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J-10 Will Come With T O (P) T


Nov 9, 2009
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China to transfer to Pakistan F -10 fighter production technology

The new millennium, China and Pakistan have been pushing the United Nations anti-production of national defense deal. At present, the two countries have jointly produced the most advanced weapons systems, such as the JF-17 fighters and F-22P frigates. Moreover, China will be the transfer of Pakistani F -10 fighter production technology. China realized that Pakistan's high-tech defense industry has a wealth of human capital, it's like magnet cited sorption Chinese investment. Pakistan wants the occupation of Asia, Africa and the Middle East a broad defense export market. At the same time, the two countries in the aviation and maritime defense system, the growing cooperation in the field indicate that the principle of Pakistan's military has undergone major changes, eliminated the previous emphasis on the army (especially ground forces), ignored the principles of the Navy and Air Force. In the current regional strategy against the backdrop of a changing environment, Pakistan has recognized the air and sea defense played a vital role. China and Pakistan in the aviation and maritime defense collaboration fully reflects their importance in this respect. (Compiled: spring)
May it help boys


J-10: The New Cornerstone of Sino-Pakistani Defense Cooperation
Publication: China Brief Volume: 9 Issue: 25
December 16, 2009 03:46 PM Age: 14 days
By: Tarique Niazi


China and Pakistan have forged a formidable partnership in high-tech defense production. This partnership is born of their ever-deepening military and strategic cooperation that is also reflective of the burgeoning capacity of China's defense industries and the budding Sino-Pakistani defense relationship. The epitome of this bilateralism is the recent revelation that the Chinese have agreed to the sale of 36 J-10B fighter jets to Pakistan (Financial Times, November 10). The J-10 aircrafts are known to be one of the most advanced weapon systems in China’s arsenal, of which Pakistan will be the first recipient. With the delivery of 36 fighter jets, the Pakistan Air Force (PAF) will raise two fighting squadrons that will further sharpen its combativeness. The J-10 deal was reportedly sealed for a whopping $1.4 billion, which accounts for 70 percent of Chinese average arms sales of $2 billion a year (China Brief, July 9).

The J-10 Sale Epitomizes Strategic Alliance

The deal marks the depth of a strategic alliance between Beijing and Islamabad. Some reports suggest that Pakistan is actually seeking 150 J-10 fighter jets, which go by Chengdu Jian-10 in China and F-10 in Pakistan, for a sum of $6 billion (The Hindu, November 11). The Pakistani government, however, dismisses such reports as inflated (Financial Times, November 10). Although Pakistan has not yet made the deal public, its prime minister, Yousaf Raza Gilani, on November 23, confirmed that “his country is in talks with China for securing the J-10s” [1]. Pakistan turned to China for these aircraft in 2006 after it failed to secure the F-16s from the United States (Dawn, May 1, 2006). General Pervez Musharraf, Pakistan’s former military ruler, who negotiated the deal during his visit to China in 2006, is the real architect of this grand sale (The Hindu, November 11).

The J-10s are China’s third generation fighter aircraft that it has indigenously developed (The Hindu, November 11) and manufactured at the Chengdu Aircraft Industry (CAI). Some observers, however, believe that J-10s are China’s fourth generation aircraft. “This aircraft is a cousin to the Israeli Lavi (upon which it is based) and roughly equivalent in capabilities to the U.S. F-16C flown by several air forces around the world” (See "China’s Re-emergence as an Arms Dealer: The Return of the King?" China Brief, July 9). The J-10s started development in the mid-1980s and finally entered production for the People’s Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF) about three or four years ago. Aviation experts rank them below the F-16s, the Swedish Gripen and other smaller combat aircraft (China Brief, July 9). According to a report in The Hindu (November 11), China is working on developing its fourth generation fighter jets as well. The United States, The Hindu report further claims, is the only country that possesses a fourth generation combat aircraft—the F-22s. Yet aviation experts believe the F-22s are fifth generation fighter jets. Chinese Deputy Commander of the PLAAF General He Weirong claimed that “China would operationalize its very own fourth generation aircraft in the next eight or ten years” (The Hindu, November 11). The Chinese official further claimed that the fourth generation planes would “match or exceed the capacity of similar jets in existence today” (The Hindu, November 11).

