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Israel's Pain gets worse as Pakistan's WMD capability grows.

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dude. u r so wrong.

In isreal every body is a soldier and even women are
In Arabv countries it is not so.

The free weaponary they get is somuch that if all Arab staters joined together will not have that amount of modern weapons dude.

Now Arabs have failed to develop their weapon systems having had all that money, we have talked about failure of their leaders before and u must have read it Dude. No need to repeat here. go read again. Dude.

The reason being that the equipment when sold to Arabs is operstd by foriegners. Why? whereas they will give all the chnology free to Israel. dude.

read this article and u will know the truth that if u already dont know it.

The Mother of All Scandals by Eric Margolis

All the Dudeness apart.....who is stopping Arabs to Develop all that fancy gadgetry by themselves....as according to some people's believes...Muslim Brain is capable to design... developer...and do everything better than so called Kafirs....aka...Jews and Hindus to be precise.... May be because the Arabs are lazy and are busy basking in the glory of their new found petro dollar wealth... flaunting their big cars ... yacht...and a huge house with a wife in almost every bedroom.... their philosophy...why make anything ..when you can buy it......you can buy gadgets...but cant buy tricks of the trade....and if you don't know the tricks of the trade ....you are a schmuck...and you are bound to lose....so why complain if Israel....won...because they were better...and smarter.
But CIA took the credit:D As far as I know US + Pakistan + Afghanistan resulted in USSR's segmentation :woot:
ok i agree bu still strategy planning training and execution was all isi... u have to agree to that...other factors mostly financing was done by CIA...
While there are reports that Israel allegedly attempted to target Pakistan's nuclear program in the past, I am unaware of any plans on the part of Pakistan to attack Israel for any reason other than self-defence.

At this stage of Pakistan's nuclear program - where Pakistan has several dozen warheads, has moved on to more advanced, smaller and powerful warheads, possesses ballistic missiles capable of reaching Israel - the only reason Israel would choose to attack Pakistan is if there was a danger of Pakistan assisting or supplying an Arab State and/or Iran with nuclear weapons.

Given that Pakistan is trying to move beyond the AQ Khan proliferation scandal, and is in fact trying hard to get the US and NSG to agree to civilian nuclear cooperation with Pakistan, it is extremely unlikely that Pakistan would do something like assisting/providing WMD's to an Arab State/Iran and scuttle its hopes for a civilian nuclear cooperation, likely for good, and invite war with Israel to boot.

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