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It’s JUST Business – IBM and the HOLOCAUST

Free Soul

Feb 14, 2012
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United Kingdom
It’s JUST Business – IBM and the HOLOCAUST


IBM had continuous business relationship between Watson's IBM and the Nazi Germany headed by Adolf Hitler and his cronies.

The establishment of Concentration camps

The first Nazi concentration camps set up in Germany were greatly expanded after the Reichstag fire of 1933, and were intended to hold political prisoners and opponents of the regime. After Hitler came into power concentration camp was established in Bavarian town of Dachau. The Nazis were very methodical in getting rid of ethnically inferior races from the face of the earth. An extensive filing and listing process was launched to account for each and every head its ancestry, recording every single bit of detail even to the extent of physical features. Witch-hunt of the political opponents and the country's substantial ethnic Jewish population began at once. By April 1933, some 60,000 had been imprisoned.

The role of IBM

IBM right from the start gave an extensive sales pitch to Hitler’s Nazi Germany in how the IBM system can help them in their noble cause, readable cards with standardized perforations, each representing specific individual traits such as gender, nationality, and occupation. The millions of cards created for each individual counted in the national census could then be sorted and resorted on the basis of specific bits of information they contained — thereby providing a quantified portrait of the nation.

Despite the violent and repressive climate emerging in the new ultra-nationalist Germany, business relations between IBM and the Hitler regime continued uninterrupted in the face of broad international calls for an economic boycott. Indeed for, Willy Heidinger, (who remained in control of Dehomag (IBM), the 90%-owned German subsidiary of IBM) it made great business sense.

Ethnic identification

On April 12, 1933, the German government announced the plans to immediately conduct a long-delayed national census. The project was particularly important to the Nazis as a mechanism for the identification of Jews, Gypsies, and other ethnic groups deemed undesirable by the regime. Dehomag (IBM)offered to actively assist the German government in its task of ethnic identification, concentrating first upon the 41 million residents of Prussia.

American and IBM executives travelled to Germany in October 1933 – surprise surprise IBM ramped up its investment in its German subsidiary from 400,000 to 7,000,000 reichsmarks — about $1 million. American capital allowed IBM to purchase land in Berlin and to construct IBM's first factory in Germany.

Edwin Black in his book ‘IBM and the Holocaust: The Strategic Alliance Between Nazi Germany and America's Most Powerful Corporation by Edwin Black (13 Mar 2008)’ describes this as "tooling up for what it correctly saw as a massive financial relationship with the Hitler regime."
0914153102 Amazon books.

Black also asserts that a "secret deal" was made between Heidinger and Watson during the latter's visit to Germany which allowed Dehomag commercial powers outside of Germany, enabling the "now Nazified" company to "circumvent and supplant" various national subsidiaries and licensees by "soliciting and delivering punch card solution technology directly to IBM customers in those territories." As a result, Nazi Germany soon became the second most important customer of IBM after the lucrative US market, Black notes

Edwin Black

Syndicated columnist, and journalist specializing in the historical interplay between economics and politics, Middle East and WWII historian, investigative journalist and Author.
His parents were ethnic Jews from Poland, survivals of the genocide committed by fascist Nazis and its allies. His mother survived the Holocaust in Aug 1943 (12 years old girl at that time) by jumping out of the moving vehicle in which her family was being taken to Treblinka extermination camp. Black’s father escaped a mass shooting pit. Both survived World War II by hiding in the forests of Poland for two years.
All is fair in Love and War but more importantly in Business.
the business model is still the same
the sales pitch should contain the word "Freedom" and then cash in while the target audience is still intoxicated gung-ho patriotism.
since the current times are all about public image and ratings so Modus operandi has been adapted to be more subtle or politically correct on camera but continue to spread the fruits of capitalism behind the scenes. e.g. British heavy calibre and high velocity rifles that were sold to Libyan and Bahrain regimes to suppress the uprising (while preaching rule of law, will of the people and democracy).