In anticipation, China is also training Pakistani fighter pilots for flying the fourth generation combat aircraft. On January 16, it delivered eight Karakoram K-8P trainer jets to Pakistan for this purpose. According to an official statement, the K-8P jets had enhanced the basic training of PAF pilots and provided a “potent platform for their smooth transition to more challenging fourth generation fighter aircraft” (The Asian Defence, January 16). The K-8P is an advanced trainer jet that has been jointly developed by China and Pakistan. It is already in service at the PAF Academy. At the handing-over ceremony for the K-8Ps, a visiting Chinese delegation as well as high-ranking PAF officers were in attendance.

China’s sale of the J-10 fighters to Pakistan, however, signals the depth of its strategic alliance with Pakistan. Pakistan will be the first country to receive the most advanced Chinese aircraft, which speaks volumes to Chinese faith in its strategic partnership with Pakistan. Defense analysts, however, believe that the sale sends an important message to the world that China’s “defense capability is growing rapidly” (Financial Times, November 10). China-Pakistan military relations spanned over 43 years, starting in 1966 when China provided Pakistan with F-6s, which were followed by the successive supply of such aircraft as FT5, A5, F-7P, F-7PG and K-8 (Jang, November 22).

These relations continue to grow with high-level exchanges in the defense sector. As recently as October of this year, Chinese Vice-Minister Chen Qiufa, administrator of China’s State Administration for Science, Technology & Industry for National Defense (SASTIND), led a delegation of Chinese defense-companies to Pakistan. He called on Prime Minister Gilani and discussed cooperation in the JF-17 Thunder Project, Al Khalid tank, F-22 frigates, Airborne Warning and Control System (AWACS), and aircraft and naval ships (APP, October 17). The Chinese delegation included representatives from China's missile technology firm Poly Technologies as well as Aviation Industries Corp. of China, China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation, China Electronics Technology Group and China North Industry Corporation.

Although there is a proliferation of joint defense projects between China and Pakistan, their collaboration in aviation industry has peaked at the turn of the millennium. The mainstay of their joint defense production is the Pakistan Aeronautical Complex (PAC) in Kamra (Punjab), which services, assembles and manufactures fighter and trainer aircraft. The PAC is rated as the world’s third largest assembly plant. Initially, it was founded with Chinese assistance to rebuild Chinese aircraft in the PAF fleet, which included Shenyang F-6 (now retired), Nanchang A-5, F-7 combat aircraft, Shenyang FT-5 and FT-6 Jet trainer aircraft. The PAC also houses the Kamra Radar and Avionics Factory (KARF), which is meant to assemble and overhaul airborne as well as ground-based radar systems, electronics, and avionics. The KARF, which is ISO-9002 certified, has upgraded the PAF Chengdu F-7P interceptor fleet. Over time, the PAC has expanded its operation into aircraft manufacturing, and built a specialized manufacturing unit in the 1980s: The Aircraft Manufacturing Factory (AMF). The AMF got noticed in the region when it partnered with the Hongdu Aviation Industry Group of China to design, develop and coproduce the K-8 Karakoram (Hongdu JL-8), which is an advanced jet trainer. The AMF’s flagship project, however, is the Sino-Pakistani joint production and manufacture of the JF-17 Thunder aircraft, which it is producing with the Chengdu Aircraft Industry (CAI).

JF-17 Thunder Makes Over the PAF

In recent history, China and Pakistan set out for the joint production of JF-17 combat aircraft that both countries consider a substitute for U.S. F-16s. Pakistan’s indigenous manufacture of the first JF-17 (which goes by FC-1 in China) came to fruition on November 23, when Pakistan Aeronautical Complex (PAC), an arm of the Pakistan Air Force, turned it over to the PAF to the chants of “Long Live Pak-China Friendship” (The News International, November 24).

