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It is not is the character of a Sikh to call himself an Indian.

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Jul 23, 2016
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Jatts live in the ethinic embodiment of Sikhs, yet as proud Muslims in Pakistan, with our Army chief as a Jatt, Pakistan stands with our Sikh brothers in the fight against Hindutva. A new state for Sikhs in the form of Khalistan is long over due. Sikhs are a martial race which in essence is in contradiction with the character of hindutva India which is submissive in nature. Most of the martial races in post partition Mughalistan carved out a new nation in the form of Pakistan, a new nation for Sikhs is long overdue. Separation from Sanghi Hindus is long overdue. It is not in the character of a Sikh to call himself an Indian, #Khalistan
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Sikhs aren’t my brothers. And vast majority of them want nothing to do with Khalistan. We shouldn’t waste resources on this lost cause.
Sikhs aren’t my brothers. And vast majority of them want nothing to do with Khalistan. We shouldn’t waste resources on this lost cause.
Ur individual opinion does not matter, Pakistan stands with suppressed people all over the world, including Palestinians, Kashmiris and Khalistanis. This is our state policy.
Ur individual opinion does not matter, Pakistan stands with suppressed people all over the world, including Palestinians, Kashmiris and Khalistanis. This is our state policy.
Opinion of a wise person doesn't matter. General public perception and state policy should be otherwise.

Ur individual opinion does not matter, Pakistan stands with suppressed people all over the world, including Palestinians, Kashmiris and Khalistanis. This is our state policy.
How about Uighurs? Does Pakistan not stand with them?
How about Uighurs? Does Pakistan not stand with them?
Yes we do, and we know that uighurs are proud Chinese patriots living in Xinjiang. Their standard of living is actually what you Indian hindutvas dream of for yourselves.
Ur individual opinion does not matter, Pakistan stands with suppressed people all over the world, including Palestinians, Kashmiris and Khalistanis. This is our state policy.
I am seeing majority of comment from that member which do not align or express Pakistani narrative or sentiments. so be careful.
Opinion of a wise person doesn't matter. General public perception and state policy should be otherwise.


sure, wise as per Indian narrative.
Sikhs are loyal and patriotic towards the land where they are born be it India, Pakistan, UK, Canada or anywhere else. They are also the most respected group of people in India and highly represented in the Armed forces. Just give up any dreams that you may have about some Hindu Sikh infighting in India from which Pakistan can gain advantage.

Next time there is a war between Muslim Pakistan and India, the Sikh Soldiers would be standing strongly with the Hindus to defend the Nation.
Nothing wrong with defending and fighting for the country for the right reasons, not only Sikhs all Indians must do the same.

But it does not mean that you stop raising your voice for the injustice and discrimination.
Yes we do, and we know that uighurs are proud Chinese patriots living in Xinjiang. Their standard of living is actually what you Indian hindutvas dream of for yourselves.
Is that what you guys are telling yourself these days?? Or did the Chinese sell you that chooran about standards of living ??
Is that what you guys are telling yourself these days?? Or did the Chinese sell you that chooran about standards of living ??
RSS/BJP choran is more popular and stronger then any other available.

did you notice that? how Indians are turning into brainless zombies, no questions asked and believing in RSS BJP fake history, claims and lies.
RSS/BJP choran is more popular and stronger then any other available.

did you notice that? how Indians are turning into brainless zombies, no questions asked and believing in RSS BJP fake history, claims and lies.
And a Pakistani knows more about the BJP and RSS than Indians living in India?? Lol, as for lies and fake history that Pakistanis are brought up on, right from primary school days, the lesser said the better.
And a Pakistani knows more about the BJP and RSS than Indians living in India?? Lol, as for lies and fake history that Pakistanis are brought up on, right from primary school days, the lesser said the better.
same story is told by ISIS and al qaida brain washed followers. you are no different when defending RSS with these statements.
same story is told by ISIS and al qaida brain washed followers. you are no different when defending RSS with these statements.

Nice deflection. Btw, what did they teach you in school about India and Hindus??
Nice deflection. Btw, what did they teach you in school about India and Hindus??
you are the one deflecting when faced with the truth.
Pakistan never ruled by any Terrorist organizations like RSS/BJP/ISIS/Al Qaida etc. , so India and Hindus are insignificant in our schools.

what I leaned about India and Hindus is from Indians and Hindus, you can prove me wrong with your truth, if possible.
Ur individual opinion does not matter, Pakistan stands with suppressed people all over the world, including Palestinians, Kashmiris and Khalistanis. This is our state policy.

What about Uighurs?
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