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Jail for refusal to remove burqa in Australia

This is very old news. I guess Dawn didn't have enough material.
And who will enforce that rule? You?

After all it's Australia. It's their land their rules, live by it or leave. simple.

You troll rule the day. Speak for yourself make you look like aussie butler.

Never am I intrigued by azztraileya, I'm more then happy in my own land.
I completely support the governments action on this one, but I think the media has to stop this unprecedented warmongering to defame a group of people. Look at the few comments above and you will see how the media uses incidents like this to indirectly raise the anti immigration sentiments, but again it is only profitable for the media to keep the pressure high.
The title of this news is very misleading. Under the newly amended law police can demand a person to remove his/her mask, veil or helmet for identification purpose, which makes a lot of sense.

Is there any such law in the Gulf states that proscribes people from kissing in public? If yes, then the"Australian couples" must abide by the local law or face the consequences.


People need to read properly.
I hope they torture her and fine her so much she cant afford all that cloth
hope they torture her and fine her so much she cant afford all that cloth

If that's a joke, it's tasteless. If you're serious, then you are too far gone....
If that's a joke, it's tasteless. If you're serious, then you are too far gone....

I'm pissed with these dementors falsely representing Islam :( Just think about how many millions would have become muslims if it wasnt for these burqas, and think about how many millions have left Islam because of these burqas :( It's all so sad, i think my idea is pretty legit
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