Pakistan’s Prime Minister, Pakistan Chief of Army Staff and Chinese Ambassador to Pakistan, Lou Zhaohui, were among the dignitaries who attended the handing-over ceremony. Chinese Ambassador Zhaohui, speaking on the occasion, told his audience: “China wants to further broaden the defense cooperation with Pakistan” (Jang, November 23). The PAF already has 10 JF-17s, which were produced in China, in its fleet. The JF-17 project began in 1992, under which China agreed to transfer technology for the aircraft’s joint production. The project was hampered in 1999, when Pakistan came under proliferation sanctions. It gained momentum in 2001.

On September 3, 2003, its prototype, which was manufactured in China, conducted the first test flight. The PAF claims that the JF-17s, with a glass cockpit and modern avionics, are comparable to any fighter plane (Jang, November 23). It is a lightweight combat jet, fitted with turbofan engine, advanced flight control, and the most advanced weapons delivery system. As a supersonic plane, its speed is 1.6 times the speed of its sound, and its ability to refuel midair makes it a “stand-out” (Jang, November 23). Pakistan intends to raise a squadron of JF-17s by 2010. The Chief of Air Staff of the PAF told a newspaper that JF-17s would help “replace the existing fleet of the PAF comprising F-7s, A-5s and all Mirage aircraft” (The News International, November 8). Eventually, Pakistan will have 350 JF-17s that will completely replace its ageing fleet.

Pakistan also plans to export these aircraft to developing countries for which, it says, orders have already started pouring in (Jang, November 22). China and Pakistan anticipate an annual export of 40 JF-17s to Asian, African and Middle Eastern nations [2]. At $25 million apiece, the export of 40 aircraft will fetch them $1 billion per year. There are estimates that Asia will purchase 1,000 to 1,500 aircraft over the next 15 years. In this Sino-Pakistani joint venture, Pakistan will have 58 percent of shares, while China will have 42 percent (The News International, November 25). Besides defense aviation, China and Pakistan are closely collaborating on the joint production of naval ships as well.

Chinese Frigates for the Pakistan Navy

China and Pakistan worked out a $750 million loan to help Pakistan build four F-22P frigates (The News International, September 16, 2004). In 2004, Pakistan negotiated this non-commercial (i.e. low-cost) loan with China for the joint manufacture of naval ships. China and Pakistan have since moved fast to begin work on this project. They have now expanded the original deal to build eight F22P frigates respectively at Hudong Zhonghua shipyard in Shanghai, China, and Karachi shipyard and Engineering Works (KSEW), Pakistan. The manufacturing cost of each F22P Frigate, which is an improved version of China’s original Type 053H3 Frigate, is $175 million. At this rate, the cost of eight frigates will run at about $1.4 billion.

The first Chinese-built F-22 frigate, named PNS Zulfiqar (Arabic for sword), was delivered to Pakistan on July 30 (The Nation, July 31). A month later, the ship was formally commissioned in the Pakistan Navy fleet in September. Soon after its arrival in July, the ship participated in the Pakistan Navy’s SeaSpark exercises. Of the original four frigates, three were to be built in China and one in Pakistan (Asia Times, July 11, 2007). After the delivery of PNS Zulfiqar, the remaining two ships that are being built in China are expected to be commissioned in the Pakistan Navy fleet by 2010. The fourth ship being built in Pakistan’s Karachi shipyard will be ready by 2013 (Asia Times, July 11, 2007).

