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Israeli strategy in Syria: "allow the two sides .. to bleed each other out"

The Israelis are more worried about the outcome of Syria than Assad himself :lol:
And who created the division ??

Most of the Middle Eastern Rulers.Most of the Rulers used Islam to strengthen there grip on power and also to perpetuate there rule.And in order to stay in power at any cost they created and used this divide and continue to so so as we speak.

why is that???

Its not exactly brain science Americans are arming Terrorist with Advance weaponry who do u think is next in line after Syria.
Most of the Middle Eastern Rulers.Most of the Rulers used Islam to strengthen there grip on power and also to perpetuate there rule.And in order to stay in power at any cost they created and used this divide and continue to so so as we speak.

Its not exactly brain science Americans are arming Terrorist with Advance weaponry who do u think is next in line after Syria.

Are you saying that the Syrian rebels fighting the Assad regime are terrorists?
How much worser can the FSA be to Israel than the present Assad regime supported by Iran & Hezbollah?
Are you saying that the Syrian rebels fighting the Assad regime are terrorists?
How much worser can the FSA be to Israel than the present Assad regime supported by Iran & Hezbollah?

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.
Abraham Lincoln
why is that???


Today, The Assad's regime lost his grip on %70 of Syria, and these liberated areas are chaotic in which militias are widely spread and scattered, and those can jeopardize the national security of Israel.
Exactly so, our enemies fight each other. I wish that the Iran-Iraq War turn to be a child play compared to the Syrian crisis which would last longer with both sides tearing apart their opponents.:yahoo:

You're a base being, aren't you?

Divide and conquer.
Nothing new.

Except that Israel neither divided nor conquered, and has no connection what so ever to this conflict you are 100% right.

Irrelevant; the opportunist will use and inflame latent divisions.

Lets get down to business, do you have any evidence Israel inflamed any of the Syrian civil war events? I have taken you for a man of facts, not fairy tales.
Of course we are passively benefiting from our enemies fighting in the short term. Why is that a surprise to anyone is beyond me.

Every society has ancient flashpoints which can be re-ignited and used.
All you need to do is to keep putting tinder into the fire by helping one side or the other (or both) by supplying the local foot soldiers with weapons, propaganda, etc.

Implying Israel does any of those things. while in the real world Israel does none of this.

The rebels are being supported (used) by the anti-Iranian crowd (Arabs, US, Israel, etc.)

So now we have regressed from implying to blatant lies, Israel does not support the rebels in any way.

Are you saying that the Syrian rebels fighting the Assad regime are terrorists?
How much worser can the FSA be to Israel than the present Assad regime supported by Iran & Hezbollah?

Some of them are terrorists, they do use suicide bombers, car bombs and terror as weapons. But not all of them as some would like you think. Many times we refer to the rebels as FSA, while in reality there are dozens of rebel groups some of them have very loose ties to one another, or are even enemies. Some of the rebel groups are secular, some are military deserters, some are foreigners and some are religious fanatics.
It could be worse for Israel. the Syrian border was the most quiet one for Israel for almost 4 decades.
Assad and the Alawites always knew they are a minority in control of a majority Sunni country, if need be Israel could strike against their centers of power. The Alawites fear that if the Sunnies would control them they would suffer the same fate as ME Christians did. The ancient Christian comunities in the ME are in the process of becoming no more. Since Assad knows all this he could be deterred to a point by Israel. Unlike the rebels.

Yes Israel is behind making Shia and Sunni sect... At least once you start looking inward sir..

Muslims that are funded supplied and armed by Muslims are killing other Muslims who are likewise supported mostly by other Muslims.
Aaaaand Israel is to blame! surprising? not at all if you are familiar with the mentality.

The really sad part is how few are the voices who want to probe why really this is happening and are not just looking for a outsider scapegoat to blame. It's even more sad when one realizes that many of the posters here are supposedly of the more intellectual kind.
The saddest part is that wide spread killing by Muslims done to Muslims will never stop until there would be sincere self-reflection. and that apparently this is not going to happen for a very long time...
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The Israeli bombing raid into Syria few months back directly helped the rebels.

Really? in what way exactly?
The reports point that the weapons that were bombed were mostly long range AA missiles, a great threat to the rebels, especially if they would have made it to Hezballah hands. I am sure that if Israel goes to the trouble of bombing anything in Syria and helping the rebels we wouldn't say hit Command and Control centers, Logistical centers, Armour and infantry concentrations etc. We all know that the biggest threat to the Rebels are AA missiles in the hands of Hezballah...

Besdies, are you suggesting that if an Israeli action, that directly helps Israel, is also incidentally marginally beneficial for the FSA, that means that Israel is supporting the rebels?

R.I.P logic.
Really? in what way exactly?
The reports point that the weapons that were bombed were mostly long range AA missiles, a great threat to the rebels, especially if they would have made it to Hezballah hands. I am sure that if Israel goes to the trouble of bombing anything in Syria and helping the rebels we wouldn't say hit Command and Control centers, Logistical centers, Armour and infantry concentrations etc. We all know that the biggest threat to the Rebels are AA missiles in the hands of Hezballah...

Besdies, are you suggesting that if an Israeli action, that directly helps Israel, is also incidentally marginally beneficial for the FSA, that means that Israel is supporting the rebels?

R.I.P logic.

There are reports that the raids, and much more, are coordinated between Israel and the rebels. Of course, Israel is not stupid enough to help them overtly, and the claims come from Iranian and other regional sources, so it's hard to prove. Interestingly, some of the claims come from none other than Debka.
Really? in what way exactly?
The reports point that the weapons that were bombed were mostly long range AA missiles, a great threat to the rebels, especially if they would have made it to Hezballah hands. I am sure that if Israel goes to the trouble of bombing anything in Syria and helping the rebels we wouldn't say hit Command and Control centers, Logistical centers, Armour and infantry concentrations etc. We all know that the biggest threat to the Rebels are AA missiles in the hands of Hezballah...

Besdies, are you suggesting that if an Israeli action, that directly helps Israel, is also incidentally marginally beneficial for the FSA, that means that Israel is supporting the rebels?

R.I.P logic.

Would appreciate sources for those claims.
The best strategy for Israel and for the western powers, is to not get involved in Syria. Israel should put all efforts to ensure that the conflict does not spill over into its borders. Even if there is slightest indication that Israel is somehow involved in the Syrian conflict, it will unite the warring parties and gang up against Israel. When Israel doesn't offer itself as the punching bag of middle-east, the jihady yahoos will turn against each other.

The Assad regime is getting weapons from China, Russia and Iran. The FSA is getting weapons from Turkey and Arab countries.. Where does Israel come into this equation?

Assad doesn't get weapons from China.
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