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Israel's National Missile Shield Could Shoot Satellites Out of Orbit


Jan 10, 2014
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Israel doesn't get on too well with its Arab neighbors, and the threat of annihilation by ballistic missile is always present. To defend itself against this potential threat, Israel has built an Iron Dome-like defense system that covers the entire nation. But if this system can exo-atmospherically neutralize incoming ICBM's, what's to keep it from shooting passing satellites clean out of the sky?

Known as the Arrow Weapon System, this ballistic missile interceptor acts as Israel's national missile defense system. It's one of the most advanced missile defense programs on Earth, and it's the first operational system specifically built to neutralize these threats.

The Arrow system has undergone decades of development, starting with the the first generation interceptor, really just a technology demonstrator, before the Arrow II system came online in October 2000. The Arrow II-which boasts a 90 percent accuracy rating-consists of a hypersonic two-stage rocket armed with a fragmentation warhead, activated by ground-based early-warning radar and launched from an attached command center. The entire battery is transportable, preventing the launch sites from being targeted and compromised.


The Arrow system was designed and built by a joint team from Boeing and Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI), which is currently working on the Arrow III system.

Unlike its predecessor, the Arrow III is capable of destroying an incoming ballistic missile in space before it re-enters the atmosphere. The Arrow III will also reportedly utilize a gimbaled seeker unit that allows the interceptor to consistently line up with the incoming missile's flight path and strike the threat head-on, some 62 miles above the surface of the planet. What's more, the Arrow III is only about half the weight of the earlier model, which could allow it to be packed aboard naval vessels, as well.

Israel first debuted these $2.5 million interceptors at the 2009 Paris Air Show-but the system has not yet officially come online. However, a report from Jane's Defense Weekly indicates that the Arrow III may be already installed at the Tal Shahar Israeli Air Force facility outside of Jerusalem and could be operational as soon as the end of the year, the end of 2016 at the latest.

While the Arrow III is designed to intercept the sorts of ballistic missiles known to be held by neighboring Iran, Syria, and Lebanon, given system's 100 kilometer vertical range, it could also serve as an anti-satellite weapon.

As Tal Inbar, head of the Space Research Center at the Fisher Institute for Air and Space Studies, told Space News International in 2009:

At the moment, Israel enjoys tremendous superiority in space vis-a-vis its Arab and Islamic neighbors. But it is worthwhile to address ASAT (anti-satellite) technological and political issues in case such operations will be needed in the future. Space warfare is a fact of life in the 21st century. Although many speak of a world free of space weapons, a responsible space faring nation like Israel should be prepared for future eventualities.

Well, just as long as it's only "responsible space-faring nations" that can destroy other nations' satellites on a whim, everything should be just fine, right? Right?
Great that it is upgrading its technology. But we should not forget that the Iron dome system failed last year in Palestinian conflict.
Arrow 3 is US tech given for free for Israel as always: F15, F16, F22, sniper rifles...

Zionists = fake genius

Iron Dome is extremely expensive and sucks

David Sling is the lower part of your air defence. The upper part is the US Arrow. So don't say that it's you who lead the technology

The Iron Dome has been tested, it failed. The David Sling has not been tested yet
Arrow 3 is US tech given for free for Israel as always: F15, F16, F22, sniper rifles...

Zionists = fake genius

Iron Dome is extremely expensive and sucks

David Sling is the lower part of your air defence. The upper part is the US Arrow. So don't say that it's you who lead the technology

The Iron Dome has been tested, it failed. The David Sling has not been tested yet

Do not underestimate the isrealies.
Where's the source?

Or is the article written by an indian christian *** who loves Israel? :lol:

Here is a gem

Israel has built an Iron Dome-like defense system that covers the entire nation.

Since when Iron Dome covered "entire Israel" :lol:
To put the 62 miles up height in perspective the US anti-satellite missile intercepts at over 900 miles up.
No need missile to knock out satelite in future laser will be used to temporary make satelite useless china already did that experience with US satelite .

anuary 8, 2007
In September 2006, reports began to circulate that China had aimed ground-based lasers at U.S. satellites several times in the recent past. The reports contained few details about the incidents, leading to confusion about what actually occurred. These incidents were believed by some to be tests of Chinese laser anti-satellite (ASAT) weapons.

Chinese Lasers and U.S. Satellites (2007) | Union of Concerned Scientists
No need missile to knock out satelite in future laser will be used to temporary make satelite useless china already did that

Shining lasers up at the sky is nothing new.
There is a reflector on the surface of the moon that people have been hitting with lasers for decades.

Lunar Laser Ranging experiment - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I think the US Military would have implemented some techniques by now to thwart laser dazzling.

Again this is just a dazzler. It isn't a burning laser. If they were able to do one of those then satellites would be in big trouble.
well then i think we will just have to shoot down the missile first lol
A September 28, 2006 Defense News story reported that China had recently "fired high-power lasers at U.S. spy satellites flying over its territory in what experts see as a test of Chinese ability to blind the spacecraft."[1] ("Blinding" usually refers to causing permanent damage to an imaging satellite's detector.)

Shining lasers up at the sky is nothing new.
There is a reflector on the surface of the moon that people have been hitting with lasers for decades.

Lunar Laser Ranging experiment - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I think the US Military would have implemented some techniques by now to thwart laser dazzling.

Again this is just a dazzler. It isn't a burning laser. If they were able to do one of those then satellites would be in big trouble.
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