You mentioned that the Chinese are racist, and are just as racist towards Indians as they are towards Europeans or others who aren't actually blonde and blue-eyed.
I know that.
But I also know that we are not exactly the most loved among a large number of countries in the middle East, because a majority of our population is not Muslim, a minority is Muslim, and we have a country on our borders - both sides - that is Muslim. The automatic, unthinking assumption is that we must be oppressors of Muslims.
So be it. We have no illusions about this nonsense, just as we have no illusions about racist nonsense. Why should we have illusions about racism, when we ourselves have this deep societal fault running inside us? We know and understand Chinese racist prejudice, because we know and understand our own racist prejudice. We know and understand Muslim religious prejudice, because we know and understand, from direct observation inside our own country, anti-Muslim religious prejudice. Those who understand both these recognise them both as ugly defects to be removed by education and travel and development of a spirit of understanding of diversity and tolerance, even acceptance of such diversity.
For some of us, sadly a small number, not yet the overwhelming majority that we should like it to be, these prejudices are things to laugh at - along with others that no other country in the world suffers from - and we laugh at it when it appears within us.
If you like, that entitles us to laugh at others who suffer from it as well, not in an unkind way, but in an indulgent way, in the way that one who has got past a difficult hurdle is amused, but yet encouraging, towards others who have yet to face it and overcome it.
That is why the joke about Greek meeting Greek, which is an old proverb, and the origin of the game of pulling the rope in athletic competitions; when one set of prejudices encounters another, and recognises that other as prejudiced, and ignores its own, it is amusing, wouldn't you agree? When a member of an ethnic group, that displays open and blatant prejudice against Indians because of the religion that many Indians (not all) follow, mocks another ethnic group, that also displays open and blatant prejudice against Indians because of the dark skin of many Indians (not all), I hope you will forgive us (some of us, not all) for being amused.
Of course, both sides will have their sycophants, hoping to gain some approval by showing approval. It adds to the amusement.
Thank you,
@TurkeyForever .
Thank you,
@pher .
If you can get to the stage where you can laugh at yourselves for your own absurd behaviour, you can have a conversation. Till then, it is a shouting match, which reduces your dignity to shreds, and which makes onlookers laugh at both of you for being silly, prejudiced idiots pointing at each other's defects.