジブチ共和国)に派遣して海賊の監視警戒を実施して います。
2011(平成23)年6月からは、派遣海賊対処行動航空隊を効率的かつ効果的に運用するため、ジブチ国際空港北西地区に活動拠点を整備 し、活動拠点を運用しています。 また、海賊対処行動の本格化にともない、ジブチ政府や諸外国部隊・機関などとの現地における連絡調整業務が増大したことに対応するため、12(同24)年 7月にジブチ現地調整所を新編しました。






ジ ブチを飛び立ったP-3Cは、アデン湾を航行する無数の船舶の中に、不審な船舶がいないかどうか確認作業を行っています。同時に、護衛活動に従事する護衛 艦や他国の艦艇、そして周囲を航行する民間船舶に対し情報提供を行い、また、求めがあればただちに周囲が安全かどうか確認するなどの対応をとっています。
09(同 21)年6月に任務を開始して以来、13(同25)年4月30日現在で飛行回数は887回を数え、のべ飛行時間は約6,880時間に及んでいます。識別作 業を行った船舶は約7万100隻であり、周囲を航行する船舶や、海賊対処に取り組む諸外国に情報の提供を行った回数は約7,700回となっています。

Reference: Japan Ministry of Defense
他國の民用船隻航行危険, 可缶連絡自衛隊申請護衛活動?
What do you want to make clear here? It was YOU who posted that Vietnam's GDP per capita is the same as Chinese in 2006! And have you even been in China? If not, so shut up your mouth and listen! I've seen so much stupid things happens in Vietnam(Frankly, China maybe also have the same) Father sells out daughter for Money, family members cheat each other also for Money!, Women work everyday, while some of Vietnam man like shlt and only knows stay at home, drink tea and chat with friends, even beat their hard-working wife. So what? Need I cheat you? Or you only live in your own world? At last, I know one thing, the poorer place, the more corruption. China is the same situation, the poorer province, the more corruption.

But in Vietnam you cannot find cooking-oil made from sewer sludge, which is popular in china.

10% of Chinese cooking oil made from sewer sludge (video)

Have to say, the Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force is equipped with more advanced ....rank in East Asia?
I just want to find out.

Japanese Navy is No.1 in East Asia.
But in Vietnam you cannot find cooking-oil made from sewer sludge, which is popular in china.
Actrually, I dont want to insult Vietnam on that too much since my wife is from Vietnam(while she is also sometimes very very disappointed to Vietnam because of people's life and evil) And we have some friends in Vietnam always ask us to buy milk, mobile phones,etc before going back and meet parents every year. And you know, when people in Vietnam having dinner, people like to talk about what happen with each other, so something are not very nice. There are lot of things that China hasnt, while Vietnam has. I really dont want to give examples here.

The total number of PLAN's warships is more than JMSDF, but PLAN only have 30+ DDGs (Except 051, only 20+ modern DDGs ), they r :
14x 051 <== no idea why PLAN still save many 70s style 051 DDG, without air-defence capacity.
2x 051A

1x 051B
2x 051C
2x 052B
4x 956E Sovremenny
5x 052C
1x 052D
Large multi-function landing ship: 4x 071 amphibious transport dock.

China PLAN also have 40+ 054A and 053H FFGs, there'r good 20x 054+054A FFGs but i think DDG and LPD is main warship in the Navy.

As far as i know, Japan JMSDF has 40+ DDGs and LPDs. Their main warships r more than today PLAN's and anti-sub strenght N.o1 in Asia. I said China at least need to build another 20x new DDGs to replace old 051 DDG, those 051 should retire to CHINA COAST GUARD not stay in PLAN. Next years China building 052D and 055 DDG, 054B(057) FFGs will reduce the gap.
It is just the lowest produces during the peace period, to keep the producing line alive. In the war period, those ships will be produced like sausage.
Friend, you know nothing about China culture. If your neigbour were USA or Russia, Vietnam now should have been wiped out from SCS for long time ago.
Yeah, whatever ... "if China was US or Russia from long time ago", right !? ... :D
The total number of PLAN's warships is more than JMSDF, but PLAN only have 30+ DDGs (Except 051, only 20+ modern DDGs ), they r :
14x 051 <== no idea why PLAN still save many 70s style 051 DDG, without air-defence capacity.
2x 051A

1x 051B
2x 051C
2x 052B
4x 956E Sovremenny
5x 052C
1x 052D
Large multi-function landing ship: 4x 071 amphibious transport dock.

China PLAN also have 40+ 054A and 053H FFGs, there'r good 20x 054+054A FFGs but i think DDG and LPD is main warship in the Navy.

As far as i know, Japan JMSDF has 40+ DDGs and LPDs. Their main warships r more than today PLAN's and anti-sub strenght N.o1 in Asia. I said China at least need to build another 20x new DDGs to replace old 051 DDG, those 051 should retire to CHINA COAST GUARD not stay in PLAN. Next years China building 052D and 055 DDG, 054B(057) FFGs will reduce the gap.

JMSDF's surface fleet is composed of a wide array of combatant ships; but the lethality of the Combined Fleet includes 2 helicopter carriers (helicopter destroyers), 40 destroyers, and 6 destroyer escorts, we also have 16 attack submarines, and 30 mineswpeaper countermeasure vessels.

We recently approved the construction of 7 more destroyers of the Atago-Class.

We recently passed a $281 Billion defense bill. We are to build more Soryu class submarines as well.

Have to say, the Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force is equipped with more advanced ....rank in East Asia?
I just want to find out.

Besides the USN, yes, we have the most powerful navy in Asia-Pacific.
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