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Israelis worry over U.S. defense cutbacks

Yeah but many people see the US as being on a decline and near its end as number 1 superpower. Jews can't count on a weakening US to save Israel forever.

They will do anything to help USA, because they are on the same boat right now.

I have discussed with Syrian Lion in the other thread, Syria must have done something that is intolerable for USA, must have stepped on their redline.


Israel indeed knows that those FSA jihadists must be far more aggressive than the current regime, but why they are still helping them to overthrow Assad?

Because Assad is working for establishment of the new silk road for Afro-Eurasia, once this silk road is set, with the US dollar goes down, USA is done.

Israel knows that they can't live without USA, so they are desperately doing the favor for USA in Syria by helping those FSA jihadists, even this will gravely endanger their border security.
Only a superpower like USA can protect them, but i don't think they can find another one.

Israel needs protection? The last time i checked Israel was the strongest country in the most volatile and important region in the world(Energy wise). Just yesterday Israel took the first steps into becoming an Energy producing powerhouse capable of exporting billions of dollars worth of energy.

You might as well try to go with facts when attempting to make the Iranians feel better about themselves rather than blatantly lie to them.
You don't make a stupid child intelligent simply by calling him smart.

Unless, of course, you yourself are that delusional as many here who believe if they belittle Israel enough it will cease to put terror in their hearts. It seems, judging by your truly self-indulgent posts, you stand among them.
Israel needs protection? The last time i checked Israel was the strongest country in the most volatile and important region in the world(Energy wise). Just yesterday Israel took the first steps into becoming an Energy producing powerhouse capable of exporting billions of dollars worth of energy.

You might as well try to go with facts when attempting to make the Iranians feel better about themselves rather than blatantly lie to them.
You don't make a stupid child intelligent simply by calling him smart.

Unless, of course, you yourself are that delusional as many here who believe if they belittle Israel enough it will cease to put terror in their hearts. It seems, judging by your truly self-indulgent posts, you stand among them.

What does natural gas has anything to do with being a major power?
Ok,Iran has natural gas reserves, like 35 times bigger than Israel,how does that come in to account?

You can't deny the fact that Israel needs U.S moral,financial and military support.
Israel needs protection? The last time i checked Israel was the strongest country in the most volatile and important region in the world(Energy wise). Just yesterday Israel took the first steps into becoming an Energy producing powerhouse capable of exporting billions of dollars worth of energy.

You might as well try to go with facts when attempting to make the Iranians feel better about themselves rather than blatantly lie to them.
You don't make a stupid child intelligent simply by calling him smart.

Unless, of course, you yourself are that delusional as many here who believe if they belittle Israel enough it will cease to put terror in their hearts. It seems, judging by your truly self-indulgent posts, you stand among them.

Without US aid your country would collapse in the night. You rely on them for everything. Military aid, economic aid, political support. Your fate is tied with them and once they realise that they can't be the "world police" forever you will need another entity to leech off of.
What does natural gas has anything to do with being a major power?
Ok,Iran has natural gas reserves, like 35 times bigger than Israel,how does that come in to account?

You can't deny the fact that Israel needs U.S moral,financial and military support.
If ever the US military aid were to be cut, or the US suddenly collapses for some odd reason, that would force us to annihilate every single enemy within a certain time span. So, our enemies would be wise to fear the day US collapses more than Israel.

Any intelligent person knows that Iran is no match for Israel militarily. That is why, as the cowards they are, they target women and children abroad and inside of Israel.

The level of self-indulgent delusions will only mean your demise. A dictatorship can never hope to win against a free nation, let alone a terror supporting entity like Iran against one of the strongest armies in the world.

As for the natural gas: The only reason China, Russia and even India protect Iran today is because of those natural resources your economy is built upon. That is the only reason because you share no ideologies with the Chinese or Russians. In fact, the common people despise terrorists and their supporters.

Now that Israel has that sway of natural resources, the landscape of the Middle East will forever change in favor of Israel. Now Israel has the resources the power hungry nations need.
Israel needs protection? The last time i checked Israel was the strongest country in the most volatile and important region in the world(Energy wise). Just yesterday Israel took the first steps into becoming an Energy producing powerhouse capable of exporting billions of dollars worth of energy.

You might as well try to go with facts when attempting to make the Iranians feel better about themselves rather than blatantly lie to them.
You don't make a stupid child intelligent simply by calling him smart.

Unless, of course, you yourself are that delusional as many here who believe if they belittle Israel enough it will cease to put terror in their hearts. It seems, judging by your truly self-indulgent posts, you stand among them.

Nothing against Israel, i think Israel did an excellent job against the hundred million of surrounding Arabs, but Israel is a tiny nation, it essentially needs the back up from a superpower nation against so many enemies.

I think Israel has the plan to annex more lands from Arabs with the help of USA, this is the only way to ensure the future survival for your people. :coffee:
As for the natural gas: The only reason China, Russia and even India protect Iran today is because of those natural resources your economy is built upon. That is the only reason because you share no ideologies with the Chinese or Russians. In fact, the common people despise terrorists and their supporters.

Nothing ideology, but doing business, Iran is welcomed to join the development of the new Afro-Eurasian silk road, China has the plan to lift up the poverty among the developing nations, our President has even visited those developing nations with fewer natural resources and enhanced the relationship with them.

The richer those developing nations got, the bigger potential market for us. And China is the king among the developing nations.