The Pakistan Navy describes the F-22P frigate as a Sword Class ship that is equipped with long-range surface-to-surface missiles (SSM) and surface-to-air missiles (SAM), depth charges, torpedoes, the latest 76mm guns, a close-in-weapons system (CIWS), sensors, electronic warfare and an advanced command and control system (The Nation, July 31). The ship has a displacement of 3,000 tons and carries anti-submarine Z9EC helicopters. China has already delivered the first batch of two such helicopters to Pakistan. Although the Pakistan Navy has Sea-King helicopters for anti-submarine operations, it is now acquiring Chinese Z9ECs to enhance its operational capabilities (The Nation, July 31). In addition to building eight frigates, the Sino-Pakistan defense deal includes the upgrading of the Karachi dockyard for indigenous production of a modern surface fleet. The frigates deal is the first of its kind between China and Pakistan, which forges their two navies into a high-level collaboration for boosting their surface fleet.


At the turn of the millennium, China and Pakistan have diversified their defense trade into joint defense production. They have since been collaborating on the production of most advanced weapons systems, such as the JF-17s combat aircraft and F-22P Frigates. Pakistan will receive the transfer of technology for the J-10s as well. China recognizes that Pakistan is rich with human capital in the high-tech defense industry, which serves as a magnet for its investment. Both China and Pakistan look to capture wider defense export markets in Asia, Africa and the Middle East. At the same time, their growing cooperation in aviation and naval defense systems signals an important shift in Pakistan’s military doctrine that traditionally favored Army (especially ground forces) over its sister services—Navy and Air Force. In the region’s changing strategic environment, in which China has growing stakes, Pakistan has come to recognize the critical importance of air and naval defense. The China-Pakistan collaboration in aviation and naval defense amply embodies this recognition.


1. “NRO beneficiaries will be held to account.” Daily Intekhab, daily dailyintekhab.com.pk/news/news10.gif.
2. Tarique Niazi, “China-Pakistan Relations: Past, Present and Future,” A presentation made at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars on January 29, 2009.
Translation of the source article.

The United States says China will sell Pakistan F--10 production technology transfer (Photos)

News source: LONDON on December 18, 2009 12:44:08 Please note: News from the major news media, opinion content does not represent the position of Ben Wang!
Jamestown Foundation, China Brief December 16 published an article entitled "F -10: a new cornerstone of Sino-Pakistani defense cooperation," the article. The article said that China and Pakistan have been high-tech defense production has established a strong partnership. The formation of this relationship between the two countries from the deep military and strategic cooperation, at the same time, it also reflects the rapid development of China's national defense capacity, as well as budding defense relationship between China and Pakistan. This bilateral relationship is the recent performance of the Chinese Government has agreed to sell Pakistan 36 F-10B jet fighter. Is well known, J -10 is the most advanced arsenal of weapons systems in the world, and Pakistan will be the first one this aircraft buyers. This 36 jet fighters to be delivered, the Pakistan Air Force will be the formation of two fighter squadrons, which further strengthen its fighting power. It is believed that the total value of the contract -10 F up to 14 billion U.S. dollars, an annual two billion U.S. dollars in China's arms sales accounted for 70%. In addition, China will also transfer to the Pakistani F -10 fighter production technology.


Pakistan produced by Pakistan Air Force F -10 fighter publicity plan

F -10 Sales epitome of a strategic alliance

The article said that this aircraft reflects the Sino-Pakistani strategic alliance transaction depth. In fact, some reports indicate that Pakistan actually want to buy 150 F -10 fighter, with a total value of 60 billion U.S. dollars. However, the Pakistani government, said these reports are too exaggerated. Although Pakistan has not yet announced the deal, but the Pakistani Prime Minister Gilani on November 23 confirmed that "Pakistan is on the procurement of F -10 fighter matter of negotiations with China." In 2006, from the United States to purchase F-16 fighter program after the failure of Pakistan turned to China seeking to buy F -10 fighter. In the same year, former Pakistani President General Pervez Musharraf in his visit to China, on the matter with the Chinese Government has carried out consultations and the foundation of a successful transaction.

