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It is good time to settle border row: China


Jul 20, 2009
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BEIJING: The situation in the India-China border is not merely peaceful and stable, it is also favorable for the purpose of resolving the border

dispute once for all time, the Chinese foreign ministry told TNN on Tuesday.

China also described reports of cross-border firing and other skirmishes as “inaccurate information”.

“The China-India relationship is currently enjoying stable developments, and the mutual trust between two sides is keeping growing. Therefore, we are facing a favorable situation in solving the border issue,” the foreign ministry said in reply to questions sent by TNN.

The two sides should continue to work for creating a “good atmosphere for the solution of (the) issue through negotiations, and avoid taking actions to make the situation become complicated,” the ministry said.

But it avoided a direct reply to a one of TNN’s questions: What is China doing to reassure India that it has no military ambitions on Arunachal Pradesh and other places along the border?

Sources in the Indian foreign ministry said Beijing was anxious about the uproar in the Indian media as it will make it all the more difficult for the two sides to enter into an amicable settlement. They do not think the central government in Beijing would have sent instructions to armed forces to create trouble on the border.

The Chinese foreign ministry’s view is that the problem has to do with improper reporting by the Indian media and not on the ground situation on the border.

“Enough of that. I have replied to this question earlier,” Jiang Yu, the Chinese foreign ministry spokeswoman, said when a reporter asked about Indian reports about firing from the Chinese side of the border. “Some Indian media has been releasing inaccurate information. I wonder what their purpose is," she said.

In its written reply, the ministry said China has “devoted itself to maintaining peace and tranquility of the border area together with the Indian side” besides strictly adhering to the Agreement on the Maintenance of Peace and Tranquility along the Line of Actual Control in the China-India Border Areas in 1993 and the Agreement on Confidence Building Measures in the Military Field Along the Line of Actual Control in the China-India Border Areas signed in 1996.

“We do not see India as a rival and an enemy. We hope India will not see China in that light,” Sun Weidong, the deputy director general in the Asian department of the ministry asked in a rare meeting with Indian journalists and diplomats to discuss the subject. China’s growing economic strength will not make it a bully. Beijing has no designs on the territory of any country, he said.

Strategic and political analysts in Beijing say they are aghast at what they see as an aggressive anti-China campaign by the Indian media.

“There has been no usual development on the border. Why is the Indian media indulging in rumor mongering?” Chen Yongcheng, a former diplomat and Council Member of the China Foundation of International Studies, said.

A senior journalist with the People’s Daily said the Indian media should be careful not to create a situation in which there will be repercussions from the Chinese side. “What happens if we start talking about incursions from the Indian side? Such unfounded reports are not going to help anyone,” he said.

“Is this a good relationship or a bad one? I believe it is a good relationship,” and went on to explain that the relationship had a global and strategic importance because it involved 2.5 billion people,” Sun said

It is good time to settle border row: China - China - World - NEWS - The Times of India
Sir that's what china's plan was. Creating problem and then say its good time to settle problem. Sir may be he was on drugs when he said that. India raising two new division. Thats around 38,000 army mens. India may increase more new divisions if needed. India clearly saying in ain't in a mood to listen what china saying.
Sir that's what china's plan was. Creating problem and then say its good time to settle problem. Sir may be he was on drugs when he said that. India raising two new division. Thats around 38,000 army mens. India may increase more new divisions if needed. India clearly saying in ain't in a mood to listen what china saying.

Here is a nice answer by a sane Indian:

Our Chinese Wall


If that was not the case, why would we be so paranoid about growing Chinese involvement in what, normally, should have been entirely virtuous business, building our roads, power plants, telecom? We are now worried that too many of our new power producers are buying equipment from China. What do you expect them to do when your domestic manufacturers cannot fulfil even a fraction of the demand? We have wasted two decades of reform protecting one PSU Navratna and rapacious but rent-seeking government utilities rather than help the private sector build real turbine-making capacity. So how do you react? By delaying visas for Chinese workmen and engineers. Then how do the Chinese respond? By painting a few rocks red along the border in Ladakh. And we go into panic again: do or say nothing to provoke them. And let’s hope they are not watching the two-and-a-half of our utterly illiterate TV channels that, having failed to stir up a war with Pakistan after 26/11, are checking out the Chinese now. :rofl:


We have to head neither for the bunker in fright, nor to the battlefield. We have to start a process now of ridding ourselves of this irrational and uncalled-for fear of China. China may be almost a superpower now, but it is not an irrational power. It has as big a stake in stability as we do. Its economy, finance, exports are all much more globalised than ours, so do not expect it to rock the boat just because it felt like picking up a fight in the neighbourhood one day. It might enjoy, however, reminding you occasionally of how far it has left you behind.:lol: But it is not about to start pushing things on the borders, nibbling territory and risking skirmishes as some of the crude and militaristic scare-mongering in some of our media suggests.:tdown: We have to act like grown-ups, not think “border” or “threat” the moment somebody mentions China. We cannot exorcise the demon unless we come to terms with the defeat of 1962. One reason we have brought up two-and-a-half generations of Indians on the fear of China is that we have avoided a fair appraisal and understanding of 1962. The greater the inclination on the part of a nation, a family or even an individual to hide from an unhappy truth, rather than look it in the eye, the greater the fear that it will return. We, the people of India, need an honest process of truth and reconciliation with 1962 — and there is no better way of starting that than making the report of the Henderson Brooks commission, which probed that debacle, public. It’s only when you face up to the truth that you can learn to deal with it, particularly when the fears that haunt you lurk in your mind rather than on your borders.