Israel is also welcomed if she wants to join. :coffee:
If ever the US military aid were to be cut, or the US suddenly collapses for some odd reason, that would force us to annihilate every single enemy within a certain time span. So, our enemies would be wise to fear the day US collapses more than Israel.

Any intelligent person knows that Iran is no match for Israel militarily. That is why, as the cowards they are, they target women and children abroad and inside of Israel.

The level of self-indulgent delusions will only mean your demise. A dictatorship can never hope to win against a free nation, let alone a terror supporting entity like Iran against one of the strongest armies in the world.

As for the natural gas: The only reason China, Russia and even India protect Iran today is because of those natural resources your economy is built upon. That is the only reason because you share no ideologies with the Chinese or Russians. In fact, the common people despise terrorists and their supporters.

Now that Israel has that sway of natural resources, the landscape of the Middle East will forever change in favor of Israel. Now Israel has the resources the power hungry nations need.

You are delusional my friend, at its best.So while I leave you there,let me assure you,Israel,without its nuclear weapons is practically nothing.It's a very tiny country and its infrastructures can be destroyed in no more than a day.
And about the so called free nation thing, you are wrong.Israel is built on lands that belongs to someone else.Besides,political system has nothing to do with being able to win a war.Also,we are not interested in any war.I think it's your PM, who is threatening that we will attack this day/that day and has made a clown out of himself really.There is a reason you don't attack Iran,and that isn't your super-strong army I suppose.It's simply because you can't win the war. Spare me for the terrorist part,because the only thing that comes to mind by hearing the name Israel,is killing women,children,terrorizing civilians and at last,racism.
About the importance part, it doesn't take a genius to understand that Iran is located in of the most geostrategically important places in the world and it's not just for gas or oil.It's human resources,geography,natural reserves,ideology,all together make it an important country.Why would Russia turn to Iran for oil or gas,while it has the biggest reserves itself?regarding China,it's just business as usual.Also all of these countries have somethings in common:countering western influence in Asia and the world is the most important one.

Regarding Israel's insignificant gas reserves,well you can use it for yourself, but you can't use it as a weapon against any country.Don't you overestimate your power in this matter.
If ever the US military aid were to be cut, or the US suddenly collapses for some odd reason, that would force us to annihilate every single enemy within a certain time span. So, our enemies would be wise to fear the day US collapses more than Israel.
It works both ways, Egypt has biological and chemical weapon as well which their effects are as dire as Nuke on Israel, given that Israel is small of about 30000 km2 and 6 million population fighting nations of 350 million population and about 11 million km2. We have strategic depth while you don't. Jordan has every inch of Israel within it's accurate missiles and artillery range with support of GCC. It's different now from 1967 when we had armies less educated trained and armed than Israeli army. Israel will not last forever, you can't just create a country out of nowhere over others lands among hostile neighbors and expect it to last forever, unless Israel accepts the two states solution and end this for once and for all. I mean, aren't you guys tired of the constant hostility and wars in the region? I am although I am not directly involved or affected. You were created to just make troubles around the world.
Any intelligent person knows that Iran is no match for Israel militarily. That is why, as the cowards they are, they target women and children abroad and inside of Israel.

Since we are on the subject of cowards, let's talk about the Israeli terrorist cowards who kill Iranian scientists using car bombs, or shoot them through the throat as they are dropping their 4 year old daughter off at kindergarten.
Israel and Iran are both disliked by neighbors. Both are in the same boat in a sea of angry Arab nations.
Israel and Iran are both disliked by neighbors. Both are in the same boat in a sea of angry Arab nations.

It's middle east. Everybody hates everyone else.

Also while Israel is surrounded by angry Arabs, we are not. We only have one direct Arab neighbour (Iraq) who currently aren't hostile towards us. Six out of the seven other direct neighbours we have aren't even Arab.
Ive said it before and I will say it again. Israel is going to eventually implode from within. We dont need to initiate a war with them. It will collapse, much like apartheid South Africa and Soviet Union. Its an extremely racist apartheid country that is in a state of paralysis. And part of US strategic decline in the Middle East, is not only because of their counter-productive quest for hegemony, but also because of their counterproductive (perhaps even more so) and unconditional support for Israel. It has done tremendous damage to their interests. Israel is a heavy strategic burden for the US.
And it will be a burden for any future superpower and state that alligns itself with it.
Anyway, what my Iranian compadres and others have said regarding Israel dependence on US military, poltical and financial aid is absolutely correct. As US starts to decline economically, politically and militarilly (as we are seeing now), so will Israel.

The problem with Israel is that, as internal problems of Israel starts to increase, they might project agressiveness outwards in the region. More than what they are doing already, I mean. You can see that by the words Ptex is saying:

If ever the US military aid were to be cut, or the US suddenly collapses for some odd reason, that would force us to annihilate every single enemy within a certain time span. So, our enemies would be wise to fear the day US collapses more than Israel.

Its not only an irrational leadership, its an irrational people (result of systemic indoctrination).
Hold on to your belts folks, we might be in for an era of some instability and conflict.

But to repeat, Israel will collapse. There can be no question about that.
That is because the downfall of the USA will potentially signal the downfall of Israel. They need one of the upcoming superpowers to be their sugar daddy after that. They are already cozying up to India, but I don't think India is enough to save them in the long run.

but "supa powa" India can provide unlimited yoga classes to the Israelis
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