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We must admit one thing: Turkey lacks extremely much in higher education (University level). This is a well-known fact, and the reason Turkey has not been able to progress for many decades.

But let us look at the bright side: Turkey's education is gaining more and more grounds. I believe we will achieve much higher education quality in few years. The importance is to detect our mistake and go on from there, instead of getting stuck in the present and past.

Seriously dude, how can you talk about matters of Turkey especially when you have got no clues about an ordinary Turkish person. You even can't think like a Turk, which we are seeing from the bold part.
Have you ever read Oğuz Atay, Orhan Pamuk, Sabahattin Ali? Have you ever read Atsız's books? Have you ever read Nazım Hikmet's poems? Have you ever cried for your ex just because of Neşet Ertaş?
Everyone know that universities created miracles in Turkey. The problem is in high schools.

Bir de lütfen, sevgi pıtırcığını oynayıp her şey iyi olacak deme. Bundan birkaç yıl önce ülkenin sayısı parmakla gösterilen Bizans tarihçilerinden biri kafir tarihini okutuyor diye işten atıldı. Siz Danimarka'da romantik bir şeriat düşlüyorsunuz ama burada haftada 150 kişi filan ölüyor. Acıyla yoğruluyor bizim yüreklerimiz.
ASELSAN ve BİLKENT Üniversitesi arasında GaN Transistör ve Tümleşik Devre Yapımı İçin İleri Teknoloji Yatırımı Mutabakat Muhtırası İmza Töreni 26 Eylül 2012 tarihinde saat 17.30’da Savunma Sanayii Müsteşarlığı'nda icra edilecektir.

Aselsan and Bilkent university will start manufacturing integrated circut (also referred to as IC, chip, or microchip) and GaN (gallium nitride) transistors....
Seriously dude, how can you talk about matters of Turkey especially when you have got no clues about an ordinary Turkish person. You even can't think like a Turk, which we are seeing from the bold part.
Have you ever read Oğuz Atay, Orhan Pamuk, Sabahattin Ali? Have you ever read Atsız's books? Have you ever read Nazım Hikmet's poems? Have you ever cried for your ex just because of Neşet Ertaş?
Everyone know that universities created miracles in Turkey. The problem is in high schools.

Bir de lütfen, sevgi pıtırcığını oynayıp her şey iyi olacak deme. Bundan birkaç yıl önce ülkenin sayısı parmakla gösterilen Bizans tarihçilerinden biri kafir tarihini okutuyor diye işten atıldı. Siz Danimarka'da romantik bir şeriat düşlüyorsunuz ama burada haftada 150 kişi filan ölüyor. Acıyla yoğruluyor bizim yüreklerimiz.

Yes i have read Pamuk and Nazim Hikmet. But tell me honestly, how many Turks WHO lives in Turkey have read them? What are you talking about dude? Sharia, who said anything about sharia...

Reality check: Turkey's Universities are at bottom. Whether you want to acknowledge this fact or not is up to you. A University professor who takes photos of women with hijab.... I know someone who studies English in one of top Universities in Istanbul. She has only a high school degree from Denmark. But she tells us that even her professors are worse than her, they actually told her to stay silent in classes and not correct the professors mistakes. Are you kidding me? Also i can pretty much judge from reading comments of Turks from Turkey that education literally is a failure in Turkey. I have cousins in Kayseri my age, they also study in good Universities. I literally cannot have a pragmatic and logical conversation with them regarding anything, the exact same way in this forum.

But Turks from Europe i have no problem having a normal conversation with. I don't know if it is your kemalistic docrtine that did that or other things. But something is really wrong in Turkish education, that i am absolutely certain of.

I actually considered studying my masters or PHD in Turkey. But after researching online about Turkish universities i chose not to. Also some of my friends who studied in Turkey (those Born in Turkey studying/workign in Europe) told me definitely not to if i don't want to ruin my career.

So yes, there are international students in Turkish Universities. But 90% of them are from 3rd world countries, i would not call that an achievement.

Edit: Not forgetting my experience in this forum. I have even reconsidered moving back to Turkey . Many of you guys mock Turkey with your behaviour.
Yes i have read Pamukoglu and Nazim Hikmet. But tell me honestly, how many Turks WHO lives in Turkey have read them? What are you talking about dude? Sharia, who said anything about sharia...

Reality check: Turkey's Universities are at bottom. Whether you want to acknowledge this fact or not is up to you. A University professor who takes photos of women with hijab.... I have a relative who studies English in one of top Universities in Istanbul. She has only a high school degree from Denmark. But she tells us that even her professors are worse than her, they actually told her to stay silent in classes and not correct the professors mistakes. Are you kidding me? Also i can pretty much judge from reading comments of Turks from Turkey that education literally is a failure in Turkey. I have cousins in Kayseri my age, they also study in good Universities. I literally cannot have a pragmatic and logical conversation with them regarding anything, the exact same way in this forum.