Our Chinese Wall
Sir that's what china's plan was. Creating problem and then say its good time to settle problem. Sir may be he was on drugs when he said that. India raising two new division. Thats around 38,000 army mens. India may increase more new divisions if needed. India clearly saying in ain't in a mood to listen what china saying.

sir may i request you one thing sir, sir sir please sir, please launch a protest movement in front of the chinese embassy in india and sir then just throw a few stones at the building to break its window panes. sir if possible also throw some petrol bombs... sir i believe sir, it will help accelerate the war between india and china... sir do it sir...
sir may i request you one thing sir, sir sir please sir, please launch a protest movement in front of the chinese embassy in india and sir then just throw a few stones at the building to break its window panes. sir if possible also throw some petrol bombs... sir i believe sir, it will help accelerate the war between india and china... sir do it sir...

Sir that time will come. Right now instead of protest we need to build infrastructure at our border. Sir 2012 is deadline to complete infrasturcture at our borders. Protest and patrol are not answer. Only helpless country does that sir.
Here is a nice answer by a sane Indian:

Sir i would say stupid indian. Sir i born 1983. 1962 was 19 years ago before i born. i dont live 1962. i believe in present power. Sir to be honest china can't war india. India not alone and not under power. We might be less powerful then china but that's only in full scale war. i bet in full scale war i dont think between china or india anyone will survive. Sir 1962 china backed off before war becames full scale war. China not 10 feet tall aliens sir. They are human and can be killed by one bullet shot like indian. So please sir no 1962 cr@p. Thank you.
Sir i would say stupid indian. Sir i born 1983. 1962 was 19 years ago before i born. i dont live 1962. i believe in present power. Sir to be honest china can't war india. India not alone and not under power. We might be less powerful then china but that's only in full scale war. i bet in full scale war i dont think between china or india anyone will survive. Sir 1962 china backed off before war becames full scale war. China not 10 feet tall aliens sir. They are human and can be killed by one bullet shot like indian. So please sir no 1962 cr@p. Thank you.

1983 :eek:

Doodh ki daat abhitak tute nehi...

sir study hard sir... there is a saying in sanskrit sir, "chhatranang addhyanang tapah"... so instead of dreaming about war, think about your career sir...
1983 :eek:

Doodh ki daat abhitak tute nehi...

sir study hard sir... there is a saying in sanskrit sir, "chhatranang addhyanang tapah"... so instead of dreaming about war, think about your career sir...

uncle have manners. You are elder to me doesn't mean you can say anything. If you scared of china then hide in pakistan instead of telling me what to do. Learn manners uncle. It doesn't matter if you are old. You still can learn manners. May be from your elders like your grandpa's age. i will ignore you untill u learn manners uncle ji.
1983 :eek:

Doodh ki daat abhitak tute nehi...

sir study hard sir... there is a saying in sanskrit sir, "chhatranang addhyanang tapah"... so instead of dreaming about war, think about your career sir...

:tup: a point. that dude really need to spend more time on his study rather than day dreaming of a war.
Though it's none of my business but I feel India should invest more on education rather than keep buying expensive weapons. Wondering why some India media always want stir up a war? Maybe the answer is the majority of Indian ppl or I should say the majority of Indian elites want that way. I hope that's not the case though.
Sir that time will come. Right now instead of protest we need to build infrastructure at our border. Sir 2012 is deadline to complete infrasturcture at our borders. Protest and patrol are not answer. Only helpless country does that sir.

why 2012???? and please dont say its because of a certain "expert" paper that says china will attack in 2012.
Oops...Did I see BR? :rofl::rofl:
You must read too much 'military scenarios' on BR? :rofl: I might be wrong but looks to me the 'military scenarios' is really a popular thread on BR and seems to me too there are a lot of such books available in book store in India for your reading pleasure. :rofl:

Sir for more information just google it. Just put word chola war in search box and see millions of links pops out. i show BR because full details been shown there instead of just words india won. Please do the google to expand you memory. Thank you.
It is not chola war, it is known as chola incident.

study hard... its your learning period.. you need to understand the differences between war, battle and incident...
Sir am lucky am not you. Sir you must be from china. If most countries think like you then womens not safe. Example japan in china. Now i dont need to tell what happened when japan was in china. The chinese womens told that everything. Now sir i never said we want war. Please ready my post carefully. I said india raising two division to protect border so chinese wont come inside our villages and rape womens like japan did in china. Sir please dont advice india on education. Indians are far better in english then any other asian country. You should focus in your own country sir and for godsake dont advice me or india. Thank you.

Mods. Please take care of the trolls.

Civility has been undermined.
Sir am lucky am not you. Sir you must be from china. If most countries think like you then womens not safe. Example japan in china. Now i dont need to tell what happened when japan was in china. The chinese womens told that everything. Now sir i never said we want war. Please ready my post carefully. I said india raising two division to protect border so chinese wont come inside our villages and rape womens like japan did in china. Sir please dont advice india on education. Indians are far better in english then any other asian country. You should focus in your own country sir and for godsake dont advice me or india. Thank you.

Mr. BrahmOs; Let me see what we got here ?

Still shooting trash as usual ? Keep it up !

Pretty soon you will need a new name. HaHa:smitten:

:pakistan::china: P.S. You can change your name, but you can never

change your style of shooting trash.
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