J -10 is the third generation of Chinese-made fighter aircraft, built by the Chengdu Aircraft Industrial Group. However, some observers think that J -10 is China's fourth-generation fighter. "China Briefing," also published an article earlier said: "J -10 with Israel 'Lion' fighter similar to the performance of the global scope of some of the United States Air Force F-16C equipped with par." F -10 fighter research and development work began in the mid-20th century, 80, in 2034 just before the final column mounted People's Liberation Army Air Force. Aviation experts will be which fighter out in the F-16, the Swedish "Gripen" and other small aircraft below. In addition, the "Indian newspaper" reported that China is developing its fourth-generation fighter jet. The paper said that currently has the fourth-generation fighters of countries only the United States - F-22. However, aviation experts believe that is the fifth-generation F-22 jet fighters. The PLA Air Force Deputy Commander Lieutenant General Ho proud of, said: "In the future 8 years or 10 years, China will have their own fourth-generation fighter." He added that the performance of China's fourth-generation fighters will "catch up with or exceed the current similar to the The jet fighter. "

The article said that China is on the Pakistani fighter pilot training to enable them to control the fourth-generation fighter aircraft. To achieve this purpose, this year, January 16, China delivered to Pakistan eight K-8P jet trainer. According to an official statement said, K-8P trainer strengthened the basis for the Pakistani Air Force pilot training, and to "challenge them to a more smooth transition of the fourth generation fighter aircraft provided an effective platform." K-8P is a Sino-Pakistani joint research and development of advanced jet trainer. The aircraft is currently fitted out in Pakistan Air Force Academy. At that time, the Chinese delegation and senior officials of the Pakistan Air Force, attended the handover ceremony of the trainer.

China's sale of F -10 fighter jets to Pakistan's move reflects its strategic alliance with the Pakistani Inter-depth. Pakistan will be the first to receive this China's most advanced fighters of the country, which shows that Sino-Brazilian strategic partnership between China's convinced. However, defense analysts believe that these arms sales to the world to convey an important message that China's "defense capabilities are increasing rapidly." Sino-Pakistani military relationship has lasted for more than 43 years, the relationship began in 1966, when China provided Pakistan with F-6 fighters, after successfully provided to Pakistan, such as FT5, A5, F-7P, F - 7PG as well as the K-8 fighters.

Moreover, with the two high-level exchanges between the defense departments of the commencement of Sino-Pakistani relations are still continued to strengthen. In October of this year, China's National Defense Science and Technology Industrial Development Bureau (SASTIND) the Secretary seeking Fa Chen led a delegation to visit Pakistan, China's defense companies. Chen Fa seeking to visit Gilani, two on JF-17, "Khalid" tanks, F-22 frigates, airborne early warning and control systems, aircraft and naval ships and other projects of cooperation were discussed. Members of the delegation include representatives from the Chinese missile technology companies - China Poly Technology Co., Ltd. and China Aviation Industry Corporation, China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation, China Electronics Technology Group Corporation and China North Industries Corporation representative.

Together with the Palestinian security forces deployed wipe out the Taliban's "阿尔扎拉尔" main battle tank

The article said that China and Pakistan as the United Nations, increasing anti-project, their cooperation in the aviation industry is also the new millennium to reach its peak. Bilateral defense co-production facilities are located in the backbone of the Pakistan International Airlines Pakistan Kamla Consortium (PAC), which is responsible for maintenance, assembly, manufacture of fighter and training aircraft. Pakistan International Airlines consortium known as the world's third largest assembly plant. Initially, the joint is in China, with the help of the modification within the Pakistan Air Force fighter created in China, which are involved in the system of planes, including the Shenyang F-6 (now retired), Nanchang A-5 and F - 7 fighters, Shenyang FT-5 and FT-6 jet trainer. Pakistan International Airlines consortium consists of 卡姆拉雷达 and aviation electronics manufacturing (KARF), is responsible for assembly and repair airborne and ground-based radar systems, electronic and aerospace electronic devices. To obtain ISO-9002 certified electronic manufacturing and aviation 卡姆拉雷达 Pakistani Air Force has purchased the Chengdu F-7P interceptor aircraft fleet was upgraded. Moreover, as time goes by, the Commonwealth of Pakistan International Airlines has been extended to the field of aircraft manufacturing, and in the 20th century, 80 years set up a dedicated manufacturing units - Aircraft Manufacturing Factory (AMF). Hongdu Aviation Industry Group and China jointly designed and developed the K-8 "Kalakunlun" (Karakoram) (ie Hongdu JL-8) advanced jet trainer, the aircraft manufacturer will be in the region a reputation. However, the aircraft manufacturer's flagship course ought to Sino-Pakistani joint production of JF-17 "Thunderbolt" fighters that this section planes by the manufacturer with Chengdu Aircraft Industrial joint manufacturing.