IBM right from the start gave an extensive sales pitch to Hitler’s Nazi Germany in how the IBM system can help them in their noble cause, readable cards with standardized perforations, each representing specific individual traits such as gender, nationality, and occupation. The millions of cards created for each individual counted in the national census could then be sorted and resorted on the basis of specific bits of information they contained — thereby providing a quantified portrait of the nation.

think of your bank cards, store cards, loyalty cards, reward cards etc. whenever you use them or upgrade them whenever you use them, where ever you use them and whatever you use them for, your profile is quietly being built up. follow the money trail as they say and don't be surprised if any way or form IBM's name would come up where ever in the world it has it physical or virtual tentacles. big brother is watching you!!

its sales pitch to German Nazis was themed on purifying Germany from Jews back then and now it is selling it as "freedom" when the western world has found a new Jew in these times, a Muslim.

the Business Must go on.

following is relevant to the current times and how IBM and its type of companies are continuing with what they did with Nazi regime.

NWO-Illuminati-Nazi-IBM-RFID Spychips - YouTube

below is the video related to the IBM and Nazi partnership as per the thread.

IBM and the Nazis - YouTube
Having read the book, it is very clearly documented how IBM (then called Hollerith) allowed the Nazis to pursue their agenda of the 'Final Solution' with so much efficiency. Some things the US was aware of, while some things were never investigated. But the ultimate beauty of it all was how IBM played on both sides. Actively they helped the Nazi sytem fine-tune their apparatus while later (esp after Pearl Harbor) they helped the US war effort. Only the top bosses of IBM knew the complete picture, but they were sufficiently on crony terms with the leadership on both sides to lead them on in whichever direction that IBM wished to lead them to. After the war, even the Nuremberg Apparatus was infiltrated heavily by IBM so the facts were carefully submerged and even evidence was destroyed.
OP - Nice article. One must remember history is always written by the victor and sometimes distortion of true facts occurs especially when a continuation of "business" is the aim. I am sure the facts were distorted to suit the victors..
Having read the book, it is very clearly documented how IBM (then called Hollerith) allowed the Nazis to pursue their agenda of the 'Final Solution' with so much efficiency. Some things the US was aware of, while some things were never investigated. But the ultimate beauty of it all was how IBM played on both sides. Actively they helped the Nazi sytem fine-tune their apparatus while later (esp after Pearl Harbor) they helped the US war effort. Only the top bosses of IBM knew the complete picture, but they were sufficiently on crony terms with the leadership on both sides to lead them on in whichever direction that IBM wished to lead them to. After the war, even the Nuremberg Apparatus was infiltrated heavily by IBM so the facts were carefully submerged and even evidence was destroyed.

At the time of first Nazi detailed census in the early 1930s, Watson had already assumed the CEO role of the company, it was named IBM in 1924. I don’t know if it was known as ‘Hollerith’ at any time, maybe it was called that for some time after the guy ‘Herman Hollerith’ who conceived the idea of punch cards.

Herman Hollerith was an employee at the U.S. Census Bureau. Hollerith built a prototype of his counting machine in 1884. It was used in 1890 census in US. The Census Bureau saved $5 million through use of Hollerith counting machines.

Hollerith made the machine and IBM later used it and the data it had from the US census, this made it a great sales pitch to providing Nazis with effective and cost effective way of achieving the ‘Final Solution’.

I don’t know if Herman Hollerith had anything to do with the Nazi deal or not, he was a brilliant mind no doubt inventing 1st card reader and punching machine (the early computers).[as far as I know]

Sure some in US knew and some didn’t, but the ones who mattered did know what was going on. Like you say ‘IBM played on both sides’ – thus the title of the thread It’s JUST Business
The Israelis don't seem to have a problem with it. They've moved on.

The Israelis don't seem to have a problem with it. They've moved on.

well seems like IBM made another sales pitch, now to the Israelis for the 'Final Solution' target this time -> Gaza/Palistine, Syria.

It’s JUST Business you know, and who doesnt know of the hollowness of Israeli morals.

We Don't Forget; We dont Forgive.
IBM was a major Corporation in US, it had its roots in Census Bureau, it had links to top US government officials at that time. It wasn’t like a nut case in some country chanting praises of that Moron Hitler. Nor it was like BNP of UK with their blatant Nazi support (the Taliban and al Qaeda version of the UK).

IBM had top links, everyone knows what their role was. It embarrasses many in US and in Israel who have their hands dirty and bloodied in this.

Like i said it’s just Business
At the time of first Nazi detailed census in the early 1930s, Watson had already assumed the CEO role of the company, it was named IBM in 1924. I don’t know if it was known as ‘Hollerith’ at any time, maybe it was called that for some time after the guy ‘Herman Hollerith’ who conceived the idea of punch cards.

