Waj S Khan Trolls with a style
so he makes a flame bait rhetorical question demanding to know the meaning and reason for this procession.
for background. Gen Mirza is being seen off from 10 Corps HQ by the people at the Corps HQ. as is a tradition in the army the out going command is seen off in a procession and usually his mount is pushed manually by the personnel with a lot of celebratory chants and dance. this is the culmination of a Ceremony where the good time in the office is recounted and jokes are shared, food or treats shared and then the host thanks the outgoing commander who is led in a procession.
in its smallest example it happens at a company level of a unit and then the regimental level, Brigade, Div and Corps level.
this tradition has nothing to do which army ruling Pakistan for 70+ years or Ditching one party favorite for another.
since PTI/ Insafians or Youthias (as Noonies call them) are the bleeding hearts so a negative hateful reaction was confirmed and that's what Wajahat was counting on. so apart from a handful of tweets reminding him that it was nothing new or strange but an age old military tradition of seeing off the commander (including a tweet rom me) the rest of them were mostly rants, rage, name calling and cursing. some curses were directed at the military leadership (there is some merit there and I agree with that) but some was mostly directed at the military institution and wishing its death (which I didn't agree with).
obviously staying silent was not an option so I respectfully offered an opposition and then the entire Web rant of the Youthian tortured souls turned on myself. I told them that whining doesn't resolve the issue and the problem was within them. they had to fix themselves since the army sources its personnel from the same pool of people that makes up the entire nation but self correction or self criticism is not in our national psyche it is always someone else's fault.
then I was told that my days were numbered (somehow I represented the entire GHQ now). I mocked them by saying that Imran had called off the protests, maybe they need to tell him to continue. then they resorted to personal insults. suggesting I took pleasure in striping and molesting good citizens of Pakistan's and Bengalis got a lucky break which he and other innocent PTI supporters were stuck with with us. I again repeated that this all can change for better according to PTI wishes if these people started the correction from inhouse as it will have the butterfly effect and change the nation for better ultimately and automatically taking away the ability of opportunist "Pindi boyz" from screwing up with affairs of the the state. but that didn't get us anywhere.
now I could rip him very easily while staying classy but it seemed like he was already struggling to contain himself and might have burst a vein in his temple so I let it go.