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ISSB Questions & Answers

Salam 4 All:
I am New Here.
Main Ney pak army comision k ley apply kia hai. mera test 04-01-2010 ko hai. mujhe kafi tension hai es bary mein. muje koi usefull tips batein kindly jo mery kaam aa sakey.
I am waiting.......
Brother 12 rounds...

The best way to know about it is to meet with a serving or recently retired officer of Pakistan Army, he'd be the best person to guide you.

and mind it, everything, from entering the room to sitting from the proper side on chair counts in ISSB.
Salam 4 All:
I am New Here.
Main Ney pak army comision k ley apply kia hai. mera test 04-01-2010 ko hai. mujhe kafi tension hai es bary mein. muje koi usefull tips batein kindly jo mery kaam aa sakey.
I am waiting.......
This is what I tell to my students when they appear for USMLE Part I/II (ISSB and MLE are two different things, I know, but anxiety associated with two is not much different).

Be positive and hope for good; don’t take the test lightly but don’t stress yourself out too much as well. You have more than one chance, so don’t be afraid of getting failed. If you are failed, you have still learnt a lot; at least you are familiar with so many things now and will be better prepared for the next attempt. Taking advice is a good, but at the 11th hour, this is nothing but a recipe of disaster! So calm down, start your day with prayers, and face whatever is laying ahead of you.

On a spiritual note: If ‘passing’ is what is written in your destiny, even worst of your mistakes shall go un-noticed, but if ‘failing’ is what is in your destiny (for this time), even a perfect score will not make it happen. You can however try as it is always desirable.

A person came to Hazrat Ali, he wanted to understand the philosophy of ‘Qaza and Qadar’ that is, how much of your destiny you control, and how much of it is in the hands of Allah.

Hazrat Ali asked him to raise his left foot off the ground, which he complied with. Than Hazrat Ali asked him to raise his right foot off the ground as well. He said, Amir ul Mo’mineen, it is not possible for me to raise both the feet off the ground as I shall fall on the ground. Hazrat Ali said, this is Qaza and Qadar! Your ability to raise one of your foot off the ground is the part of destiny in your hand; your inability to raise your second foot off the ground is what is in the hands of Allah.
My first post here.....

suggestion to all guys going for ISSB.......do practice your writting test...specially the physo test and one thing they call SELECTION DOZIER FILE in which you get time based question ...they will show you a word for 16sec or so and you have to write one complete sentence...and there will be 100 words for example

Love= I love my country (can be your response) or Love is life (possibility)

be careful 70%of your interview is from this.write wht you are or you have practiced......if you ask my opinion do buy a ISSB book and practice these tests from it.........just to manage your time and to get idea how to write good sentences....

2nd thing you get in the selection dozier file are...Picture stories...i think they show you 4 pictures and you have to write a story on every picture in 4 mins (not sure).....good idea is to write on army, social work, your profession, key issues like kashmir, terrorism or regarding pakistan. and dont forget to write using STAR technique (SITUATION, TASK, ACTION, RESULT )

after completing this you have to write (i dont remember its name now) can call it Sentence completing story for example....

she was alone in her house then all of the sudden..............................(you have to make and write a story on this) just an example.....

remember don't try to cheat or be oversmart.

there are some other written test before these but they are relatively easy and not that much worthy but you need to do well in them as welll...........

Part 2

GTO (remember he alone can take stand for your RECCOMMEDATION), so give your best short....

for military planning polish your maths...........for example...if a car is moving at speed of 20km/hr how much its going to cover in 8.5 mins? (hopefully my question makes sense)
listen very well to GTO..................
secondly during planning every one will give his opinion so listen to others too and give your opinion with logic.... coz GTO is watching you all and he know's who is doing well..
do show initative when he ask who wil become commmender....generally he chooses the worst person first (not obvious but from experience)

then the mazdoori (hahahaha) flanks and drums and ropes (progressive group task) 40 mins, 3 parts, 1st and 2nd part are the easiest one and 3rd impossible.....and if your group gets into 3rd part means you got the best group...just one thing to keep in mind......every thing red is out of bound.....and before starting progressive group task telling your group to make an idea gives good impression on GTO....think on wht you can do to make an impression?

