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ISRO Tests New Rocket Engine That Could Make Launches 10 Times Cheaper

by sabotage you mean stop tech transfer from russia?that happened long time ago...
No sabotage means sabotage.

You should read the history of ISRO.

We should use scramjet engine in developing more lethal version of brahmos with longer range, atleast more than 600 km.
Not just that, but TSTO or even SSTO. Then LEO orbiter for deployement of weapons and IAF's pilots in space.

Then debris remover and for grab and snatch operation. After that deploying directed energy wep on orbiter.

So, applications are huge for this including civilian and millitary.
Do you know the details of SCE-200?

Like what would be thrust-to-weight ratio?

There is not much info, but it is known that it will be largely similar to RD-810

Thrust (vacuum) - 2000 kN
Isp (vacuum) - 3285 N-s/kg
Chamber Pressure - 18 MPa
Mixture Ratio - 2.65
Thrust Throttling - 65-105 (% of nominal thrust)
Engine gimbal - 8 degrees (in two planes)


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