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"Item 129" for the PAK FA will create ahead of time


Jan 20, 2009
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"Item 129" for the PAK FA will create ahead of time ( jet engine)


Creating a jet engine of the second phase ("Item 129") for a promising fighter T-50 (PAK FA) is ahead of schedule. On this, as reported by ITAR-TASS news agency , said the managing director of NPO Saturn Ilya Fedorov. According to him, the completion of development projects and delivery of the first engines of the Russian Defense Ministry is currently planned for 2015, when the first fighter T-50 should begin to come into service.

"We have units NPO Saturn and interacting structures are working on the draft design engine. All agreed. The work carried out in Moscow, Rybinsk and other venues. We have a strong belief that the engine of the second phase will be done sooner than anyone expected," - Fedorov said, noting that "stretch the development time and continue to produce the engine of the first stage (" Item 117 ", AL-41F1 - note" Heathcliff! ") is economically inefficient."

According to plans, development and production of fighter T-50, the engine of the first stage - the AL-41F1 - will be used in the prototype aircraft and the first production models, which will start arriving at the Air Forces of Russia in 2015. This engine is capable to develop traction in 86 Kilonewton in normal flight and in 147 Kilonewton in afterburner mode. In addition, the AL-41F1 is equipped with a plasma ignition system, vserakursny thrust vector control and digital engine control system.

It should be noted that the Su-35s will be installed less powerful version of the engine AL-41F1 - AL-41F1S (Item 117C). From his "older" version of it differs obsolete digital engine control system and reduced by nearly five Kilonewton traction.

The engine of the second phase - "Item 129" - will be installed at a later installment PAK FA. A new power plant is still unknown for many. Previously reported that the "Product 129" will be different from the AL-41F1 increased traction, as well as higher fuel efficiency. Supposedly, the engine of the second phase will develop a thrust of 107 Kilonewton in cruising flight and in 176 Kilonewton in afterburner mode. Also likely to be significantly increased TBO.

According to Sukhoi, which creates the PAK FA fighter tests go according to schedule. Currently, flight of the two prototype T-50. The first prototype of the T-50 is involved in flight tests in January 2010, the second such aircraft joined the program in early March 2011. According to schedule, test airframe PAK FA will be completed in 2011-2012. In 2013, the Russian Defense Ministry received ten experienced the initial batch of machines that will be tested in combat use.
Fifth-generation fighter PAK FA will be presented to the public at the X International Aviation and Space Salon MAKS-2011 in Moscow. Told reporters the president of the United Aircraft Corporation (UAC) Mikhail Pogosyan. In addition, he noted that at the next Paris Air Show in Le Bourget, the French corporation will provide only regional aircraft Sukhoi SuperJet-100 (SSJ-100). In this case, JSC "Sukhoi Civil Aircraft (SCAC, is a member of the KLA) has no plans at this air show represent a military aircraft.

M. Pogosyan, in November 2011. stated that the first flying prototype fifth-generation aircraft PAK FA already made 40 flights. "Overall we are satisfied with the course of testing, the testing program is moving even faster (than expected)," - said Mikhail Pogosyan.

In September of 2010. M. Pogosyan said the first phase of testing aircraft PAKFA scheduled for completion in 2012. The first stage of testing will begin delivering the first pre-production samples. He added that the company had at that time there were more than 100 orders from the Ministry of Defense on these aircraft, and the total number of orders may be about 150. In addition, he said, there are a number of contracts with India. As M. Pogosyan said the company plans to reach production of more than 100 aircraft per year.

In June of 2010. Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin said that PAK FA will be priced cheaper in 2,5-3 times as compared with foreign counterparts. "It will be a machine that will exceed our main competitor - F-22 - maneuverability, armament and range," - he said. In this case, the F-22 is worth 390 million dollars


Rumored that Russia began developing of the fifth generation tank "Armata", based on heavy unified platform, with achievements of the project "Object 195" (T-95). Results are expected before 2015. Information about this is extremely small, but those who know are silent, because the secret.
In addition to the heavy platform "Armata", in parallel developed two medium platform "Kurganets-25" and "Boomerang", as well as light modification "Typhoon".
yes item 129 is engine , and as per rumors are concerned the engine will be ready 5 month before scheduled.

this will give a big boost to the pak-fa project.

btw - india is also having single seater fighters, so if it gets ready on time and fgfa takes time india will induct the pak-fa. before we all know who.
yes, item 129 is engine. Russia is only country to have a plasma engine under tests. I think US will also try to do same now.
I know Russians aren't that good relative to US in avionics development; but I assure you that their engines will beat the hell out of any General Electrics; Rolls Royce or the likes...
I know Russians aren't that good relative to US in avionics development; but I assure you that their engines will beat the hell out of any General Electrics; Rolls Royce or the likes...

Dont say russians are bad at R&D
it was russians who sent first satellite
and first man in space..
and have the biggest nuke...

The problem is the cash..
they didnt have much cash for R&D in 1990's...
but now their economy is growing...

and India fully supports russian,well invest in their R&D,so now no cash problem...;)
i'm sure this will be a excellent engine
Excerpts from UAC Chief Interview Mikhail Pogosyan
RT: So, fifth-generation jets – are they produced entirely in Russia, or are there still some parts or some technology that you import?

MP: Those jets that are now being tested are 100 per cent produced in Russia. But in view of the international nature of our program, we signed a contract with India in December, we'll co-operate on conceptual design with them, and this obviously will result in the fact that at some stages some non-domestic equipment will be involved. I think that this is quite in line with the spirit of the times, and I'm sure that we'll find ways of co-operation with our overseas suppliers which will allow us to guarantee that the tasks set by the customer are completed. There's nothing wrong with this. We're making our aircraft, both civil and military, not only for the domestic market, but for the international market, too. And this makes us look for the best solutions which would meet all the tough requirements set by customers.

RT: You mentioned a contract signed with India on a fifth-generation fighter jet project, while there are reports saying that China is planning to produce an exact copy of the Russian fighter jet – is that true, and if so, were you taking into account such a competitor?

MP: There have been some reports recently in the media saying that China has started testing its own fighter jet of the fifth generation. This probably means that the investment made and the goals set by the Chinese aircraft industry cover not only civil aircraft manufacturing, but fifth-generation jets as well. So I think it'll make our life more interesting. Competition always makes you develop further, be more active.

Sukhoi Superjet systems can make up for any pilot mistake
Dont say russians are bad at R&D
it was russians who sent first satellite
and first man in space..
and have the biggest nuke...

The problem is the cash..
they didnt have much cash for R&D in 1990's...
but now their economy is growing...

and India fully supports russian,well invest in their R&D,so now no cash problem...;)
i'm sure this will be a excellent engine
I know that but still you must face the realities. I ain't saying they are bad but yes they are relatively weak
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