Herman Hollerith was an employee at the U.S. Census Bureau. Hollerith built a prototype of his counting machine in 1884. It was used in 1890 census in US. The Census Bureau saved $5 million through use of Hollerith counting machines.

Hollerith made the machine and IBM later used it and the data it had from the US census, this made it a great sales pitch to providing Nazis with effective and cost effective way of achieving the ‘Final Solution’.

I don’t know if Herman Hollerith had anything to do with the Nazi deal or not, he was a brilliant mind no doubt inventing 1st card reader and punching machine (the early computers).[as far as I know]

Sure some in US knew and some didn’t, but the ones who mattered did know what was going on. Like you say ‘IBM played on both sides’ – thus the title of the thread It’s JUST Business

Actually when the Nazis came into power, Hollerith was still part of the biz in name and otherwise. Hence the name then DEHOMAG. Then it became Watson's fiefdom and with the ascendency of Hitler, the name became IBM to give it an American/Iinternational/Non-German character.
Interesting article. We must remember that the Allies main purpose in fighting Hitler and Germany was not to save Jewish people. In fact if that was all that he was guilty it is unlikely their would have been world war 2
You guys really need to make up your minds. Either the Holocaust happened or it did not. If no, then what is the point of discussion about this book? By the way, how many here have read it?
You guys really need to make up your minds. Either the Holocaust happened or it did not. If no, then what is the point of discussion about this book? By the way, how many here have read it?

Some Jews were killed but the truth has been suppressed by the victors. And we know Americans are liars so...
Some Jews were killed but the truth has been suppressed by the victors. And we know Americans are liars so...
Aaahhh...Only 'some'? How many were in this 'some'? Six? Six hundreds? Six thousands? Six hundred thousands? Six millions?
You guys really need to make up your minds. Either the Holocaust happened or it did not. If no, then what is the point of discussion about this book? By the way, how many here have read it?

Please stay on topic and enlighten us with your acumen. It is a lame effort on your part to detract the topic in discussion. I would certainly suggest that you do read the book.

Regarding denial of Holocaust - in my opinion if someone thinks that millions of Jewish people did not get slaughtered then they need to have their head examined.

I came to know of this while listening to not just any ordinary person but greats like Noam Chomsky,
Howard Zinn, Amy Goodman and Norman Finkelstein, i would also suggest read and listen to Democracy Now! (Democracy Now! is a United States daily progressive, non-profit, independently syndicated program of news, analysis, and opinion)

Noam Chomsky an American linguist, philosopher, cognitive scientist, historian, and activist. He is an Institute Professor and Professor (Emeritus) in the Department of Linguistics & Philosophy at MIT, where he has worked for over 50 years. Chomsky has been described as the "father of modern linguistics”

Aaahhh...Only 'some'? How many were in this 'some'? Six? Six hundreds? Six thousands? Six hundred thousands? Six millions?
dont play smart here sir.. go check IBM records, they made the sales pitch to Hitler
Please stay on topic and enlighten us with your acumen. It is a lame effort on your part to detract the topic in discussion. I would certainly suggest that you do read the book.
I have the book since 2001 when it came out. Let me know which chapter and page you want me to quote.

Regarding denial of Holocaust - in my opinion if someone thinks that millions of Jewish people did not get slaughtered then they need to have their head examined.

I came to know of this while listening to not just any ordinary person but greats like Noam Chomsky,
Howard Zinn, Amy Goodman and Norman Finkelstein, i would also suggest read and listen to Democracy Now! (Democracy Now! is a United States daily progressive, non-profit, independently syndicated program of news, analysis, and opinion)

Noam Chomsky an American linguist, philosopher, cognitive scientist, historian, and activist. He is an Institute Professor and Professor (Emeritus) in the Department of Linguistics & Philosophy at MIT, where he has worked for over 50 years. Chomsky has been described as the "father of modern linguistics”

dont play smart here sir.. go check IBM records, they made the sales pitch to Hitler
I just think it is odd that the Holocaust is so conveniently flexible. It happened when there is a need for it, like in this discussion in implying that the US is complicit in the event, but when there is a desire to deny the Jews a moral foundation for their outrage from the Nazis, then the Holocaust did not happened and only 'some' Jews were killed.
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