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J-10: Chinas new fighter!

Old fighters , new fighters, basic trainers, jet trainers. In India they are all crashing.

Malaysian air force pilot dies in crash

2010-03-25 14:50:00

A Malaysian air force training aircraft crashed Thursday during an air show, killing its pilot, news reports said.

The pilot with the Royal Malaysian Air Force had been manoeuvring the Pilatus PC-7 plane during an airshow at the Northern University of Malaysia in Kedah when the plane's engine compartment exploded and caught fire, the Star newspaper said.

Thousands of students and their family members witnessed the pilot eject from the burning aircraft, which soon crashed just outside the university grounds, the report said.

However, the 33-year-old pilot did not survive the impact and his body, still strapped to his seat, was discovered some 10 metres away from the plane's wreckage.

Police have confirmed that only one person was in the aircraft at the time of the incident.

Authorities have not commented on the cause of the crash, but air force officials were on site to investigate.

The air force uses the Pilatus PC-7 planes for training, but the aircraft is occasionally used for airshows.

In September last year, two pilots were killed when their Pilatus PC-7 crashed and burst into flames at the Langkawi International Airport in Kedah.

The air force has 30 of the Swiss-made PC-7 Mk I and eight of the older version of the PC-7 Mk II, the Star reported.
Even new aircraft are sometimes lost in crashes. But that does not prove that the aircraft or the airforce operating them is inferior. There are a variety of factors leading to a crash like mid-air collisions with birds or human error.

Can you name atleast one air force which has not crashed even a single aircraft to date?

You asked for it when you posted this.

Crashes of ancient MiG-21s can't be compared to the crashes of brand new state-of-the-art J-10s.

May I add. In India even UAV crashes.

Naval UAV crashes in Kochi-Politics/Nation-News-The Economic Times
You asked for it when you posted this.

The frequent MiG-21 crashes are due to a variety of reasons- inadequate pilot training, insufficient maintainence and the raw age of the plane. India has been operating MiG-21s since the early 1960s. Over such a long period, the number of crashes will also compound. Crashes of ancient MiG-21s can't be compared to the crashes of brand new state-of-the-art J-10s.

So are you suggesting that even 40-50 year old aircraft and brand-new state-of-the-art aircraft will have the same rate of crashes? I find it very hard to agree to that. BTW, did I ever say that new aircraft are immune to crashes? I only said that the crash of a J-10 cannot be compared to the crash of 40-50 year old aircraft piloted by pilots who have had insufficient pilot training.

Yes, even UAVs can crash. Errors and failures are prone to any system in the world whether it is old or new, manned or unmanned. However, as a system get's old, it is much more prone to failures and problems than a brand-new system.
Hi everybody.
By searching technical datas on J-10 I found different conflicting information.

Could you provide me the most reliable info source in your opinion?

My key interested informations are :

1. Climbing rate
2. Instant turn rate
3. sustained turn rate
4. Typical air-air range and typical air-ground range.
5. Radar used.

perhaps they should resort to china made fighter engine the one called "chung kwo" then the j-10 will not fall like insects, the j-10 will dive into the ground from then onwards, hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah, and i forgot to add, the chung kwo fighter will only last 6 months because it will be a cheap copy of some engine that only chung kwo will be able to tell. You should go to china and they will be soon making copies of TITAN watches, which is made by Tata in India. hahahahah and i forgot they, the chung kwo will also make copies of the Nano, which is the cheapest car in the world, they will also make copies of Tata tea, Tata coffee, Tata namak, and Allah knows what more. I applaud all the great inventions of China all copies copies copies copies and few non copies. The Cherry QQ car is not a copy but in Singapore its difficult to get an insurance cover for that car, and the Chinese people from China who are permanent residents here also dont want to buy that car. It is the Indians and Malays who buy the Chung Kwo made cars because its too cheap. Cheap has two meanings "inexpensive" meaning well manufactured but well priced, or just cheap stuff. :victory:

Well said buddy, hey BTW i saw your user name end with singh, i heard in Singapore, most Indians like the name "Duela singh" meaning the highest caste in Singapore which equivalent to the dalits in India, is it true? do you work in "black street"? how much it cost for your indigenous drink imported from home? taste the same?:cheers: lucky guy:partay:
perhaps they should resort to china made fighter engine the one called "chung kwo" then the j-10 will not fall like insects, the j-10 will dive into the ground from then onwards, hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah, and i forgot to add, the chung kwo fighter will only last 6 months because it will be a cheap copy of some engine that only chung kwo will be able to tell. You should go to china and they will be soon making copies of TITAN watches, which is made by Tata in India. hahahahah and i forgot they, the chung kwo will also make copies of the Nano, which is the cheapest car in the world, they will also make copies of Tata tea, Tata coffee, Tata namak, and Allah knows what more. I applaud all the great inventions of China all copies copies copies copies and few non copies. The Cherry QQ car is not a copy but in Singapore its difficult to get an insurance cover for that car, and the Chinese people from China who are permanent residents here also dont want to buy that car. It is the Indians and Malays who buy the Chung Kwo made cars because its too cheap. Cheap has two meanings "inexpensive" meaning well manufactured but well priced, or just cheap stuff. :victory:

TROLL ALERT !!! :taz:
There are no castes in Singapore. BTW Singapore is in South East Asia not in India. Most Singaporeans are Chinese Singaporeans not Indian Singaporeans. Yet the Indian Singaporeans are doing very very well. You will find many Indian shops and if you were to measure the business done by the many communities in Singapore , the Indian community has done better than even the Chinese but because the Indian community is so small compared to the Chinese, their numbers dont measure up to a much. I dont know about Duela singh, and for your info dalits are also human beings. Some dalits (in fact more dalits) are even better than many people of high class or caste, so lets not run down the dalits. They are good people. There is also no black street in Singapore. Pls read up on your general knowledge, Singapore is too clean and green, nothing like a black street in Singapore. I have been to Pakistan, India,Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal, and Bhutan. There are a lot of black streets in all these countries. They should learn from Singapore to keep clean. We are a good nation. Strong, healthy, and wealthy. Majulah Singapura.

HaHaHa, you shameless Indian faker, stop pretending to be a Singaporen, Really? no "Black street" in Singapore? i been there myself, one of the must go scenery in Singapore.:rofl:

During the early colonial era, there also used to be low mounds of whitish sand in the area, earning the street the familiar Hokkien (Min Nan) moniker of Peh Soa Pu or Bai Sha Fu in Mandarin (白沙浮; white sand mounds). The Cantonese, however, referred to the street as Hak Gaai or Hei Jie in Mandarin (黑街; black street) as there were many clubs catering to the Japanese invaders in the 1940s. During the first half of the 20th century, commuters could conveniently travel from Bugis Street to anywhere else in Xiao Po via a tram service which ran along North Bridge Road, which was referred to by the Chinese-educated as Xiao Po Da Ma Lu (小坡大马路; little slope main road). :lol:
Bugis Street - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Oh yeah, Indians doing better than Chinese, just look at the domination of Chinese origin compared to Indians, most of the important and richesh people in Singapore are Chinese origin, get loss with your fantasy please.
Singapore's population of approximately 3,612,000 (June 1996) comprises 77.3% Chinese, 14.1% Malays, 7.3% Indians, and 1.3% people of other descent.
The J-10s look almost cute in those colourful scheme, a droopy, goofy look




When you are the best of the best you get the best wives too lol.
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