But Turks from Europe i have no problem having a normal conversation with. I don't know if it is your kemalistic docrtine that did that or other things. But something is really wrong in Turkish education, that i am absolutely certain of.

I actually considered studying my masters or PHD in Turkey. But after researching online about Turkish universities i chose not to. Also some of my friends who studied in Turkey (those Born in Turkey studying/workign in Europe) told me definitely not to if i don't want to ruin my career.

So yes, there are international students in Turkish Universities. But 90% of them are from 3rd world countries, i would not call that an achievement.
If universities in Turkey are at the bottom how can ODTÜ passed best of the Italian and Spanish universities? Milliyet - Türkler bizi geçti
And I am really curious about your cousin's universities. Unfortunately Kayseri is not the only city in Turkey, wish you can talk with an ordinary person from Beşiktaş, Kadıköy, Çankaya etc which produces Turkey's science, not with a random "Angara bebesi" from Inner Anatolia.

For the record, I won't recommend you to come Turkey. I'm preparing for YGS/LYS and studying nearly 6 hours per day.
We must admit one thing: Turkey lacks extremely much in higher education (University level). This is a well-known fact, and the reason Turkey has not been able to progress for many decades.

But let us look at the bright side: Turkey's education is gaining more and more grounds. I believe we will achieve much higher education quality in few years. The importance is to detect our mistake and go on from there, instead of getting stuck in the present and past.

Seriously dude, how can you talk about matters of Turkey especially when you have got no clues about an ordinary Turkish person. You even can't think like a Turk, which we are seeing from the bold part.
Have you ever read Oğuz Atay, Orhan Pamuk, Sabahattin Ali? Have you ever read Atsız's books? Have you ever read Nazım Hikmet's poems? Have you ever cried for your ex just because of Neşet Ertaş?
Everyone know that universities created miracles in Turkey. The problem is in high schools.

Bir de lütfen, sevgi pıtırcığını oynayıp her şey iyi olacak deme. Bundan birkaç yıl önce ülkenin sayısı parmakla gösterilen Bizans tarihçilerinden biri kafir tarihini okutuyor diye işten atıldı. Siz Danimarka'da romantik bir şeriat düşlüyorsunuz ama burada haftada 150 kişi filan ölüyor. Acıyla yoğruluyor bizim yüreklerimiz.

So a Turk is unambitious lazy retard, nationalistic slob? is that what you mean by ordinary Turk? epic FAIL
So yes, there are international students in Turkish Universities. But 90% of them are from 3rd world countries, i would not call that an achievement.

That is not true, not for my University anyways... We got lots of European students and few Asians.

So one of your friend had a bad experience with some of his teachers. Her proffesor told her to stay quite? Wow they must have been really bad!!!
Yeah some of the instructors in Universities tend to think that their students are high schoolers but that doesn't give you the right to say "Turkey's Universities are at bottom", no?

And your cousins in Kayseri? :D
Well if you can not have a pragmatic and logical conversation with them or Turkey's Turks in this forum, maybe the problem is you?
If universities in Turkey are at the bottom how can ODTÜ passed best of the Italian and Spanish universities? Milliyet - Türkler bizi geçti
And I am really curious about your cousin's universities. Unfortunately Kayseri is not the only city in Turkey, wish you can talk with an ordinary person from Beşiktaş, Kadıköy, Çankaya etc which produces Turkey's science, not with a random "Angara bebesi" from Inner Anatolia.

For the record, I won't recommend you to come Turkey. I'm preparing for YGS/LYS and studying nearly 6 hours per day.

Well according to Times Higher Education (the list you shared) there are 4 Turkish Universities in top 500. The best is Bilkent placed 200-220 the rest below 270. Top Universities in Asia 2011-2012
If you mean that is high i don't have anything to discuss with you. Even tiny Denmark (5 million population) has 7 Universities in the list and all of them placed higher than Turkey. Figure the rest.

Edit: Dude i already graduated from Unviersity of Copenhagen. I'm doing my masters now :what:
That is not true, not for my University anyways... We got lots of European students and few Asians.

So one of your friend had a bad experience with some of his teachers. Her proffesor told her to stay quite? Wow they must have been really bad!!!
Yeah some of the instructors in Universities tend to think that their students are high schoolers but that doesn't give you the right to say "Turkey's Universities are at bottom", no?

And your cousins in Kayseri? :D
Well if you can not have a pragmatic and logical conversation with them or Turkey's Turks in this forum, maybe the problem is you?

Yes the problem is me, but not the astronomy professor who is at lookout for headscarved girls, instead of stars and planets. The one i know from Istanbul is the only one that i know studies University in Turkey that is from Denmark. The cousins i have in Kayseri studies outside Kayseri (to the west i wont mention their Unis for safety reasons). They are just like most of you guys nationalists and kemalists. They have no idea about conducting a sound argument, even though they are Uni students. You can observe the colossal difference between them and us.

