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ISRO: A lesson for Pakistan.

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I dont deny that they have the capability. They possess hardworking people. But what I think is that rather than spending billions on space launchers and infra military will prefer to pay china 50 million and launch it and instead buy more planes and artillery. Its the lack of vision. I dont think Pakistan will get into a catch up race.
Let me give you simple example Heavy Industries Taxila in pakistan will give any DRDO industry/pvt auto maker run for its money in Sciencie and tech if not better reason being it fits perfectly in its decence paradigm.same is for its nuke and missile industry it heveavily defence oriented even PM is not allowed whole details about it. so when time comes for space it will find the funding in pakistan.
Well lets just say this. Pakistan doesn't really need to put rockets up in space. That only builds up ego, which is useless. Look at NASA. What has NASA achieved outerspace? Nothing. They have not even found any life or anything. They are not a space administration, rather they have turned out into a weather organization. That's why Obama keeps cutting it's funds every year.

Apart from ego it bring pride and respect.:)
I am a prodigy actually 9 yrs old..

If you search properly u will find truth. dhoondne se bhagwan bhi milta hai bhai.

How dare you associate God with the internet...
advanced missiles??any thing similar to shaurya???

stealh babur???lol

low success rate??
Try to make some quasi ballistic BM or hypersonic cruise missiles to penetrate BMD

If Pakistan's military does not "announces" such developments, it doesn't means that such weapons are not being developed. You must understand, Pakistan needs to keep a low profile on these developments, so that USA/world doesn't accuse Pakistan of diverting Aid funding towards development of Military Projects.
Don't be so cocky!

And don't forget that India lags Pakistan in missile development as recently reported by the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists.

The most authoritative non-governmental assessment of world nuclear forces has revealed that India's nuclear capabilities are seriously lagging behind those of its putative adversaries, Pakistan and China. The evaluation by Hans M. Kristensen and Robert S. Norris in the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists called "Indian nuclear forces, 2012", reveals that for New Delhi, the principal means of weapons delivery remains fixed-wing aircraft like the Mirage-2000 and the Jaguar. Unlike Pakistan and China which have substantial deployed missile arsenals, India's missile force is lagging, despite the test-launch of the Agni V in 2012. As the Bulletin notes, "the Agni I and Agni II , despite being declared operational, both have reliability issues that have delayed their full operational service".

India's nuclear arsenal failed by 'unreliable' missiles

It confirms that Pakistan possesses advanced rocket technology. Pak can deploy it for space launches if it so chooses and quickly close the gap with India in the space race.

Haq's Musings: India's "Indigenous" Copies of Foreign Nukes, Missiles

lOL.. completely off topic.. how and where do you find info which says Pak is better than india.. man you have [atience... bulleting of atomic scientist.. hilarious
Apart from ego it bring pride and respect.:)

It also brings bankruptcy. :) Treat your women with respect, but don't give her a diamond ring everytime you see her.
If Pakistan's military does not "announces" such developments, it doesn't means that such weapons are not being developed. You must understand, Pakistan needs to keep a low profile on these developments, so that USA/world doesn't accuse Pakistan of diverting Aid funding towards development of Military Projects.

Refuse the aid and launch a satellite and see how the world will applaud Pakistan. Time is now....
Well lets just say this. Pakistan doesn't really need to put rockets up in space. That only builds up ego, which is useless. Look at NASA. What has NASA achieved outerspace? Nothing. They have not even found any life or anything. They are not a space administration, rather they have turned out into a weather organization. That's why Obama keeps cutting it's funds every year.
internet?TV?weather monitoring??

India can predict annual crop harvest and cultivatable land using its satelittes?
we develop satellites for other countries

we launch satellites for other countries

we sell satellite imagery to other countries

I'm not sure if you have seen the latest news buddy. Kaveri is being used as a UAV engine becuase it didn't meet the requirements of a jet engine.

IAF wanted a 95+kn engine.
Kaveri is a 85 kN engine(it is designed for 85 kN)

so it is used in UCAV ...
If Pakistan's military does not "announces" such developments, it doesn't means that such weapons are not being developed. You must understand, Pakistan needs to keep a low profile on these developments, so that USA/world doesn't accuse Pakistan of diverting Aid funding towards development of Military Projects.

Shaurya is a deployed already...
K15 SLBM is under deployment..

Be Frank...do you have capability to develop a Scramjet???
Don't be so cocky!

And don't forget that India lags Pakistan in missile development as recently reported by the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists.

The most authoritative non-governmental assessment of world nuclear forces has revealed that India's nuclear capabilities are seriously lagging behind those of its putative adversaries, Pakistan and China. The evaluation by Hans M. Kristensen and Robert S. Norris in the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists called "Indian nuclear forces, 2012", reveals that for New Delhi, the principal means of weapons delivery remains fixed-wing aircraft like the Mirage-2000 and the Jaguar. Unlike Pakistan and China which have substantial deployed missile arsenals, India's missile force is lagging, despite the test-launch of the Agni V in 2012. As the Bulletin notes, "the Agni I and Agni II , despite being declared operational, both have reliability issues that have delayed their full operational service".

India's nuclear arsenal failed by 'unreliable' missiles

It confirms that Pakistan possesses advanced rocket technology. Pak can deploy it for space launches if it so chooses and quickly close the gap with India in the space race.

Haq's Musings: India's "Indigenous" Copies of Foreign Nukes, Missiles

It is always a good idea to read the article before making assumptions and mincing words !!

No where in the article it is said that "India lags Pakistan in missile development" but it says Pakistan and China have substantial edge over India in missile deployment( and not development).

Further it goes on to mention on how Pakistan has mostly deployed Chinese supplied Missiles along with North Korean ones and some other local missiles.

However article is wrong on many accounts wrt Indian missile development . Agni 2 and Agni 3 have been inducted long back ..are regularly tested by SFC. Further Jaguar will not be used for deploying Nuclear weapons .only other aircraft likely to be used by SFC are sukhois.

Sagarika missile is totally operational and is currently being fitted to Indian SSBN.

Dhanush is not a missile per say but stabilization platform used for firing Prithvi series of missile from surface ships.
Nuclear capable missiles which have already been deployed and are not mentioned in the article are are Prithvi 2 and Prithvi 3.

However in terms of missile development ..India is far ahead of Pakistan.
Can the starving people of India (And Pakistan for that matter) eat pride and respect?

No but atleast they will have a reason to cheer and raise the tiranga.

Apart from that they will get better telecommunications, networking, imagery and 30 yrs from now migh t even get a chance to spend honeymoon in space. :azn:
Can the starving people of India (And Pakistan for that matter) eat pride and respect?

India do not use all its money for space programme...
ISRO budget is 1.1 billion...
a single welfare program that endures job to rural people cost $10 billion..
and infra budget for next 5 years is $ 1 trillion!!!!:yahoo:
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