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Jackie Evancho -schoolgirl singer

I feel sad when watching some movies/sitcoms where kids make smart aleck remarks or do grown up things. I guess some people find it amusing or cool to see 'smart' kids. I just find it sad to see kids grow up so fast.

I hope this girl gets to be a little girl for as long as possible.

But the sad thing is that its actively encouraged by the society. One of the things that I hate in the Indian media is the Horlicks Ads in which it encourages the parents to expect more from their kids and make them super achievers , no matter evenif its a school yard game.
Just wait... Justin Bieber will flame out like a meteor in 2 or 3 years. And remember the little girl in E.T.? While she's doing fine now, she ended up hooked on heroin and had a miserable life as a young adult. For every 100 child stars, sadly 99 of them end up as train wrecks with real problems.

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