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Israeli Settler Family Crying for deaths of family who left the UK


what bad form, this "hilarious" .. a family mourning death

take it to 4chan or something
Yes,the Israeli government slowly takes the land of the Palestinians this way. And the extremely religious settlers are usually very wealthy or have rich backers too.

I disagree with the civilian attacks thing. It's terrorism,but they shouldn't be in Palestinian territory.

It's like those people going to Mexico at bad neighborhoods and then complain that there's no security and everything is so poor.
That's good. And killing civilians is terrorism but what's being done to Palestinains for so long is no less than state terrorism and ethnic cleansing. They have right of self defense under UN charter. The hicks in the US who supports this settler colonial enterprise are the same ones who would proudly shoot trespassers stepping foot on their land, civilian or not.

All I am saying settlers should be considered combatants, not civilians.

Civilians are Israeli citizens who are minding their own business. Doing their jobs, raising families, paying mortgages instead of taking Palestinians homes etc

That's all.

Wow. They are crying...

That's hilarious.

Their mother has died as well

Mother of two sisters killed on West Bank dies

I was surprised to see how many westerners also picked on this i.e. they had gone to settle in an illegal settlement which saw Palestinian families kicked out of their homes and land.
There was confusion at first, but then it was realised they were not born there and had left 8 years ago, which has shocked many. Why go with your kids and land yourself into such turmoil many are saying.
Anyway women are not be targeted.
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One should ask these swines, what were they doing in Palestine?
The occupying swines have no right to breath in Palestine, they are wasting oxygen of Mediterraneans.
Well most of these settlers will tell you "It's our land".

You come talk here, if you can honestly prove
you were just as emphatic when Jews were committing crimes on civilians.

now, hush ...
Are you high again?
these illegal european squatters left their native european countries and went to Palestine to kick out indigenous population and illegally take over their homes fully knowing the consequences of their actions. so no sympathy with these squatters. they got what they deserved. so shut the f up rat
If you have no sympathy why do you repeat their narrative?

Israel state focus public attention in one attack instead another https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/one-...g-shooting-terror-attacks-in-tel-aviv.764566/, and you obbey.

so the family wanted to pretty much dance on the bones of the Palestinians who once lived there ? mock palestinians while living in their homes? Not saying you should get shot for that but if you do, no one is going to shed a tear lol
Right wing actions provocate a terrorist attack as response and one foreign tourist is killed: https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/one-...g-shooting-terror-attacks-in-tel-aviv.764566/

That doesnt deserve attention because someone in the state could be blamed due to let right wing idiots terrorize Arab Israeli people.

I understand Israel state controls narrative of Israel newspapers who get money from Israel state.

But it's too much funny see "enemies" of Israel repeating Israel state narrative. Or they are undercover hasbaras or they are just idiots.
. .
They can say whatever they like, we don't give a shit.

The land belongs to the strongest, they despite being armed with besties of west, they still eat palestinains' punch.
USA belongs to Navajo people

I think half of comments of Israel threads are by Israel undercover bots, and the other half by Israel undercovers hasbaras.

Other way I can't explain how the discussion always is so stupid and childish.


They have the same narrative than Israel state.
. .
The land belongs to the strongest, they despite being armed with besties of west, they still eat palestinains' punch.
How exactly are they eating the Palestinians' punch?

It's because the land belongs to the strongest,that we talk about this matter now.
. . .
Screenshot 2023-04-11 at 18-05-18 Funeral held for British Israeli sisters killed in West Bank...png

Collectively, millions have died in Palestine, Iraq, Syria, Kashmir, Afghanistan, Libya and Yemen.

A big reason for that is terrorism and the "War on Terror" all of which trace their origin to the settler colonial project and the unjust western support for it.

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