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Italian envoy cannot leave India

What are you a super moderator or a vigilante here :lol:

I am going through coding here and at the same time I am answering your boring discussion.
Anyway :wave:

Yey... you also got one thanks for that post :cheers:

I have pointed out, its not a typo. You can not have one liner and hv 3 mistakes.
And if it is, such typo qualifies you to be a retard, imbecile, and one who misrepresented the facts.
Live with it.
you liar.
Yey... you also got one thanks for that post :cheers:

.........thanking honest opinions is one way to encourage such behavior. It makes for more interesting debate and makes people stick to facts. You had an option of admitting your mistake and apologizing for it, you instead choose to defend it and blame it on typo.

Let me tell you a joke ........hopefully you can put it in the relevant context about trade with Italy.

A powerful Canadian-British media magnate and politician Lord Beaverbrook, in a game of hypothetical questions, asked an American actress ‘Would you sleep with a stranger if he paid you one million pounds?’ She said she would.

‘And if he paid you five pounds?’ he asked. The irate lady fumed: ‘Five pounds. What do you think I am?’ Beaverbrook replied: ‘We’ve already established that. Now we are trying to haggle over the price. ”
What are you a super moderator or a vigilante here :lol:

I am going through coding here and at the same time I am answering your boring discussion.
Anyway :wave:

Yey... you also got one thanks for that post :cheers:

I dont claim to be any mod here.
But I have allergy for liars.
Specially those who put forth lies to advance their point of view.
Dont transform PDF into a garbage,
I'm pleasantly surprised Indians raised the stake. Italian will argue that a ban on leaving India will interfere in discharging official duties as an ambassador.

Very interesting development.
The is nothing heroism in not keeping your pledge. Nobody will ever believe in Italy. This unwarranted action by Italy has brought it international dis reputation.

Actually there was nothing in the case. Both the marines would have been acquitted by the courts. Now it will take decades for India and Italy to have normal relationship
Italy is brave to stand up to a bully like India. So now India will violate international law on diplomatic immunity. Cannot get more evil than India. NATO must stand together to destroy this threat.
i know its now a DIPLOMATIC ROW.

thats why questioning what will follow next

First, we have to wait till March 22nd, b'coz this was the time which SC gave to the marines to return.

Second, after that India has scores of DIPLOMATIC options on it's table (if it wish to exercise them) namely, telling Italian ambassador to leave India, recalling our ambassador in Italy, lowering the Diplomatic relations by decreasing the no. of employees to half in embassy, etc.

Third, I don't think this issue will die down so easily, the pressure from opposition & public would be huge for the GOI to handle, so it would be forced to act, even after this, if it doesn't act, this will become the biggest trouble issue for the already troubled Congress come 2014.

I still think that the marines will Return to India as Italy wouldn't want to anger such an important country like India (just wait 2-3 months).
Very twisted reporting-
wondering whcih news paper is that-

The Italian ambassador cannot leave means he is not sacked/ arrested-
it does not mean he is forced to stay in india-

How can you apprehend/ house arrest a certain Ambassador- or force him to stay- during peace time- :no:-
Diplomatic immunity any one?-

Well, when the Italian Diplomat pleaded and guaranteed the return of the two marines, he became a plaintiff. As such, no plaintiff can have immunity of any sort in any court of law... So, actually, his position is not of a person holding diplomatic immunity, but rather of a plaintiff... he actually can be arrested, if on 21st march, the marines don't return.

On diplomacy... I believe, there is nothing left anymore. By not returning an under trail, even after obligations approved by PMO of Italy, one can not construe this to be a friendly action. Plus, the public pressure to tolerate this kind of an attitude doesn't exist and that why why you saw India PM calling Italy out to return the marines or face consequences. I just hope we make an example out of it now.
Well, when the Italian Diplomat pleaded and guaranteed the return of the two marines, he became a plaintiff. As such, no plaintiff can have immunity of any sort in any court of law... So, actually, his position is not of a person holding diplomatic immunity, but rather of a plaintiff... he actually can be arrested, if on 21st march, the marines don't return.


He has diplomatic immunity, which also covers criminality aspect.
Plaintiff means?
A person who files a civil action in a court of law.

He has diplomatic immunity, which also covers criminality aspect.
Plaintiff means?
A person who files a civil action in a court of law.

Could you please state whats the point you are trying to make.. From the very first [age i just see you trying to nullify other's post..

ontopic :

Lets recapitulate,

1. First Italy tried to make everyone belief that it was in international waters.

2. Then Italy tried to convince us that it was a misunderstanding.

3. Then Italy gave it's word that they will return the marines. ( There must be proverb in almost every nation's historical writings,
A man who do not hold on to his words is good for nothing )

4. Now italy says they aint gonna return the marines after all the show..

Now whose position is weaker ? Italy made them look like a bunch of cowboys ! Thats all they achieved.

IMO, they fighting the case that they committed a mistake on INTERNATIONAL waters would have been the wisest decision. That would have given both the parties lots of diplomatic space to solve the issue. Funny that they are trying to accuse us of not trying to solve it diplomatically.
Could you please state whats the point you are trying to make.. From the very first [age i just see you trying to nullify other's post..

ontopic :

Lets recapitulate,

1. First Italy tried to make everyone belief that it was in international waters.

2. Then Italy tried to convince us that it was a misunderstanding.

3. Then Italy gave it's word that they will return the marines. ( There must be proverb in almost every nation's historical writings,
A man who do not hold on to his words is good for nothing )

4. Now italy says they aint gonna return the marines after all the show..

Now whose position is weaker ? Italy made them look like a bunch of cowboys ! Thats all they achieved.

IMO, they fighting the case that they committed a mistake on INTERNATIONAL waters would have been the wisest decision. That would have given both the parties lots of diplomatic space to solve the issue. Funny that they are trying to accuse us of not trying to solve it diplomatically.

Pound for pound I was against his word "plaintiff", meaning of which he himself did not know.
Otherwise there was no need of him coming with that.
How is Italian ambassador a plaintiff ?
And his subsequent dialogue, that plaintiff can not have a diplomatic immunity puts him to shame.
Pound for pound I was against his word "plaintiff", meaning of which he himself did not know.
Otherwise there was no need of him coming with that.
How is Italian ambassador a plaintiff ?
And his subsequent dialogue, that plaintiff can not have a diplomatic immunity puts him to shame.

Well as far as the diplomat is concerned, it is not even debatable whether he will be tried in an Indian court. The question is itself moot. Any foreign diplomat cannot be tried. PERIOD.

But what is important to discuss here how Italy have managed to make them lookas cowboys .. Who would take italy's words now tell me.. NOT A SINGLE COUNTRY !
That is why USA stations 60% naval assets around us... lol

No. That's because we don't worship whites like your country. The west knows we don't kow tow to them, this we are considered a threat to their colonialism.

This crisis proves what a weak and meek country India is. Your country is ruled by a white woman, now that's embarrassing.

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