The lists speak forthemselves, i don't have to prove anything. If a highschool girl who failed in Danish univiersity and went to Istanbul corrects her professors mistakes in Istanbul's best University that pretty much tells the rest of the story. ( I really hope you can understand this phrase.)

Edit: I would enjoy continuing the discussion but i sadly have to get going. Hope you guys are doing well, and good luck with your exam Mehmet, i know how frustrating they can get. :enjoy:
Yes the problem is me, but not the astronomy professor who is at lookout for headscarved girls, instead of stars and planets. The one i know from Istanbul is the only one that i know studies University in Turkey that is from Denmark. The cousins i have in Kayseri studies outside Kayseri (to the west i wont mention their Unis for safety reasons). They are just like most of you guys nationalists and kemalists. They have no idea about conducting a sound argument, even though they are Uni students. You can observe the colossal difference between them and us.

The lists speak forthemselves, i don't have to prove anything. If a highschool girl who failed in Danish univiersity and went to Istanbul corrects her professors mistakes in Istanbul's best University that pretty much tells the rest of the story. ( I really hope you can understand this phrase.)

That doesn't necessarly make them bad at what they are doing, it has nothing to do with the quality of education.

The thing with your cousins is probably just genetic...

Basing your claims on one of your friend's single experience and your cousins, then speaking about "conducting a sound arguement"? Bravo!

Your disagreements with us doesn't make our education less quality than yours. And there is nothing wrong with being nationalist or Kemalist unless going extreme.
If a highschool girl who failed in Danish univiersity and went to Istanbul corrects her professors mistakes in Istanbul's best University that pretty much tells the rest of the story. ( I really hope you can understand this phrase.)

Let me tell you a secret. Sometimes even Professors can make mistakes too, such mistakes that even your retard friend could easily catch. Yeah, it happens sometimes...
You guys just proved to me again why it is a waste of time to be here, and i thank you for that.

I don't base my view of Turkish education system on a couple of friends or people whom i know in Turkey. If you took the liberty to read my post you would easily realize that i pointed out the extreme low quality of Turkish education system when comparing it with Europe. Since you have very hard time comprehending this let me repeat it for you: All of Danish Universities in the list provided by Mehmet are much better placed than universities from Turkey. Denmark with a population of 5 million has 7 Universities in that list while Turkey with a population of 75 million has 4 universities. Now this ladies and gentlemen is a quantitative data which backs my statements. To illustrate further i took a couple of examples that i read from newspapers or people whom i personally know and that is called qualitative data. Of course my qualitative analysis can not alone illustrate the Turkish education, hence the reason of providing the list.

Now if you look at the comparison with Denmark you would easily realize how pathetic our education in Turkey is. It is not a shame to admit and comprehend our mistakes, it is however shameful to try and conceal that truth.

very mature of you to call my friend "retard" :tup:
If she is a "retard" what are the professors that are supposed to teach? The thing is she did not point out their mistake once or twice, they told her "do not correct our mistakes in class" this is what i truly call shameful.
I don't even know from where to start, you are basically judging the whole educational system over personal experiences with few people, actually I think you are one of those irritating people who would slander the whole health system in a country because he saw a cockroach in one of the hospitals. I am not defending anyone here, and I don't know how Turkish educational system is, but I can say that your criticism is baseless from what I see here.

You have to understand that we are in the era of specialty in which everyone barely masters his/her major, unlike middle times when a scientist used to master 5-7 majors, thus, people are usually interested in their own majors rather than the topics you tend to start with them which they could have no interests in at all. People have different interests in different things. For instance, one of my friends knows about politics as much as my great grand mother knows about computer processors, but he knows much more about football than me, therefore you should have considered the field of interest of the person who you were willing to have a normal conversation with. As for that professor, I know some who act the same way, but I learned that you can't judge the whole university based on one or few behavior or incompetence as there are many other respectable professors, I bet that you can find this in most universities.

Read my post again and delete the bold part for your own good.
very mature of you to call my friend "retard" :tup:
If she is a "retard" what are the professors that are supposed to teach? The thing is she did not point out their mistake once or twice, they told her "do not correct our mistakes in class" this is what i truly call shameful.

You are implying she is a retard that failed in Danish University so that she came to Turkey, in order to strengthen your arguement about how "extremly low quality" the Turkish education system is.

And about her correcting the mistakes of the instructors, what mistakes? Maybe she tried to play smart *** and got what she deserved or maybe she was right, that doesn't matter, there are idiot, egoist professors everywhere. It is the shame of themselves, not the whole system's.

Well, i know the truth since unlike you, i'm the one who is inside of this system and experiencing it at the moment. No doubt it is not good as European or US systems but it is not that sh1tty as you're trying to show.

If it is waste of time to be here, then don't be here, simple as that. Go find some more 'intellectual' forum where you can make people to believe your claims over some individual's experiences or with your cousins in Kayseri.
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