Pakistan Air Force will be fitted out 350 JF-17 fighter planes to replace active duty

In recent years, China and Pakistan is committed to joint production of JF-17 "Thunderbolt" multi-purpose fighter, and agreed them as the U.S. F-16 "Fighting Falcon" (Fighting Falcon) light fighter alternatives. November 23 this year, Pakistan's first local production of JF-17 fighter aircraft finally succeeded in off the assembly line, along with "Long live Pakistan-China friendship," the chants, Pakistan International Airlines consortium will hand over to the Pakistan Air Force.

Pakistan's self-assembly of JF-17 "Thunderbolt" fighter

Prime Minister of Pakistan, Pakistan Army Chief of Staff and the Chinese Ambassador to Pakistan Luo Zhaohui and other dignitaries attended the handover ceremony. During a speech Luo Zhaohui said: "China hopes to further expand defense cooperation with Pakistan." At present, the Pakistan Air Force already has 10 JF-17 fighter jets, these aircraft are manufactured in China. JF-17 project was launched in 1992, when China would promise to transfer of production technology for which a joint production of fighter planes. In 1999, the Pakistan sanctions by the United States, the project was forced to suspend, but will be able to restart in 2001.

September 3, 2003, manufactured in China JF-17 prototype made its first test flight. Pakistan Air Force claims that are equipped with glass cockpit and modern avionics JF-17 can be comparable with any fighter. JF-17 for light jet fighter, equipped with a turbo-fan engines, advanced flight control devices and the most advanced weapons delivery systems. As a supersonic aircraft, JF-17 for speeds up to 1.6 times the speed of sound, but also the aircraft's air refueling capability to make it more "superior." Pakistan, in 2010 the formation of a JF-17 fighter squadron. In this regard, Pakistan Air Force chief of staff revealed to the media saying, JF-17 will help "to replace the existing Pakistan Air Force fighter groups, including the F-7, A-5 and all the 'Mirage' fighter." In the end, Pakistan will set out loaded 350 JF-17, in order to fully replace its outdated fleet of aircraft.

Pakistan International Airlines synthesis of engineering and technical staff are the production of JF-17 assembly line busy

In addition, Pakistan also plans to export to developing countries this type of aircraft, and has reportedly received a large order. China and Pakistan are expected each year in Asia, Africa and the Middle East countries export 40 JF-17 fighter. 25 million U.S. dollars in order to calculate the unit price of the aircraft's annual sales will reach 10 billion U.S. dollars. It is estimated that in the next 15 years, Asia will buy 1000-1500 fighter planes of this type. In this joint venture project in Pakistan, Pakistan will hold 58% stake in China holding 42%. In addition to aviation, China and Pakistan to carry out joint production of warships to the area is also close cooperation.

Chinese frigate for Pakistan Navy is equipped with

In 2004, China and Pakistan on China to Pakistan to provide 750 million U.S. dollars loan to help Pakistan build four F-22P frigates matter had been consulted. That same year, when this amount of non-commercial loans (ie cost) to determine, after China and Pakistan began to rapidly advance the project. Now, they have extended the original agreement, will be the number of F-22P frigates from 4 to 8, from Hudong-Zhonghua Shipyard in Shanghai, China and Pakistan, Karachi Shipyard and Machine Factory (KSEW) were constructed. Every F-22P frigates (053H3-type escort vessels is an improved version of) the production cost of 175 million. This calculation, the total cost of eight frigates will reach about 1.4 billion U.S. dollars.


