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Isro gears up for ambitious Mars mission



I never expected such a comment from a Chinese....bcz China had maintained space exploration & R&D efforts in 1980s & 90s when they faced similar problems India facing now.:agree:

In fact for long they used to portray their scientists as heroes- people who made their rockets when they didn't have food to eat. It is the neuvo riche @$$holes like this one that takes an arrogant line. They haven't seen the struggles their parents had to go through to make ends meet so these jokers think they were born in malibu or hawaii.
It's quite incredible that a country that has 40% of the world's malnutrition people and poverty wastes so much of their taxpayer money on absolutely irrelevant projects. How about spending those hardearned tax money on building some good infrastructure, schools, housing, etc to improve the living standards of the people. It's shameful that a government that has no care to improve the living standards of its own people. So much of the Indian budget goes to military and military related projects. There over 400 MILLION Indians that cannot afford one single meal a day yet the government don't even care. I feel extremely sad for those poor Indians that get no benefit from these useless projects.

Congrats anyway.

Those 40% would have empty stomach while they sleep, but they have hope that the country hears its voice. How about the 100% Chinese whose mouth are stitched by the govt. Their voices go unheard and un attended. We all know what happened to your poor in Bejing when Olympics were conducted. So please stop worrying about our people.
All the best India/ISRO with the mission to Planet Mireekh.

You know, vast majority of the missions sent to Mireekh have failed to date as its such a difficult feat to achieve. Out of the 50 missions sent to Mireekh, only 21 have been successful to date while out of the 22 orbiters that have been sent, only 9 have ever been successful.

Exploration of Mars - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If India accomplishes this, it'll be a great milestone for the Indian space program.
Its India's money and Indians decision

But in case of China,it is Chinese money and CCP decision :omghaha:

Dont worry,We are spending $70 billion on poverty allevation and $ 1 trillion will be spend in 2013-2017 on infrastructure alone

Indians decision?

Have you asked the hundreds of millions of dirt poor Indians if they prefer spending more on health and food rather than wasting money on this useless "promotiomnal activity" or "brand exercise"?

Don't tell me that a so-called elected government has the mandate to do everything it pleases, for it does NOT.

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