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I guess i'll have to boycot them too!:guns:
I will try my best as well but trust me brothers it wont go far these giants are too strong!!
If you don't want to use Intel products, you have to get off your computer (unless you use AMD), as majority of PCs use Intel microprocessor chips.
Hey people don't freak out after watching the lonnnnngggg list, just try as per your capabilities. When there is a will there's a way!
A bit can become alot

Do visit the site:
Boycott Israel Campaign


Hey what a good idea. Why not boycott F16's, Sidewinders, IMF aid, Harpoons since they are all made in US and the US is the largest donor of military aid to ISRAEL

Yes Bro / Dude I am going to do that tommorrow.


Hey what a good idea. Why not boycott F16's, Sidewinders, IMF aid, Harpoons since they are all made in US and the US is the largest donor of military aid to ISRAEL

Yes Bro / Dude I am going to do that tommorrow.



I must salute your positive attitude!
The thing under discussion is to pinch the Zionist economy to the extent that is bearable to our guts.

Yes there are many weapon systems that we might be using that are again funding the israelis, but dude use your head and just think about this point that for a country like Pakistan and many other Muslim countries their survival might be at stake if these systems are not inducted by them, but DUDE! yes if you will not eat from McDonalds the country's survival would never be threatened but your own survival might become shaky as a Mc Burger has not gone down your throat.
I think I'll have lunch in Macdonalds today and wash it down with coca cola.

You are most welcome.

Please carry on.
No one is begging you to stop eating from Mac as it might get your 'eliteness' at stake.
Otherwise, it's a matter of ones conscience. Feel free to do what ever you like to do.

But don't pollute the thoughts of those who want to boycott.
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