Pakistan Navy ships to receive the first F-22 missile frigate "祖尔菲卡尔" was

July 30 this year, the first ships made in China F-22P frigates - "祖尔菲卡尔" was delivered in Pakistan. In September, was officially installed aboard the frigate in Pakistan Navy fleet. In fact, the country arrived in Baku in July this year, shortly after the ship participated in the Pakistan Navy will be SeaSpark military exercises. The initial four frigates have three manufactured in China, one in Pakistan. "祖尔菲卡尔" was delivered, the other two in the Chinese-made F-22P frigates fitted out in 2010 is expected to Pakistan Navy fleet. The fourth ship built shipyard in Karachi, Pakistan F-22P frigates will be ready in 2013.

Pakistan Navy F-22P frigates will be called into the sword-class frigates, which are equipped with long-range surface to surface missiles (SSM) and surface to air missiles (SAM), depth charges, torpedoes, the latest 76-mm guns, short-range weapon system ( CIWS), sensors, electronic warfare, and advanced command and control systems. F-22P frigates of the displacement of 3,000 tons, can carry Z9EC anti-submarine helicopters. China has already delivered to Pakistan in the first two helicopters. While the Pakistan Navy had possession of the operations used for anti-submarine warfare, "Sea King" helicopter, but it is still to buy Chinese Z9EC to boost its combat capabilities. In addition to the construction of eight frigates, the Pakistani defense agreement also includes upgrading of Karachi Shipyard, in order to create a modern surface ships. F-22P frigates agreement is reached by China and Pakistan on the first ship of the agreement, which promote high level of cooperation between the two navies, thus enhancing the capacity of both the surface fleet.

F -10 fighter jets flying ordnance

China to transfer to Pakistan F -10 fighter production technology

The new millennium, China and Pakistan have been pushing the United Nations anti-production of national defense deal. At present, the two countries have jointly produced the most advanced weapons systems, such as the JF-17 fighters and F-22P frigates. Moreover, China will be the transfer of Pakistani F -10 fighter production technology. China realized that Pakistan's high-tech defense industry has a wealth of human capital, it's like magnet cited sorption Chinese investment. Pakistan wants the occupation of Asia, Africa and the Middle East a broad defense export market. At the same time, the two countries in the aviation and maritime defense system, the growing cooperation in the field indicate that the principle of Pakistan's military has undergone major changes, eliminated the previous emphasis on the army (especially ground forces), ignored the principles of the Navy and Air Force. In the current regional strategy against the backdrop of a changing environment, Pakistan has recognized the air and sea defense played a vital role. China and Pakistan in the aviation and maritime defense collaboration fully reflects their importance in this respect. (Compiled: spring)
Why on earth Would China Give away TOT on J10 SALES OF 36 PLANES.

TOT ony comes when nations comitt $ billions in orders.
china need Pakistan to refine it's technology
Pakistan need china to get the technology
thats how its work
Last edited:
Anyone have a link for this source? Doesn't seem right...... :what: :what:

TOT for 36 jets???? :hitwall: Is China insane?
Anyone have a link for this source? Doesn't seem right...... :what: :what:

TOT for 36 jets???? :hitwall: Is China insane?
If you read teh first post the source is there ...and i put the translation as well
china need Pakistan to refine it technology
Pakistan need china to get the technology:pakistan::china::pakistan::china::pakistan::china:

China will be Pakistan's main supplier for defense equipment..... next delivery is your AWACS.

If you read teh first post the source is there ...and i put the translation as well

Sorry, didn't click cuz of the weird characters :D Got it. China is stupid to give TOT for 36 jets... (unless it has intentions of Pakistan getting more than 36)
Why on earth Would China Give away TOT on J10 SALES OF 36 PLANES.

TOT ony comes when nations comitt $ billions in orders.

in my opening 36 is not the limit it's just beginning and it will go way beyond 36
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