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Jack Jacob: The general who saved India from more war.

You are getting insufferably conceited, hanging around and basking in the kind words that indulgent and misguided people are saying about you, entirely without justification. Some self-improvement seems to be in order.

You could start by learning how to spell and to punctuate.

al·tar *(ôltr)
1. An elevated place or structure before which religious ceremonies may be enacted or upon which sacrifices may be offered.
2. A structure, typically a table, before which the divine offices are recited and upon which the Eucharist is celebrated in Christian churches.
[Middle English auter, from Old English altar and Old French auter, both from Latin altre.]

al·ter *(ôltr)
v. al·tered, al·ter·ing, al·ters
1. To change or make different; modify: altered my will.
2. To adjust (a garment) for a better fit.
3. To castrate or spay (an animal, such as a cat or a dog).
To change or become different.
[Middle English alteren, from Old French alterer, from Medieval Latin alterre, from Latin alter, other; see al-1 in Indo-European roots.]

Spelling mistakes do occur when one is trying to type and reply - to dozens of hostile's - at a time - does not change the sentiment - behind those words, old man.
Sabne bachche ki le li :cry::cry: ab bachche pe kya pyar chhalak raha hai.

English please. Do not understand.
Spelling mistakes do occur when one is trying to type and reply - to dozens of hostile's - at a time - does not change the sentiment - behind those words, old man.

Hostiles? Old man? Getting cheeky, are we?
I note that the women, being in burqa, presumably, are carefully omitted from your allusion.

Very droll, actually life without the beauty of woman, is not a life at all - only a minority of women in my country - actually wear the burka - you should not indulge in sanctimonious behavior - which only shows the ugly side of your character - but I say carry on - one must do - what one must.
Very droll, actually life without the beauty of woman, is not a life at all - only a minority of women in my country - actually wear the burka - you should not indulge in sanctimonious behavior - which only shows the ugly side of your character - but I say carry on - one must do - what one must.

So you say.

I've seen to the contrary amongst large swathes of the community out here in India.

Across socioeconomic lines.

Don't tell me you guys are exclusive and "different."
So as per you Gays dont have a life :) ??? I am sure your Pathan friends will be very disappointed ;)

Can't speak for my Pashtun brothers, (racism clearly implied by you) - but I have nothing against - what consenting adults do in the privacy of their bedrooms, that is not my concern.

Insults are the last refuge of the incompetent. :)
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So you say.

I've seen to the contrary amongst large swathes of the community out here in India.

Across socioeconomic lines.

Don't tell me you guys are exclusive and "different."

double post
So you say.

I've seen to the contrary amongst large swathes of the community out here in India.

Across socioeconomic lines.

Don't tell me you guys are exclusive and "different."

I would say - not more than 5-10% of the women would wear the burka - in the Punjab - women work the fields with the men - and they would not have the time or the inclination to wear it. Strange as it may seem - it is some of the very well off, who have become "born again" and take it up, but for the majority it seems a fad, and most settle for a dupatta or a hijab.
I would say - not more than 5-10% of the women would wear the burka - in the Punjab - women work the fields with the men - and they would not have the time or the inclination to wear it. Strange as it may seem - it is some of the very well off, who have become "born again" and take it up, but for the majority it seems a fad, and most settle for a dupatta or a hijab.


Could it be because out here there are lots of Hindu men and not so there?

Could it be because out here there are lots of Hindu men and not so there?

That I could not say - but each to his own. Besides the hindrance of communication - because of the lack of facial expression - it does not matter much to me.
That I could not say - but each to his own. Besides the hindrance of communication - because of the lack of facial expression - it does not matter much to me.

Are you uncomfortable discussing this Rafi?

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