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Israeli missions in India, Georgia targeted

lol i can just laugh on this... what was that where your people killed someone in UAE on fake passports ? was that not a same thing as this one ??????

yeah i know if you guys do it its logical and taking on terrorist and other do it then its terrorism and violated Indian and Georgian sovereignty lol @ your logic ...

That was diffrent why would Israel/Mossad target their own people? they never have in their entire history!
Bl[i]tZ;2595523 said:
Third world means non alignment and not being part of the capitalist world or the in the Soviet Bloc. To put it correctly - we were the leaders of the Non Aligned movement. East Pakistan was an American stooge at that point which we helped liberate in 1971

i thought he is taking the piss saying we are 3rd world

---------- Post added at 02:38 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:38 PM ----------

It's pretty obvious who benefits from this incidence now, anyone who thinks any country rather than Israel is behind this is gullible.

Name me a time Israel/Mossad have attacked their own?
But also the georgia embassy was attacked at the same time and Simi/IM are a bunch of donkeys who cant pull this off

May be outsourced. Simi/IM in India, someother in Georgia.
Don't Get Me Wrong! :unsure:
But I Think Israeli Did it To Hurt Indo-Iran Relations!

YoU Know What, I Will Do The Same if i am a mossad agent (crazy It is )
terrorist Target a Isrealy Diplomat (who is alive)

alas!!!again the blame game starts..this $hit happens after each an every terrorist attack on India and people ignores the core issue completely...our security flaws!! our weak defense establishment, how the hell anyone can rig a diplomat's vehicle that too in highly protected area of our country's capital..last time when Israelis died in Mumbai..we blamed Pakistan and for this times catastrophe everyone is for Iran.

Exactly.. Look at the US. One 9-11 happened and they have tightened up their so much so that not a single major incident could take place inside their soil. Whereas, we, even after incidents after incidents, cannot pull our socks up.

Instead of doing a thorough introspection/ soul searching, we are busy with usual bickering among ourselves (one party supporter throwing mud at the other and vice versa), and collectively we just shout our blames at a third party. No matter how complicit the third party/ nation is with these attacks, the blame should, first and foremost, squarely fall with our abject failure of intelligence & inability to monitor certain type of whispering.
Yawn..hardly surprising.....no real concrete action was ever taken since the last attack. I pointed out this porblem numerous times on this site, yet there are posters like Kinetic who will attack individuals for being foreign without discussing the fundamental problem. The only way to solve this issue is thru open debate partly to get the blood in the brains flowing. Modi (and he alone) should be given a position in defence, I guarantee he would take that opportunity to numerous levels above. Unfortunately, posters like Kinetic attack fellow Indians based on their religion. Well, due to this unfortunate incident, I guess I WAS RIGHT AGAIN. I love rubbing it in your face, looks like you truly look like an idiot. Instead of defending blindly, open your eyes acknowledge the mistakes and enfore change...morons.....If you cannot do it, then make an agreement with MOSSAD in which they get access to INDIA with gov;t approval as long as they rebuild RAW to a more potent force....its about damn time..
May be outsourced. Simi/IM in India, someother in Georgia.

SIMI/IM do not have that type of reach in my view they are local thugs from Bihar, UP who did crude explosives last time like in Pune and Delhi
Israeli Journalist from Tel Aviv on NDTV bluntly blames Iran and Hezbollah.
An explosion was heard Monday in the vicinity of the Israeli Embassy in New Delhi.

The blast came just one day after the fourth anniversary marking the assassination of Hezbollah arch-terrorist Imad Mugniyah.

Israeli Embassy spokesman David Goldfarb confirmed that an explosion took out an Israeli diplomat's car and that one person was injured, but did not identify the victim. He added that the car was near the embassy when the blast took place.

Indian police said only that a car was on fire on the street outside the embassy.
The Foreign Ministry said that Israeli missions worldwide have been briefed on the event.
Explosives were also found near the Israeli Embassy building in the Georgian capital of Tbilisi. The device was neutralized safely.

The incident followed reports by Azeri media, which suggested that the Israeli ambassador in Baku was the target of a terror plot.

Wafa Guluzade, a political commentator close to the Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev, warned Iran that "planning the murder of prominent foreign citizens in Azerbaijan by a band of terrorists, one of whom [Dadashov] resides in Iran, amounts to 'hostile activity' against our country."

Israeli missions in India, Georgia targeted - Israel News, Ynetnews

Side note: It is not hard to guess who committed these terror attacks on Indian soil and violated Indian and Georgian sovereignty by trying to kill as many as possible near Israeli embassies.

Israel if you truly want to help India and make her an trusted ally, expose corrupt politicans from BJP and COngress. Pave the way for MODI who will see eye to eye your problems and help Israel 110%. It is the best way to nip the scourge of terrorism.
Don't Get Me Wrong! :unsure:
But I Think Israeli Did it To Hurt Indo-Iran Relations!

YoU Know What, I Will Do The Same if i am a mossad agent (crazy It is )
terrorist Target a Isrealy Diplomat (who is alive)


Buddy the state of Israel was created to protect Jews not harm them
Bl[i]tZ;2594946 said:
I'm a great friend of Israel and have nothing but respect for Iranians but if Iranians have done this than India should send a very very strong message to Ahmadinejad.

I've been to Chanakyapuri - Diplomatic Enclave (where all these embassies are housed) in New Delhi for my interviews. Its a highly affluent and well protected area. I'm finding it hard to believe that Iranians will do something this stupid.

I hope I'm wrong otherwise this is trouble for India-Iran relations.

Why Iran will go to do a stupid attack to do some skin injury while they have a very good relation with India . Some criminals plotted this to end the good relations btw Iran & India .
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