semi group task same principle .....just he splits the group into 3 halfs....best oppurtunity to show your guts.......

the command task..........
take initative to be commander (He wont choose you if he has doubt in your abilities or if your are performing well, just to know you well)...
give your best..wht ever your commanders ask you to do ...do it immediately (even if he wants you to lift 40kg big drum) and if you think its wrong ask him Mr commander if its like this wht do you say? dont tell your commander your idea is stupid.....even if it is..........just give your suggestion........thats all.......one thing more listen well to GTO when he is explaning to you abt task....if you got wrong conveying your group wht he said you runied all of your hard work..........
being commander choose the best person for best work......stay in between your group ....guide them, help them, try to clear them first (if you managed to finish your task)..
bear in mind commander does;nt mean you are TEEKAyDAR....

interview with GTO..... just general will ask you abt maths, can ask your weakest and strongest points.......general knowledge questions, islam, pakistan........

final task....................rubbish except to check your english (flank=phatta, drum is drum, rassi=rope, jump, seeri=ladder) just that........just kidding........its important tooo give your best short...........acutally its like progressive task but THEY SEPERATED THEM BECAUSE in progressive task you dont knw each other so they want to know if you can work in new environment with new ppl and how you react and treat them whereas in final task you know your group well they want to check how you will work with ppl you know (i assume)?


20-45 mins duration...

brush your math, physics (ohm law, one of there favt.), islam (basic dates you need to remember) like jhang badr date? hajj? namaz? wht is ghazwa? difference b/w nabbi and rasool?
then pakistan (borders of pakistan), imp places........quaid e azam, iqbal sahib.
why you want to join army? (logical reason) not mugay bachpan say shook (shock...hahaha) tha......stupid answer......

weakest and strongest point? and how you justify them? they should not be like affecting your personallity or have an effect on the job you are applying for................atleat prepare 5 of them

can be ................i am determined (merit), addicted to tea (de-merit)

be clear and try to speak wht you are.........coz they know wht you are by selection dozier file.........


doesnt matter how much you do in 2 mins..........they want to look you expression how u do them..........it doestn mean you couldnt do one and still they will select you....i mean number doesnt matter.......

i did 15 (kabi gharror nai kya):victory:

and one thing more ..........prepare your merit and demerits.......both in english and urdu.............

also prepare.........

happiest day of my life, saddest day of my life, my dream, my life ambition..........or other relating topics.......................

best of luck who so ever is going for ISSB.....................
Last edited:
It is GTO.

P.S. @WDVL, guud explanation.
So at what point of the process did you 'defect'?

damn medical.................they told me i have depressed STRENUM....

initially was shocked and depressed...but alhamdulillah now in better position than i would be in army...............GOD knows the best.......

i have seen couple of your posts...... looks intresting and good......seems you have good experience........
damn medical.................they told me i have depressed STRENUM....

initially was shocked and depressed...but alhamdulillah now in better position than i would be in army...............GOD knows the best.......

i have seen couple of your posts...... looks intresting and good......seems you have good experience........

i am sorry for that.

But how did this get past the initial medical?

i think the DS thing have been quite visible then too?!
Last time in 2006, I appeared in ISSB test for GDP. It was some thing amazing for me.
Huge series of tests, Intelligence, Psychological, Physical ...

I faced all these tests nicely , But Interview was most difficult one. I don't know why asked some non-sensible questions (its My opinion).

He not recommended me but it was nice stay there, I learn lot , I love to go again but it is not easy when you come in field of IT.

My suggestion is all be positive while testing in ISSB in spite of Negativity around you .
i am sorry for that.

But how did this get past the initial medical?

i think the DS thing have been quite visible then too?!

yeap you are right....i dont understand what was the problem....i never felt i have or no one told me in initial medical..........plus my elder brother is doctor he told they are just making excuses.............or may be i have problem........but i never felt any pain nor had any prb......
and even i went privately to one of CMH doctor nd he gave me written you dont have prob..........but was useless.......
was really a piece of hard luck for me at that time coz i prepared so well for it...........

i had my ECG............23 chest x rays.........went to board as well but same results..........
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